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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. as FMod said, dont go with water cooling. its not for beginners.


    to answer your question though, System Watercooling is when the entire system is watercooled; CPU and GPU and sometimes even the RAM and the Northbridge of the mobo, sometimes more....CPU cooling is just the CPU. and if thats all youre going to do, an H100i or equivalent will suit you just fine, and you cant really mess that up, as its closed loop (meaning you cant add water or anything) and it needs no maintenance.

  2. Fair enough, if you want to consider any game that has character development and RPG then that's your prerogative. I don't consider them RPGs, but consider them to be action games with RPG elements, at most.


    For me, an RPG is a game that not only has character development, but where player agency also plays a big role in the game. You should have an impact on the world and the world should react to your actions and decisions. Aside from the character existing, this is not the case in games like Borderlands where there is only one way to play through the game. The easiest recent example would be Dragon Age, where your actions have a direct, visible impact on the story and how it plays out.


    That's not to say I dislike games like Borderlands, just that I don't consider them RPGs simply for containing basic RPG elements.

    this is exactly what i said a pure RPG would be. i didnt say Borderlands was the prime example of an RPG, but its still an RPG. its a game in which you Role Play a Character and choose how he develops. its just a very simplified version of it. it really is no different then Diablo, which you arent going to tell me isnt an RPG. again youre thinking of RPGs are only such if they adhear to the strictest and purest rules of an RPG. but thats not the case for every RPG. today, instead of a game being a pure RPG, games just take elements from RPGs like open world, trees, character development and/or choices, and stick them in games. because these elements are great additions to any game. so the game is no longer just an FPS or just an action game or just an RPG, it becomes a blend. but to say its neither of those is wrong. it would become and FPSRPG or and ARPG

  3. yea im home now i can check. i just wasnt at home when i was posting before. thanks for your help FMod, very greatly appreciated!


    EDIT: while i cant check the individual pins or anything because i dont have the necessary tools, i did take the cable from my previous laptop (same exact one) and placed it in, and i still got the white screen. while it is possible the second cable ribbon is also damaged (its an old heavily damaged laptop, it wouldnt surprise me if it too was damaged) im going to go ahead and hope that its the screen thats messed up. sometime soon ill purchase a screen and hope it works. $50 isnt too much if its not the problem, but i dont haave that money at the moment, so its gunna have to wait another week or so because i can go through with it. gotta get my car checked first, somethings wrong, so itll all depend on how that situation goes lol



    anyways, thanks FMod for your time and help. when the time comes and i get a screen ill report back here just to wrap it up whether the screen worked or not,

  4. I don't remember honestly. If I had to think about it is wanna say no. I think i remember having to manually select for it to show up on an external screen, now that i think of it.


    So would buying a replacement screen be a solution? If the cable or connection is the problem it could be the connection on the screen and not the cable itself right?


    Thanks for you're response FMod. You were honestly the person I was looking lookin to hear back from.

  5. The Arc midi has filters on the front. And i think on the bottom on the PSU intake. I can't remember for sure. I won't be able to check until Sunday. The front had one for sure though and the top as well . The side window panel has soundproofing too.


    The case supports any PSU even 1200w which are longer as well as any GPU.


    As for a what a "rotating unit case" is, im not sure. Try googling it and telling us what you come up with.

  6. i got a Fractal Arc Midi, and theyve since come out with a newer version, so thats what id recommend. its got a beautiful inlay window, plenty of space, cable grommets, and a nice clean look to it. space for a top 120x2mm rad (and i think it can fit a 140x2mm rad too, not sure if mine can or not, but maybe the new one) actually you can fit a 120x2mm in the front too. case has plenty of room for water cooling if you went that route. just an all around nice case. i spent months looking for a case, and this is what i settled on.

  7. I have an older Asus G51V laptop I'd peg around 6-7 Year's old. It's sat untouched for about a year now give or take. I thought the only thing wrong with it was that it had a Grey stripe showing up in the screen. Now today the entire screen is white. I say I thought because maybe it was a white screen before. I cannot recall.


    Anyways I wanted to see if it was the screen that failed so I ran some tests. I plugged the laptop into a monitor via VGA but the monitor didn't read the laptop. Tried again with my TV via HDMI and still nothing. I took apart the laptop and checked the connection on the screen. It was good. I thought maybe the hard drive was blank (i had been moving HDD around before so it was possible) and that was stopping an external screen from reading it so I popped In the SSD from my PC. Still nothing on the external screens. When the laptop boots I can hear the Asus explosion that happens on boot as well as the Win7 chime when it boots to desktop.


    The fact that nothing is showing on an external monitor makes me wonder if it's the GPU? If it is I think I can replace it. But I'd rather it just be the screen. I just don't wanna drop the $50 on the screen unless I kmow that that's the problem.


    So any ideas? Does this sound like a faulty screen or a faulty gpu? thanks for your help all.

  8. but they are not truly RPGs.

    no, they just arent classic RPGs. RPGs, like every game, evolve. RPGs today are the Borderlands and the FallOuts. which i dont mind at all. but an RPG is any game where you RolePlay a character and make choices on how that character develops. some are simple like Borderlands in that you just choose how you play a class. some are more in depth like Fall Out where you choose right and wrong and etc. a pure RPG would have every action have a unique outcome so no two characters are the same.


