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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. i was saying, that they wont matter to me. Save games made useful in sequels usually has to do with choice you made and end game stuff in the first one. since i didnt finish, even if they decided to use saved game content (think Mass Effect) it wouldnt matter to me. as such i wouldnt feel the need to get DD2 on PS3/PS4 and would just get it on PC


    i mention this because sometimes ill play a game (Mass Effect 2 and Borderlands for example) on PS3, then a sequel (ME3 and BL2) comes out that uses saved game content, and im torn if i want to take advantage of that and buy the sequel on console, or just get it on PC (for both of those games, ME2 and BL1, i didnt have a gaming console when they came out, but i had one by the time their sequels came out)....in the case of BL2, i got it for console, and later got it for PC. i have yet to get ME3, and i might do the same, get for for both. for ME2 in particular, ive played through the game 4 times, getting a bunch of different outcomes and choices. that said, and im veering off topic so this will be my last statement pertaining to this, I heard ME3s saved game choices didnt even amount to much anyways. (then again, neither did BL2, just some alt skins lol)


    anyways ya, if DD2 comes out on PC, ill most likely be getting it for PC.

  2. oh no no no no. PS fanboy here. ill get a PS4 come Marchish. besides, playing games with a TV on in the background is not the same as being on the same screen and messing s#*! up like on XBox lol.


    and yes, im absolutely looking forward to DD2. i didnt, and probably wont finish DD1, so idc if they implement save game stuff, so ill be getting it on PC if its there.

  3. i thought so. the way they were talking about no mod support, made it sound like there was a PC version.


    i really wanna go back and play the game, but i dont like console gaming anymore. lol i feel like im missing out on TV if im playing console. i like to watch TV while i play PC, and if im playing console i cant do that :tongue:


    i might just have to hook my console up to my monitor. thatll solve my problem

  4. FO3 was green. everything was a nice shade of green! ;)


    A Fallout based shortly after the war. would have to have been one of the first vaults to open. hence, would there be many other people?


    i would really like to be able to talk to more things, human, mutant ghoul or otherwise, that where there, or had a direct connection to (parent, grandparent, etc) to the War and before. there was a ghoul in FO3 who was from the war, and it was really cool talking to it, plus the Chinese Ghouls.

  5. Not to mention all the optimization will be for AMD Vishera architecture because of consoles.

    People are looking way to much into this. Just because the consoles are using AMD CPUs and whatever GPUs and whatnot, doesnt mean that if you have such for PC your games will run that much better. power is power. Intel puts out more of it in comparing CPUs. idc what the new consoles have, if you have a good CPU youll run next gen games without noticing a difference between models.


    im not trying to argue about Intel vs AMD. my PC has an Intel. my budget builds use AMD. im just saying all this "Well the consoles use X so if my PC uses X ill get an edge" talk is such bologna,



    actually ive been laughing at any comment recently where people are worried about the new consoles affecting their PCs. yes the new consoles are an upgrade. their tech is great, but its not top of the line. any good gaming PC built in the last few years is gunna play any next gen game. every new PC game was already "next gen" Witcher, and Crysis and Metro were already harder to run games then any console next gen game will be. if your PC can run that youll be fine. the new consoles arent so powerful they are going to give good PCs a run.

  6. many reviews cite how the Kinect will react to normal conversation by thinking its hearing something and reacting by unpausing the game or changing the channel. not only would this annoy me to no end, and theres nothing you can do about it because Kinect is required, but it also means Kinect is in fact, always listening.


    dont get me wrong. the fact you can use your console as a universal remote is cool. but not a feature gamers care about in the least really. and not one worth having an always on, always watching/listening Kinect.


    There is nothing Microsoft could do that would entice me to buy an XBone. yea they seem to have a decent line up of games that arent Halo, Gears and CoD, some of them even interest me, but we'll see how long that lasts.


    then theres always the wonder if the next patch will re-implement a previously removed DRM. nothing is stopping them from doing that either.


    I wont be getting my PS4 till hopefully february/march. just in time for Destiny. i pre ordered it for Beta access, but now im not too sure if ill be able to get the PS4 before the game launches, or in time for the Beta.



    also i gotta take a minute to laugh everytime i see a comment that runs along the lines of "im a true gamer, i buy all the consoles. a true gamer would buy everything to have access to anything!" first off, i couldnt afford all 3 consoles (including the Wii-U here) by themselves, nevermind the games to support them. second, I consider myself a gamer. I get the best of the best of gaming by owning a solid PC. i will grab a console mostly for couch coop with my gf. i dont need 3 consoles for that, nor two! 9 times out of 10 if im playing a solo game its on PC and internet multiplayer (though rare excluding MMO) a PC as well. so i always laugh at all those types of comments who try to be superior because they will own both (or all 3) consoles...as i said earlier, even if i could afford an XBone i wouldnt, same with a Wii-U (and thats because im not the type to get excited for the new Mario or Zelda game)

  7. if youre forking out "that much" money, why not get a board with PCI 3.0? might not make a difference yet, but it might in the future, and the cost difference is negligible.


    im assuming youre buying this PC whole, and not putting it together, considering all the pieces are generic.


    also, find out the manufacturer of the PSU.

  8. im trying not to overhype myself about FO4, or try to think too much about what i want or dont want in it. the more i do that, the more likely i am to be dissappointed when it comes out. games are rarely ever how we picture them, when we start to hype them up. im just going to wait until trailer and footage before i start hyping myself up. that way i can at least hype myself about something ive seen lol.

  9. Went to Best Buy and amazingly they had both the Naga 2014 and the G600 on display. After trying them both out the winner is without a doubt the G600. It felt way more solid. The buttons were very easy to find and click and the ring finger button didn't press too easily at all. And the side buttons were easy to press but I doubt I could accidentally click them... I didn't like the nagas buttons at all. And the mouse buttons felt like they are on hair triggers. Just moving the mouse and I was accidentally clicking them.


