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Everything posted by AurianaValoria1
"Gonna be rations or rations," Abby remarked as she dug through her bag, looking for food. Having just finished managing her own tent, the halfling had worked up an appetite as well. Rhaine, too, sighed as she sat down on a log beside the bonfire, shaking her head at Leif's display before searching her pack for her own rations. Meanwhile, Argyros dipped his head to Eirene, "Of course, I do understand. My apologies if you found my question intrusive." At We'tak's sudden barrage of questions targeted at Maydiira, the dragon laughed and shook his head, "No quelling the curiosity of that one, it seems." "Unfortunately," Conall remarked dryly, putting his hands on his hips as he contemplated taking We'tak aside for a talk. Maydiira herself looked up at the thri-kreen with wide silver eyes, winced a little at his questions, and then slowly answered, "If by 'winged-pointy-ears' you mean people like Rhaine and I, then we usually make fire in the same ways as anyone else normally would," she gestured to Rameses, "Although we don't exclude magic when we need it. The drow of the Underdark, however, have little use for normal fire. Instead, we use what surfacers call 'faerie fire'."
Kat smirked as she heard Ben's remark, surprised he could maintain a sense of humor in a situation like this, particularly after his earlier displays of obvious discomfort. She was also a bit astonished at the eagerness of others among them; what if it was all a ruse? A clever trap? As excited as part of her was, the other part was nearly scared out of its wits, and the only thing keeping her from panicking or lashing out was her own nearly spent self-control. The professor bit her lip as they walked, continuing to follow the female Merlin up the spiral staircase. It seemed to go forever before an archway appeared, and they were led through a larger hall that seemed much more habitable than the corridors below. Two crackling fireplaces lit the stone hall with a cheery warmth, and tapestries and shields decorated the walls. Past carved wooden furnishings and plaques they went, through two more chambers (one with a tall glass window), and then, at last, to the entrance hall. Two men - now women - at arms guarded the entranceway itself and wordlessly opened the wooden double doors as the group approached, though they did stare at the ragtag crew for a bit longer than was polite, only the upper half of their ruddy faces visible between their mail aventails and their kettle-hats. Both guards wore mere padded red gambesons with small plate pieces at their elbows and knees, their gloves and shoes of brown leather. In their hands, they both held short spears. After observing their attire, Katherine concluded that if this was indeed a ruse, then it was an expertly-made one with ridiculous levels of detail... The sunlight and wind were the first things that Kat noticed, both pleasant and welcome sensations after being in such a dank building, and there was the distinct smell of saltwater in the air. They emerged on a hillock by the sea, and upon turning about, Kat noticed that the place from which they had come was a small, lone keep - more of a manor than a fortification. Nearby, on an island close to the cliffs by the sea, was a dilapidated castle, connected to the mainland by a flimsy bridge, and near to that was a small hamlet, smoke rising in lazy curls from the tiny chimneys in the distance. The surrounding terrain was rough, covered in thick, tall grass and pocked by sharp boulders. Merlin gestured about, "Welcome to Tintagel, young ones." Kat's mouth dropped open, "Cornwall." The old woman nodded, speaking louder over the sound of gulls and waves, "Yes, Cornwall! Lovely place, yes?" Kat had no answer, as she was too busy taking in the environment. Her eyes kept wandering to the hamlet, as there was something distinctly missing...and then it hit her. "No powerlines...my God..." the professor shook her head, "This can't be real." Merlin laughed, "And none of us thought our birth sexes could change, either, but we were clearly proven wrong. Ah!" she suddenly pointed, "There they are now..." Kat followed Merlin's finger to see two armored knights cantering towards them. Both were clad in full, shining harnesses of plate, lacking tabards, with swords at their sides and lances in hand. Both also wore hounskull bascinets, though one sported a small golden diadem about the brow, decorated with a scarlet cloth, whilst the other was plain. The crowned knight bore a red shield, emblazoned with a golden, knot-like star, and the other bore a white one that was painted with a black rampant lion. The steed of the star-bearing knight was a cloud-grey stallion, barded in red tack that was embroidered in gold to match his owner's colors, while the other knight rode a bay charger with plain brown leather gear. Both horses were sturdy and strong, held in check only by their riders' capable hands. The professor recognized both from their heraldic arms and nearly passed out right on the spot, swaying precariously and holding her head, "My God...it's them. It's Gawain and Dinadan!"
