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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. oooh pancakes...yummy... I thought they were none left...


  2. Hey,nothing new in the Image section... Hm... I will have a look at your Skyrim pics....
  3. Hey, looks what's that??? I will take that... *swings her broom and hits Roxy on his butt* hehehehehehe
  4. Ohhh coool anew victim * pokes with a really nasty stick*
  5. Sheppie Mausibausi x10


  6. Of course her name isn't Shyshepard.. *facepalm* it's Shepshy....
  7. Oh my too many women..I'm totally confused. Sorry Sheppie Mausibausi that should be a comment *points above* for Schnuckiputzi Ginewra...
  8. I must ad mit that such little vid pearls (Alistair dance) were thereason why I wanted to use the toolset and make my own cutscenes.... :DDD
  9. Of course her name isn't Shyshepard.. *facepalm* it's Shepshy....
  10. I've talk with Sheppie or you know her as Shyshepard... and I should call her Sheppie Mausibausi..Hm, that's good so I think everyone has his nickname...

    Nooo, we forgot Vani.. Vanilka..... hmmmm

  11. Aber Sheppie du bist doch schon Sheppie.. warte Sheppie Mausibausi.. Hm,, das hat doch mal einen Klang! MEH MEH MEH
  12. Oh, sorry Sheppie called me Schnuckiputzi. I said to her: No.. these times are over.. I have now a new Schnuckiputzi! *proud*
  13. Oh, Schnuckiputzi ist schon vergeben ich habe zur Auswahl: eier auf polnisch, hab vergessen wie das Wort dafür ist, oder seit heute Ribi oder Sir Risibin....
  14. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww:

  15. My contribution for the start of Alistairian Church:

    It's old but nevertheless a MUST:

    Shake it!

  16. Hm, is everything alright.. becasue I heard a strange laugh somewhere... like mmmuuaaahhhh.... sounds a bit creppy... *looks around*....
  17. You can call her, aehm him *phew,by a hair's breadth* simple it..

    ... Now, speaking of it... Qess has no nickname.... Hm...she need a nick name... aaah und you need a good Member Title.. Enthusiast is boring..

  18. Qess said thank you for adding her.! Schnuckiputzi
  19. Galadriel pffft..lol....rofl....Schnuckiputzi... would be a perfect hobbit woman....
  20. What? Qess is a Nazgul? Oh.. yesterday she told me she loves you.....
  21. For having funny conversations... silly girl! ;D

    What did you had in mind? :P

  22. We all want Schnuckiputzi *clap.clap*
  23. Btw Qess is male ...


  25. Gine loves you too! Bro!
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