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Everything posted by AurianaValoria1

  1. ***Macman253 is receiving his first official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post.*** Mac, you've got one more week to post before being removed per group rules.
  2. Celeste felt eyes on her as she entered the tavern with the others, but she saw none of them herself; it felt as if she were moving in a dream, everything around her blurred except what was right in front of her. She sat beside Abraham, moving silently as a wraith, as she had no idea where else she should be, and her order was the same as his, because knew not what else to purchase. For all her textbook knowledge, she had little experience in the outside world, and right now, it showed. That on top of the depression that wrapped its shadowed arms around her shoulders dampened all enthusiasm and choked any inquisitiveness or adventurousness she might have had under normal circumstances. She sat for the longest time unmoving, her silk robes spilling off the edges of her stool and puddling on the floor due to its short height. She poked one roasted nug leg with her fork and sighed heavily, then tentatively picked up her tankard and peered inside. The dark liquid, with even its aroma astonishingly potent, was not that inviting to her. Knowing she had to try to eat and drink, though, she carefully put the tankard to her lips and took a tiny sip. Just that much was enough to knock the wind out of the mage. She coughed and spluttered as the ale seared her throat and parched her tongue, her eyes watering. More than one dwarf who had been watching her laughed aloud at the sight, and she could feel her pale cheeks turning red as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. This did nothing to help her state of mind, and she found herself staring at her full plate to keep herself from meeting the eyes of those around her.
  3. ***nethgros is receiving his first official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post.*** Neth, you've got one more week to post before being removed per group rules.
  4. At the mention of dragons, Gawain gave a small chuckle, "Aye, son, they exist, too...though it's rare to see them...rarer, even, than glimpsing the Sidhe. Ask Lancelot about them when we reach Camelot if you want to know details. He slew one in France, once, if I recall correctly." Dinadan laughed, "Indeed. Maybe talking about himself will pull him out of his tankard." Kat blinked. Was Dinadan implying that Lancelot was a drunkard? Her sudden quizzical expression must have been visible to Dinadan herself, as the knight smirked, "He has not taken his sex change well. It has completely incapacitated him." "Come to think of it," Gawain added, shifting in the saddle, "Guinevere has not taken it well either." "Her change or Lancelot's?" Dinadan grinned. "Both." Kat's brow furrowed, and she readjusted her grip on the cantle; having no back or foot support was starting to wear on her rather quickly, as it made her rely completely on her hands and her balance to keep her from sliding to either side off the horse's rump with its gait. After a few moments, she asked tentatively, "So...Merlin said that the Round Table has been divided by this debacle. Is this true?" Gawain and Dinadan exchanged looks before the former replied with a sigh, "Divided in the sense that half of them refuse to take up arms, for one reason or another." "Some of them are embracing their feminine side," Dinadan grinned again, "Becoming proper ladies of the court as their new sex demands." "Others have been plunged into a depressed state of mind and know not what to do with themselves," Gawain added, "Like Lancelot." "And Tristan." "And Kay." Kat remembered some of the stories about those knights mentioned, and she, too, grinned as the reactions did not seem out of character for any of them, "But the rest...are like you?" Dinadan nodded, expression suddenly austere, "Yes. They, like us, realize that duty demands we continue as normally as possible. We are certain that this is an enchantment that can be broken, not a permanent change." "As such," Gawain continued, "We must endure it until it can be dispelled." There were several moments of silence then (with the exception of the rhythmic jangling of harnesses), until Rose's question made Kat aware they might be able to find food soon. Dinadan answered the girl with a reassuring tone, "Less than an hour, madame."
