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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. Hail our High Priestress.. ,,, O_o... what is she doing?
  2. How to you like my X-mas song for you? .DDD

    It's a nice band from Berlin.. Actually they are now old men... like me..! :DDD

  3. Strange.. what did you change since yesterday?
  4. Oh, Schnuckiputzi is talking about me! *Runs off to Schnuckiputzis board*
  5. Ups, why did you get this old database error? Your toolset worked all the time?
  6. Hey, stop poking.. it's almost X-mas! A PEACEFUL time! :P
  8. What tell you?

    That it is morning, the 30th November?

  9. Yep.. Ret's Zev is working with Lucille as models... and so I used again Dracomis Zev... I like his version... but he took out the dark hair version from his mod... or I'm too stupid to find it..

    the half shaved hairstyle is from Sheppies: HAirstyle DAy...:P

  11. What means Val with burry? Buried?
  12. It looks creepy.... and beautiful.... *trembles*
  13. Oooooh, you too have a new cool avatar... Wow! Me like!..
  14. Wow! 3 kudos...:DDD
  15. Oh , funny with the ipad I see your new eye ( cooool. Is it a fisheye? :DDD) but on my PC not... strange ...
  16. Cool new avatars!!! I'm thrilled....ahhh and Roxy too. Was yesterday an avatar sale here on the Nexus
  17. Are you sleepin now? *pokes with fishsticks*
  18. Good Night Roxy... Sleep well. I should go to.... :)
  19. Lol! I'm bored and testing some new edit apps on my ipad with DA pictures and now I've made an edit of a Sexscene with Zevran and it looks like somebody has wiped a part of the fogged-up window free to have a good sight. Lol! I think that's the most corny pic I' ve ever made for DA
  20. Now you starring at your own.... if you fall asleep then go to bed :P
  21. Hey you are starring at my profile... *neener-neener*
  22. Hey Schnuckiputzi I need a place to hide and ... there I thought Mordor is big and maybe I can hide here somewhere...?
  23. Hello Roxy I hope you don't mind.if I hide here a while because Val is after me... and omg... I hear her coming... runs off
  24. Hm, where can I hide?????... Ah... Roxy...runs off
  25. Hey, Hasenpubs have you today your appointment?
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