    I didn't see any on the shelf for the G600 so I'll probably order one off newegg on sunday. Plus electronic receipts are easier to keep track of lol.


    Thanks for you're help. I'm very certain about this and very happy. I'll post back in a couple weeks once I've used it for a bit and State my final opinions.

  10. i already have the g500 lol, its what im looking to replace. though i like it, i just want more buttons.


    looked into the G600 a little more and its got a lot going for it. its basically the Naga, but cheaper and you can change the LED color lol. plus, its like $30 cheaper


    the one thing the Naga 2014 has going for it is the buttons are mechanical, making them easier to press, but not easily mistakinly, just easier smoothly (from what im reading ofc)


    @insanityman: do you find the third mouse butting, the "ring finger button" annoying? do you find that you press it a lot? this seems to be the most common Con to pop up about the G600, though idk if it would really bother me. if worst came to worst i would just unmacro it. but i figured id ask for your opinon anyways.



    im not sure if any local stores would really either have either of these mice on display. if not even carry them. my best hope would be to have them carry them, and be able to open a front cover of the box or something and be able to hold the mouse through the plastic mold. rough, but would stil give me a better idea. i know Best Buy carries Razer products, but for Logitech i fear they will carry only lower end stuff or older stuff. Logitech has soo much stuff, itd be hard to carry everything lol.


    might be able to get out tomorrow to check out BB. if not, im leaning towards the G600 atm. no rush on buying so got plenty of time to weigh options and hear opinons.

  11. ive only been looking at mouses since today, but i think i wanna buy a new mouse shortly. i have a Logitech G500 atm and i do like it, though theyve been not so reliable. im on my second one (through warranty) and i almost got a 3rd, but the problem resolved itself. the main reason id like to grab a new mouse, is id like more buttons on the side. the G500 has 2, and thats nice for browsing, and i always use them in games for opening the map or melee or something. but i always have a few other things i wish i could map to a button next to my thumb. this has become more realized as ive been playing GW2 again for the passed couple of months and is always something i think about whenever i start any RPG like FO3 or Torchlight, or even FarCry 3.


    the two mice ive narrowed it down to are the Razer Naga and the Razer Hex. normally not a huge fan of Razer. heard a lot of crap about them when i was researching keyboards (got a Corsair K90 btw) but of the mice i see recommended for MMO/RPGs these two are the only two i like. i was also looking at the Corsair M95, but i dont like the button placement. i want to reduce the amount i have to press buttons with the knuckle of my thumb. this is the issue with the naga as well, but i dont see it as much of an issue with the hex.


    the one thing im not excited about for the Naga is the fact is has so many buttons (which is also a Pro for it) 12 buttons is a lot (plus the wheel buttons and stuff too) i doubt id ever use them, and theres no where to rest my thumb when i dont wanna press buttons, unlike the naga, which has a space for your thumb. i like that the Hex has fewer buttons. it seems like it would be easier to find which button i wanna press, and less room for error. also, as i mentioned, i wouldnt be pressing as many buttons with the knuckle of my thumb, with the Naga i feel like the bottom six buttons (if they even get used) would mostly be pressed with my knuckle, or id have to really bend my thumb....the one plus of 12 buttons, is knowing i have more then enough buttons. that itd be extremely unliking to run into a scenario where i dont have enough buttons. i doubt id need more then 6 with the Hex, but still. in this one Pro, id rather have buttons i dont use, then wish i had more buttons.


    the only thing i can really do is see if Best Buy or Staples or something carry either of these two in store, where i can maybe place it in my hand. the only way to know for sure what is better would be to see how comfortable it is for me to reach the buttons with my thumb. if the Naga was indeed comfortable for me, it would be the obvious choice, but if it wasnt, then the Hex might be the answer.



    anyways, Do any of you have either of these mice? or the Corsair M95? any other mice youd recommend?


    Thanks All! :D

  12. haha so apparently, i havent been logged into the PSN for awhile. which i didnt know. i go on my PS3 usually every weekend, friends list was up, and stuff so i never thought about it. but i wasnt technically logged in until i went to vist the PSN Store for the first time in a couple months. i logged in and i needed an update (never knew that either) apparently when you need an update you dont get emails, they dont show. its funny cause i was wondering how i wasnt getting any emails. so i updated, and lo and behold, i had a bunch of emails. mostly from friends, but i also had two emails from Namco Bandai inviting me to a Dark Souls 2 beta. one at the end of October, and one at the beginning of Nov. too bad i never knew about it because my emails never showed because i needed an update i never knew about. i totally would have participated. the Nov one was on the 9th, which was about 2 weeks from the October one. im hoping i get another one in 2 weeks. im kinda disappointed about all this. im so undecided about DkS2 that i would have been amazing to get in there and try out the beta.

  13. i actualy went back the other day, just to check out my toons. its cool you can use characters that were previously under subscription. some F2P MMOs you cant play a character that was on a higher level of subscription. like Champions Online, all my toons are Gold Level, but im not subscribed at the moment, making me Silver Level, meaning i cant even log in to any of my toons.....so it was cool to at least be able to log into my toons who were created and played only under subscription. i havent gone back since its been F2P (except for those 5 minutes i just mentioned) but i might try it again sometime.....atm Guild Wars 2 still has my attention

  14. then i hope we keep seeing it. one of the best graphics games of last generation was also one of the first games to come out. since, not many games could match it. im talking of MGS4, and i bring it up because i hope devs dont just push the hardware from the get go, then do whatever is fast and easy. i hope they keep at it, and keep pushing the hardware. at least the exclusives.

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