  5. Maydiira was silent for a moment after Sin's greeting; of course she understood the drow perfectly, but it did not feel like her place to answer, yet. When Rameses suggested speaking in Common, however, Maydiira openly agreed, narrowing her silver eyes at her fellow drow and nodding, "Yes...let us do so." She crossed her arms and watched the scene carefully, especially the movements of the newcomer, who still happened to have her daggers in hand. Meanwhile, Rhaine's patience was beginning to thin rather rapidly. Stepping in front of Leif, between him and We'tak, she snapped at both of them, "Get out of the way, and stop being fools! We can all be friends after I talk with her myself!" Turning her attention to Sin, the Doomguide narrowed her emerald eyes at the drow and put her hand on the hilt of her sword, "Now...I ask again - who are you and what are you doing here?" Rhaine knew that a lone drow posed little threat to a group of their size and skill, but she also knew that the drow were some of the most deceptive folk in the Realms...and with the party being tracked, attacked, and lately beaten to their destinations - foiled by mysterious outside forces - she felt she could take little chances at this point. Abby sighed and stood, too, cocking one hip as she mused out loud in a sarcastic tone, "You know...kinda stupid to swear to protect somebody you don't know for sure is all that friendly, yet. I mean, there is such a thing as lying. And having weapons out doesn't do anything to help the situation, either."
  6. No. I think I've given enough chances, and you had plenty of time to post before your troubles. A seven day window is a generous span of time to work with. As I've said...you've been removed.
  7. If you were having difficulties, you should have let me know beforehand; that's part of following the rules. And keeping up apparently is a problem because this is the second RP you've gotten three warnings in. Perhaps you should focus your attention on one RP instead of three.
  8. ***josh900 is receiving his second official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post.*** Josh, you've got one more week to post before being removed per group rules. ***Macman253 is receiving his third official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post. As such, he is hereby removed from the RP.*** It is apparent from your lack of activity that you are unable to participate as this RP demands.
  9. Celeste found it difficult to keep listening; it was taking a great effort to push the grief that was nearly consuming her to the back of her mind. She knew that Gabriel would not want her to dwell on him so, but losing the only semblance of a friend she had ever had was taking its toll on her, regardless. When the conversation turned to their employers, Celeste suddenly remembered that they had indeed been paid half of the money up front, and her stomach flipped with a sense of dread. "Oh, Maker," the mage rubbed her temples and bent her head, "This is not going to turn out well, I just know it..." Then, glancing around, she started patting the bedding and looking under the cot before cursing, "Andraste's ashes, I've lost my staff, too!" Sighing, she stood from the cot and ran a hand through her thick blonde hair, "I...think I can leave now." Slowly, she followed Abraham's footsteps, wincing as her joints felt stiff, "Sooner we get some rooms, the sooner we can start back to Redcliffe. Maker knows I can't do anything else, now..." the mage trailed as she thought of her options and came up with nothing. It would be something that would also prey on her mind in the days to come.
  10. Kat watched as Gawain's head turned slightly to the left to hear Ardan's inquiry. There were a few moments of silence before the knight finally replied, "Aye...both. They have little contact with us, keeping to themselves for the most part." "For the most part," Dinadan quipped with a sly grin, pointedly raising a brow at Gawain, "There are those among us who have Sidhe blood, themselves." Gawain glared, adjusting the lance in her grip, "And there are those among us who cannot resist wagging their tongues." "It is only truth I speak," Dinadan remarked casually.
  11. When We'tak reentered the camp with a drow in tow, Maydiira instantly jumped to her feet, reflexively reacting to seeing another drow nearby. Her wings snapped close to her back as she tensed, and she tossed a warning Rhaine's way, "Barra Ktonos!" Rhaine had been about to answer Rameses when her fellow Favored Soul gave the call, and the Doomguide immediately looked up with concern in her eyes, dropping Kaliste's hoof unceremoniously to the dirt. She strode over to the thri-kreen and his drow charge and gave the former a sharp look, "We'tak, enough! There are more appropriate times to ask questions, and now is not one of them." Turning to the red-headed drow, she added, "What is your business here?" Abby was uncharacteristically quiet as she watched the scene unfold with wide, yellow-green eyes. The half-dragon monk's entire body was still, and her senses were on high alert; she would be quick to move, if needed.
  12. ***GrueMaster is receiving his first official warning due to not posting within a week's time of his previous post.*** Grue, you've got one more week to post before being removed per group rules.