Nexus Mods now has 10 million registered members
AurianaValoria1 replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Congrats! :D Cheers to the Nexus community, and here's to many more years of mods! :) -
***Macman253 is receiving his second official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post.*** Mac, you've got one more week to post before being removed. Please let me know if you are unable to post due to RL issues.
Kat dragged her hands down her face and watched as "Merlin" seemed to grow more exasperated with their own disbelief and frustration. Crossing her arms, the elderly woman replied to Ben's outburst, "No one asks to be called to their destinies, child! And regardless of whether or not one wants to heed it, heed it he or she must." She paced back and forth, "As for taking you back, I have no way to make that happen; my power is nearly depleted. I was weak enough from escaping my prison, and now that I have brought you here, I am as good as useless." Pointing at the red-headed boy among them, she added, "And there you strike the matter of the curse itself, Irishman. It has swapped the sexes of everyone in the realm! The kingdom is in an uproar...the roles of every man, woman, and child have been turned upside down. The Round Table's strength has been sapped as it has been divided and weakened...and this objective, I think, was the main aim of it all. That is why you all are so important. You are unaffected by this curse, and thus you will be able to help us find where it originated before the kingdom descends further into utter chaos." The woman then sighed, "I have done everything I can to pinpoint who or where it might have come from, but something is blocking my scrying...which, I must add, is not a difficult thing to do with me in this state." When suddenly presented with a piece of candy bar, Merlin reached out and carefully took it, turning it this way and that in her hand very slowly before moving to put it in a small stone dish on one table, "Yes...hmmm. This...I think...is worth examination. I will return to it later." After a moment of awkward silence, Kat took in a deep breath and let it out loudly, putting her hands on her hips, "So. We really are stuck in Camelot, then?" "Britannia, dear girl, you should know this," Merlin corrected, "Camelot is Arthur's capital, and it is to this city you must go to present yourselves to the king." "Yes, well," Kat blushed deeply with embarrassment, still hardly believing what she was hearing, "Where is it and how do we get there?" "It is many, many leagues to the southeast. In good weather, it will take you at least a week to reach it. In poor weather, longer. I have requested that Sir Gawain and Sir Dinadan be your escorts; despite their now being of the fairer sex, they have not forgotten how to fight," Merlin replied. "They will also be the most receptive to you and can help you...acclimate, to your new environment." "Also," the elderly woman turned and produced several silver pendants, which she handed to each of them, "The only way you will be able to communicate properly with our people is if you have these around your necks. I have one myself, which is why you are able to comprehend what I am saying to you right now. It seems our languages differ greatly from yours, region to region and estate to estate. These medallions will enable you to understand and be understood by anyone...my first and only gift to you, I fear." Kat took hers and carefully put it around her neck, settling the pendant on her breastbone, "Ah...thank you. I'm sure these will be invaluable." If what you say is true and not total madness, she thought. Merlin smiled broadly, "I'm sure. Now, we have wasted enough time here; I cannot see you off a moment too soon. The knights should be awaiting us not far from here. Come quickly!" Unable to do anything else, Kat straightened her blouse and followed the elderly woman as she began to ascend a flight of cramped spiral stairs. The professor's sandals squelched a little less now, and as she walked she could not help but think... ...Now to see if what the woman says is truth, or just the product of senility...
"Working on it," Conall remarked to Rameses's statement about firewood. He had already gathered a large amount of sticks and limbs and was beginning to arrange them neatly at the center of camp, "Though...if you want to offer a hand, too, it would be appreciated." Maydiira, meanwhile, gave the pile of wood a wide berth, as she had every night she had spent amongst them; she couldn't describe it in words, but there was a primal fear that sparked in her heart anytime she saw or heard mention of fire. The drow was not certain, but she speculated that it might have been because of her rather fiery demise... Shaking her head to clear it, Maydiira then gave We'tak a weak smile, "I am drow. That is enough, I am afraid. No crime, other than that I was born." She did not expect the thri-kreen to answer her however, considering how quickly he moved on to the others, and she sighed, making her way over to a lush patch of grass sufficiently distant from the woodpile and plopping down, laying back, and then propping herself up on her elbows to observe the activity from afar. Argyros, free from tending Eirene's horse, decided to linger near the Mulhorandi ranger. He leaned on a nearby tree, watching her work, before finally speaking up, "So...are you well? You were gone quite a while, there." Rhaine, once finished with her own tent, set about collecting wood as well, and, overhearing the conversation about rats, added, "Well, at least it isn't bladelings and githyanki. I'd say rats are most definitely a better task to deal with."
