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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. yes, you can point at a weapon, press Q, and voila... ENJOY! ;)
  2. Boh, we can do most things in FO4Edit anyway. Read: most. But it would be fun to create player houses that actually look decent... :( An add-on for V81, for instance. The room you get is far too bloody small.
  3. Zeta was weird, oddly implemented, very... well: Bethesda. I would've taken a much more different path, but well. About weapons, wth is it with the Broadsider? What maniac figured it was cool to implement that silliness?
  4. Got a clue what causes the CTD's? I added 4 lines to the FO ini, something about graphics, already forgot, but my vidcard despiced it. Gave me micro-lag and CTD's. Removed it, problems gone. CTD's always are caused by something. found the tweak, for under [General] iTextureUpgradeDistance1=4800; 7500 iTextureUpgradeDistance0=2400; 5000 iTextureDegradeDistance1=6000; 7500 iTextureDegradeDistance0=3200; 5000 Nice, just not for me.
  5. Well, they could co-op with them, or fu... dge, I can give them a hand, for free no less, got so many ideas it can be made into FO50 ROFL. Actually, now that I think of it, why shouldn't they make the community of FO4 players help them? There are plenty of DAMNED good creators out there.
  6. DLC would be my idea too, aye, in this way it was posted. Ah well, we'll see... With GECK on the verge of falling into our laps, we could work around most issues anyway. :) Which means updating my game, dammit. :(
  7. "I do" (read, I have a ton of them, and yes I experiment the hell out of modding :P), and NMM does it good to me. For one with combining mods. Trying to reduce the amount of plug-ins I am running.
  8. Erm, wait, Mod Organizer ain't an editor or so right? Just making sure. To me, NMM works perfectly. FO4Edit as well, for that matter, though I fail to combine Mods with it. For some reason, if I combine one too many, it just kills the entire file off when launching (read crashing) FO4. We surely could use a Mod Merger that actually works. :(
  9. Oh in that form. It was fully supported in other GECKs, would be weird if they turned this down or even off. I remember Vault24, by Cambregol, I cleaned the whole thing out, added lights, GECK was AWESOME. NOTHING you could not do with it. Well, save for editing the core engine, of course. XD
  10. Makes me mad how people can be so bloody unprecise as to what they mean...
  11. Actually, sloths... that may be our mascotte. Our Moto: WHOAAAA! CHILL!!! SLOW DOWN. lol
  12. Then it would actually say Mods, no? DLC seems more logical in this form?
  13. Thicket Excavations never gave an issue to me? I could just not fix indoor placing of items, then. This fix for Sanct, does that apply in other places too, like thingy Plaza, that indoor market house?
  14. You folks make my day :smile:!! It's hard to come by a smile these days, you folks give me those on a regular basis!! Glad you had a smile. But i was not kidding, I couldn't care less for religion preference, skin colour, sexual preference, everyone is my friend, literally, until they cross my path. Depending on what happened, i can be both forgiving as deadly. But yes, that simple IS the world to me. It's odd: being autistic, the world is SO fu... dging simple to me. Black, white, the end. God i am blessed...
  15. Meh, i couldn't care less, as i said. All the same to me... XD
  16. Maybe we should come together and make a political party for the slower ones? :P
  17. Meh, straight, bi, homo, asexual, all the same to me. XD To me there are only two species in the entire universe/multiverse: good folks, and those that preferably do not come near to me for their own safety, lol.
  18. Erm, CK in a closed Beta? How would this work? Just a handful "lucky ones" that would get it?
  19. Uh, sorry, my apologies. Being autistic, it does not always come clear to me...
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