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Everything posted by AurianaValoria1
Check the pallet in the corner.
I've noticed something a little annoying after starting quite a few different Inquisitors and playing through "In Your Heart Shall Burn." The first time I played through (with very few mods, mind you), the cutscene where Mother Giselle initiates the group singing "The Dawn Will Come" went smooth as silk; everyone was lip-synced perfectly and everything was timed as it should be. Now, on subsequent playthroughs (admittedly with a bunch more mods added), everyone's lip-syncing during the song lags about a word behind the audio. I even noticed a difference in Cullen's animation - he initially lifted his head up when singing the first time, and now he keeps his head down. :huh: Furthermore, the lag ends when the song is finished; Solas's dialogue ("A word?") is right back in sync again. Does anyone else have this issue, and do you have any ideas of how to fix it? Is it just the additional mods taxing the game too much, or is it something else?
Press the button to see if it works.
Try knocking on the door.
Skye finished her meal and washed it down with more water, nodding in agreement with Victor, "Yeah, I like RTS games, too. Age of Empires, Stronghold, that sort of thing. Mostly historical stuff...not too keen on futuristic, really."
Looks like we're waiting on you, Grue. :)
Once everyone had gotten their pizzas and settled down, Skye dove into hers as though it were her last meal. Pizza was her favorite food type - the one thing she never tired of. This particular one was simply-topped with just pepperoni and green olives, and she was already halfway through it when Cian's question arose. Glancing up from her food and smiling sheepishly, she swallowed, took a sip of water, and replied, "Immersive RPGs, mostly. Open-world or linear, doesn't matter. I like good graphics, but the story's what counts to me."
It was at that unfortunate moment that Skye's stomach suddenly growled...incredibly loudly. It was as if a beast were growling at them and not the empty belly of the thin-framed woman in the corner of the elevator. A blush creeping into her cheeks, Skye wanted nothing more than to melt into the wall behind her, and she gave a silly grin as she dipped her head apologetically, "Sorry..."
"I'm Skye," Skye repeated to both the man who seemed to have been a bit confused and to Cian, following the latter to the elevator and entering behind him. All the while, she couldn't help but think that this was an odd bunch of people. Nice, maybe, but odd for sure. What had she gotten herself into?
Skye pointed to the second person to enter the lobby - Morgan - in response to the first who addressed her, then smiled slightly and replied, "I'm Skye." Afterwards, she said nothing else, a bit intimidated just by the size of the two young men. This feeling was intensified when the employee, calling himself Cian, approached. "What do you-" she started to ask quietly when the green-eyed fellow mentioned the cafeteria. She was halted mid-sentence, however, when the chatty woman in heels entered and joined their little group. Sighing, she realized she was the shortest of them all, finding herself looking up at everyone. Déjà vu...
Approved, Grue! :D
The almost oppressive silence of the place allowed Skye to hear the door opening behind her. Curious (and cautious), she turned around to see a tall young man entering the lobby, and she wondered what he was here for. She gave him a shy smile and nodded to him, asking quietly, "So uh...you work here, or are you here for the beta test?"
Skye didn't know exactly what to think as she walked into the spacious lobby of C2Believe's headquarters. It was quite a clinical-looking place, with pale blue flooring and massive glass windows, all polished to a mirror-shine. She readjusted her ponytail and her glasses, glancing about her, her sneakers squeaking on the recently-mopped tile. There was no one else there, not even a receptionist behind the lone desk ahead of her. Then again, she did have a habit of arriving far too early for...well, just about everything.
***This is the RP thread for C2Believe - Our New Reality. For the discussion thread, see here.***
And here's mine: Name: Skye Ross Gender: Female Age: 27 Physical appearance: Skye is a small, petite young woman, standing at 5'4'', with a thin, slight frame. Her face is heart-shaped, with a long, thin nose, thin lips, and high cheekbones. Her skin is ghostly pale with a smattering of freckles across her nose, her eyes a nondescript grey, and her hair a mousy brown. She is not physically fit, but she is not overweight. She wears a pair of rectangle, wire-framed glasses, and she is unable to see very far at all without them. She wears simple button-up blouses or t-shirts, usually with jeans and sneakers. Personality: Skye is very shy and introverted, generally quite nervous around strangers or large crowds. She is animated whenever talking about her favorite books or games, but is otherwise nearly silent. Favorite gaming franchise(s): The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Mount&Blade, Crusader Kings II, Stronghold, Age of Empires Occupation: Freelance writer Background: Skye grew up an only child, with ambitions of becoming a great writer someday. She has a BA in English, and she is currently a freelance writer for a gaming blog site, hoping to eventually see those ambitions to fruition.
