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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. you can build a micro PC system, thats roughly the size of an xbox (maybe a bit bigger) the only thing, is while you can make gaming PCs that small, they do tend to run hot. the smaller the case, the less air flow, and this is doubled if you plan to keep said case under a shelf or hidden or something


    Thor is the person you wanna talk to if you want to go this route, he was planning on building a Micro HTPC, granted he does get a little over zealous when he plans his builds, but stil he might be able to give you some pointers.


    as always with micro builds, i recommend The Node


    this was Thors Thread when he was inquiring about an HTPC.

  2. yea, i still play GW2. just just started Ni No Kuni, i like it so far, but ive only gotten 2 hours in maybe. been busy lately, and that helped. so when i do get some time in to GW2 im not as sick of it. if anything, taking some time off, doing something else, even if only for a few days or a week, is a really good remedy for a gaming rut. even if you come back to the game you left.

  3. the only title i played on PS3 by Bethesda was FO3. and maybe a few hours of FONV (before i traded it for PC)....i played FO3 extensively, 3 full times through, plus all the DLC, and never ran into bugs. occasionally the game did freeze, and id lose some progress (not much since it saves every fast travel, wait, or anytime you load) but that was significantly cut down with the Broken Steel DLC. dishonored has been out for awhile so any bugs it might have had have most likely been patched by now.


    all that said, it was Published by Bethesda, not Developed By, so you shouldnt have to be weary of Bethesdas "track record"

  4. i have very few hard copy games anymore, as 99% of my PC games are off of Steam, and this is a problem you will run into when trying to sell. hard copy resell games, unless unopened, probably wont see for much, even on Ebay.


    if you want direct swaps, then you could try Craigslist as you mention. just list the games you have, what you are looking for in return, and list what you are willing to sell them for, in case someone wants to buy not trade.


    but yea, as far as selling PC games goes, idrk.

  5. i wouldnt build a $1000 without an SSD. hell i wouldnt build any PC without an SSD.


    if you have the money to build a Gaming PC, you have the money and youll have the desire to grab an SSD, at least a 120gbfor your OS and some games and apps


    if youre looking to build a cheap cheap PC, then you probably dont need a lot of space, for example my parents. in their case a 120gb SSD is nearly as cheap as a 1TB HDD, and they only need ~60gb of storage anyways. so now they get plenty of storage with way more speed, that they will apreciate



    i got a 120gb SSD for my PC, but im going to be upgrading to a 500gb SSD shortly, so i can have all my non-Steam games on there, apps, and at least 2 OSes.

  6. i beat it 3 times normally, once with each class, and each difficulty. now ive beaten it like 4 or 5 more times with heavy modding. i like to do OP runs where its just me and Alistair and Dog. the original Grey Wardens. but ive done super Mage run throughs too. sometimes ill act like me and Alistair are Templars, or rogues, etc. i wish i could find Akatsuki uniform mods so i could do that! but a las i never found any. :(

  7. picked up DAO and DAO:A and all DLC for $5. played the s#*! out of DAO, but never played DAO:A because Steam requires you to have the Steam version of DAO in order to download and play DAO:A, and i never wanted to rebuy the game since i already had the disk. but $5 for everthing was a steal.


    also picked up Brutal Legend for $2. the only other thing ive seen so far thats caught my eye is Magic 2014 for $5. might grab that.

  8. several videos i watched when i was learning how to build a PC



    they build a system, but its not a tutorial really. but if you pay attention youll still learn

    very long video 2.5 hrs



    3 part video

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3



    old video, but the 10 tips still apply

    some tips



    again not a tutorial, but they do showcase some problems you might run into while building. i always enjoyed this one plus theres 3 PCs being built at once

    it was a race



    this is a nice video. this one is a tutorial

    1.5 hours long



    lastly while i looked up that last one, i found hes updated it. and done several other video/tutorials on builds, so you might wanna look into him more.


    hope these help.

  9. Empty is a good word to associate TES with, though. I personally wouldn't mind if ESO is full of empty servers - that would actually be better, IMO.

    except empty servers turn the game into a micro transaction game, or Devs have to rip out entire contents and make that cost a sub fee. empty servers in an MMO is not good, no matter how much you wanna play solo

  10. I have no doubt it will at least 6-12 months before they even think of doing something like this, (I don't know how long it took SWTOR to introduce this option, assuming about that area)

    Pretty darn close. game came out on December 20, 2011 and went full F2P on November 15, 2012. but i think the game was moving towards that before that.


    quoted from Wikipedia:



