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Everything posted by eltucu
Yep, you're kinda the Vivec of the 4th era by the end of Skyrim. An all powerfull dude/gal with the blood of a god. I bet that by TES VI, Beth will make canonical that the Dovahkiin went Pelinal on the Thalmor's... lower back :P Sad that i couldnt duel anyone besides Tsun in Sovengarde, Ysgramor vs. 4th era Dovakhiin! Or a shouting duel between the Dovahkiin and Windcaller! Even Shor would gasp at such event. Not that Windcaller would accept dueling with you anyway...
It was a backstory for the place, how it got sealed. The last battle that happened there. But thats it. We dont know who those priests were, what they did to get to their position, how they got their "rank" among dragon worshipers, (that was what i meant when i said "how they got there"), how the dragons interacted with them, how they got such powers, what function they had, how they worshiped dragons, why they wanted to continue to "live" to TES V days, did the Dragons ordered them to do so? Did they do it by their means and by their will? We dont know. There is, if im not mistaken, only one book in the entire game dealing with Draugr and Dragon Priests that explains them in a lib bit deeper way besides the usual "i dunno, they worshiped dragons" And it only explains one single thing bout them (how dragon priests endure through time). Ah, and the other thing we know is that Otar the Mad maybe was mad and that he was very, very powerful. They appear to be very important but at the same time completely irrelevant to what its going on for some reason. Like if Akatosh said "Let there be Dragon Priests!" And there were Dragon Priests : / Im pretty sure that if Beth doesnt deals with all the backstory of that in some DLC, we will never know, just like much of the mysteries behind the Ayleids were left forgotten...
I actually really like this idea of no spreadsheets. Im not fond of classical D&D style. D&D is a system that overcomes the limitations of "pen and paper", in videogames, those limitations are not there, so no sense to apply character sheets. Thats why i despise NWNish games. Totally out of place in such interactive environment as videogames. Wich is something that Beth realized along the road and one of the reasons that i liked every game they made since i bought Oblivion six years ago. That said, the limitations that some devs imposed on their games by following D&D style RPGs made them focus on compelling, detailed stories and characters. Nevertheless, Obsidian made a point with FONV, that you can have an open world game with deep storylines and characters if you want it.
Some more "Controlling" spells would be good though. For example, in Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines, there was a power that would make a common NPC kill himself (Death Vision or something like that). It was pretty cool. The point is, if you're a master illusionist, you should know how to wrap the perception of the reality of every living thing around. I wouldnt mind a spell that sent an NPC to jump off a cliff for their deaths, or that they bow to you and give you their weapons, some funky stuff like that. That should go well for a Middas Magic release. I dunno, i think that 100 skill in something + perks should scream "POWAAAH!" But Skyrim's combat mechanics (both for more "conservative" warriors/rangers and mages) arent that well developed to allow such stuff. What is the difference between a guy with 100 one handed and a guy with 20 one handed? Damage and maybe a cool effect for some power attack. But there isnt any other way to show your mastery of that skill besides not being you the one that is dead after the combat... *sob* i miss jedi academy...
My body is ready for it.
8/10. It is a good game, but thats pretty much it. As Elsarian said, there is quite a bit room for complaints.
There is also a book around bout famous harbingers (you find there where the phrase "Even an elf can be born with the heart of a nord" comes from, wich i agree with that dunmer companion that it isnt that much of a compliment at all). That said, its not entirely bad that you make it to the top in every quest line (not that being the friggin dragonborn wouldnt be enough "ego boosting" for the entire game), the bad thing is that the game doesnt shows it. As a harbinger, you still do things that you were doing as initiate. As Archmage, you still do things that you were doing as initiate. As Guild Master too (specially that one, everyone still talks crap to you for some reason, i thought that damn dialogue of that stupid bouncer would be the FIRST thing that would change after the player becomes guild master). The only ppl that treat you differently are the Dark Brotherhood after becoming the Listener BUT there are so few main characters of that guild left at the end that it doesnt matters. I do think that Beth has, and always had since Oblivion's launch, the resources to make an all round good game. Even with 4 guilds and two main factions like in Skyrim. I dont think they spread too thin but that they spread too short. But if we're going to get all this... diluted experience in each part of the game, i dunno if that is good at all. Anyone here played Gothic 3? I had a graphical bug that would kill an epileptic, very bad experience, but, "world mechanics wise" (when they didnt bugged out that is), it did dealt very nicely with the thing bout the human rebellion against the Orcs. I thought it was pretty well done. You had human encampments that gave missions to you relating to the village they were going to capture (the opposite in the case of the orcs in the village). It was an all round experience from both sides. Much much better done that the useless Imperial/Stormcloak encampments of Skyrim. I mean, even with a buggy mess like Gothic 3 you can notice and see that the mechanics were well deviced and were, at least implemented, in Skyrim in only see sketches of massive guild quests, or massive civil war, but they're sketches, leftovers of some big idea behind that didnt get to be implemented fully in the final game. Its like their overall development its flawed for some reason.
hahaha, that could make it to a fine sport indeed, but now i kinda feel bad that we use dead foxes :P For some reason i dun like to kill foxes neither goats. Foxes have a cute *pant* sound :3 Now i need to find out why i dun have shout sounds...