Hi there! :D When I mean "real life," I mean that the storytelling involves real life elements like need for food, sleep, the possibility of injury, etc. So while these characters we're roleplaying will be immersed in a VR setting, the experiences they undergo will have the same effect on them as if they had occured in reality, not a game world. For example: "George never saw the zombie coming. In an instant it was upon him, striking his face with filthy claws and shredding his skin." This equals actual injury to the character that must heal, not loss of 'hitpoints'...does that make sense? And yes, as far as franchises go, I do mean things like Fallout, COD, etc. Knowing what these characters have experience with will help us plan the types of worlds in the actual RP. Details can be as little or as elaborate as you like, but do try to give enough to offer a good mental picture of your character and a decent idea of what kind of person they are. If you have any more questions, or if I was unclear, please ask. :)
Welcome to the discussion thread for C2Believe - Our New Reality. Here, roleplayers may post their character sheets, put up pics of their characters, discuss the RP, and handle any other OOC (out of character) business. *There should be no OOC posts in the RP thread itself.* In this RP, you play the role of someone who has been selected by a fledgling (and promising) virtual reality gaming company for exclusive beta testing of its top-of-the-line, cutting edge immersion equipment and simulation capabilities. The company, C2Believe, has, for this test run, utilized the settings of all the most popular gaming franchises - with custom, revamped winning conditions and adjusted AI - to put its equipment through its paces, creating a massive game world which spans multiple genres and worldspaces. Permissions were presumably obtained from all franchise owners in order to make the endeavor possible; players know these settings well, they argued, and so would be able to provide proper, in-depth feedback on how well their designs operate with various playstyles and genres. Thus, these companies have formed a loose partnership, with the hopes of working together more closely in the future... C2Believe used online applications to select testers from a variety of backgrounds, who possess a variety of gaming interests, with varying real-life skills to contribute to their team of fellow players. No one can do everything, of course, and this key concept forces these who are grouped together to figure out how they fit in with their team members. These selected applicants have now been gathered at C2Believe's headquarters to participate in the beta test run, awaiting their immersion into their first game world. These men and women are wholly unprepared for the challenges they will face - what even C2Believe could not foresee happening: a disaster that will leave their testers trapped in the worlds in which they have been immersed with only two ways out - winning, or dying... -------------------------------------------------- This RP is a hybrid of gameplay and real life elements, written in a novel-like style. As such, it is possible for characters to catch illnesses, suffer from heat stroke or hypothermia, become dehydrated, etc. Additionally, damage to hit points is discarded in favor of actual realistic injuries (IE - an arrow to the heart is fatal). Things like mana or stamina rely on the natural energy and focus of the individual. Proper sleep is required to function; no one can stay awake infinitely. Illnesses are erased when moving into a new worldspace, allowing the character to start fresh and well. Learning this could be advantageous to participating characters... Equipment and abilities are carried over when traveling to new worlds, but it is quite possible that they will not be applicable there. -------------------------------------------------- *Disclaimer - This RP is a work of fiction; any characters' resemblance to real persons, in name or otherwise, is entirely coincidental.* -------------------------------------------------- Here are some general guidelines that should be followed when posting in C2Believe - Our New Reality, originally made by Lisnpuppy. Quote A few more rules to add: 11) No individual teleportation. For one thing, it can get really OP very quickly. For another, it causes pandemonium. There may be instances where the whole party teleports together, but individuals will not be able to do so on their own. 12) No strong sexual content. Just because your character/characters are in a relationship it doesn't mean that everyone wants to read what they are doing in their private time. 13) The character limit is TWO. Try to make characters strong enough you can stick with them for a while. *** tokyobiohazard, GrueMaster, and I are co-founders for this RP, and thus, we share the right to enforce the rules. *** Additionally, it is important (not to mention courteous) to take turns posting. If you are waiting on a roleplayer to interact with you, and they have not posted in a few days, PM them...they may be busy or may have simply forgotten that it was his or her turn to post. Please be considerate. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif Below is a character sheet template. If you wish to participate in the RP, please fill out one of these and post it in this discussion thread to be approved. You cannot begin posting in the RP until your character sheet is approved by tok, Grue, or myself. Once you are approved, head on over here to post. Name: Gender: Age: Physical appearance: Personality: Favorite gaming franchise(s): Occupation: Background:
This Friday will be three weeks without posts for two of us. Let's try to move it, even if it's nothing fancy.