  13. ***GrueMaster is receiving his second official warning due to not posting within a week of his previous post.*** Grue, you have one more week to post, as per the RP rules.
  14. Celeste, of course, was completely oblivious to changing hands, her limbs limp as she was hauled along. However, her blank unconsciousness was disturbed by a ripple of strange energy that her mind detected very close by. It was not enough to push her subconscious into the Fade, but it did make a slight, involuntary grimace pull at the edge of her mouth... Meanwhile, Abraham cursed at Wind up ahead when two of the Dalish elf's arrows flew past the warrior's head; Abraham was unaware of those arrows subduing a pair of Darkspawn who were dangerously close to catching up with him. As he sprinted to catch up with those ahead of him, the aged warrior felt a heavy concern on his mind beginning to fade as the roar of the horde weakened with the growing distance between them. It would not be long now before they would reach the main roads, and from there, the way to Orzammar. It would most certainly be much clearer and calmer, since it was not long they had passed through this very same route in peace. As the remaining survivors were able to slow their peace somewhat upon arriving to the safer paths kept clear of danger by the dwarves, the former Templar sighed from sheer fatigue before finally sheathing his greatsword. Once his hands were empty, he glanced up ahead at the Dalish elf, the dwarf brute, and the unconscious mage who rested upon the shoulders of said dwarf. Somewhat concerned for the lady's health, Abraham took note to fetch a healer once they arrived at the thaig. ============================================== Eight Hours Later When the survivors of the expedition finally stumbled back through the gates of Orzammar, they made a beeline for the city's newly-built Chantry in the Commons, which had supposedly been sponsored with the aid of the Grey Wardens during the Fifth Blight. The place had grown slightly since then, but only slightly, as the dwarves made it hard on anyone who converted to the Chant of Light. It was a small, cramped, shop-turned-shrine, conveniently located adjacent to the Tapster's Tavern, and there was only Brother Burkel to provide aid. Celeste had been placed in the side room that was the makeshift, one-bed infirmary. She had been put on the tiny cot, a blanket draped over her, and Brother Burkel had said a few words of prayer for her, but that was all that could be offered until she awoke. Having taken a seat upon one of the few benches within the Chantry, Abraham removed his gauntlets and cleaned his hands with a nearby cistern of water, his mind still numb from the encounter with death. It almost seemed too good to be true that he and the others managed to survive. With an exhausted sigh of relief, Abraham retrieved his brairwood pipe; a few pinches of finely scented tobacco and a lit match later, he was sitting contently in his bloodstained silverite armor as he released great plumes of cinnamon-smelling smoke after each breath. Still, his mind worried for the mage. Finally, an hour or so later, Celeste began to stir, the pale blue silks of her robe rustling under the fur blanket. Her eyes fluttered open slowly, matching the shade of her garments, and staring wide-eyed as she did not realize where she was, the stone above her head devoid of engraving and nondescript in appearance. The mage sat up straight in the bed, tossing the cover off as her breath began to quicken in a near-panic. "What...where..?" she glanced around, not remembering getting to this place or the details of the fight before she lost consciousness, "Ser Gabriel?" The aged warrior of the group stood from his seat upon hearing a woman's voice call out from the Chantry's infirmary, and his ornate smoking pipe ushered another puff of smoke in response. Glancing towards Wind and Oren, Abraham gave a shallow nod as he spoke, "I'll she what she has to say." Without another word, he ventured into the side room where the mage was resting and met her icy blue gaze reassuringly. "Greetings, my lady." Abraham addressed her, inhaling another breath from his pipe, "You're back at Orzammar and alive, more importantly. I am Abraham Rohart of our failed expedition." While his tone was gruff, it was also sincere and almost apologetic for the calamity that had doomed most of the mercenaries who accompanied them into the Deep Roads. Celeste looked up at the silver-clad man, recognizing him from their brief introductions to each other at the start of this ill-fated journey. She met his green eyes and thought she saw kindness in them, past their piercing gaze. The scent of smoke that accompanied his entry into the room briefly