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Everything posted by eltucu

  1. Thanks but as i said, i wanted it to be changed on the fly with Papyrus. Its for a mod so i cant tell the player "hey, when you complete the quest, put this on the console!" Well, i can do that but it would be a horrible design for a quest lol Anyway, i found a work around with Perks and i havent been doing anything else since i dont have much time now.
  2. My half educated guess is that the names themselves arent hardcoded but the amount of memory they use (the record size), since it isnt dynamic but a fixed size, you cant add more categories. So either they're into the ESM and have a fixed size, or they're in the .exe. It does looks weird that they would integrate such element at the engine level rather than leaving it to some higher level, like say, items or actors that can be modified, added, removed, etc without trouble. Hell, at first i had thought that the whole crafting system was made solely with papyrus and that they had embellished the messageboxes that you could display with Oblivion's/FO3's scripting language.
  3. Not part of a contract and i woulnt want to have another vip employer scared about that i killed the last one. Motierre alive with his contract fulfilled is DB's message to Tamriel that they're back at full strength and open for business. Its not the way of the DB to make last wishes true nor kill their employers unless its part of another contract.
  4. Mmm... My guess, it could be the PSU (a good 500w PSU should be enough). It could be driver incompatibility. You need to clean off every single nvidia thing before installing the AMD card. Even in some cases a complete OS reinstall is recommended (when the kind of issues that you have dont go away even after using Driver Sweeper for example). I suggest, uninstall every nVidia thing you may have (drivers, physX, etc), uninstall every AMD driver you may have and then run Driver Sweeper with Windows on Safe Mode, then CCleaner just in case (both registry and file cleaners), and then boot in normal mode then install the newest AMD drivers. If that doesnt helps, it may be your system install (so format recommended) or maybe some hardware thing (old motherboard, bad PSU, etc). With that Athlon II while it isnt the fastest thing on earth, it should be very playable, albeit with some stuttering (i had a Core 2 Duo 3,2Ghz with this GTX560 Ti before and it was a very hard bottleneck on the card). The AMD HD6850 and HD6870 are good cards and very fairly priced for their performance, so dont worry about that.
  5. You can use the Full Editor that has a preview button instead of the fast reply and test your stuff there :P Though i'd really like a "preview" button for the description page of the mods...
  6. :psyduck: wtf You're right. The fast reply editor has all the formatting buttons and smileys which i actually used a lot before, um... My brain is melting or something :ohdear: I better get going...
  7. Yep, its probably Chrome. Now the fast reply box appears less rectangular and more squared after i updated to 19.0.1081.2 lol Sorry for false alarm. They're not called dev releases "fo' teh lulz" i guess. I prefer fast reply box personally, though i do forget the smileys pretty often, except for :D and :P
  8. Hi! Luckily i wasn't writing anything long but this could very, very easily drive someone mad. When i use the fast reply box, i write something on it (without posting it yet), click outside of the box, then click inside the box, the stuff i wrote disappears! Also, if i write something on the quick reply box, then change the tab, then go back again to the first tab, the stuff i wrote also disappears! Imagine if you change the tabs to copy and paste something or if you want to scroll up and see something else, then when you come back all the stuff you wrote is gone. Im using Google Chrome 19.0.1061.1 (im going to update it right now to see if it changes something). Wait... This is strange. I had two tabs open, both showed that behavior. I opened other tabs, and they worked ok. The only difference was that the fast reply box was twice the size of the ones that appeared on the glitched tabs. Weird, maybe its just Chrome...
  9. Make the quest start on a "oncellchange" (or something like that) event from the story manager, that would start it pretty much anytime. Remember to make sure the quest ends and it doesn't starts again if you dont need it though, no need for having the quest running everytime the story manager fires off that event. CreationKit.com wiki has... 2 story manager tutorials i believe. Just poke at it a lil bit, it isnt that complex to use. You have more luck than me dealing with perks though, i tried to make a lever that added some testing perks to the player, it didnt worked at all for some reason.