    "By July 2012, the subscriber base fell below 1 million, prompting EA to convert the game to free to play ... On November 15, 2012, the free-to-play option went live on all servers"


    so there might have been F2P servers as early as July/August. idr when exactly i hopped into the game, but it was before they were F2P, but after that point were the game felt pretty empty. at least on my server (which was a crap server cause my friend was on it when i joined, but stopped playing as soon as i got the game lol. so i was left on a Low server lol)

  11. Borderlands 2 is a great RPG. would be really sweet if it was an in depth RPG though, with more customized skills, points, even armor and stuff. imagine having armor reach the number of weapons. imagine if you could go down mini skill trees for each skill. sort of like what Dragon Age 2 has, where each skill has a couple of mini skills that enhance it you can grab. i would say stats too, but i couldnt see borderlands involving Vit and Strength and stuff. more like, if you wanted to mess with a tanky Assassin or something, youd find gear that puts more points into the tankier tree (sort of like it does now).


    world event boss fights, like what ive seen in Destiny, would be cool too. you awaken a Rakk Hive, or a Constructor pops down, other players can hop in your world and help you take it down.


    honestly, these little ideas i see being implement in Destiny. its having Skill Point trees for the weapons, and for the classes, with World Events. this is a game im hugely looking forward to. i like my RPGs like Fall Out and Demons Souls and Diablo and GW2, but something about FPSRPGs i find really fun (which Fall Out sort of is, just not in the same respect as BL2) maybe because classic weapon RPGs (sword, bow, etc) are over done.

  12. All I really wanted to do was to roam Morrowind with nice graphics - no subscription fee, no other members distracting me, just myself and the giant mushrooms.

    This right here will be the downfall of the game. To many people people will be playing it looking for another TES game. Which the devs have to take into account. Then all the ones looking for the next MMO. You just won't please both crowds.

  13. i basically have any game id want that theyd put on sale. the only thing i would consider getting is the Bioshock games. i think i have the second one on PS3, but i still have yet to play any of them. if i saw them cheap, or a bundle i MIGHT grab it. then again, i might be logical and realize i have sooo many games as it is, and buying another game (or three) on top of that, while im lowish on money, might not be a smart move lol.

  14. besides that thread thats on here, id never even heard of it.


    while im a hypocrite in saying this since i went out and bought a game, i wasnt so much looking for a game i didnt game, but a game i already had that i should play. my Steam List consists of numerous games, and several big titles, so the point behind this was to get peoples opinions of the titles they saw or i listed, as to which one is worthy of my time RIGHT NOW! lol.


    as i said, its a little moot point because i ended up buying a game i didnt have and on the PS3 no less, but yea lo..

  15. Worlds in Mass can be vastly Bigger then that or Skyrim. Skyrim would only take up a single map or two of an MO which cane have 20 or more maps. Easy. For example I play GW2. It's not am overly huge game compared to say WoW and probably even SWTOR was bigger then GW2 but the entire map of Skyrim would only take up maybe 2-3 zones on GW2 (depending on the zone ofc) and there's something like 15-20 zones I'd guess. Im only just passed 60% map completion so. I'm not quite sure how many there are. My point being is Skyrim is tiny Compared to an MMO. So it would be much harder to store the MMO locally vs on A server. Making stuff act differently offline would also be difficult. Normally if they want something to act differently towards a player they put the player in an instance. In. This instance things cam happen that dont in the actual World such as the player facing a world boss but weaker since it's a part of the story. Inside the instance the player can solo it. Outside the instance it might take legions of players to kill it. However you couldn't put a player in am instance offline. Since that's also on the server. Almost every aspect of an MMO is handled by the server. You really couldn't have an offline MMO.


    Basically your dilemma goes back to. The argument of them not even having a sub fee. If what you really truely want is The Elder Scrolls Offline then play the offline games. Skyrim and kin. I mean it is called TES ONLINE for a reason.


    If this game didn't have a sub fee I'd consider it. I'm not a big fan of TES and haven't even looked into. This MMO at all. But I enjoy MMOs and there is nothing stopping me from trying this one for its MMO purpose except the sub fee. The thing about this game is it seems to be attracting more TES fans then MMO fans. Which is bad because it's the MMO crowd who would be easier to convince to sub then the single player TES crowd. Plus TES fans want it for more TES experience whereas MMOers want it for the MMO experience. Same thing happened with SWTOR and it didnt work out. However there still games like STO and LOTRO still kicking. But track record shows when you try to bring fanboys (not used in the derogatory sebse) of a series to an MMO you can't please both crowds... For long anyways

  16. i have Killling Floor!


    and idk. honestly not too many indie games pop up that i see that i like. sidescroller, first person, third person, none have looked good. most have crappy graphics, and i am one of those that cant play games that look like they are fromt he 90s unless i in fact played it in the 90s.


    the ones that do seem worth trying are $25+, which sometimes isnt much, and sometimes is a lot for a game. atm, good game or not, i cant afford it really so even the indie games that look good have to get passes from me.


    just looking at Steam and i see Wasteland 2 is in its early release stage, which is good to see. i didnt back it on Kickstarter, and i dont come from the age of the original or the original FOs, but the game did look good to me. may be a game i purchase in the near future. maybe. early access is $60, and those are usually more expensive then the game, $15 got you the game on Kickstarter so im hoping to see the game go for $20 or something once released.