At the sudden barrage of questions, the woman's countenance bore subtle signs of irritation; holding up her hands to stop them from asking anything else, she replied, "One question at a time, if you please. First, it would be to your benefit to know that things are not as they appear to be, here. Second, I advise that you be not so hasty with your curiosity, nor jump to quick conclusions. Observe and listen carefully to your surroundings before speaking your minds or making assumptions - such a lesson in behavior should be kept in mind in all of your future interactions." The woman then folded her fingers together elegantly and took a step forward, one black-slippered foot peeking out from under the hem of her dress. She looked at Ben with a wry expression, "Yes, child, I brought you here. And yes, by magic...something you have a distinct lack of in your world, much to my great disappointment. No, thank God you are not dead. You are here because you must be here. Because I have watched and observed you all carefully, and the threads of prophecy tell of your saving Britannia from certain destruction. Thus, it became my prerogative to bring you here as quickly as possible, and it has drained my power significantly to accomplish this task. Yet, it was a necessary sacrifice..." "Britannia?" Kat asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically as she was certain this woman was truly mad, "Magic? You speak as though this is a time gone by, or as though we're in some fairy-tale fantasy." The woman chuckled, "To you, you might be, young teacher of our legends. Yes, Britannia, girl. In your world, what you now know as 'Britain' never was such a place of chivalry and valor that you read about in your tales. In my world, however, it is as your storytellers wished it were. This is the empire of Arthur, son of Uther Pendragon...a place your authors and orators only touched in dreams. They wrote of this place to put dreams to words, but it never existed in your world as it does here. Your historians misconstrued it as being reality in your time, in your universe. But they were wrong. Those stories of Arthur you harbor in your libraries are but feeble attempts to put fragmented visions together into a coherent story...a way to make meaning of the mind's reaching other times and spaces..." Kat threw her hands in the air, "You're insane." The woman laughed aloud this time, "Hah! Am I? When you are blatantly ignoring what your mind is telling you is true? You have been thinking it all along...how can so many people have been taken from so many places all at the same time and miraculously end up in the exact same location, which sports such antiquated architecture from a time long past in your world?" The woman then raised her chin, "You have been brought to an another universe, if you will...a twin of yours in which Arthur Pendragon is king of all of Britannia, in a timeline not adjacent to your own, in which magic exists where it does not in yours. Where alchemy," she gestured to her laboratory and smiled at the suited man, "is a legitimate profession, and where chivalry means more than an ideal." A frown then tugged at her thin lips, "But it is also where a strange curse has been wrought that has turned the world itself on its head...this alone should tell you all: I am Merlin." Kat blinked. Once, then twice. There was something so awful that was gathering in the pit of her stomach; it was as if her instinct knew all of these words were true, and on some level, it was like living a dream. And yet, on the other hand, her thoughts were screaming that this was insanity and that it couldn't be possible... Or could it? Could the scientists actually have bumped up against something real when they theorized that alternate universes really existed? Was all of this proof of such things? Or were they all just stark-raving nuts? "Oh my God..." she put her head in her hands and shook it back and forth, "Oh my God..."
