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Everything posted by AurianaValoria1

  1. Ham, onion, and green olives is one of my fave combos. Although I do love a classic pepperoni, too. :D
  2. Thank you for this opportunity! :D The game looks great.
  3. Go to the other end of the hall.
  4. Hide, but try to find out who the assailants are.
  5. Try to stop the running woman.
  6. I don't know what else to call them. :laugh: But they're those thin collar pieces that are attached to her higher-level body/arm schematics. I hate them (especially when using Live Like Viv for my own Inquisitor - long hair clips with them!). I've already tried turning their textures into an alpha, hoping that would render them transparent, but it doesn't work. They show up anyway. I'm assuming the only other option would be to try and shrink them down to nothing via a mesh edit, but I don't have the tools for that. Is anyone willing to try it?
  7. Carefully remove the rest of the broken bulb.
  8. Inspect the place where the bulb was.
  9. My favorite hair to use for my female characters is probably the bun, and there's one particular style I adore from modded Morrowind (that I haven't really seen in any game since) that I would love to have in DA:I. I think it was called "Dryad Hair" at one point and included in a lot of face/hair packs. Not sure who was the original author, but it looked amazing. Here's the best pic I could find of it: http://download.fliggerty.com/content/screenshots/44d9a5d99a9720bb.jpg It's basically a simple French twist with bangs in the front. Here's a photo that helps illustrate what the back should look like: http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/05/29/article-2333001-1A0A8B39000005DC-590_634x530.jpg If anyone could make something like this, I would be ecstatically happy. :D Preferably for HF.
  10. Quite by accident, I stumbled on a way to make ReShades and FRAPS work together. It's true that starting DA:I with both a ReShade installed and FRAPS already running will result in the game refusing to load. However, if you start FRAPS after you load up the game, it will work fine. I don't know if playing in windowed fullscreen helps, but that's how my game was set up when I discovered this. I just alt-tabbed out of the game, started FRAPS, and it worked normally. I don't know if anyone else has already found this out, but I hope it is of use to someone. :)
  11. I've gone through all the Templar meshes available in the ModMaker. There is only one mesh for the winged officer helmet, and it is actually attached to one singular set of heavy Templar body armor. From what I can tell, it's made to work with randomly-generated faces for male human NPCs only. I'm not a mesh modder, but from what I understand, splicing the helmet mesh from the body armor mesh of an NPC wouldn't work with the tools we have now. The game is really fussy about mesh adjustments anyway (crashes, failure to render, etc.), and it seems your request would be doubly difficult to accomplish. It would essentially have to be converted from an NPC body type to an equipment type for the PC, then be made compatible with male and female humans, elves, and dwarves. I'm guessing that is why it hasn't happened yet. TL;DR - As cool as it would be to have something like this, it looks like an unfortunate impossibility for now.
  12. Hi, all. I noticed we have quite a lot of hairstyles for long hair that's worn down, but only a relative handful for ponytails. I'd like to request a bit more variety in the ponytail department (specifically for human females, but elves would be welcome, too); one I'd specifically like to see is something akin to the "Undercut Ponytail" in this mod but without the undercut: http://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/641/? Hope this offers some ideas, and thanks for the consideration! :)
  13. There's many a model swap armor mod for Inquisitors out there, allowing one to wear Vivienne's, Sera's, Dorian's, and even Varric's armors. But what I'd really like to see is a mod that switches the light/medium/heavy models of the Inquisitor's unique sets. For example, I'd really like the warrior style to look like the mage style (to show PJs underneath instead of scale), and mage sets that look like the rogue sets (showing the outerwear underneath instead of the PJs). I know certain materials and mods remove class restrictions, but the former sacrifices armor rating and the latter is sometimes buggy.
  14. I do have quite a few retexture mods installed. Also, I do already play on "windowed fullscreen." I have had the problem with the white screen at the Skyhold cutscene (it's only happened once), but making the window smaller makes it play just fine. I do not have this issue in any other cutscene, and I do not have the 60 fps fix. ^^THIS^^ If so, it was made obsolete by one of the patches (maybe 6 or 7, can't remember...) See above. :P Plus I have the GotY edition, if that helps.
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