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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. Borderlands 2 on PS Vita


    i didnt want to start a new Thread just for this. but yea, finally an announcement officially price and well, Its Finally Here!!!


    not sure if id get it or not. ive moved on from the PS3 BL2 to the PC version so no need to play the same game twice when the progress doesnt affect one another. that said $200 for the PSV, memory card and a AAA title like BL2, thats gunna be hard to pass up. and if the same data is used for PS3 and PSV (which i cant imagine why it wouldnt) thats pretty awesome and a huge thing for the PSV and i can see this being a huge thing, not only for BL2, but also for the PSV and for future games!

  2. and its fans such as yourself being the reason it wont succeed. which ive always said (and im not basing you in any way, ive said this since the beginning) Skyrim fans will hop in, realize its not Skyrim, and not like the game.


    SWTOR i believe was a fully voiced game. as in every character and NPC was a different voice. it was one of its biggest promotions and why it cost so much to make.....unlike GW2 where Liam O'Brian Basically plays the entire Sylvari Race lol


    lastly the game isn't being developed by Bethesda Directly. its being developed by Zenimax Online Studios. which is owned by Zenimax Studios which owns Bethesda and a bunch of others (Id Software and Arkane Studios to name a couple of the more popular companies)

  3. the game itself will be a much smaller download im sure. MMOs are run through Clients. you dont usually have do download more then a few GB of data to your HDD. im sure its only big right now because they havent fine tuned the Client itself.


    most console only fanboys dont notice what they pay. they dont usually pay for their internet (parents) so there goes that expense. the Xbox Live and PSN fee is usually a yearly charge (depending on which option you choose ofc) so the only expense they will actually think of will be the $15 expense. and thats not too bad (in their eyes)


    i dont plan on playing it so i have no further opinions. im content with GW2 for now, still playing it since august (after a year long break) and if i ever wanna switch it up, i love spending a month or so on Champions Online lol.


    lastly "who voice acts an entire MMO"...SWTOR thats who. lol remember? that was one of thier biggest selling points!

  4. i can see the tournament mode being pretty cool in a game like this. would be cool if they made the tournaments effect the world. people would know if you participated and won or lost. maybe someone is unwilling to give you a "mission" because you lost or simply because you're barbaric and participated and youd have to find an alternate way to complete it or something. or maybe youd receive a rank in the military because you did enter and/or you did win. and in the same respect, maybe certain things open up or close down because you DIDNT enter


    if they made the PvP actually mean something, thatd be cool. so even if it doesnt appeal to you, and you decide not to do it at all, certain parts of the game would stil be affected.


    The more I read about it I like it. But as i said I'm not sold. This really isn't my cup of tea. It seems like a really boring game. There is such a thing as too realistic.



    I have to disagree with you there. Key moments in real life tend to be much more interesting than the things people imagine. Google the politics behind the Spanish Inquisition some time... It gets a hell of a lot more complex and multifaceted than most game stories I've seen.


    I'm not excited about Kingdom Come, however, because it won't be realistic. It'll be boring, sold as realistic, because every game dev I've ever seen has the impression that realism just means cutting out the fantasy stuff, rather than replacing it with real intrigue, locations, enemies, and events.


    this is opinion. i happen to think this type of game would be boring.


    im not saying real life events arent exciting, esp when given a spin. im a huge fan of The Three Kingdoms. Dynasty Warriors isnt the most ingenious game out there, but i love the story. and when you actually read the book, its so in depth. its based on true stories, but its myth at the same time.



    i still hold on to my, "there is such a thing as too realistic" statement. and its opinion, not fact. id rather play Resistance or Mass Effect then these types of games. i wanna play the badass at the end. i want to know that my experience in the game and the items ive aquired and what ive seen and done have made me into a badass.

