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Everything posted by eltucu
Do you have for some reason iPresentInterval disabled? Or V Sync forced off in driver settings? Dont do that. Its bad for business... and Havok.
Am I the only one who thinks that the Bards College is too short?
eltucu replied to GoldRecord's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
The companions... -
It was directed to leot486 :) We pretty much posted at the same time :P
Thats explained in the lore. Lots of elves left Summerset and inhabited mainland Tamriel, going to almost every corner, thats how bosmer, chimer, falmer and ayleid developed. They're all in fact, descendants of the first elven inhabitants of the Summerstet isles. Before that point its hard to tell. Part of the lore say that the first elves came from Aldmeris, also called Old Ehlnofey, the other part says that Aldmeris never existed and was some sort of collective memory of the elven race, remains of the timeless Dawn era.
The goblins were more developed though. They had different tribes, with their own totem each, and could fight wars between them if the player switched their totems. And that was vanilla stuff, not even counting what OOO did. Now most of living things are either "trapped" in the exterior cells or "trapped" in the interior cells. Its probably a consequence of Bethesda's tighter grip on dungeons in Skyrim. Each dungeon is its own ecosystem, for the better or the worse.
They pulled a choir bigger than Bethesda's lol Nice.
I actually kinda have a good laugh when 3 of the 5 files of the month are nude mods, or stuff that is way beyond "lore friendly". "Heh, cool, xxxx made it to the top 5" But thats it, its not like im pissed because my super duper favorite mod of all times has to share the same space as those mods. Hell, its 90% guaranteed that every file of the month is, at its bare minimum, a good work. Of modeling, of texturing, of creativity, etc. Yeah, i might not share the direction those qualities are being pointed at in those mods, but i didnt make them, so that isnt my call, it never was, and never will be until i myself start making such content, and only then i'll have a say about whats get in or not. If you like it download it if you dont move along. Better let the mod authors worry about the content they create, and the users worry about what they will download or what they wont.
[WB][B]Age of Mythology - Antique Mythology
eltucu replied to Belendor's topic in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord's Old Games
This sounds amazing, good luck with the project! :) -
Yes. You said it, building separate 3D assets lol Didnt you noticed all the cliff, rocks and all those meshes just lying around in mountains? Terrain in Skyrim is the same kind of terrain you see in any other game. They put lot of time into placing meshes around to make them look more unique, and to make cliffs and that sort of stuff. But its really simple height map based terrain, sculptured by hand once the details start to come into scene and with some rocks and rocky cliff meshes added on top to give it more shape. I'd thought that anyone could notice that... I guess that the cracked ceillings you mention are located in interior cells right? Interiors dont use height based terrain, they just use meshes all around. They use kits of dungeon parts based on a particular theme then add them as they need it. Just open up the Creation Kit and everything will become clear.
Seems that you didnt get my point. Lol, that doesnt just sounds made up to justify the thieves guild plot? She just happens to be outside the whole thing between daedra and akatosh? Thats the stuff im talking about. They choose what they want in their game, then write stuff around it. If they ever choose to have Dwarves, they'll have Dwarves.
Or just made up stuff around the whole issue like they did with the Dragonfires for Oblivion. "The dwemer went to another dimension, now they're back" boom. What happened with the whole "golden skin" of the numidium? Who knows! That was just an interpretation of one author! Just like who knows how daedric princes can manifest in nirn after all the Akatosh avatar thingy in Oblivion, or wich are the true implications of that after all. They leave things in the air on purpose. As i said, they didnt set in stone that the dwarves cant return. Just like they didnt set in stone the dragons woulnt return, that the ayleids woulnt return (that KotN quest) and so on. They clearly prefer to write their stuff around it instead of wrapping the plot with the stuff they already wrote. Even one of their writers pretty much implied that they make stuff up a lot in one interview in the Imperial Library.
The guy just registered to call you (us in fact) whippersnappers, and you try to reason with him? lol Better i get out of this thread lest i see the "anti entitlement knights" posts that might appear...
That needs a source. Never heard of the Ayleids slaving the nords (and no, Wikia isnt a trusted source, specially when you find things like that without a single reference). Hell, for all we know, while the Ayleids were conquering Cyrodiil, the nords were peacefully living among the Snow elves in Skyrim. When the elves were the dominant force, Skyrim was inhabited by the Snow elves, when the elven races started to decay, Skyrim had a human kingdom already. The ayleids dont get into that picture, at least not if you want to picture them along humans. Now if you want to make a cultural connection between them and the snow elves, that could have happened. But with humans i dont think so.
dude, hooking up DLLs is the only way to add functionality (script extenders, new shaders, etc) if you dont have the source code of the game. Yes, there is a better option, compile the game with the code that SKSE team, Boris and Alexander are adding to the game, but you see Bethesda handing us the engines code to us? No. Thats why the only other choice is to hook up new code via DLLs that are dependent on every change that is made to the main exe. I mean, if there was a better way, the Script Extender team had like 10 years to figure it out. So no, there are not better ways that hooking up DLLs unless you're part of Bethesda (and good luck trying to get your code in the final game in that case, we'd having global illumination already if every idea that sprung up of every programmer on their team reached the final game). The CK has nothing to do with that. You cant add shader code with the CK, you cant add new scripting functionality with the CK, etc. Those modders/programmers take pains to get around the fact that they dont have the sources of the game so believe me that if there was an easier way around, they'd have taken it in a heartbeat.
