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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. eh, my thing is just trying to keep it looking forward. quad core at this point is pretty main stream (even if not used effectively), even most smart phones run quad now. so looking ahead, considering this could be her PC for the next 10 years, id rather grab her a quad core now. Dual Cores might be enough for now, but whos to say in the coming years. if not in applications, then maybe in OS, wouldnt surprise me if Windows 9 and later start using 2 or more cores by themselves. know what i mean?

  2. So, if you dig through the archives, youll see I made this exact same thread about a year and a half ago. i figured Id just remake it, instead of necroing it.


    Ive been planning this build for my Parents (more specifically my Mom) for a while now. ive finally built up the money to build it for her. below is what ive picked out. I havent payed to much attention to the hardware market since i build my PC in 2012, so im not 100% sure if what i got is whats necessary. If anything, i feel like i dont need to go as strong as i did...what i have listed and the price is as expensive as id like to go. while i dont mind spending the amount, if I can cut some prices here and there, I wont complain. the price comes up to $700...$620. but ill explain a little more after the list.


    Case: SilverStone PS09B

    Mobo: MSI FM2+ Micro ATX

    CPU: AMD 760K

    PSU: Seasonic 360W 80+ Gold

    RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600 Corsair Vengeance**

    Optical: Asus DVD Burner

    OS: Windows 7 Pro 64bit


    **so the first thing i Need to point out, is this is not the RAM going into her PC. she will actually be getting my current RAM, 8GB DDR3 1333 G.Skill, and the RAM listed will be going into my PC. also, you will notice the absence of a Hard Drive. She will be getting a 128GB Crucial M4 that i already have, so its price is not included. As far as the PC goes, I was just looking to get the best bang for my buck, while staying cheap. she will be upgrading from an old Windows Vista (or XP, idr, because currently has Windows 7 x32), 4GB DDR2 RAM (which i had upgraded her from 1GB), a 1GHz Dual Core Processor, and an old IDE HDD. so you can see, that no matter what goes in it, she will be receiving a hell of an upgrade. that said, i dont need the best of the best, or anything crazy. no GPU is necessary as she only plays a few facebook games here and there. She mainly uses it for Internet and email, and Excel. but i wanna make sure that whatever goes in there, will last her as long as possible. her PC really does need to be future proof as it could be another 10 years before it gets upgraded again.


    The only other stipulation is the case. It needed to be as unfancy as possible. no fancy edges or colors or anything. but i wanted to have USB 3.0, because by the time this thing gets upgraded again i wouldnt be surprised if USB 4.0 is out haha. and it need to be front facing, as ports located on the top wouldnt be accessed easily where the PC Tower will be...and on that note, no front door or anything either, as it wouldnt be able to be opened fully haha.


    let me know what you guys think. if i could shave any money off anywhere on the build. or if theres something im over or under thinking.


    thanks all!

  3. There are still more people playing DKS2 than there were in DKS1 and DS combined, likely due to its larger sales figures.

    No? Dark Souls 2 has sold 1.2 million copies in NA/EU (no figure for World Wide), but Dark Souls sold 1.2 Million as well in NA/EU with with 2.37 million worldwide. Demons Souls sold 500k in NA and 200k in Japan. so no, there arent more players currently then there were combined. in fact, for any single console, its probably about the same. and the sales figures for DkS2 and DkS1 are roughly the same. im sure DkS2 will pass it, once its been out for the same amount of time, but still. not a large gap by any counts.

  4. im at 81 (out of 95) games i havent played....some of them ive started, but i considered "played" as got through at least a good chunk of the game while understanding its mechanics and such.

  5. he was talking about the internet/youtube community, not its players.


    i still havent beaten DkS2, havent even played it in over a month. i wanted to platinum it, like i did Demons Souls and Dark Souls, but the game is just more of the same. its not enjoyable anymore for me. at this point, im not entirely sure if ill even finish it. i was always on the fence about getting it in the first place, now i might not even go back to it, at least not any time soon.

  6. i understand i could be lucky, but ive never gotten virus using free software. i personally dont see the point in buying Anti Virus software, when free options are just as good. I use Spy Bot, Malwarebytes and MSE. i update weekly and scan monthly. i also make sure my OS is updated weekly. and I use Chrome with Adblock and Ghostery and a few other things.


    as such i honestly go against this and recommend to people NOT to BUY software, and to use freeware instead. AFAIK, no one ive recommended this to, whos done it, has had any problems. again i understand and would fully admit, no scenario is a catch all. you could use all Freeware and get viruses, and you could buy software and never get any, or vice versa.



    also MACs get get viruses!. had to put that out there for any MAC user who wants to come on here and say that MACs are virus immune.