reminded her of her father. She gave him a weak smile to answer his greeting, but this quickly faded once she glimpsed the yet-present blood stains on his shimmering armor. Dread knotted itself in her stomach as she finally replied in a faint voice, "Where is Ser Gabriel?" Unsure of whom the mage was speaking of, the former Templar only shook his head before he sighed, releasing another heavy veil of smoke. "Only four of us have made it back to Orzammar, and the other two are an elf and a dwarf." Celeste looked as though she had been punched. She murmured in a strained tone, "The Templar who...was...with...me..." The last few words came out choked. As she spoke, she began to remember those horrible moments before she blacked out, and she instantly wished she could wipe the images from her mind. The moment of Gabriel's death, his reaching out to her even as he died, as if she could still save him... "Oh Maker, no," the mage dissolved into wracking sobs mixed with anguished cries as the full weight of grief slammed into her like a fist; she buried her face in her hands to hide her twisted countenance, and the tears ran like rivers down her cheeks, blurring her vision and stinging her eyes with hot, raw emotion. Immediately cringing at the sight of Celeste collapsing into a sobbing fit, Abraham was unsure of what to do or say. He knew most mages were only allowed to travel outside of the Circle when accompanied by Templars, but this woman's response to the death of her Templar seemed to hint at a closer relationship. Biting his lip, Abraham eventually attempted to comfort the mage with a hesitant voice, "I'm sure the Maker is proud of your companion's sacrifice..." "He'd better be!" she shrieked, unaware she was in a Chantry, such as it was. Her face was a mixture of rage and nearly unbearable sadness as she stood and pointed with ferocity, "He'd better be at the Maker's side...because if he isn't I will find him in the Fade and drag him there myself!" Celeste then collapsed back onto the bed, grief pulling her through rage, despair, and back again, "Oh, poor Gabriel...my dearest friend..." She hid her face for a few moments in silence, wiping her eyes with her sleeves, then continuing to talk for no apparent reason, "They're not all bad, you know. The Templars." She sniffed, "Gabriel...was my friend, if you can believe it. The only constant I ever had in my life." She smiled miserably, "The other Circle mages wouldn't put up with me. I like to talk too much, you see. Like to share what I know and discuss theory. And the other Templars would not pay me the time of day even for a nice 'hello'. I was too silly. Too frivolous, they said. They had no patience for talk, however small." She paused, "But he was always there. Silent for the most part, but it was a comfort just to know." The mage lifted her gaze to Abraham's again, "He saved my life before. Took me through a third floor window of the Circle tower to save me from demons. Not a scratch on him for the armor, of course. But we both almost drowned in the lake," she managed to laugh a little at the memory, "I was picking glass shards out of my hair for a week after that." The mage swallowed hard, "Despite all that, we only just talked in earnest a few days ago. Finally managed to break that stoic silence of his. And now..." she trailed, tears slowly tracking down her face in pure sadness, "Now, it doesn't even matter, does it? It's like...like it never happened." Abraham remained silent as he listened intently to what Celeste had to say since doing so might be comforting for her to some extent. Her past with Gabriel seemed to run very deep, and Abraham frequently inhaled through his pipe and expelled its scented smoke during the one-sided discussion. Once he felt it was his turn to speak, the old warrior said earnestly, "It means something, or else you wouldn't be here talking with me." Adjusting his pipe for a moment, he took a moment to blow an impressive smoke ring towards the ceiling before he continued speaking, "In all my years of serving with the Order, I could count on one hand how many Templars I knew would have done as much for any mage as this Gabriel fellow did for you, especially with that corrupted Circle mess not too long ago." Celeste suddenly cocked her head at him, "You are...were...a Templar? I thought I felt..." she hesitated, "I can sense it, a bit. It's an odd feeling to describe. I think it's the lyrium." Sighing, she added, "I...am sorry. I should not have said so much. I just...I just don't know what I am going to do without him. He was like a rock wall that was always there. And now...now I feel like a feather adrift in a storm. And with this mission failed...with so many dead...what are we going to do?"
