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Everything posted by eltucu

  1. First i was all like: And then i was like: :facepalm: I think you're subconsciously trolling us.
  2. That is as satisfying and appropriate as opening the console and disabling them altogether. Or do you just walk away if someone's offer you some tea and you don't want it? Those quest are clearly designed with one way in and one way out. Nothing else. I'd like to see a "no thanks, i dont drink" option, or an "you know what? Give me all you have except your pants and you may live to drink another bottle of that" option, but the only option that i have is to silently walk away without a single NPC giving a single crap about that fact. Hell, the random skooma dealer guy has more ways to be dealt with than the main quests (except maybe the peace treaty). For an RPG, not allowing the player to express a tiny bit of personality through a simple selection of dialogue responses is pretty bad design because there is almost no other way for doing so. The way that you relate to the world is by the means of your skills (mage, warrior, thief, etc) and the dialogue/actions. How can i be a mage if i cant talk NPCs ear off about how intelligent i am and how little they know? How can i be a warrior without asking advice to the local blacksmiths about how to maintain my axe? And so on. Even the main questlines lack the appropriate dialogue lines that allow the player to express themselves a little bit like the role they choose to play along. The Dovahkiin ends up as a pretty dull character. His only way to approach something is either follow it to the letter, or avoid it. On rails quests tend to be boring if not designed well (see the Companions questline, the Winterhold College questline, the Civil War questline, etc) and avoiding quests... well, that's the bottom of the boring stuff barrel that a game can have.
  3. One question, i didnt scripted that much so i dunno the syntax completely.int property preReqStage auto ;Set to 10 {Stage that must be set for this script to run.} int property StageToSet auto ;Set to 20 {Set this stage when the actor dies} int property StageToSetOther auto ;Set to 30 {Set this stage when the actor dies} What are you trying to do with the Set to xx? I thought that to set a default value for properties (or everything else) you'd use the =, like "int Property preReqStage auto = 10" for example. That assigns a default value for the property if you dont assign another value in the properties window, but i never heard of the "Set to xx"
  4. Except that in Skyrim, is ok that the guy of the "armory" sells you stuff from the camp :D "Here is all i can "spare" *wink* *wink* "
  5. I didnt test it but the Reference Batch Action menu has a set enable parent option. Select what you want, then go to view, Reference Batch Action Window. The window displays a list of the selected references, on the right you'll find a "select enable parent" option (and a lot of other useful stuff). At the bottom you can spot the "Select reference in render window" button.
  6. What flobalob said. BSAopt. And check the documentation, it will save you a lot of trouble.
  7. Awww, i thought you'd be talking about all weapons being placed in the back of the player :( I've been waiting for an updated mod that places 1h weapons on the player's back... BTW, release it. If the ppl can get pass the horrible clipping on some vanilla stuff, they can do the same with mods.
  8. This, Enable Parents are awesome. Thats how house upgrades are made, linking every new object to the xmarker, so when you buy the upgrade, the xmarker gets enabled with all the linked new stuff with a single line of code (old stuff gets disabled in the same fashion). You make an xmarker in the cell you want, then go to the reference window of each object you want to make disappear (double click on the object), go to the Enable Parent tab, and select from the Reference Window, there you click on the xmarker. Now that object will share its enable/disable state with the xmarker, if the xmarker is enabled or disabled, so its children (but not the other way around). The "opposite of parent" flag does what it says, if the xmarker is enabled, the children that has that flag will be disabled. Just look around any player owned house cell for any example of that, you'll see a bunch of xmarkers lined up that represent each purchasable upgrade.
  9. You could try the Possesive Corpses mod if you want to clean up your saves a lil bit more.
  10. I guess that your spell uses a magic effect script. So, make a few ObjectReference properties in it, as many as you need. ObjectReference Property Objct1 auto ObjectReference Property Objct2 auto ObjectReference Property Objct3 auto For example. Then, once the spell is used (im not sure what kind of event you'd use with that, didnt checked spell scripts), you do the following. Objct1.Enable() Objct2.Enable() Objct3.Enable() Then when the spell wears off Objct1.Disable() Objct2.Disable() Objct3.Disable() Thats the script part, now you'd need to make all the objects you want to dissapear to be disabled by default, then you'd need to point the ObjectReference properties to the objects you want to make visible in the cell they're used. If you need more details, then i'd suggest you first look into scripting tutorials in the Creation Kit wiki first, those teach you about events, properties, how to attach scripts to things and that kind of stuff.
  11. Thanks! I had forgot those even existed. Tried with the middle plaque activator and worked pretty well Just disabled the activator once the script has ended and that was it. Kudos to you.
  12. With items you could just enable them when the effect is on, disable them when its off. With actors... I found this http://www.creationkit.com/SetAlpha_-_Actor I dunno how visible is the "partially visible" that the notes mention...
  13. Yep, that gigantic sphere. Not at that scale though, smaller. I sort of made what i want with a trigger box but i'd like to see if i can make it when the player "touchs" the sphere rather than just walking into it.
