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Posts posted by hoofhearted4

  1. Sorry to sort of Necro this thread, but theres some new info on the Xbox One out about a price drop and a non Kinect bundle. Heres a link to an Article.



    And here's my take, and let me start off by saying i am a Playstation Fanboy. ive owned all 3 previous systems and will purchase a PS4 later in time for Destiny. i have not owned an Xbox and i dont see myself owning one.

    I consider myself above a casual gamer. i have a high end PC on which i game on, i follow gaming every day, new games, reviews, stuff like this, etc, and while i can afford a new system and some new games here and there, i dont see it in my best interest to not only shell out for two systems, but the games for two systems. as the article states at the end, games are slowly becoming multi platform with long time PS exclusives like FF and MGS crossing over. as such, theres slowly less reason to buy two consoles anyways. however that said, i do believe PS still has the majority of exclusives to play. not counting previous titles of now cross platform games (like earlier FF games and every MGS game until now) theres still games like Uncharted, God of War, Killzone, Resistance (which was finished on PS3) Ratchet and Clank (though Insomniac now has an xbox exclusive in Sunset Overdrive) Ni No Kuni, and others still. the top Xbox exclusives are Gears and Halo, and now Titanfall on X1 (and on PC), while all are good and id buy if they were on PS (or PC), are not enough to get me to buy a console.

    This price drop, and exclusion of Kinect is good. I was never interested in the Kinect anyways, neither its possible applications nor its always on mentality. so if I were interested at all in the X1, this is a good thing, as is the price drop. however Its too little too late and i wont be picking up an X1 because of the aforementioned reasons....Plus the majority of my friends are on PS3(4)



    is this enough for you to purchase an Xbox One if you dont have one? if you were on the fence does this tip you at all? any other thoughts or opinions on this move?

  2. see, the thing is, even going back to Demons Souls, the game wasnt brutal like people think it was, nor was Dark Souls really. it was a challange yes, and it punished you for dieing, but it wasnt purposefully hard. it was purposefully challenging. it required you to learn the game to succeed, to go slow, and pay attention (or die 1000 times before you finally got it, whichever was your approach) however people thought the latter was what the game was trying to achieve, so they screamed more, so the Devs, instead of making the games more challenging, they made it harder. ive noticed in DkS2 that it seems like enemies have more health and do more damage. ive always been of the opinion that if a boss can OHKO you (or two hits) then its not a challenge, its cheap. you should be able to take a hit or two from a boss, learn, and continue. you should not have to litterally avoid every hit from a boss to beat it....some will argue that this requires skill, and it does, but it moves from being a challenge to being boring....DkS2 especially revolves around the one hit roll tecnique. where you get a hit in, then roll. wait then repeat. again, some will argue this is a challenge, but i argue its a boring way to develop boss fights. fights seem to last for 10 minutes or more in Dark Souls, which again to me is boring, because its the same thing over and over.


    my opinions on Dark Souls 2 come from not having beat it yet, but honestly im not a fan really. theres a lot of improvements. i hear stuff changes in NG+ which i think is a cool way to keep the challenge, and i like the way boss weapons work in this game. i like the Nexus (Majula) and i like the way Estus Flasks work. and i really like the way weapon upgrading works in this game. but theres a lot i dont like. such as the previously mentioned "one hit roll" fighting style, or the hard hitting bosses with high health requieing 15+ minutes of the "one hit roll" tecnique.


    i feel at this point im just repeating and rambling, so this is where i stop. if i didnt make myself clear on any of my points, im sorry. ask questions and ill try to clear myself up in further comments haha.



    also heres hoping Project Beast = Demons Souls 2!

  3. Assuming you have Windows 7:


    Start > Computer > (Right Click) Manage > Device Manager > Display Adapters > (Right Click) Intell HD Graphics 4000 > Disable.


    Im pretty sure itll prompt you to restart your PC after this. If not, might as well do it anyways.