  17. i dont play the PS3 version anymore. once i went PC i couldnt go back. unless i play with my gf, but weve been hooked on D3 lately.....in PS3 im sitting at 64 i think on PC 46 haha.game got boring before i could make it to 72. i barely made it to 61 in BL1. game is great, but after level cap, or the first extension, nothing is new, and it takes soooo long to hit higher levels, it gets boring before then.

  18. Give me FO3. I'm brokenergy on steam.


    As for what you could play some smaller developer titles like antichamber or the stanley parable, stardock. Jade empire, saints row 4, if you want a challenge cursader kings 2 with game of thrones mod, then there is the bard's tale, tomb raider 2013, alan wake. Depends on your taste really. If you want more ideas, I can give more.

    i got FO3 after i played it on PS3. i havent played it simply because i havent been in the mood, but i got the GOTY for like $5. eventually ill play it. the 2 hours was just installing mods and making sure they worked lol.


    as far as all those, well i dont own any of them. and im not an indie guy in the slightest. im not very pickie when it comes to games, but i dont like indie games. i sterotype, but its all side scrolling crap to me lol. SR4, Tomb Raider, and Alan Wake i would play, if i had them.


    I vote for Dishonored. Epic game, imo. And the DLC is great, if you don't have it.


    Otherwise, I noticed you have KOTOR but not TSL (at least not on Steam).

    The Restored Content mod for TSL is pretty much finished, and it makes TSL a more fitting sequel to KOTOR, so I recommend The Sith Lords as well.

    The widescreen patcher for TSL works a lot better than the one for KOTOR, by the way.


    There's also No More Room In Hell, if you're looking for good cooperative multiplayer. It's free, but the quality is higher than most of the paid indie games on Steam.

    yea Dishonored was one i was thinking of.


    i have KOTOR, never really played it. i got it cause it was $2 and ive heard soo many great things about it, but im soo bad at playing out dated games, esp ones i have no nostalgia for. that said, ive always wanted to really try to get into it. i just need more motivation for it haha. i might try it this time though.


    i do like coop games. do you have it?

  19. so as of late ive basically only been playing GW2. restarted the game back up in August after taking almost a year off. got into a guild and ive greatly been enjoying it. got a Necro up to 80, been doing stuff with it daily (including dailies haha) and been messing with several other classes. however, the days where i log in for a greater part of the day are winding down. i still log in for dailies, and some other things, but its only for a couple of hours before i finish and im done. so im thinking its time to play something else. i wont stop GW2 entirely. i do like to get my dailies, because they will be useful for if/when i start really playing heavily again, but im not sure what I want to play next. I have, what i consider, a Huge Steam Library (picture below) but im unsure of what game I want to hop into. i post this because, well idk, maybe someone can convince me to play a certain game.


    Ive also got a PS3, with several games I havent touched, but idk if im in the mood to play my PS3 either lol. but i guess ill list those games as well.




    God of War 3

    Folklore (continue)

    Dragons Dogma (continue)

    Metal Gear Rising

    Assassins Creed Brotherhood


    also considering buying Ni No Kuni:Wrath of the White Witch.

    there are a few other games I'd consider going back to, but games ive already played.



    as for PC see the attached pictures. obviously you cant tell which ones Ive played but i wont tell you. ill just let you have at it with suggestions. hearing someone else say i should play X game might convince me to play it and help with my indecisiveness :tongue:

    i dont know how to resize pictures for posting without making the actual picture smaller, so i just stuck them in spoiler tags













    hope to hear some suggestions as to what i should play lol. i know i said id leave it up to you, but the only ones I dont want to play are Skyrim and FONV. ive played both, quite a bit, and while i would play them again, atm i dont want to. i dont enjoy either of them enough to head back to them right now. FO3 is still up for grabs, ive spent hundreds of hours on it on PS3, but havent played but 2 hours on PC. that said, i am sort of holding out hope for games that this site isnt based on lol. but im open to anything.


    thanks for helping with my random quest guys! hahah

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