  10. Yup. Quests arent more than stages, enabling/disabling stuff... Objectives... And thats it i guess? CreationKit.com's tutorial works for pretty much for everything you'd need. I personally find level design more time consuming (plus, you need to set up trigger zones, FX, clutter, per zone image spaces and special encounters with triggers and scripted stuff if you want to do some serious dungeon-making)
  11. Yep, Swadian's location its very nice. Every kingdom is at one day ride away. Plus, knights of course :P
  12. 1400 usd and playing on medium? Here i bought... lets see... a 2500K, GTX560 Ti (this one almost at launch, a year ago), 16Gb of DDR3 1600Mhz (working at 1333Mhz for now) and a mobo (P67 mATX tho) at 1000 USD or so. And im definetively not playing on medium :D Not counting that we have crazy prices here, 100% on import taxes and whatnot (380 USD for my 560 Ti for example, i could never have bought that but there were special circumstances involved). On England or the US you can get more or less the same setup for 600 USD if im not mistaken, maybe with even better parts. Im not sure on Romania though, but it cant be worse than here i guess. Plus, if Skyrim lacks in some department, its definitively on the graphics one. I mean, they had to patch in grass shading lol The dynamic shadows arent dynamic at all, the LOD system is crap, the lighting is crap, water is crap, particle effects are pretty crappy (except distant clouds). You cant pin point a single modern or advanced shader being used: No displacement for water. No soft shore lines. No ambient oclussion. Not a single form of indirect lighting (baked or half baked). Barely used parallax mapping. Bad soft particles (or no softening at all). No dynamic particles. No volumetric lighting. No volumetric smoke. No sun shafts. Barely functional soft shadowing. No contact hardening shadows. No dynamic deph of field. Probably more stuff. Still nominated to the technology category in the GDC! WTF was that? The only thing i like a lot is the color correction they added, but thats like the first most basic thing that comes to mind after HDR started being used in games, proper color correction (2006-2007 tech).
  13. Hot idea: Werehorkers. You heard it first here :thumbsup: :tongue:
  14. Im pretty sure that you'd get a lot of funny looks if you started to call an hacha de guerra as "ascia di guera" in any spanish speaking country. So, lol to you too i guess. I didnt knew Wars on Skyrim's author was italian btw.
  15. Thats actually the rule of every video game out there. Make hi poly model, reduce its poly count with some third party tool, bake normal map out of the diff between the low poly model and the hi poly model. Polys cost more perf than bump maps, thus, more bump mapping and less polys. It wouldnt be surprising if the artists worked in a 10k poly model that ends up as a 1k poly model in the final game. Imagine that much of the detail that you find on bump maps are actually derived from the kind of detail the original hi poly mesh had without bump maps, just pure polygons. OP, though you can only do so much with bump maps and texturing, in your case, i see a perfectly usable and good mesh there. Just make sure you spend time making good textures for it and it could look pretty good ingame.
  16. First there were Khergits, and it was good, but then the Sarranid Sultanate came, and it was great. This is what i like of them: 1. Desert (when there wasnt Sarranids, i often modded Khergit steppe to be made out of sand :P ) 2. Architecture (coolest cities of Calradia, though it is expected since the faction was made when TaleWorlds already had their thing set up nicely) 3. Armors (like Khergit armor, but 20% cooler) 4. Units (all round army can be made out of Sarranids) 5. Castles and villages. Did i mention they have the coolest architecture of Calradia? :P It fits perfectly since the first incarnation of my Almehid Al'Fassim character that i made back in Oblivion and re made in most of the RPGs that i've played since.
  17. I've been married to each one of my battle axes :P
  18. I always look for the wheel rotation direction :P (i do, seriously). Specially since a guy pointed out that the Solitude's grinder that appears on the first "gameplay" trailer was rotating in the wrong direction lol
  19. Rotate the wheel in the CK? Put the mill on the other side of the river? lol
  20. Nope. If i understand your idea correctly, interior cells dont work as exterior cells, if you cant get the LOD system to work for interior cells, and multiple cells loading at the same time (like what happens when you reach the edge of an exterior cell, there are multiple cells working at the same time), you cant do it. And that would require a hefty ammount of coding, IF we had the sources of course lol You can do something simpler. Make an exterior cell for each house in a city. Copy each interior of each house to their exterior cell. Then you copy the house's surroundings from the city exterior cell into the new house exterior cell, placing them accordingly. So, when you enter a house, you'd enter into an exterior cell that has a verbatim copy of the house's interior, plus the statics that surrounds the house in the city. Then make transparent windows. You wont have NPCs running around outside (cuz its a new cell, not the city exterior cell) but at least you can look outside through the windows and see the city. It would be more or less the kind of work that Open Cities does. But instead of mixing city exterior cells with wilderness cells, you mix interior cell's contents into new exterior cells that give the illusion of having the city surrounding the house. Its a lot of work, though.