  4. not to derail but, a HDD thats been in a fat, cannot be put into a newer model without being formatted. i probably could have found a work around but didnt have the pacience. the HDD was the same size, i had a 320gb HDD in my fat.....i got back most of my stuff because of PS+ cloud storage, but for some reason, my Dark Souls 2 stuff never backed up. again not a big deal.


    the worst was i lost the stuff on my subaccount that my girlfriend (and other friends) used when they cooped with me. in my gfs case, Diablo 3. all of her toons were lost. i couldnt for the life of me remember the email i used with it. i went through Sony's live chat several times trying several different things to get it but to no avail. so i deleted all my toons (to be fair) and convinced her to start over with me. luckily we had tried all the toons already, so we knew which ones were our favorite.


    lol long story short, its been fine for the most part. got most everything back. the Diablo 3 thing was the worst though, because i feel bad she lost all her progress. me personally idc, ill just play again haha.

  5. good. lol i have a Radeon and i may very well get this on PC in the future


    because i just gah to grab a new PS3, i lost my progress in Dark Souls 2. i was (if i had to guess) about half way through give or take. but now i have to start over. no big deal, but still a bummer. should go faster though now that i know the areas going into them.

  6. the difference between the PC and PS3 version is astounding. i very well may get the PC version in the future. i would get it right now, but my desire to platinum all the Souls games on PS3 makes me need it for PS3 lol. but once ive done that, if im still interested in the game (theres several builds i wanna mess with) i may just jump on it on Steam if/when i see it for Sale

  7. Anndd...my 6+ year old 80gb Fat PS3 (MGS4 bundle edition) finally pooped the bed the day before yesterday. YLOD it would seem. quite unexpectedly too. me and my gf were playing Diablo 3 on it. no problem. we took a break so i could go take a shower. about 10 minutes later she comes in "your PS3 just shut off by itself" i said "are there any lights on?" she said "the red one is on but blinking"...so i tried to turn it on when i got out of the shower and it turns on for a few seconds, beeps, blinks yellow, then shuts off blinking red. a quick google search, and i find nothing promising lol.


    i plan on taking it a part and blowing all the dust out (i blow it out regularly, but only through the vents. not taking it apart) ive read this could possibly do something, but i dont think overheating is my problem, im assuming somthing came unsoldered. but i have to take it apart anyways to get my Diablo 3 out of the drive haha. assuming it doesnt work after this, ill see if i can sell it on ebay for parts for some "free" cash.


    point being, no PS3 for me for a few days. i do plan on going out and grabbing a new one next week. im really sad that the PS4 isnt backwards compatable, as i now have to drop ~$200 on a new PS3 only to drop ~$400 on a PS4 later this year. i was so close to having my PS3 hold out until PS4 haha. but it served me a long (and rough) 6 years with some very very very long hours haha.


    RIP PS3 :(

  8. yea almost every Dark Souls 2 thread ive been on talks about the Defender GS for a faith build lol. ive yet to get it. im still on a Heide Sword +7.


    as far as Demons Souls goes, yes waaay less lag, which is really the part i was referring to in my original statement as to how From keeps messing up the PvP with lag when Demons Souls had barely any (obviously there was some, and some players had it bad)....i do remember the claymore being notorious for phantom range though.


    my favorite weapon was the Great Axe and Great Sword...rolling R1 on the GA was an unstoppable ground slam where you had invulnerability while you did it, and the hit box was crazy...and the running R1 on the GS was a wide arc sweep, meaning less aim.

  9. i didnt really get into PvP hugely until the end of Demons Souls. after i beat the game 50+ times, and being a prominent member of the Demons Souls Wikidot forums (one of the larger communities at the time, if not the largest) friends asked me to try out the PvP. i picked it up quickly. but i only ever did it for fun in 4-1. never entered any tournaments or anything.


    i never got into the PvP in either Dark Souls game (not that im done with the second one) and thats mostly because i never really cared for it in the first one, even though i was good at it. Souls is a PvE game to me first. they could take out the invasions completely and i wouldnt even notice. its a unique element to the online aspect of the game, but i could care less. i do coop often though. esp with friends...well in Demons Souls i did. Dark Souls made it too hard. and of the 15-20 friends i made from Demons Souls and the couple i made from Dark only about 3 are playing Dark Souls 2 atm. so i havent cooped with any friends in Dark Souls 2.