Kat sighed loudly, her frustration evident even as she felt pity for Ben's growing anxiety. The dark-haired boy seemed truly uncomfortable here, and she wondered if it was a case of claustrophobia he was experiencing. Deciding to take some initiative regardless of the danger of their current situation, she pointed down the westernmost corridor, "All right. Well...seems like we all came from different corners of the country, but I think it's best if we all leave together. It'll be a lot safer that way. Let's go." Not long after she began walking forward with purpose (despite the darkness of the halls), she ran across a man in a three-piece suit who seemed just as lost as they were. Waving to him, she called, "Come on, join us! We're trying to find a way out of here!" She then continued on her way, a certain confidence strengthening her with every step. The would find out what happened here and they would find a way out. They had to. "We all got here somehow," she said, more to herself than anyone else, "There has to be a way out." But for the longest time, that way was not apparent. Every wall looked the same, every hall ended in a turn or a dead end. Every corridor was lined with the same number of flaming sconces, and every step of the way, the scenery did not change. With every turn and every vision of yet another long hall, Kat's burst of boldness faded bit by bit... Until, suddenly, a more well-lit chamber was visible ahead. "There!" she exclaimed, beginning to run forward with still-squelching sandals. It was precarious dashing forward like this, but the sight of something different up ahead filled her with a strange relief... ...but when she got to the chamber, a most unusual sight met her eyes. There, standing over some sort of equipment that almost looked alchemical in nature, was a woman. Kat halted in her tracks, hands out to steady herself as she stared at the woman whose back was to them. The woman was old, white hair trailing down her back and almost to the floor, and she wore the most beautiful black and burgundy velvet gown that Katherine had ever laid eyes on. It was embroidered with gold thread in tight swirls and leaf-like shapes, belted with a golden sash, and there were golden tippets on the sleeves that fell to the ground. The bell-like oversleeves were nearly that long, and when the woman raised her arms, cream-colored under-sleeves were visible, which looped around her middle fingers to keep them from riding up. It was a costume Kat thought would fit right in at a Renaissance Faire... "Um...excuse me...?" Kat began tentatively. At that, the woman raised up and turned around. Her countenance was writ with a thousand wrinkles, her nose crooked and long, but her smile was warm and genuine. Her eyes, bright blue and shining with energy, glittered in the candlelight, and she held out her hands to the group of lost people with a welcoming gesture. "Ahhhh, so you have finally arrived. I was beginning to wonder if my enchantments had failed." Kat's mouth dropped open. OK...She's nuts. After Kat thought a moment, though, she could have sworn that the woman had a...Welsh accent?
Abby crossed her arms, her toothy grin widening at Kellak's statement, "Well...maybe we should make sure you get in a jig or two with Rosie before it's over, eh?" At that, Conall made a distinct choking noise and coughed several times before recovering. Clearing his throat loudly, the paladin then answered We'tak's additional inquiries, "Crafted items, perhaps. Tools and the like could be seen as an insult to a noble couple, however, as neither would ever perform their own house or kitchen drudgery. Such things would be left for servants to accomplish." Argyros, meanwhile, dismounted and held Eirene's steed as the ranger requested, occasionally squinting at the horse and giving it a few tentative pats on the neck. He had limited involvement with horses and was curious but also careful about them. While he made sure the steed did not go anywhere, he remained silent and merely listened to the banter that was freely bouncing about him. On the other hand, Maydiira dipped her head to Rameses's words, "I...thank you for the support. And the compliment. Yet, I feel I must say that I am the only drow amongst you, and that alone is enough to warrant an attempted...arrest, I think you surfacers call it. Still, such a threat will not keep me away," she held her chin high. Turning to look askance at Leif, she added, "Cleaning basements of rats? Is that a common request in surface lands?" At that moment, Rhaine rode back up to the company, pulling Kaliste to a halt and pointing to the flat stretch of grass that began a few yards from the right side of the road, not far ahead of them, "There's a nice patch of land there that should serve as a good campsite. A pond isn't far to the east, so we can water our horses as well. Let's get our tents pitched; it won't be long before the sun begins to set." With that, Conall began leading his horse after Rhaine as she directed them to the proposed campsite, and as soon as they arrived, he was one of the first to begin setting up tents, offering to help the others once he had finished with his.
Under normal circumstances, the tanned girl's greeting would have been matched by a "Nice to meet you, Rose." But these weren't normal circumstances, and so the first thing that flew out of Kat's mouth was a high-pitched, "New Mexico?!" The words bounced uncomfortably loud off of the dank stone walls. Kat cringed in response, her hands in her hair and clutching her scalp as she waited for the echo to die down; then, she whispered, "Sorry...It's just...I was in a diner in Indiana. I think I got struck by lightning in the parking lot..." The more the young professor was finding out, the more she felt like this was all utter insanity. It had to be a dream - she was certain she would wake up sooner or later and find herself in a hospital bed or something...
That first one looks close. Thanks, Dante! :)
Hey guys! Wondering if you could help me out here. I remember seeing an armor mod for male characters that was something like a thief or swashbuckler armor - had a Thieves' Guild-like torso, white sleeves (I think), leather pants, and boots. Maybe even had a hat. I can't seem to find it now, though. Does anyone know which mod I'm thinking about?