Though call. I hate warm climates, but i MUST see the mane in Elsewyr... (pro tip: Khajiit dont allow ppl that isnt Khajiit to see the mane) So lets see... Hammerfell is ravaged by war. Skyrim is in the middle of a civil war. High Rock, Cyrodiil, Elsewyr, Valenwood and Summerset... Ehr, i mean, Alinor, will get in war soon. The only places left are either Argonia, or Morrowind. And im not sure in wich of those places i'd get to see my 21 birthday. Morrowind is inhabitable and Argonia isnt exactly friendly with non Argonians (so much for Ulfric "racism" ). I'd probably stay where i was born and leave it at that.
I kinda did the same thing for both my thief/assassin and my khajiiti warrior (two handed, heavy armor). 50 points into HP, then 50 into stamina. Repeat. I play on expert. With my thief worked pretty fine, for my two handed warrior not so much, i kept running off stamina. And thats not even counting that unlike my thief character, my warrior has a follower. I dunno what would i do with a mage though, cuz i know that you can reduce the spell cost with enchantments later so any magicka point spent now it'd be considered wasted by then.
No idea, i think the imperial library but im not sure http://www.imperial-library.info/ Maybe im mixing it up with stuff from another game though : /
I had 3 dragons once... Crazy night...
I think that is not a theory since the certain Khajiit himself actually tells you that, but he is a known liar after all :P
Yep, the leveled list says Dragon Priest at level 60.
They're not half elves. An half elf would have one elven parent. Their mix up with elves happened thousand of years ago, before the first era. Since then all tamriel races have stayed pretty much the same. If im not mistaken, all the "beast" races live as long as humans, or maybe a little less, all the elves live up to 500 years i think, though some exceptional cases like Divath Fyr who was a 4000 year old Dunmer. And there was that woman who met Sinderion in Skyrim, wich is the same Sinderion that the CoC met in Cyrodiil back in the 3rd era, two hundred years ago. I'd say that probably every character lives as long as the writing department needs :D
I liked Ayleid ruins. It is sad that Beth just hide them under the carpet. There was a lot of things going on that werent explained at all. We still dont know how the heck the Ayleids had such skills manipulating magicka, not even mentioning that they didnt even used magicka as mages use them in current times (in TES world :P ). The whole magic of the sky wasnt explained, and that seemed like a big part of Ayleid culture. Actually no :D What Oblivion gave us in lore of the Ayleid only mentioned that they were a fairly sadistic race towards their slaves. Like the Thalmor but waaaaaay more crazy about it, not just secret torture chambers in some lost mountain but whole town festivals organized around torturing human slaves. Think like the burning of king olaf in Solitude but with a real "king" in the stake and not only one but a few hundreds of them. They had awesome magic power though, even simple town citizens could cast invisibility for hours as told in that Bravil story. Thats not to say that Skyrim doesnt has its mysteries. As i said in other thread, the whole issue of the Dragon Priests and Draugr is pretty much unexplained. We dont know how the Dragon Priests reached their positions, their personal stories, if the power they had was granted by the dragons or not, what kind of magick binds them to the living world, why they would wait in their undead form for so long (waiting for Alduin's return i guess, but its not like they're all helping him once he is free again), and the whole dragon war is a mystery too. Barely documented. Still the implications of all that are pretty meaningless to the amount of mysteries the Ayleid left unexplained.
Like when somebody kills someone that you really like? Hard to do when you have 20min to even like somebody before a. gets killed or b. you're the guild master and have nothing else to do with them lol Seems like their focus was to give tons of bits of content. So there are a lot of quests to do, but each is pretty small. Each character has very little development because they become important for the player for very little ammount of time. I mean, there are RPGs that make you stick to a party, so its easy to think "Where all this character development focus should go!?" Duh, the party members. RPGs that dont make you stick to a party always present you with people you can relate with, make friends with. That helps a LOT when trying to care for the world that you're in. Skyrim is so focused in not "forcing" you to be attached to someone or something, lest the game "encage" your character, that the player gets left apart of everything. Thats exactly why i like New Vegas so much, because Obsidian took the whole freedom that Beth put into FO3, and gave it a direction (sadly the Mohave Desert is way less interesting than the DC area). Little ports in the storm that anchored the player to the place they were playing in. And for every thing the game presented you, Obsidian gave the player at least one way to deal with it. In Skyrim you have these big things that the player cannot influence. Take a city like Riften. Of the top of my head i can recall lots of things that the player can do nothing about: Corruption among guards. Jarl's obviously siding with Maven. Maven herself. Their sons. There are like 4 couples with issues that you cannot solve (or make the worse). You cannot do something about the meadery. Everyone living on Belka's Bunkhouse complain about something that you cannot take part in. You will find lots of things like that on every city, big or small. I know, its probably to make feel the player that he/she isnt the only moving force in the world. I'd be ok about it if those issues moved in some direction at least, if im not going to be the sole moving force in the world, at least make the world move a little! If you make the world too dependent on the player, it feels like it begins and ends with you, if you make it too detached of the player, it feels static and lifeless. I simply cant recall that kind of situations in New Vegas. If something wasnt moving, the player could at least say "then I will make it move!" In Skyrim there is this big conflict between the "You're the savior of the world!" and the "But you can do nothing about it" Every important role you can take is detached from the world, and the little roles you can take are so meaningless (as in unimportant, too simple, having lack of choices, etc) that they dont fill the gap between the player and the world they're in.
LE Bugged spot light in my mod
eltucu replied to eltucu's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Thanks but the light disappears altogether. Its not an issue with the shadowing but the light itself :D As i said, i think i reached the limit on shadow casting lights per scene, that's all. Thought that room bounds would fix it but the game still renders all lights in the scene, just not all geometry.