    i havent been invaded a single time yet in Dark Souls 2 except in the Bell Tower, 3-4 times i think. all were alright except the one i mentioned where i was never alerted until i was being backstabbed by a phantom that didnt show up until he backstabbed me.


    and it may just be my nostalgia fro Demons Souls, but i dont really care for the open worldness of Dark Souls. im not sure, like i said, if its just because im biased to Demons Souls or if its just because i've gotten so bored with these games, that i just want liniarity to finish it. not open world exploring....i have to say, that this will probably be my last Souls game, unless they did something with Demons Souls again. but due to copyrights and Sony i dont see that happening. the only reason i even picked up this second one was because of my desire to platinum it like i did the first two games, i was skeptical for the longest time about even picking Dark Souls 2 up. but im so bored of the same game that i dont see myself picking it up again. (if a third one is release. which i bet there will be. its too big of a hit to stop more games being produced)


    im having fun. like i do forsee myself messing around with at least one more play through with a new toon after my current one. (just got the the Chariot. still not very far) but at the same time, im slowly getting bored with it too. hence ive barely played it since its been out.

  10. unregulated PvP maybe. if you had gotten into the scene of PvP (which you couldnt have unless you played it before Dark Souls) then youd know no one played with a DBS or a BBS. they are too easy to beat, they litterally were noob weapons. the most common weapon was a Kalij if i had to guess/remember. i preferred a Blessed Great Axe and Great Sword myself. Northern Regalia was also popular.


    and yes, i said that that statement could apply to Dark Souls as well.


    PvP will forever be different without Second Chance lol.



    my original argument however was that the PvP has gotten worse since Demons Souls. mainly due to lag. balance issues, people will find a way around. lag is just too annoying to fight around. too many variables.

  11. lol yes, there was some OP weapons in PvP. some were even banned in the tournaments. but people found work arounds. you could get out of the BBB stunlock (which is what made it powerful). Second Chance stopped one hits. and by the end of the game people stopped using BBB because it really wasnt that good. knights sword had the same move set with lower stat requirements. things were only OP until people found a way to counter them. (which could be said for Dark Souls too i guess)


    but i didnt say completely balanced. i said relatively. Magic was strong, but easily avoidable. even with Pivot Casting (Running Fire Storm was a b&@*$ though). Backstabbing was easy to avoid, esp with little lag. sure there was some phantom range, and some people lagged more then others but it was no where near Dark Souls levels.


    you can try to argue it was unbalanced, but it really wasnt. again, at least not at Dark Souls levels.

  12. tons of videos on the internet on how to build PC. watch different videos from different people. they will point out different point of views, cover something someone else did it. and just give you (literal) different angles on the build.


    Building is the way to go. for the most part, PC parts are designed to only fit one way. you really cant put them in wrong. just dont force anything, because if you are, that means it probably doesnt go in that way (however that said, sometimes it does take a little force to get a cable to click) just look at the cable end, and the slot it goes into. they are usually shaped so that they can only fit one way. if they match, then any force needed after that is normal.


    youll be able to handpick the best parts, so price per performance of the build will be better then anything bought whole off the internet. plus you can see reviews of individual parts, compare charts, and etc. no matter how badly you want this build, take your time. research. make sures its everything you want in a PC. performance and look wise.


    you might even find you dont need to spend all $3k of your money for your PC. my PC is pretty solid, built a year ago November. it cost me ~$1600 but thats with replacing all the fans, buying an unecessary closed loop cooler, LEDs and a replacement panel so that my case as a window....though ive added another SSD and a 1TB HDDs since then so im probably closer to $2k total cost.