  6. alright the first thing id say is to build it yourself. your bound to shave a couple hundred just by picking the parts yourself.


    as per your list though:


    1) get the cheaper CPU. unless you need the Hyperthreading of the 4770k. otherwise you wont even notice the difference between the two


    2) if you plan on going SLI then get the SLI board. ill tell you it shouldnt cost you $125 more then a non SLI board (going back to building it yourself and picking your own parts) if you dont plan on going SLI, then no need to get a board that can. if you need to save money though, and the Xfire board is cheaper, then its worth mentioning that by and large, AMD cards are cheaper then nvidia cards. so youd be saving money in two areas by getting that Xfire board. if you were handpicking this part, some good brands are Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, EVGA and ASRock.


    3) you can fit more then just your OS on a 120gb SSD just fyi. but SSDs arent really meant to go solo unless you get like a 500gb SSD or two. otherwise you should be getting an HDD to go along with the SSD. this is an area you might end up spending more. i would highly recommend the SSD. esp if you want fast and quiet. maybe look into getting a 1TB instead of a 2TB. some good SSDs are Crucial and Kingston and good HDDs are Western Digital Seasonic or Toshiba.


    4) I have not followed GPUs since i build my PC a little over a year ago (running a 7950 in mine) so im not sure whats good and whats not. i just did a quick Google search on the 660 vs 770 and the concencious is to get the 770. obviously if youre trying to build a PC to last as long as possible, newer is better. however a couple articles mentioned the 760 being just as good, but cheaper. at a difference of 10-20FPS depending on the game and settings. to some this is huge, others not so much. and it doesnt really matter too much if the FPS difference is over 60 FPS anyways (ie 100FPS vs 80 FPS, both will look the same in a 60FPS game) i only did a quick search though, you might want to look into it more if the 760 is an option for you. if its only 660 vs 770 though, id say 770. good brands if you handpicked would be Gigabyte, Asus, MSI or EVGA


    5) what CPU cooler is it? a heatsink or a loop (ie H110 or something?) a loop will be cooler and quieter but more expensive. 240mm vs 120mm will just figure how much cooler you want it. though a 120mm would be quieter because less fans. case fans though, depends on how many you are getting. $125 is enough to outfit an entire case with like 8-10 silent fans. Corsair Air Series fans (what i use) are silent. they are somewhat expensive at $33 for two, but worth it. at that price you are looking at 8 fans in your case for the $125. if the PC you are building swaps out less then that for the $125 jump, it may be worth just getting the normal fans and swapping them out yourself.....silence also depends on the case. I have a Fractal Arc Midi (there is an Arc Midi 2 out now) and it has rubber silencing foam on the panels to help quiet it down. keeping your fans on low through software if possible also keeps everything quiet. i have 7 fans in my PC (4 120mm and 3 140mm) and i cant hear the thing at all.


    another possible area to save money is the PSU. not by getting a cheap one (never buy a cheap PSU) but just the wattage. the difference between a 600W and a 1200W can be a couple hundred dollars at times, esp on an online builder. so look at what you selected. (a quick PSU calc, gives you a range of 475W (one GPU) to 685W (SLI) and those in themselves are usually slightly overestimated. so even if you plan on going SLI you shouldnt need more then an 750-800W PSU and thats still high. again if you were to hand pick this item, youd wanna look for something thats 80 Plus Gold (efficiency) by either Corsair or Seasonic id say. i personally run a 650W Seaonic PSU in my PC with the aforementioned 7 fans, a 240mm cooling loop, the 7950 GPU, 3570k CPU, 16GB RAM (1600) 1 SSD and 2 HDDs, and some LEDs. and i believe Id still be fine if I went Xfire. but note that my GPUs use less wattage then a 770 (though not too much)


    as i said, many of these options would be easier to save money if you picked the specific parts yourself and built it yourself (since you dont have to charge yourself to build it) not only that but on a per part basis youll be getting better parts in general, name brands, etc. but i understand this isnt always an option for some people, but i figured id stress the point a little.


    ill also note that any brands i recommended are personal opinion. theres always going to be people who swear for one or against another. i only have experience with some of the listed names, others are just ones i heard talked highly of back when I was researching my PC. I mention this because I'm not looking to start a Brand War debate on anything. I simply wanted to give you some brands to look at if you decided to look into building your own PC.

  7. The more I read about it I like it. But as i said I'm not sold. This really isn't my cup of tea. It seems like a really boring game. There is such a thing as too realistic.