  15. Hey, Neth, you might want to confer with Mason and/or edit your post, because I don't think at any point it said that Celeste fell on the ground... :ermm:
  16. Argyros raised a brow at the drow's bizarre behavior, unsure whether or not her reaction bordered the insane. Beside him, Conall relaxed his grip on his crossbow slightly, exchanged looks with the pale elf, and then turned to We'tak, "If you wish to be her guardian, then lead her to Rhaine. She can tell her how to get to Furthinghome, if she desires...and will likely be a better judge of her character than either you or I." With that, he nodded to the disguised dragon, "Let's keep going, and trust the others to handle this. We have food to catch and skin before dark." Argyros gave a small smile and lowered his bow, "Things will be nothing but fine, I am sure." With that, the pair continued on into the darkening woods, searching for fresh game to bring back to their fellows. Meanwhile, at the campsite itself, Abby piped up, "We should ask Argy when he gets back...maybe he knows where the saying came from first." Maydiira shook her head, "Does it matter that much?" A distant "no" came from the direction of Rhaine and her horse, where the Doomguide had Kaliste's left front foot between her knees and was picking the hoof clean.
  17. Kat glanced at Rose and exchanged a weak smile from her position behind Gawain. Oh, if only her students could see her now...could even believe this was actually happening. They'd probably think it was some sort of fangirl-level YouTube cinematic or something. The professor wrinkled her nose. Sure seemed like one. As she returned her gaze forward, she was confronted practically face-to-face with the back of Gawain's helmet, and the first thing she wanted to do was a comparison and contrast to those descriptive passages in the Green Knight story... Before she could engage in such deep thinking, however, they were moving; Gawain's spurs lightly tapped her horse's flanks, and the steed began ambling forward. Dinadan did the same, following close behind her comrade. A few wordless hand gestures and the squires began to accompany them, too, falling into place behind the two knights. Kat looked back again and felt a bit of pity as she noticed the boys would have to go on foot - and judging from the speed of even the walking gait of the horses, it did not seem like it would be a comfortable pace to maintain... A merry jingle of harness alerted her to something beside her, and she noticed that Dinadan had pulled up to Gawain's right, the two knights riding side-by-side to take up most of the dirt road they had begun to follow. The more plainly adorned knight caught her glance and gave a small nod, and Kat found herself smiling. Maybe this would all work out after all...
  18. The darkspawn following the group began to falter as their charge led them straight towards the bottleneck. The ogres of the mob were forced to back down, turning their attention to the fresh meat that now littered the Deep Roads. The hurlock's unleashed one last wave of arrows, but the genlocks kept on charging, using their small height and speed to traverse the ever-narrowing corridor with ease. They were quickly gaining on Abraham, and any second they would reach him...
  19. Approved, neth! Welcome aboard! :) Also, I have yet to find anything on dwarf height, myself. But what you have listed seems appropriate. If anything comes up in my searches, I'll let you know.
  20. Celeste was completely unaware of the chaos unfolding around her as the burly ex-Templar held her over his shoulder like a potato sack whilst charging towards potential safety. Indeed, her mind did not even enter the Fade as she remained in cold unconsciousness. The darkspawn followed with endless energy, cutting down any who stumbled or fell behind. The band's numbers dwindled further and further in this way, and it gave the remainder plenty of incentive to push themselves even harder as they ran for their lives. A sharp bend in the corridor and a larger road was just ahead, and this road would eventually lead straight back to Orzammar... As if the Maker himself were giving the group a sign of favor, that fast-approaching bend in the narrowing corridor appeared to be too tight for the larger darkspawn to make it though in any way but single file. If they could make it past that chokepoint, their chances of survival would increase dramatically...