Ever use Dawnbreaker as a vampire? Hysterical...
eltucu replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Silver weapons should do something against werewolves? I got that the Silver Hand uses them but i dont know exactly if they're more effective or they just use them as a symbol. The same for this, garlic is bad for vampires in TES world? -
Its kinda strange cuz only grabbed items get to fly like that, if you Fus ro dah something, or trow something with a spell, it will have normal physics. I forgot to mention that stupid reflex of collecting each plant lol, 24s i collect the flowers for no reason haha
Here it is I win! :P (btw, notice that the fox and NPCs goes actually beyond actor rendering distance lol)
The thing is, dragon slaying gets boring after a while. Those quests are there for a reason, to make the world feel more alive, the thing is that they dont help too much. For example, it seems that chopping wood or harvesting does nothing to make you an appreciated citizen of a hold. I've been trying to get the Jarl of Riften offer me the Thane title without doing any "direct" helping to Riften's ppl (helping the market vendors, the guy that owes money to sapphire, etc) to no avail, though some ppl around the hold do call me friend cuz i do other more common tasks for them (mine, chop wood, harvest), but it doesnt seems to improve my standing to the Jarl : / I mean, you could build a game with such quests IF you got something nice besides gold, you only get something good out of the "bigger" dungeon crawling quests. Wich is fine i guess since 80% of the game revolves around dungeons, but it doesnt helps at all the atmosphere of the "living world" out there. I'd be nice of more NPCs acted like the first family you visit on Riverwood. "Hey, my home is your home friend, have some mead" or something like that, something convinces you that you're doing something besides getting gold.
Graphical and performance glitches suddenly
eltucu replied to invertedpanda's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I think that if it was just temperature, the card would work fine but with terrible performance since GPUs tend to downclock massively when they're in danger of damage cuz overheating, maybe a CTD, "driver stopped responding", reboot or something like that. But an entire PC lockup? On windows 7? Massive hardware failure there IMO. -
EDIT: When i get around installing Windows Movie Maker to compress the .avi file i'll upload it and you will have to call me daddy... i mean... master :P
Agree completely with the OP. Specially what you said bout the first bits of the questline. The quest "looks" as it was thought as way more longer, then someone just took out everything except the most important bits (the Staff, the Thalmor guy, Eye of Magnus, Psijic), and mashed it up together. If you tell it just like as it is, it really sounds like a sketch for a bigger questline. Besides the usual complaint about the Eye, i friggin want to know what the eye is! I could have been the next Vivec if i had more time with it! Damn you Psijic!!!
Ever use Dawnbreaker as a vampire? Hysterical...
eltucu replied to SpellAndShield's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It would be hilarious if Spriggans could control you if you're on werewolf form or something lol -
I highly doubt it. The only "common" ppl that comment something on Jarl's changes are Whiterun's citizens. For everybody else, its normal business. I was disappointed after i noticed it.
The wooden mask only works for that particular place. The rest of the masks its just, having the map as flobalob said or stumbling upon them while dungeon crawling in nord ruins. btw, Krosis and Volsung > all Though, Krosis actually means like void, sorrow or something along those lines, so when i was around dungeons and the Draugr said something like "Unslaad krosis!" i thought they recognised that i was wearing Krosis's mask :( I'd have liked some backstory for each dragon priest, specially the... um... "last one" that you encounter. He had to have a very nice story for being in such place.
I wouldnt mind more radiant quests... added on top of what we have now that is. For example, the only repeating radiant quest in Whiterun is the "go kill bandit" ones from the Inn. And thats it. There is like one, at most two repeatable radiant quests per city (not to be confused with one time only quests that have some part "randomized" ) if im not mistaken. If you take out the "kill bandit leader" ones, you end up with no radiant quests at all lol There could be works like, get message to another hold, lead some city guards and protect some place of bandits/dragons/falmer/etc, search for randomly generated suspicious NPC in the city, or, less "lawful" stuff like help some randomized NPC (or randomly generated NPC) in the city with some bad deed (frame somebody, steal particular object, intimidate someone, etc). Any city would feel way more alive if you had, instead of one single bounty dispenser NPC, like 5 to 10 NPCs around that need their stuff done. Even if those NPCs arent named at all, much like the Nervous Patron's from the Radiant assassination quests of the Dark Brotherhood. That said, if such Radiant quests actually helped the player in some way besides the usual "Thanks, 200 septims for you", it would make them worthwhile...
Through electromagnetic fields of particles that produce them, like photons. The string theory isnt proven at all. And particles below the size of Protons, Neutrons, etc have been observed, that was the whole reason behind the LHC, to obseve what has been theorized. Its still about facts, thats why you dont see any good scientist claiming that he knows exactly what happened in the big bang or what will happen to the universe. You're pulling a Bill O'Reilly "You can't explain that" with things that you just dont know.
OMG, Mind blown. Never thought that you could use kinect to capture animations. That would halve the work right? Found this http://kinect.dashhacks.com/kinect-hacks/2011/02/09/kinect-motion-capture-tracking-fbx-and-cinder
I really dont see how we could discuss such thing like sylphs and fairies...
Pfff... 10% cooler? They're more cooler than that, like... 20% cooler.
hahaha, this remembered me bout when i found a forum that was created by 4chan trolls, it was a forum where Pokemon fans would gather to discuss how to enter into Pokemon world (no joke, im serious) or to discuss when they saw a Pokemon in real life (and that they were destined to catch them or something like that). The admins where rather successful trolls from 4chan, but half of the users where there cuz they actually believed the story lol It was "designed" to attack another forum that was based on the idea that someday the "digiclipse" (or something like that) would happen and will take all the Digimon believers into the Digimon world, the difference is that the digimon forum was actually made by ppl who believed that. It was like i uncovered a secret war on the internet between two madmans clubs. The point is, SOPA sucks (reference there :P ) and that i consider this clouds becoming alive thing on the same level at those digimon "believers". Reading this atm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sylph