  21. I'd settle with a resize feature. My 17 inch CRT monitor doesnt fares with them aliases windows pretty well, i have to set resolution to 1280x1024, modify whatever i have to modify, then go back to 1152x864 before my eyes pop out of 60Hz flickering (and to think that half my youth i played at 60Hz on a CRT, no wonder that now i use glasses)
  22. First because its an injector. It isnt shader code compiled along with the other shaders but a shader applied after all other shaders have been applied. Post process only. So, imagine you have a very slow car, but since you cant touch the car insides, the only way to make it go faster is to assemble a faster car, and use it to tow the slower car. Horribly inefficient but its the only way exept maybe if you know (and are willing to) how to code shaders in GPU assembler. And second, because Boris codes very nice SSAO, its not that "light" SSAO that you find in other games like STALKER or that AO forced in nVidia's drivers. It looks very good, and it has some form of indirect lighting that lightengs it up in places that makes sense so you dont have that overdone blackness in plain daylight. Boris has been doing this stuff for a while, he knows his stuff. Take in mind that there isnt another popular injector that does what ENB does, there is a reason as why ENB dll often is triple the size of FXAA injectors and stuff like that, because there is a lot of code stuffed in for various advanced effects like DoF, SSAO, color correction algorithms, AF, and very dynamic stuff that depends on a lot of variables (thats why you see more people downloading configs than ppl making them). Though projects like graphics extender could breath more life into Skyrim's graphics, ENB works with a lot of different games, so thats a thing to have in mind too. Performance impact depends on the game though, in Deus Ex Human Revolution, i had like a 5 fps impact, which is nothing compared to the kind of perf loss you can have in GTA IV, Skyrim and other games that ENB support. Then there is the issue of level design oriented to each game's capabilities. If the game has pre baked lighting, there are some effects that wouldnt work nicely thanks to the lack of dynamic lights, or if the lighting system of some game has some limited lighting capabilities, there could be issues with lights looking good in the vanilla scene, but bad with some other post process applied over it that depends on it. If you read boris updates, you can see some of the stuff he complains about :D Anyway, my two cents.
  23. You make each message box separated, and check the pressed options in the script to bring the next message box, like you did. There isnt a way to make each option redirect to another message box automatically, you have to script in that behavior. Probably cuz message boxes arent designed to be complex, just a "yes or no" popup and something happens afterward.
  24. My mistake was trying to play this after New Vegas. If i came directly after Oblivion i'd be thinking "woah, this is good!" But sadly, i played Fallout 3 in the middle, from wich Beth could have "imported" a lot of ideas (several skill checks, a lil bit of the humor, etc) and after that, New Vegas, though in that case they'd need to hire Obsidian's writers to "import" stuff from it. After those two, which made as RPGs a bunch of steps forward, you play Skyrim's quests and think "WTF is this?" Im not going to say it is a bad game, but im not going to say that is a GOTY either (hell, it even made it to the "technology" category in the GDC Awards! ) but it lacks a serious amount of attention in the narrative part, characters and things like that. Im still amazed they can say that they have a 1 hundred people team, from which only 8 are level designers, EIGHT people designed 100 dungeons. I mean, WTF, dungeons are like 50% of the game if not more and they only have less than 10% of the people working on that? WTF is everyone else doing if not level design? I know they're not coding sht because there is probably two dudes in charge of that so thats how we end with the PS3 issues and the "oops, set up the compiler to optimize for twenty year old CPUs!" in the PC version...
  25. So the FormList only is persistent on the cell it was created? Did you tried killing the actors inside a cell, then getting outside, kill something there, check the list outside, then enter into the cell again to check the list there? It looks like the engine looses track of what the list is pointing at once you get out of the cell where the list was filled.
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