  13. i dont understand how they could keep messing up PvP in these Dark Souls games. it was amazing in Demons Souls (not flawless) there was a lot less lag (not no lag) and it was relatively balanced. some clear cut stronger weapons, but you could fight with near anything.


    also with the absence of Second Chance in these games, people are less creative, because of dieing being more likely. this sounds like a good thing, but its not. people play with whatever is strongest. period. no creativity. no risks. still not a fan of the PvP because of the immense lag


    speaking of lag, i got invaded yesterday. wanna know how i know? because i got backstabbed by an invisible phantom. he showed up AFTER i was backstabbed. oh and that little message that tells you when your invaded, also showed up AFTER i was backstabbed.


    im having fun with the PvE though... i took a couple week break, playing Diablo 3 with my gf on PS3, but im back at it again

  14. i cant imagine why it wouldnt be that great. the only reason you wouldnt like it is if youre just flat out tired of Borderlands. but thats no fault of the game.


    this is essentially a full game DLC. but it added in a new weapon type, as well as weapon affinity. 4 new playable classes (one of which is freaking Claptrap!) new enemies, a new world, etc.


    i dont see this as him milking it. i see this as him giving the players more of what they love, but still adding to it. if it used the same characters as before, enemies, setting, etc. then itd be a little bland. but its new in almost every way. its Borderlands 2.5 (well technically 1.5 in time frame lol)


    and i dont understand how you can call its success a fluke. yes theyve admitted they never really expected it to get this big, but many developers dont. you think From Software expected to get a AAA franchise out of Demons Souls?



    also, funny enough, Salvador was the one class i couldnt get into. and Axton either, though id place him higher then Salv for my own opinions.


    you know what I say to that QFKOTN (Queen's First Knight Of The Nexus), play the game and you will have a different tune, so if you have nothing nice to say.....ZIP IT.


    Maybe you intended that to come across as a rebuke, but you actually just betrayed your ignorance. lv000 is right; a game without modding tools is very limited in regards to modding, and generally that means trying to find a way to mod it is either impossible or not worthwhile. Your use of caps is cute. And by cute, I mean annoying.


    you were beaten to the punch by Dark One in explaining is misunderstanding.


    also he used caps because he was making an anogram of lv000's tag, which he then spelt out anyways in parenthesis. the end, well im assuming it was ment for humor considering it followed a series of ellipsis. dramatic pause lol?\

  16. i said it before, but i just need to reiterate how horrible the lag is in this game. playing solo, the only lag is in the menu system. takes several seconds for the game to realize you exited dialogue and want to sit at a bonfire, or that you are opening/closing your menu.


    online however, you get floating phantoms, enemies taking hits equal to 3x their health because the game isnt registering their health fast enough. you get rubberbanding enemies and phantoms...the only place it isnt bad is boss fights. bsos fights seem to act just fine (though phantoms still rubberband) but the bosses dont, and the health seems to go down regularly on a per hit basis.


    but yea. its bad. real bad. and real annoying.


    summoning seems to fail A LOT. its not as bad as Dark Souls originally was, but its no where near as solid as Demons Souls. idky they cant get it back to that level of polish. Demons Souls is still by far the game with the most amount of polish imo....but there are plenty of people to summon atm, so failiing doesnt mean much as you just move on to the next sign....i still havent been invaded though (not that im complaining)

  17. actually, to run Minecraft at flull specs does require some power, despite the common meme of "...but can it run Minecraft"


    haha yes, i remember when i was obsessed with Platinum Trophies. then i got a PC and all that flew out the window. ive only got like 9....a friend of mine has/had Gamefly and would rent the stupidest games just to get trophies. he just broke 4000 trophies with 40 platinums. ive only got like 1400 trophies i think. been level 13 for like 2 years because i converted all my gaming to PC....the ONLY reason im going to pick up a PS4 is so me and my girlfriend can play coop games together. atm we play Borderlands 2 and Diablo 3. but i can definitely get her into Destiny!

  18. i dont really like how parrying is in DS2. i actually got pretty good at it on DS1 (on enemies, not PvP) i actually made an Estoc build where i parried most enemies i could. you can still take damage while doing it and backstabbing. but because theres actually a time lapse to when you can reposte after you parry, its not worth it as you could be taking damage that entire time. i liked that little bit of invulnerability from BSing and Reposting. it made it worth it.

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