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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. Na, jetzt wirds aber Zeit.. husch husch in die Ferdern...
  2. what are you counting??
  3. isn't now sleepy time in Norway..
  4. YEAH.. kudos for everyone....
  5. Bye,bye.. Hey don't forget your handbag! :p
  6. Ah, if you like it then kep it!

    he he nice pics of Flemeth as a kid

  7. agonised moan...cool...
  8. I've forgot it maybe someones friend on another board or someone who has endorsed the mod.. sorry..

    Then we can make a new one.. hehehehehehe

  9. Of course I'm not offended by the city names or are these slang words for wiener, member,norks,?

    Member titles are funnier and more difficult my dear president roaster.. by the way I've seen someone else with this title!

  10. Bratislava...main capital of Slovakia

    I'm in the Image section.. mayb e some nice pic to look at



  12. O_o

    Öhhhh, VAl is +1 and Qess is -1

  13. Okay Hasenpubs.. I thought you are hooked on the content of your bag..
  14. Hey what's about the nickname?
  15. Of course I won't do that. I'm ... hey stop little girl no one say something of a relationship....???

    I'm a free man!

  16. not read SPEAK of course
  17. Hm whats ribbe....

    Val you must read with Qess she doesn't wants to give me her handbag

  18. Qess.. sit down.. we... must...talk....first.... give ..me please... your handbag...
  19. Schnuckelchen, Schnuddel, Schnuddelpferdchen, Hasenpubs, Dickerchen, Schweineöhrchen
  20. Lol!!! at interests

    It makes still no sense to write your gender under previous field but not under My information: eitehr both or none....

    Hey you have no nickname..hm..let me think of another German one..

  21. What your balls are looking like raisins...wow bro!...
  22. Val wants more kudos giver her kudos.. kudos for everyone
  23. What an unmanly behaviour! *shakes head*
  24. No knackers are balls, nuts...
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