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Everything posted by AurianaValoria1

  1. Conall's brow furrowed as he listened to Rameses (and tried to ignore the illusory effects of Kaji's spell in the process). Ignoring the argument that ensued between Kaji and his astute fire elemental familiar, he spoke quietly, "So, you think Eirene reported to Harlock, or do you think she is in danger? Or both?" The werewolf refrained from offering the information he knew about the reason for her departure. Instead, he wanted to hear Rameses's thoughts. He briefly wondered if Eirene had indeed spoken truthfully about her lycanthropy concerns...or if she had just needed a legitimate excuse to escape the group and find Harlock... Meanwhile, back at the tavern, Maydiira rose to see what the matter was outside whilst Rhaine was occupied by the old man. The Doomguide frowned as she took in what the man had to say, as well as his attire and demeanor. He looked to be quite well-off and of high social standing, and Rhaine wondered who exactly his "employer" was and how they knew her. After he finished, she was silent for a moment before replying with that exact inquiry, "And who is this person, pray tell? I would rather not be surprised."
  2. Listening to Abraham, Celeste furrowed her brow and thought a moment, eyes returning to the road momentarily. Then, she replied, "I've...made a hobby out of cooking up potions now and then. Perhaps I can make you something that would calm your nerves...relax you, maybe? It would be no trouble..."
  3. All right, Mac, you're approved. But, take note: this will be your only character for the foreseeable future, and this is the last time I'll let you back in.
  4. Conall looked down at himself and felt his mouth drop open a bit. Now this was clever. He did not have time to compliment the mage, however, and instead followed Kaji with swift steps, "Come on, Rameses, let's get out of here." ---------------------------------------------------- Rhaine glanced at the window and then back at Hexol, "But...what if they follow you? What will you do then?" "Run into the ocean?" Maydiira supplied, sitting down beside the Doomguide.
  5. Celeste, who had been riding behind and slightly to the side of Abraham as they continued descending through the foothills, was startled out of her thoughts by the sound of the whiskey bottle shattering on the rock. Chevalier was not fazed, thank the Maker - she had no idea if she could have gotten him under control if he had shied. She, however, was more than a bit concerned. As she saw Abraham reach for another bottle of alcohol, she urged Chevalier ahead a bit and rode alongside the former Templar, glancing sideways at him and giving him a worried look with her large, blue eyes, "You know...you're no good to us drunk, Ser Abraham." After a few moments of watching the road ahead, she added, "You were kind enough to listen to me when I needed an ear. I would be happy to return the favor, should you require it."
  6. Hello, all! :D I'm a newbie at modding DA:I. I just grabbed the (x64) version of ModMaker to test out some custom textures for the Halamshiral formal wear. I've successfully had a cache created with the ModMaker and am able to access the proper file path, but when I go to import assets, the option is greyed out, so I can't import anything (or export, for that matter). The preview option is also greyed out. How do I fix this so I can test my textures? Any help would be greatly appreciated. :smile: EDIT: NVM. I just needed the SlimDX net framework.
  7. Back at the main camp, Celeste set about packing what things she could and preparing to leave as the sun slowly began to burn off the morning fog. They would need to leave soon, as they had a long ride ahead of them; it was still quite a ways to Redcliffe, and though part of her was not eager to inform their employer of the news, the other part of her just wanted to get it all over with.
  8. Conall observed Rameses's reaction with a furrowed brow of concern, suspecting there was much more to this situation than the genasi was letting on. Perhaps he would open up a little elsewhere, where they weren't surrounded by so many strangers... "Let's get somewhere and talk privately, shall we?" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Meanwhile, back at the Cheerful Sage, Rhaine watched with utter bewilderment as Hexol approached with an overzealous crowd in tow. After a few moments of incredibly awkward silence following the elder man's proclamation - and a flurry of thoughts all amounting to suspicions that this could not be a good thing - she ran through possible options before leaning towards Hexol and whispering in his ear, her hand cupped to her mouth. "You could try telling them that following you displeases you and that they risk your terrible wrath should they not cease their blathering."
  9. Conall was just meandering by, keeping We'tak well within his sight as he knew he ought, when Rameses's sudden reaction slightly alarmed him. The werewolf paladin pushed through the throng to the fire genasi's side and leaned close, glancing around at the swells of the crowd that moved all about them, "Are you all right? Did you see something?"
  10. Abraham shook his head, glancing down at his belt, "I left anything like that back at camp." Looking around, however, he noticed many thick vines working their way over the cliff edge; pointing to them, he added, "Maybe we can use those?"
  11. Meanwhile, back at the encampment, Celeste found herself continuously carving piece after piece of meat, her stomach growling with a ravenous hunger that reminded her she hadn't eaten well in days. Though there was still plenty leftover for a dozen men, she couldn't help but feel guilty after she had finally eaten her fill, and she sat on a log in silence, licking her fingers and glancing around at the foggy wilderness with wide blue eyes. Maybe they wouldn't be too upset with her after they noticed a decent chunk of flank missing from the deer carcass...
