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Everything posted by fiewiel

  1. You run too many additional spawn mods. Clean your savegame using this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52363/ Make SURE to follow instructions! BACKUP your save first.
  2. You messed up your bodymod. Whatever you use, make sure you follow installation instructions.
  3. Uninstall the enb. Go to the download page where you got the enb and follow uninstallation instructions.
  4. Probably a problem with skeleton_female.hkx and/or hdt. Thats my guess.
  5. The trees in the screen look normal to me (now your lod trees also work). You disable AA in the skyrim-inis and put AA to application controled in gcdriver so that the enb can control the AA. Makes sense. Depending on enb you can enable/change AA in enblocal or in sweetfx, or in whatever. As you disabled grass on steroids you have to bump in skyrim.ini iMinGrassSize=20 to compensate. This will hit performance.
  6. Youre missing patches. enhanced blood dg/db, cot dg/db, elfx smim and prob a lot more. skybirds can spam papyrus pretty bad, I wouldnt install it (its a good mod, but runs tons of script. The other bird mods arent worth installing IMO). skytest should clash with skyre. Not sure if the reproccer manages this. Skyre freaked out in the one log, so either its not working 100% or papyrus settings are bad. Ask on the skyre forum for help.
  7. What sfo version do you use? And upload a new screen with only sfo enabled.
  8. Reduce that to skyrim flora overhaul and report back if its still looking bad.
  9. The enb is ancient and wasnt designed to use with rcrn. Try the skyrealism enb (cinema, realistic...) it should work with rcrn.
  10. Here is an example: I browsed the new files of the nexus and saw a mod called "combat drama overhaul". Went and read the description, what I did understand was that the author tried to be funny in a giant wall of text but I simply couldnt understand what this mod was about (something with killmoves maybe). Not sure though. So I wrote "Could you describe in 2 lines what this mod is actually doing? Beside a bunch of nonsense as description I see nothing. Thanks." Im no native english speaker and what I did read was nonsense to me. Beside, I think the description of a mod should describe what its doing and not be the plattform of some lewt speak (or how this is called). Anyway, he blocked me and 3 posts later mod author wrote "I will be uploading a video to show off its features in the very near future. It's hard to describe." Its no big deal IMO its just an unimportant mod, but I do not think that my post was insulting or aggressive and I feel the block is way over the top. This is just an unimportant example, but I bet were going to see a lot more of it in the future. With no moderation in place its individual rights to supress thoughts/opinions.
  11. You install the CoT weather module and nothing else and than you install the RLO interior, city lighting modules and dungeon module. And if its working (it will) you deceide if you want the sound mod of cot. No clue why you even ask, its that obvious. And about the article... you notice that its from january this year. So its outdated.
  12. Actual the filepath you posted for the saves is normal. My guess would be you installed under admin rights and youre now trying to play with normal user ones.
  13. Sounds like your save is on its last breaths, you should consider starting new. Make a backup of your skyrim folder. Go into a playerhouse and save there. Revert your skyrim to vanilla http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again Log into skyrim again and wait 10 days in your location. Do not move and save again. Log into skyrim again and go and check if you still crash at vendors. If so your save is corrupt. If not, enable your mods and try again. If you crash now you have to find the mod responsible (should be easy) and play without it.
  14. Download a save from nexus with 0 mods and try with your modloadout if you get a crash with this save too. If not your savegame is corrupt.
  15. Im using the normal download files (children, commoner, followers) unmodified on the most actual skyrim version. Simply checking if the files in your /data directory are from decent women doesnt work 100%. I had one mod which forced female npc to use the female walk animation loaded before dw and this mod disabled dw completely (and all other npc overhauls), but the dw files were untouched. In the end you simply have to uninstall/reinstall the mods until you find the culprit (using mod organizer helped a lot).
  16. I have the attached in mid air and floating hair bug too. Happens 90% if I alt-tab out and in game (so happens a lot). I play fs windowed. Normally fixed by simply continue playing (after getting some distance to the attached point it suddenly resets) or you can quicksave/quickload. Didnt knew that those strange saves are short before crashes. Was also wondering where they came from.
  17. Install skse and skyui. Dont think that without skyui any mcm menu shows up.
  18. Looks like normal behavior to me. Skyrim updates the sun position every X seconds. Backup your inis, get ewis ones http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36146/? (change them to your graphiccard) and shadow problems should be gone.
  19. Im using part of the dw suite (sadly no update and dark face bug and...) I encountered that a bunch of other mods can overwrite the dw mods or influence them. In the end I had to spent some time to find the offenders and disabled them.
  20. You have to start a new game else youre using a corrupted save on a fresh install which is next to useless.
  21. Disable the bashed patch and reproccer for a test.
  22. You can shift+f12 ingame. If there is no difference the enb isnt working. You should go and ask for help on the true vision forum. Make sure that youre not running additional programs using osd (afterburner, rivatuner, performance monitor, whatever).
  23. Sounds like your skyrim installation is corrupted. Backup your installationfolder (just in case), delete everything, reinstall skyrim, start new game with 0 mods. Save in riverwood. Enable core mods (custom race, patches whatever). Check if its working. If it is, install the enb new. This should fix it.
  24. The obvious would been uninstallation of skyui and check if youre still crashing. Which you prob do, as I dont think skyui is your problem.
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