    But as I've said, I'm not Completely uninterested either. The game sounds promising. And as someone who enjoys RPGs I have to keep my eye on it.


    Part of my wants to scrounge up the $40 to get into Alpha. We will see. I got 26 days to decide.


    Its like a mix of Skyrim and the Witcher and Mount & Blade I'd say. I'm personally not sold on it as i really dont enjoy medieval games like Skyrim nor really enjoy first person games that use swords like Skyrim or Mount & Blade :P


    thats not to say im completely uninterested, but I post this here more to show you guys then anything. Kickstarter project just started and they are already damn close to 2/3 the way there.

  9. i gotta say, PS3 and 4 both have outstanding graphics. to the masses not used to playing a game on Ultra on a PC, they might not even notice a difference. thats even more so when you consider the fact that not every PC can play the latest game on Ultra at 60fps. so for the majority of people, CoD or BF4 or GTA5 is going to look exactly the same on console as it would a PC.

  10. Consoles are cheaper too. I mean $400 for that tech is great. You aren't building a system for that little And getting that much.


    Space is another thing. Everyone already has a TV and consoles don't take up much space. And if you need to store it, It only uses two wires. PCs on the other hand usually require much more space. Usually a desk and chair with monitor keyboard and mouse speakers and/or headphones. You cant just pick them up and store them as they are heavier and usually use more cables. It'd be more of a hassle.


    So for someone just looking just for gaming its perfect. For parents who buy it for their kids, it doesn't require lots of room in the living room or the kids room, it's a much cheaper investment, easier to take away (grounding). Or if you live in an apartment or dorm, it takes up virtually no room compared to a PC.


    Stand alone would defeat the purpose of a MMO. If you want stand alone - then Skyrim & Oblivion is the answer. If you want to play with others, then ESO is what you want. While they are not exactly the same game, they are not mutually exclusive - you can actually play both. Depending on what you want at the time.


    There is a slight problem with that though: I can't go to Morrowind and all the other provinces, and I don't have an awesome looking character creator.


    yes you do. in the single player games.


    i thought the MMO was going to take place in the same world so you could go to Morrowind?


    and most MMOs have extremely in depth character creators.

  12. Never knew any of those games sold 15+ millon plus on a single game.....


    Like I said in GAMING tes is more successful then star wars, star trek or lotr. especially since these are licensed games which most times suck. Only one to get critical success are star wars games... Rarely. Lotr and star trek games games have the reputation of being total crap

    your argument is for a single game then. yes im sure Skyrim sold more copies then any single star wars game. but youre saying the franchise of TES is bigger then Star Wars and it isnt, even in gaming.



    I honestly think it'll be F2P within a year, if franchises like Star Wars, Star Trek and Lord of the Rings can't make the pay model work then what chance does TES have?


    when it comes to gaming TES is a much more successful and much larger franchise then any of those.


    Um no. TES is no where near the giant in gaming Star Wars is. Star Wars has an MMO, Several Lego Games, Force Unleased, Battle Front, games based on the animated clone wars show. Games on all consoles including handheld and Wii and more. And has been around much longer. TES is popular, but even in gaming it couldn't touch Star Wars.


    And Jims point was is if MMOs with fan bases like Star Wars, LotR and Star Trek can't take off, then TES doesn't stand much of a chance either.

  14. Hey Fist. I'm just Gunna throw something in from a friendly Nexus user..Linspuppy isn't banning anyone or doing anything. In fact you brought it up not a moderator. Second. What's almost as bad as breaking the rules? Arguing about them, esp in public. You went from asking a question about the rules which was answered and referenced to bashing said rules. Because there's no issue here I'd just stop before there becomes one.

    watched most of it, skipped ahead tot he demo, but i did listen to the idea behind it and what not. does seem very very cool. i do hope that PC gaming takes another leap besides graphics. seeing entire armies on a battlefield would be awesome.


    Mantle will allow for that, it lets developers use the whole CPU rather than a single core.


    no i know. thats why i said it would be cool. it would be cool to see what they talked about, on my PC in the near future !!

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