  7. my major comment would be on the SSD and HDD planning you have. put your OS on the SSD. thats where you will notice the difference in the speed of your computer. putting games on an OS does very little, and does nothing as far as performance or FPS. the only things it does it cause the game to boot up slightly faster and lesses load times a little bit. if you have extra room on your SSD, by all means put Skyrim and/or some other games on there. but it shouldnt be priority. your OS should be


    yes 1080p is a very noticeable jump from 720p....idk what textures you should go with, i say 4k, but i have no reasons to back that up with lol.


    build itself looks fine. what is your budget?

  8. bought Age of Mythology for $17.99. more expensive then i would like, but its worth it. ive been wanting to play it for awhile, but its buggy on a new system. so its well worth it.

  9. every time a good next gen game comes out, people always say "hopefully this will set the bar....hopefully games will try to live up to this....hopefully this will be the norm soon enough" but thats not the case, and it never is. all it does is make other games that come out look bad or half assed. by the time games like that become the norm, we will be several "gens" down the road hoping games would be on par with whatever is the next gen title at the time.

  10. just ate my own words


    just bought:

    Brothers: a Tale of Two Sons (I remember hearing good things) - $2.99

    Metro Last Light Complete (Still havent played Metro 2033, which i have) - $6.79

  11. lol you guys are all getting games i have:


    Borderlands - check

    Skyrim - check

    Deus Ex - check

    Dragon Age - check

    Saints Row - check

    The Witcher - check


    youre not helping me find new games! lol i basically have any game thatd strike my fancy (for lack of a better phrase) at this point anyways.

  12. i havent seen anything i want. already have Borderlands 2 and all the DLC from the last sale. honestly im at the point where i either have the game, dont want the game, or have so many games already that i know damn well i wont get around to playing whatever game strikes my fancy lol

  13. i must be the only one who doesnt want the white PS4? i know im in the minority who doesnt think all white items look cooler (a la phones, pc cases, etc)


    unless the bundle saves me $100 or something, id rather just buy it seperately just to get a black ps4

  14. Destiny is what I want to see. Game comes out in a few months, and they had real gameplay last E3, so it wouldnt be much to ask for for them to have some new gameplay this year. i think Bungie's conference is today.


    i havent been following E3 as far as live streams go, but between facebook and whatnot, ive been reading on whats been shown and watching trailers for games that interest me.

  15. i dont have my hopes up per say, but im definitely hoping that they do announce it. i remember seeing the FO3 announcement on G4. where they launched teddy bears out of the handmade gun you could make haha.


    anyways ya. honestly it woudlnt surprise me if they announced TES 6 this year over FO4 :/

  16. building a computer is actually very simple. most of the pieces only fit one way, so you cant put something in the wrong place.


    also the only tool you really need is a phillips head screwdriver. no soldering or other tools required.


    i say this to everyone (even those who say they dont want to build it themselves)....Build it yourself.


    - Youre going to build it for cheaper then damn near every other option, since you are paying the price for the part and thats it. no middle man, little markup since its coming straight from the vendor and you yourself are the labor.

    - Youre going to get the best parts for performance since you can do research and mix and match. no sticking with one brand. no having limited options. the whole of the internet is at your disposal.

    - On that note, the whole of the internet is at your disposal. not just for parts, but for reviews, videos, comparisons, suggestions, etc, etc.

    - Once you build it, its that much better because you build it. Its yours. Plus you will then have an understanding of how it works, making it more likely you may be able to solve a possible problem in the future, also saving you money.

    - Its easy and fun. as i said, you only need a single screwdriver and youre good to go. 99% of the parts only fit one way (how they are shaped). depending on how much research you do going in will affect how long it takes to build, but a good estimate would be 2-3 hours.


    If you want to go ahead with this, do your research. theres tons of videos out there on how to build a PC. i can iterate enough how simple it is. its a common misconception that its hard and complex and that youll break everything. just dont force anything (that said, most items need a good push to fit securely into their socket) but yea. tons of info out there. plus the many people here who would help you pick out a parts list (with a given budget) and give you direction....the big thing is is dont rush. save your money. do your research. pick your parts carefully. know what you are doing. and have fun. it truly is fun to build your own Beast.

  17. i think at this point people dont like to pay to play because the F2P (Guild Wars 2 for example) has proven successful. so if a F2P model can be successful, why even have a sub model?


    as far as micro trans, i dont disagree with it. the games that put stuff youd normally get through play, as a buyable item, that kind of stinks. so they player who doesn want to (or cant) spend extra money, gets beat by those who just bought all their stuff. this however only matters for PvP. if you cant use said items in PvP, then it doesnt matter how OP you bought yourself for PvE....other things like cosmetics, or items that make PvE easier (in GW2's case items like boosts, or infinte harvest items) thats fine. i for one have spent money on those infinite harvest items, several extra toon slots (enough for one of each and one for my gf and a mule, i think thats 10, when you start with 5) as well as an extra bank slot and ect. ive probably spent just as much in this stuff, as i would have with a sub fee. but i didnt have to spend on both, and the micro stuff was all optional.