  14. Hi. Well, i was trying to make the Azura Star Sphere into an activator. The sphere itself looks kinda complex to me (has a bunch of effects) and has no collision data. Cloning an activator and replacing its mesh with the sphere doesnt works. I attached a script to a lever and to the new sphere activator. The lever worked okay but the sphere didnt, i tried even activating it with the console but it doesnt works either. I'm trying to compare in NifScope the .nif from a lever with the .nif from the sphere but im not sure what im looking at nor what im looking for. Im guessing that the lever collision data is important for making it an activator but that all i could figure out. Does anybody knows what should i do to convert the sphere into an activator? Thanks in advance. (im thinking that if i have to add collision data it wont work for what im trying to do but i'll have to test it anyway)
  15. Plus it had boobs from the start :P Now seriously, i think that Beth is catching up with stuff they left in Daggerfall. They're probably going to make a very developed random quest generator for the next TES/Fallout game. STALKER games had these random quests that would stretch the game a lot, probably half the time i spent in that game i was just doing random quests. It was fun (then they added freeplay mode for CoP and removed the random quests, GSC, i wont forgive you for that one) They just have to look at Daggerfall and say "Well, from all of that, what could be done right now?" I'm sure they'll come with some nice ideas. Sadly, it seems that the Radiant Story thing is following the exact same steps as the autoleveling, so they'll need a good 1 or 2 more titles to get it right. Though i do think that they made a step backwards from FO3 autoleveling (FO3 didnt had leveled unique items for example). So i hope they dont get "creative" again with the autoleveling cuz we're going to end with a very unsatisfying TES 6 in that case...
  16. Just clone something vanilla, change the model, place in a leveled list, and you're done. You could even make an script to place the item in the leveled list if you fancy that route. Plus, a bunch of modders started that way, modding things for their own use, then started to share their personal mods, etc. You might discover something there :)
  17. I think there was a limit of 15 arrows in the world. So you wont get cluttered by missing shots with the bow.
  18. Try with an OnLoad event instead of OnInit. It seems that the onupdate event never happens so its stuck on false. Then add UnregisterForUpdate() once you checked what you wanted to check.
  19. An actor property doesnt works? Papyrus has string type, check the wiki. Anyway, you're not looking for the baseID of the actor, you're looking for the referenceID. Give it one in the render window, checking the properties of the actor in that cell, then point from the property to the actor. Where are you running the script? from a quest? actor? activator? what?
  20. Nope, smithing categories seem to be hardcoded. No one has been able to make a new category or change existing ones (besides moving items from one category to another)
  21. Umm... Eh, i *think* you can make it work in two ways: If the script is running off the NPC, that is, the script is attached to the NPC, by just running an IsDead() without any further stuff should work. debug.messagebox("NPC IsDead? = "+(IsDead()) The game just assumes that since you're running the script on top of the NPC, you're talking about that NPC when you call the IsDead() function. If not, you need to make a property that points to the NPC. This one im not sure how to do it, it may be an object reference property or an actor property, whichever one lets you select the NPC from the render window. Either actor property tehproperty auto or objectReference property tehproperty auto Then you'd call the IsDead like this: debug.messagebox("NPC IsDead? = "+(tehproperty.IsDead()) Now, im not sure how Papyrus works like this but for all i know (not much actually) of both Ada and C++, the compiler would crap at you for trying to output a boolean as a string. So you may need to make a conditional if Papyrus doesnt makes the conversion automatically. That means, creating a string variable, assigning to it "false" or "true" depending on what IsDead() tells you with an IF, then displaying a message with the string. something like if IsDead == true mystring = "true" else mystring = "false" EndIf debug.messagebox("NPC IsDead? = "+(mystring)) I dunno exactly how stings are handled in Papyrus. Probably its done automatically, but its worth mentioning.
  22. Killing employers is bad for business. You dont exactly want your possible employers start being afraid of hiring you. Bad listener, bad! :P
  23. Because you dont understand the difference between complaining about the art of the game and complaining about the graphics of the game. They're not the same thing. While you can say that the art is very good, wich it is, the graphics are awful. Half the effects dont have soft edges, the dynamic shadows arent dynamic at all, the animation system (that includes, blending between animations and blending between animations and objects) is awful, there is a limit of 4 shadow casting lights at any given time, that wouldnt be a problem if the environmental light wasnt so bad, water is completely lifeless, motionless, plain and lacks soft edges, water doesnt evens remotely acts dynamically, thus there are weird water currents in the entire province, there is no SSAO, deph of field is not used meaningfully (just as some imagespaces of particular cells), the LOD system is completely lacking (wich forces the game to use lots of vRAM), textures were bad at launch, parallax is used only in a very few select objects (glaciers), etc. And the worst thing about all of that, is that as we have seen, they have the programmers to do all that stuff yet they didnt, and they may wont do it at all.
  24. Also, confused Emperor: Thinks he can has a last wish Asks the Listener to kill his employer. I take you dont know much about the Dark Brotherhood i guess?
  25. Then no idea... You could say that you're so deadly that when you trow stuff around, always someone gets killed.
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