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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. *winks with the Rasta hairstyle in her hands and runs off*
  2. Hmmm, strange... I thought I would hear someone talking to me!
  3. He he he I've seen that you are logged in...:P
  4. I'm your heroine!


  6. JAgoda seems to be a little wolverine * runs off*
  7. Hey, if there is tea.. where are these little English sandwiches you get served with tea?
  8. Ohhhhh, no, no, no, no,... I can't be a knight... I'm deeply sorry... Rosshiro is a true knight!.. I'm... more... a....rascal! *hangs head*
  9. *bounce, bounce*..*happy dance*... *throws flowers in the air*...

    She said I'm her hero!....

  10. Hey... of course... same timezone *high-five*
  11. I have telepathic talents! :P
  12. Finally woke up... hehehehehe.....
  13. *dramatic voice* and then... there will come a time and you will stop "to become" and you "will be"!
  14. Hm, I must cook something for dinner.... I think Spaghetti Bolognese... then I should really work on the update of my mod and do something for my job.. :D
  15. Schnuckiputzi.. I can see you!
  16. I read it again... and what should I say: :DDDDD
  17. Ohh thank you but Qess is the one who is kudos addicted heheheh...Did you look at her interest? :DDD
  18. Nah,.. pancakes are to soft...maybe it's better to let her sleep before she starts again: Buuuhhhhh, nobody gives me kudos, I want more kudos, why has Roxy more kudos than me.....
  19. Yeah, I thought so too.*nods wisely and looks around but Qess sleeps*
  20. Hey, Belated Happy Birthday!!!

    * bawls Xena's battle cry*

  21. Hi Leo, mir fällt gerade auf, dass ich dir noch gar keine kudos gegeben habe! :D

    Here you go!

    Bis bald

  22. Schnuckiputzi,

    We have hard times and hard times require hard actions:

    I've stolen your attention, attention joke... <3

  23. Yep, give it to me, baby!
  24. Good night, Hasenpubs... .:)
  25. .. still laughing about my own joke....
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