  12. Conall made it his duty to ensure the safety of Rameses's breakfast while the fire genasi was away from the table, having essentially been made the pseudo-watcher of the maturing Thri-kreen. He wasn't sure how exactly to get We'tak more accustomed to "softskin" society and fulfill Selune's wishes for the insectoid, but he figured that he would try with the little things on a day-to-day basis and take the bigger things as they came. One of those bigger things being the gala itself. Rhaine ate her breakfast in silence when it finally arrived, as did Maydiira. Content to leave Sin with We'tak if the other drow woman was intent on helping him, Maydiira thought instead that she would accompany the Doomguide that day; waves of discomfort occasionally washed over her, despite her determination to live without fear in the presence of surfacers, and she simply felt better being by her old friend's side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nine days later... The tenday dragged on. The first few days were spent milling about the city, the companions trying to procure as much information as possible and also getting fitted for new attire suitable for the special occasion of both the party and Rosalinde and Gregor's wedding. With the help of Sin's carnie friends, they were able to procure some rather fashionable attire at reasonable prices. Rhaine's chosen outfit was a dress with a beaded black velvet bodice and long sleeves, high-necked and open-backed, with a white silk skirt and black velveteen slippers. Maydiira ended up with a plain white satin dress, halter-necked, and a pair of matching low-heeled pumps. Conall settled on a blue velveteen jacket and a white shirt with beige breeches and knee-high black boots. Snappy ensembles, but not overly lavish in style. The guests of the gala were mostly aristocratic mages from Aglarondan settlements, though there were representatives from Thesk, Narfell, Impiltur, and even Rashemen. Apparently, a recent provocative incident had incited fear amongst the locals about the intentions of neighboring Thay. According to a fantastically drunk attendee, the fortress of Emmech, to the east of Furthinghome, had been overrun by Thayan forces in the past few months and was renamed "Undumor" by the occupiers...but now there were rumors circulating through the populace that undead had ousted the Thayans. In order to keep a panic from rising, the mage leaders of the nearby countries agreed to meet together behind the curtain of a gala said to be thrown to celebrate their goodwill with each other. But, in truth, it was to get them all together to discuss what exactly to do about this Thayan-undead invasion of Aglarondan lands. Gregor and Rosalinde had arrived a few days prior, the blushing bride rushing to get a dress pulled together in time while her husband-to-be sought out the party to thank them each again for helping him. He promised to repay them however he could when an opportunity arose, but Rhaine insisted that repayment was not at all necessary. Nevertheless, the noble knight would not hear of it, and he made it a priority to spend time with them each day in hopes of finding out something that they needed. The day before the gala, the atmosphere was more cheerful than ever. Excitement was palpable in the very air itself. No section of street was un-decorated, there was no alley where lights were not strung, and there was no wall where posters and banners did not hang. The chatter of townsfolk and guests was a constant hum in the background everywhere one went, and the clopping and neighing of horses could be heard from the various stables and inns along the perimeter of the city. Despite her life in Waterdeep, this noise was a bit too much for Rhaine, who stayed at a table in the shadowed corner of the Cheerful Sage, hoping to get some peace before the main event on the morrow.
  13. Rhaine was silent as she absorbed the excited waitress's gossip. At her mention of Thay, however, the Doomguide's brows rose, "That is...an interesting rumor to be sure. I know nothing of it, myself. We've been invited to take part, yes, but by a pair of relatively new acquaintances who wish to be married during the festivities." It was at that moment that she, Maydiira, and Conall were witnesses to Sin's bizarre gathering of food for the suddenly-quite-larger We'tak. All three watched the spectacle with slightly open mouths, before Conall glanced sideways at Rhaine, "Ahhh...do we pay extra for that now, or...?" Maydiira chuckled, "Looks like you have a very loyal new friend, We'tak."
  14. Abraham followed Wind from a bit of a distance with his torch held aloft, keeping his eyes on the forest around them and staying alert as the elf tracked down the Avvar. At last, when they reached the cliffside, the former Templar merely shook his head in disbelief, "Maker...it's a wonder he didn't break his neck."
  15. It seems that the War Room in Skyhold is a bit bugged in appearance; if you look behind where the advisors stand, there are those tall metal "pieces" that are giant versions of the smaller pieces that get placed on the War Table when missions are assigned. Leliana's is the owl, Cullen's is the armored fist, and Josephine's should be the bell. Unfortunately, in the War Room, Josephine stands in front of a repeat of Cullen's piece, not her own. However, the model is in the game already - it appears at Suledin Keep, which marks it as Josephine's secondary base of operations. Is there any way to fix this small error with the War Room?
  16. Just letting you all know we have someone coming in very soon who will be playing as a Mabari character (not a character with a Mabari, actually RPing as one). This is sort of an experimental thing; we'll see how it goes.
  17. Rhaine had risen early, as was usual for the Doomguide, and had slowly watched as the inn's patrons filled up the tables of the common room and began spilling into the reserve rooms in the space of an hour. It was more activity than she had seen in a while; the gala certainly had attracted a great many guests and accompanying entourages of varying upper-tier social statuses - from high middling class merchants and clerks to the most elevated echelons of the nobility. When the cheerful young waitress approached, Rhaine listened politely as the girl chattered on before asking for her order. Smiling gently, the Doomguide replied, "If you have any fresh fruit or porridge, that would be appreciated. Water as well, please." Glancing around at the humming crowd of guests, she added, "Out of curiosity, what exactly has spurred this extravagant social gathering? Do you know?"
  18. Nah, we can keep going. I'll just maneuver Abraham myself if needed.
  19. Just to let you all know, Mason will be taking a bit of a hiatus until further notice due to IRL issues.
  20. Just to let you all know, Mason will be taking a bit of a hiatus until further notice due to IRL issues.
  21. Celeste, hunger intensifying now that she'd tasted the well-seasoned meat, waved the other two on, "Go on, I'll stay here. Someone's got to watch this thing, yes?" She glanced around at the still-thick fog that enveloped the morning forest, "Just...don't be too long, all right?"
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