As Rhaine scouted out an area for them to make camp, Conall pulled Gaius to a halt and glanced at We'tak with concern in his eyes, "Gifts of appropriate nature would be fine, friend, but I am not so certain that we ourselves should play anything. They will have likely hired their own professional musicians, and I doubt competition would be welcome at such an event." Argyros, still in his elven form, looked thoughtful from his perch behind Eirene, "I have yet to attend such a ceremony. It will be an intriguing thing to witness." "I doubt one such as I would be welcome," Maydiira frowned, having dismounted from Rhaine's horse to stretch her legs, "But I will not shy from these people, if we are to participate in this gala." "Ehhhhh don't worry about it," Abby grinned, pointy teeth glinting in the sunlight, "We'll just pretend we're circus freaks or something and it'll all be good."
LOL, Lisn. ;D Approved, Zeph! Welcome aboard! :D Keep in mind the overall flavor of the way folks are being dragged to the dungeon - I'd like there to be a little consistency in that regard. Also, we will be meeting our first main Arthurian figure, soon...and you'll notice something distinctly out of place, to put it mildly. Things are about to get crazy... :P
Kat followed Ben and the others to the two women, and as he stopped to introduce himself, she noticed that the other echoing voices were gone. "Looks like this is all of us," the young professor mused aloud. After a few moments, she added, "So...any idea how we all managed to get ourselves lost here and how we can get out without loss of life or limb?" She shook her head, "I just don't get it. Where were we all before we got here and why did we all end up in the same spot?"
***Macman253 is receiving his first official warning due to not posting within a week of his previous post.*** Mac, you have one more week to post before you're out, as per the RP rules.
Hey Lisn, just thought I'd let you know, tok's laptop has pretty much expired, so you might not get much interaction from her at all for the foreseeable future. :/
To Rameses and Eirene's comments, Rhaine nodded, "We'll have to get her some proper armor and some clothing as soon as we reach a town with a blacksmith. Though, knowing Maydiira here, she'd likely be just as satisfied going na-" The Doomguide's words were abruptly cut off as We'tak crushed the drow in question with a massive four-armed hug, which effectively distracted Maydiira from Kellak's rudeness. Maydiira herself struggled to extricate herself from the thri-kreen's grasp, all the while attempting to answer his inquiries to the best of her abilities; it took a while, but she managed to free herself, and in no small amount of time, she finally mounted up behind Rhaine atop Kaliste, ready to join the party in their journey. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next few days were fairly busy for the group. The party finally reached Zorica's hometown the next morning - a small, wall-less village on the outskirts of the Yuirwood. It was there that the half-drow paladin rejoined with the brothers of her chapel and, by happenstance, learned some very important information regarding her initial quest. Feeling closer to her goal than she had ever been before, Zorica asked permission to part ways with Rhaine's company, wishing to complete the quest that she had long thought hopeless. The Doomguide granted the paladin's request with a heavy heart, wishing her luck and promising to pray for her in her endeavors. While in town, a simple suit of shining steel half-plate was purchased for Maydiira, the backplate discarded and substituted with a custom panel of mail. The drow obviously did not prefer to be armored so heavily, but she realized the necessity for it, and so her complaining was minimal. Rhaine also took the time to buy some more travel food for the party, and it was then she noticed that their funding was running quite low. She hoped they would have the good fortune to run across a source of income soon... As the party turned northwards, heading towards Furthinghome through the Yuirwood, Abby began having nightmares. They were random, sporadic, brief flashes of fire and screaming and terror, with not much sense to be made of them, but they plagued the halfling almost every night after their stop in Zorica's hometown. Despite this fact, however, the monk said nothing about it to the other party members, not wanting to bother them with trivial notions, as everything else they were doing seemed much more important than worrying about silly dreams. Meanwhile, Argyros spent more time in the air than usual, obviously enjoying the fine weather they were having (and not having to be called upon for any skirmishes). Despite his light mood, however, he kept sniffing slightly anytime he was near Eirene, and he would fall silent for a time after doing so, as if heavily contemplating something for quite a while... Conall, too, was often quiet and introspective as of late, even though he always kept a sharp eye on We'tak. He did not speak to the others about his newly-acquired medallion, nor of the role that Selune had given him; he simply carried it out silently and with diligence. Like Argyros, he would occasionally look upon Eirene with suspicion, but also like the dragon, he did not say a word to her about his thoughts. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Seven days after encountering the cursed knight and his enchantress lover, the party emerged on the other side of the Yuirwood and was following the road straight north to Furthinghome. With any luck, they would reach the city itself in two more days and have eleven to prepare for the gala where Gregor and Rosalinde's wedding would take place. Rhaine had hopes that having access to so many high-profile mages of Aglarond would also benefit the party's quest; surely someone among the plethora of arcanists would know of Shadovar activities around the province or in nearby nations.
