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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. http://oi56.tinypic.com/2j0ypvc.jpg And thus, the Martians grant chaos in it's purest form: 0 Edit: Yeah, that's me
  2. Sir M'aiq of Liarsford. I still haven't been able to catch him :P
  3. I guess this means I won't have to have multiple downloads of multiple parts of one mod slowing each other down? Nice one Dark0ne :D
  4. Yeah, that works too. Although given that some people have trouble reading Readmes, they might not know what applicable taxes are :P Seriously though, that would probably work just as well
  5. I had this happen to me. I didn't mind because it was only 20p extra but it would have been nice to have a warning on the subscriptions page saying something like "depending on you location, you may be charged VAT as well as normal fees". Would this be possible for Nexus 3.0?
  6. Is there any chance of an Oblivion version of your Batsuit mod?
  7. Yes. LCD screen. 'nuff said. Seriously, hardware monitoring, media player, games. Just about anything can be displayed on it
  8. Try turning off the fog Edit: And the hardware shader Legoman: Turn down your draw distance to less than 25. Yours is way too high
  9. Or lose? Does that work with ATI cards Thor?
  10. I also like the idea of making a mod for that
  11. That's what happens when you don't install mods correctly. Make sure the ENTIRE 'meshes' and 'textures' folders go into 'Data'. Not just the contents, the actual folder WITH the contents
  12. Get what I have. £300 - £400 and it struggles with no game. Specs are in my sig
  13. To be fair, isn't it a bit late to change anything now anyway?
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