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Status Updates posted by Risibisi

  1. You are outrageous Qess!! Your notification box would be very empty if I wouldn't feel so pitty for a Nexus Sister...

    Give me my kudos back...

    So now I have one again and so I can give Wendera one :P

  2. You are cheating the whole time when playing... Why so shy? :P



  4. Yes I know it that I you can see me O_o

    and what doesn't seems to work?

  5. Morning Ella,

    what are your plans for today...Hm..... okay...I suggest you do only half of these tasks! :P

  6. I know that I'm not Ninja! It's show up time... for all the lovely ladies...*ugh, that sounds terrible*
  7. Still laughing about your interest!
  8. Lol!..

    Yep, I have a lot of fun with all these unnecessary entries like city, gender etc... * bawls Xenas battle cry*..and ..see.. I'm easily entertained too...

    Welcome to the Nexus madness! :D

    and I see you are peeking at Qess profile.. :D

    You must learn to be a ninja...*hides again*

  9. Hey, I thought you wanted to change your avatar? hehehe
  10. Thankee for endorsing my girly stuff mod! :P
  11. How is the weather today in Mordor?
  12. Most of the time I'm using this instead of that...
  13. Ah, can't think of something witty for Val ; What's up your mid...

    her Member title... old hand....hm....

  14. Helllo, Roxy...

    Meth is also know as crystal, it's a drug.. because of your O-o at the pic of Sophia... * smart-aleck mode off*

  15. Ah, why should you say something, forget it.. that would be a full time job! :DDDD
  16. Clausi has intense eyes too!...

    Hey, why didn't you say something about my wrong use of this and that.. Oh my god.. I've re-read some comments...

  17. If my profile views are so high because of your visit.. then why you are so often on my profile?

    What are you doing when I'm sleeping......

  18. Au contraire my dear Hasenpubs... I think it's because of my incredible shining personality.

    and in the world of the Forgotten Realms.. it's a city. The city of Doors. opr so call it the Cage. Ruled by the Lady of Pain.. but you can't just leave and enter the city via the doors.. It's imo one of the most fascinating cities in the Forgotten Realms. Planescape Tornment (Bioware) plays on Sigil

  19. I'm an idiot.. I saw your country and thought...Oh, I want to change my to and was surprised that I couldn't write anything what I want.. and.. then I thought.. How die Qess do it....didn't realized that is THE Antarctic land *facepalm*
  20. Good Morning Hasenpubs!
  21. and what has qees to do with your counting?
  22. why so cryptic... nah... I don't want to know ..:P
  23. was is knannst du nicht schlafen... ich kann nicht schlafen... mein Schlafrythmus hat sich verschoben..
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