As Kat and her newfound comrades continued through the halls, another voice rang out closer. As she rounded a corner, she saw a red-headed young man just standing up from what was probably a fall like the one she'd taken; she grimaced at the thought...how could this be happening? Shoving everything to the back of her mind and focusing on the task at hand, she waved a greeting at the man, "Hey...you all right? You mentioned something about peroxide...I don't have anything on me, I'm afraid. All my stuff is missing, probably taken. Any idea where we might be? 'Cause the rest of us here have no clue." Pausing she added, "I'm Kat, by the way. Katherine Breckenridge."
"Pre-Norman?" Kat squinted skeptically, "Why in the Hell...and how in the Hell...did we get anywhere that had Pre-Norman structures? We're still in the States...right?" That was when the light of Ben's phone illuminated the immediate darkness and revealed more of the immediate area around them, including their faces. At that moment, the professor shook her head and threw her hands up in the air, "I've got nothing. I really don't. What, did we all get magically abducted or something? Is this some sort of joke? But if there's other folks here, maybe they know more than we do. You're right...let's see if we can find them. The sooner we can get out of this weird place, the better." She gestured to the path directly ahead of them.
The two winged women collided with great force, embracing each other as old friends and sisters, laughing and praising the gods that they were able to see each other alive again. There were tears in both their eyes as they expressed how glad they were to be thrown into each others' paths once more; Maydiira confirmed to an astonished Rhaine that she had, indeed, passed into Eilistraee's realm for a time, but that the goddess had greater plans for her and had returned her to the mortal world. The drow also related how Ginafae had been brought back from the dead by Lolth but was also simultaneously cursed to unlife for her failures. She warned Rhaine that the reborn Quarylene Barrimtor could mean nothing but trouble for the Realms, and Maydiira offered the Doomguide her help in stopping whatever Quarylene had planned. Rhaine graciously accepted, elated that the two could share company again, and she began leading the drow back towards the rest of the party. Maydiira herself bore a wide and happy smile as she followed her old friend to the group of companions. There was an old face she vaguely recognized, but most of those present looked to be new acquaintances. The drow was eager to meet them and to introduce herself; her resurrection into the world had given her a new appreciation for life, and so any remaining shyness she possessed about surfacers was largely eliminated, especially of those who shared Rhaine's company. As Rhaine approached her horse, she gestured to her drow sister-in-arms, "Well...I must thank Argyros for reuniting me with an old and dear friend of mine. This is Maydiira Torana, once slain by the dracolich Valthanarax, but brought back to life by Eilistraee herself. She will be joining us to offer what aid she can to our cause." Maydiira, her grin widening, bowed before the group, her accented voice greeting them all, "A pleasure to meet you, friends of my friend."
Kat looked to the side and noticed someone else had suddenly stumbled upon them; squinting to try and make out the men's features in the low firelight, she ran her hand through her hair and sighed, "I was about to ask you the same thing. So you are stuck here like me...us." She hesitated a moment and could hear other voices in the distance, "Along with some others, I think." "I'm Katherine Breckenridge...Kat for short," she kept glancing off down the other shadowy corridors, her voice bouncing off the walls and reverberating for quite the distance, "No idea how I got here. One minute I was running to my car in a storm, the next I'm flat on my back in this place. I thought..." she trailed, hesitating as she recalled what had happened, "I thought I got hit by lightning or something..." Being in the presence of others in her same situation made the professor a little more comfortable, and she actually took time to study the architecture of their surroundings. Squinting, she slowly shook her head and added, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were in a medieval dungeon or catacomb. I've seen similar architecture in England and Scotland."
No worries, Lisn, it's fine. :D
Kat's frustration began to grow as she heard more voices calling out, but was unable to pinpoint which direction they were coming from; she was faced with side corridors at almost every turn, and she had no idea which one to take... ...until she quite literally stumbled into a man sitting cross-legged in the floor. "Oh!" she exclaimed as she tripped right into his back and nearly flipped over his shoulder, "Christ....what in the Hell...?" Recovering her balance, she stepped back and stared at him cautiously, "Hey...you stuck here, too?"
Approved, Grue. :D