  21. Hi, all! I'm hoping I can get some help and advice from all you experienced DA:I modders. :D I just recently purchased the GOTY edition from Origin and am tentatively looking at modding for the game, but I have some questions and concerns. I've modded the previous two DA games, all three Elder Scrolls games, Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2, and more, all with great success, but for some reason, modding DA:I looks downright intimidating to me. :P 1) I noticed that patching can cause issues with modding DA:I. Is it safe to assume that, since the GOTY edition includes everything released thus far and is labeled as the "definitive" version of the game, official patches will no longer be an issue in regards to adding mods? 2) Should I play through the game first without mods (even though I already hate the plastic-looking skin), or go ahead and start modding before I even make the first save? 3) If I do mod the game, where do I even start? I am at a loss as to what I need to do first. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. :)
  22. They were everywhere. It was impossible to complete the mission. They had gone down a fork in the Deep Roads that eventually broke off into a lava river, and an army of darkspawn had sensed them down a side passage. They were now nearly surrounded, hundreds of the foul creatures pouring from every cavern and crevice, and if they did not retreat now, they would all quickly perish... Half their expedition was already dead, pounced upon before most could even react. Hellish archers rained arrows on them, and an ogre outfitted in spiked armor was charging down their most stalwart of warriors. Celeste tried her best to counter them and give her comrades a fighting chance, slinging frost spells and spirit magic at them and doing significant damage... ...but she had just quaffed her last mana potion - the vial shattering on the stone of the Deep Roads - and it would not be long before she would fizzle out... Ser Gabriel stood in front of her, planted like a rock wall, shield raised to protect her from any projectiles and ensure she could use her healing powers if necessary. Both of them were at a slight distance from the rest of the group as they desperately tried to stand their ground and push back the darkspawn's advance. Never had she been more thankful for his presence than she was now, and she poured most of her protective magic into him, whenever he had to beat back stray hurlocks or genlocks... It was becoming obvious, however, that this was a losing battle. The surviving members began backing away as they fought, towards the one corridor that was left unblocked by waiting darkspawn. Shouts of "Retreat!" were heard over the clash of shields and swords, and Celeste did not need to be told twice. She was gasping for air and shaking, nearly deprived of all her mana, and Ser Gabriel began forcibly pushing her backwards with his armored body, keeping her on the move despite her weariness. She defiantly hurled a Winter's Grasp over the Templar's shoulder at a charging hurlock and froze it in place as they began to retreat in earnest, turning and running down the empty corridor and back the way they had initially come. What happened next seemed to occur in slow motion for Celeste as she glanced backward and made sure the Templar was following her. Flashes of memory became mixed in flashes of the present, and the clatter and clank of armor faded to silence as the scene unfolded before her eyes... She saw Ser Gabriel as he stood in a shadowed corner, keeping watch over her as she studied. She remembered the feeling of sickness and fear...and trying to ignore the very large, shining, silver, hunk of metal that glinted in the moonlight streaming from the tower window and distracted her so she could not read... The Templar suddenly halted in his tracks, his sword and shield slipping from his grasp as a crossbow bolt protruded from his throat, just under the bottom of his winged helm... She remembered her first accompanied walk with Ser Gabriel around Lake Calenhad, the Templar noticeably following far enough behind that she could not chatter his ear off as they went... He slowly sank to his knees, a gauntleted hand reaching towards her as he fell... She remembered the explosions in the Circle, the advance of the demons, and then suddenly plummeting away from the tower as Ser Gabriel smashed through the third story window and leapt through with her tight in his grip, the pair crashing into Lake Calenhad and nearly drowning as they struggled to swim to safety on the other side of the frigid water... She screamed his name but did not hear it, her mouth open but her ears deafened, her pale blue eyes wide, "Gabriel, NOOO!" A sword then punched through his breastplate an inch from behind as he was stabbed through the back, the tip crusted with blood, and all she could do was keep screaming, her voice shrieking but unheard by herself, "Nooo, NOOOO!" Their journey here, their small talks, her family, his family, their future... None of it meant anything anymore. Her blood ran colder than any spell could have made it, her stomach turned, and she lost her own footing. The harsh, terrible, terrifying world went black before her eyes as she fell unconscious...
  23. ***This is the RP thread for Shadows of Corruption. For the discussion thread, see here.***
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