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Everything posted by TheReverendTholomewPlague

  1. This is an animation/mesh question you are asking and would be better asked in the appropriate section of the forums
  2. Hey. Great work on the textures. Thanks to you, my beautiful eyes don't have to be scarred by low res Obsidian textures :D
  3. That would be hot. Had to be said. I like what you did there XD
  4. Charming Dragons? PC: "Hey, you come here often ?" Dragon:**Fireball**
  5. NO! Stay with the 5670. I have one and it's great. It runs Crysis 2 at Extreme settings very smoothly. No point spending more than you need Edit: Get the 1GB Sapphire version though. The heatsink is far superior
  6. What selerna said. The criteria for a modder could be someone who has >1 uploaded mod on the site
  7. I need a script for Fallout 3 that would cause a continuous console command (tcl) to run when a certain key is pressed and turn off when the key is pressed again. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
  8. Who was the 666th viewer?
  9. You might want to ask DesuChan herself on this one here
  10. Ban Dredge for thinking I don't like it :P
  11. Ban LW for pointing it out (now I look stupid...oh, right) :P
  12. When you are the 666th viewer to my profile, please tell me so I can give you your kudos
  13. Hello. I guess from your name that you are an A7X fan :D
  14. Wow Dredge, you share a birthday with me. Just realised :D
  15. Bans Dredge for calling me Revenant (didn't I do this same ban a while ago?)
  16. XD To be fair, most of them are single mods that are split into different modules
    1. somerandomsheepthathops


      Try disabling most of your mods, or try setting the scale of your character to 1 (I know weird, but the same thing happened to me on fo3.) If that doesn't work create a new game.
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