Is there any way we could make a compiled list of all mods that are known to play nice with Trespasser or that have compatible versions included on the mod pages? I think something easy to access like this would be extremely helpful to both mod-makers and mod users alike. :) Perhaps I could edit this post with mods as people comment, and it could be stickied at the top of this subforum?
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At Lucas's suggestion and We'tak's insistence, Maydiira looked perplexed, "I..." The drow trailed, glancing around. Of course she knew some dances meant to show praise and rejoicing to Eilistraee, but as ignorant as she was of surfacer ways and customs, she was certain that now was not the time and place for such displays... "I'm afraid-" Suddenly, the estate bell began to ring, pealing clearly over the din of conversation, summoning all attendees to witness the wedding ceremony. It was at that moment that Conall spotted a familiar face near the buffet - Markas the halfling? The paladin hadn't time to say anything about it to the newly-returned Rhaine, however, as the crowd began to sweep them all into the hall that would serve as the ceremonial chamber. Rhaine did note that Rameses had gone missing, likely wandering in his increasingly drunken state, and she hoped he wasn't getting himself into trouble. They had already had enough trouble for one night... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When the wedding had finally come and gone, after a ridiculously long and rather boring formal ceremony, the guests were left to mix and mingle for the gala proper. More food, drinks, and musicians all were brought out for the enjoyment of the guests. Of particular note was a massive roast beef and a platter of fried pastries that was meticulously arranged in the shape of a tree...
Looks good.
I'm fine with it. Might want to go back over his sheet though and update anything that you think needs changing.
Honestly, your best character(s) was Markas, with his hound, Fang. If you can get back into the groove you had with those two, I think it'd be fine. Whatever characterization or RP style you had going with them really worked. Might I suggest going back to them? Also, do ask Grue about Realmslore. He really is the group resource on a lot of things, especially things that the wiki doesn't elaborate on. Lastly, just like you have an "open door policy" concerning PMs, so do I. If there's anyone you should contact when you have questions about the RP in general, it should be me; you should never be afraid to talk to me when you need to.
Mac, as far as I remember (and this was a long time ago, so forgive me if I'm mistaken), you didn't want to be a part of the Steam group chat we had going because we were too boring; you left it voluntarily and never came back. But you've still got PM avenues to reach us. The point is you're not applying logic to these situations. Trying to pull off something like the theft at the gala was against all sense if you understood where the town was, who was there, and what nation it was in. First off, something that I noticed: Dragon Age policies towards elves don't apply in the Realms. You're mentioning DA prejudices in a world that doesn't behave in that way towards elves for the most part. Aglarond itself is a nation of half-elves, so the whole attitude towards elves thing was off by a mile in that situation. Furthermore, Furthinghome is a town where magic users are on top right now (like much of Aglarond), meaning everything is naturally going to be warded beyond belief. Bring on top of that the fact that Thayan corruption is something that makes Aglarondans paranoid, and it's really, really, really not a good idea to try to implement what you did (or have Sparrow say what he did) and solve it in 2 posts - because it just wouldn't happen. A character can't be expected to get away with it. The concept wasn't thought through; you didn't do the research and it shows. That has happened on multiple occasions in this RP. If you do a little studying up, you can avoid occurrences like this, but it requires application of logic and common sense. That's the biggest issue here. Your writing itself, technically, is good for the most part. Lately, you've been following the rules. But the lack of actually paying attention to the environment and how your character logically fits in is still lacking, and that's what's driving us nuts, I think. We feel that we're expected to go along with these plans of yours and not have other characters (even NPCs) appropriately react for the sake of getting these mini plots done, even if they make no sense at all.