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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. Euh, why? i mean, why disorder? Aside, imagine, there you are, Mr. Noob. Some fellow wants to pass you, he's just faster. You grab him, only to get the fright of a life time: this fella is Bruce Lee, and he is pissed at you... IMHO too soon a death for a player, no? Seeing all you have is your wife, oh, and a kid, right. No, then I prefer to see the soldiers on the gate being overrun, and the vault being overpopulated, due to which most if not all die due to malnutrition and the lot, while you sit/hang/whatever cosy in that tank. You'll be fighting enough after they BBQ you back to life, trust me.
  2. Let's begin when you leave home in that nice still working vehicle when you head for Wallma... Super Duper. You enter the shop (having a wee cash) and you buy whatever. Suddenly, air sirens haungtinly scream for an incoming attack, you have to drive home to figure out what's happening. Hmm, might work. Reminds me of a song by Carnivore on their Retaliation Album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANx2mk_qyh8. Seeing this song is so perfect for this event, they should bring it in there, whayya think?
  3. I kinda would've loved to see this: exploding head. XD Thankfully no kids play this game, lol.
  4. Killing a game, one does this by NOT releasing the mod tools with the game. Proof? FO4Edit is one. What Beth seems to miss entirely, is that mods make their game. Sad but true. Imagine FO4Edit or other tools did not exist, how long would it have taken for FO4 to survive?
  5. Taking it from a different PoV: it does make much sense, she was shot point blank in the face. :P
  6. Lockheed SR71a Blackbird pilot: ""Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil. For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing.""
  7. Too bad, there was no enemy around when that cat launched... With that force, it would've pulverized even the biggest opponent, lol But yes, it's uncommon with the Beth engines, but certainly not impossible.
  8. They must act like this. It's in Forum Policy, that anything even remotely pointing at or stroking piracy is extremely forbidden. More, you will likely be banned for this. Honestly, I can't help it but applaud.
  9. Man man man... Started allover, this time I began with the Institute Bunker, thinking maybe the other merged file became slightly too big for FO4Edit and similar programs. Everything works perfect, really, I can add ALL but ONE record to the new file. I am missing something, but I can't find it. Maybe I need some rest... But the Autist (Asperger-Savant)/ADHD'er in me refuses to rest before I figured it out. Been on few mod pages, awaiting a possible answer. Seems that for now, I need to make a complete new ESP, starting from scratch, and add all but Institute... Drats.
  10. Sadly this was aeons back in time, when either Ob or Sk still were... somewhat new, lol...
  11. So, I got quite a few mods merged now, but when I get to the Institute Bunker mod, things grind to a dead stop. Though I have no conflicts with other mods, I can't copy the NavMesh, no matter what I try. Either this part refuses to be copied, or, when forced, it manages to get corrupted. I tried to figure out just what the issue is, I checked the original, which is clean and without error, and whether I copy it or add it as new record. If anyone has an idea... I'd be very grateful.
  12. I had a similar problem in Skyrim (or was that Oblivion, forgot): a cat beast that attacked me suddenly became a missile after I hit it. Apparently, the physics got messed up due to the weight being changed. Never found out what caused this though... But when I see your cars flying, I see the cat... It was identical.
  13. Get FO4Edit http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2737/? fire it up, select all mod, check for errors. It should tell you where the conflicts are. If you're not afraid, you could even try to fix these errors. Most are quite self explaining, really, some errors can be a true mess. I have a situation with The Institute Mod, where I need to copy a Cell block, BUT! The Navigation Mesh keeps bugging out. No matter WHAT I try, it results in total misery. I'm trying to overcome the situation, but as it looks, this particular Mesh will annoy me forever. At any rate, I believe FO4Edit will tell you more than we can at this point. Should you run into trouble, you can come here with your questions. All I've got to say: Good luck, ol' chum.
  14. God, I'd love to see her with a HUGE cigar in her mouth a la Sarg from Quake, while wielding a machine gun... XD
  15. I've got quite a few ESPs and 9 ESM in my game/data. Now, I have an odd situation, some parts can't be copied seems, as if protected. No matter what I try, they simply will not be copied. So, I forced this, but the result is corrupted copies. Darned annoying, but I keep trying.
  16. Enable # should do the trick, unless it's ACTUALLY deleted from your save, in that case revert to previous save.
  17. Which is why I was asking for advice on Merging Mods (WITHOUT adding the "Parent Mod, this would make merging a silly thing). I am experimenting with a whole new idea, I will keep you posted about this, IF it succeeds. Did 15 so far, cumbersome, time taking, but PROMISING... Only 200+ more to go. IF I succeed on the whole process without further error, i will post a detailed "How To ACTUALLY Merge Mods". ADDENDUM: Thusfar I did fairly VERY simple ones, I am on the point however of making an "Universal Scrap Item+WerkBench Addons" (tools AND Items) combined mod. This might proof FAR more difficult and time consuming, but as stated afore, it does look promising.
  18. Lol, once you got enough NPC's, throw in a few nukes, just for the heck of it. XD
  19. Hmm, the last one, 1.9, seems Skyrim only. It refuses to open up any other?
  20. Hmmmm, well... now that you know what you know... Maybe do make a fresh start? And add a few mods, like More Spawns? Heck, there ever seem to be a few new critter mods around to "play" with. :P
  21. One thing is for certain: it will not arrive before Beth launches it. Thus: back to F4Edit/Merge-Plugin.
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