  18. then you may ignore my statement about complaining.


    to say it was successful, i disagree. it had potential. it worked. it could have been better. but it wasnt successful. success would be measured in how many selling games utilized a Kinect with good reviews, and how people took to it. now i dont have an xbox, so i could be wrong, but i dont see AAA games really using the Kinect any more so then PS3 games used the Sixaxis motion of the PS3 controller. same scenario, people didnt really care for it either. in either case. i never hear people being excited for Kinect, excited to hear a game uses Kinect, etc etc. so to say it was successful is just twisting reality. The concept is good, the hardware is pretty good and the software, and although it could all be improved greatly upon, Kinect was a step forward.


    you seem to think Sony is going to do nothing because they have 1080p? what wins in a console war now? it certainly isnt exclusives, as each system is slowly getting less and less first part exclusives. when 90% of the games that come out are multiplatform, it isnt strictly the games that win a war. its hardware, its performance, and its reputation. the latter being the biggest. hardware is near identical (and to the masses it is) but with Sony winning the specifics. performance same thing, identical to the masses, but the info says Sony wins on that. Lastly is the reputation, which we all know Sony killed on that, especially to the masses. as the article says, people who dont follow this closely wont even know about Xbox changes, they are only going to know about what happened at launch last year...Xbox 360 was successful because parents heard about it and bought it for their kids. now those same kids are older, buying their own stuff, or at least having their own input on which system to buy. even xbox fans jumped ship because of reputation. and that is what will stop X1 from beating sony. the reason theres been no news from Sony since last E3 is because they havent had to have any. Xbox has had news because theyve had to change everything. them constantly being in the news isnt a good thing. its because so many things were wrong. again all they are doing is turning their console into what Sony had from the Start.

  19. sounds like you just dont like Sony. i pointed out im biased before i gave my opinions, i suggest you start doing the same, otherwise you just sound like some troll who likes to complain and you cant be taken seriously.


    and idk who you were referring to being upset, but if it was me, i can assure you, youre wrong. i dont plan on getting an xbox, ever, so their moves dont "upset" me.


    and at least Sony tries things. not necessarily new things, but regardless. Xbox clung to the Kinect because Kinect had massive potential. people dont want it. its as simple as that. the only people that want it are the Just Dance type gamers. everyone else knows its useless. idk about you, but when I Game, i like to relax ona couch or in a chair. not standing up waving my arms. and i dont really care to wave my hands at a TV to work the UI, im fine using a controller. and face recognition same thing, whoop de do. its all cool. features that dont hurt it by any means, and would be cool if PS4 had it sure, but they are gimmicks for the Kinect. using it in the simplest way possible. so Kinect is a Fail. and i cant make a list because what else has Xbox done? nothing.


    and they expanded free games with gold...matching Sony again, Sony has had that for years. so as you say, they are "going in strong" but all they are doing is matching Sony. which makes sense, and yet they still have the weaker console. so they can never truly match Sony no matter what they do.


    at this point Sony wont fall behind. there's nothing Microsoft can do to make their console the better. all they can do is match Sony at best. and they dont "think" they won a year ago..they did. i mean its obvious and to refute otherwise is just idiotic, for lack of a better term. look back on this thread, its clear Sony won. look at the numbers, its clear Sony won. hell, look at the numbers for PS3, Sony won then too, just not in America.



    as i said before, im a Playstation person. always have been, and at least as of this new generation I still am. you dont need to try to convince me that xbox will somehow come out on top, or win, or what have you, because it wont happen. and even if it does, personally idc who wins as there will still be a PS5 and so on. ill still get the games i want on PS4 and i still have a gaming PC. im not a console gamer by a long shot. theres 2 games right now i want on PS4 and thats Infamous and Destiny. 9 times out of 10 ill get the game on PC over console anyways. if Destiny was a PC game you could bet your butt that id be getting it on PC over PS4.

  20. exactly what the article said....removing the Kinect could be worse, despite the people not wanting it. Previously Devs were to assume every X1 would have a Kinect, now some may not. Itd be like removing the Pad from the PS4 controller, or Sixaxis control, etc. Devs dont like optional stuff. look at the PS Eye and its handful of crappy games lol. even the Move really.


    X1 still plays only at 720p, so for a same price console, which is slightly weaker with worse graphical output, the PS4 would still be the clear choice. as you said, unless they dropped below, matching does no good.

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