    RPG has come to define any sort of open world sandbox games with some form of Skill Tree and or Leveling. ive always been one thats said that Skill Trees/leveling are almost never a bad addition to a game. it gets a sense of advancement and achievement and a sense of choice and customization


    as i said before, Destiny is they RPG im currently looking forward to. but even then its just for the Skill Trees everywhere. i like being able to use something and unlock stuff the more i Use it.


    If you could truly create a unique character in borderlands, that would be sweet. just give a gigantic skill tree, sort of the Souls series approach where starting class really only affects youre starting equipment and maybe your personal story origins. you would then pick anywhere on a skill tree map and start from there. this would let your class become almost anything. you want a theif that tanks, you just need to head that way into the Tree, or how about a Healer that does DPS, head that way into the tree. a Ranged DoT class or a Melee glass cannon. if you can think of it you can build it. now make the game use any and every weapon. you wanna rock a sword a la Zer0, but no guns, go for it. you wanna rock a ranged toon with a bow and a sniper? go for it. duel wield an axe and a pistol or a hammer and a shield? you could have crazy combos, and skill trees, and badass looking chracters with this amount of weapon customization. i think a game with both guns and swords would be cool. especially if you have a skill tree that can reflect that. then the hammers and the swords could do crazy stuff that borderlands weapons do.

  9. honestly, to me, it seems like the iMac would be better choice. i mean, i love my PC gaming, but if you already use a Mac, and use it for work and such i couldnt genuinely suggest you to completely forgo MAc just to get a PC. yes PC is cheaper, and can handle a wider variety of games natively but Mac is getting there, its getting better. if you prefer a Mac and use it for work and need it, just get it.



    on the earlier mention of Win 7 vs Win 8. i have Win 8 on a VM on my PC so i can mess with it. and i hate it. its such a crap design. works alright on a tablet or touch screen, but with a mouse, i dont like it. im still not too familiar with it, but i still have a hard time finding things without the Start Menu and stuff at my disposal. my GF, who mostly just uses her iphone as her primary source of computer, also hated Win 8. we were casually looking at laptops yesterday at Best Buy, and they all have Win 8 now. and she was trying to just mess with them, browse the web, and couldnt figure out who to get there, or what happened when it minimized and etc. so i still highly recommend Win 7. if you ever start looking up tutorials for mods or really anything, most will be for Win 7. which will make it easier when trying to trouble shoot if you ever need to for anything.

  10. Ill just add to what FMod said, more to just add a voice that agrees with him.


    more VRAM isnt bad. youll never say to yourself "damn i shouldnt have gotten 4gb vs 2gb". however, the situations in which you use 4gb are few and far between really. you have to do some heavy heavy modding, with high texture packs and then some to use that up. most setups that use 4gb cards are multi monitor setups. conversely, having an SSD over an HDD is a huge difference. you will never say to yourself "damn im so glad i didnt get an SSD" "or i wish i had just gotten an HDD" and the situations where you will use the speed of an SSD is, well, in every day use. putting games on it dont do too much. causes them to load faster, and the in game loading times sometimes drop, but as far as performance, it doesnt do anything. but the speed of your overall systems is greatly increased. boot up and shut down times, application launching, load times, etc. all boosted by a large amount. so if your choice is the extra VRAM you probably wont use, or the SSD upgrade that you obviously will use, grab the SSD.


    As far as Steam goes, its not a one time thing. the digital game gets put into a library, and you are free to download it, uninstall it, reinstall it, at any time for any reason as many times as you want. so yes if your files get corrupted, you can do what you need to do and just reinstall the game, or if you run out of space and want to remove a game for the time being, you can do that too. The only scarey thing about Steam really, is if it ever gets shut down or anything, all those games are gone, but i dont see that happening. but there are no disks. some games you buy physically, like Fallout New Vegas (i think) require you to have Steam. i think at that point you just download it through Steam and you no longer need the disk. I have FONV disk, and i dont need it to play, as i have it in my Steam Library, so im assuming thats what happened, but its been awhile lol.

  11. I think Win7 x64 is still the way to go. Win8 is getting better. Some people even defend it. But if you have the choice go Win7.


    I buy everything off Steam. It's convenient and 9 times out of 10 it's cheaper. Esp with sales. Yes you can still but boxes copies but only AAA titles mostly. Steam obviously has the biggest selection all T the clock of a button. Plus the convenience of having a library. And installs are automatic. Thigh if you have a data cap then that's a hug con to digital gaming


    Lastly there is no reason you should be buying am anti-virus. The aforementioned antivirals like Microsoft Security Essentials, Malware Antibytes, and Spybot Search and Destroy are all free and just as good if not better then any paid AV.

  12. That's because you have to download afterburner.


    Idk if I would attempt voltage tweaks on a laptop GPU though. You'd probably do more harm then good.


    It doesn't take. Too long to back up that amount of data.


    As with any problem with a PC have you scanned your computer for viruses. Also you can try doing a system restore to a point before all this started happening. It very well could be a bug messing with your system. Also try it on your desktop. It could just be Windows 8 giving you the problem.

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