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Everything posted by rockygohard18

  1. OK gotcha thanks Quetz yeah I don't plan on adding a lot of mods just DC interiors and a few others.
  2. I am about to buy fallout 3 just for this mod But before I do was wondering will fallout 3 mods be compatible with it?
  3. Oh ok personal preference.Understandable I just think the NCR are rats,Pretty much how our government is..at the end of the day both are pretty bad one is solely focusing on building the world with consumerism and a monopoly(NCR) while the other is a gang of violent monsters who kill and maim anyone who has a vice(drinking,smoking,debauchery) I would stick with the legion,,as brutal as it sounds their methods show results.
  4. I never thought of dead money good idea.I mean the ghost people would make better cannibles then the spore people. Yeah I don't even know how to mod at all only thing I created as a companion for myself,But hopefully someone could come across this page with skills and insight.Also you Can block with weapons a long time ago(like a year) I saw a Duel wield mod(not sure what happened to it I don't use it anymore) for swords worked great.But It would be better if a team did it..cause this is just a big mod,,,something like project Navada or etc.I mean i would ask them but I work a lot to even help out lol the world space would prolly be difffcult tho making a maze of cars that people can't leave(I want it to be super tall wall of cars) something like the one in free side.
  5. LOL you're a women right? makes sense then yea It wouldn't work.
  6. When I saw your profile pic Neverwinter knights came to mind.
  7. Off of work time for some vegas.
  8. I was at work today and came up with a pretty cool Mod/quest/new worldspace,I wanted something unique and very challenge.The idea came from last night watching nightmare on elm street(I forget which one) but it was a HUGE scrap yard where some black guy gets killed in (typical) and this morning before work I saw a video on youtube of a plane getting lifted off the ground by the winds of the Mojave.Fast forward I was at work unloading a trunk then bam Why isn't there a scrape yard for old prewar planes and etc in NV? Old lady gibson doesn't count that place is small,something like on fallout 3 where you meet dog meat but BIGGER! Anyway moving on the plot should focus on coming across an abandon highway strip(this mod will require Lonesome road) which leads to the bone yard.Once there you finf a dead legion centurion and NCR trooper last letter explaining on how they tried to work together to stop someone or something from escaping the Labyrinth of old pre war cars and planes.As you move on you would meet a Crazy old coot who watches over the thing(or human) so he challenges you to a game of wits to escape the maze(once you enter the gate closes for good),there will be puzzle,new weapons,deranged cannibalizes(people who were lost in the maze) It will focus on the aspect of survival at the highest.The whole point of the Mod will not only test your gun wits but the act of sacrifice making you choose to kill NPC(that you come across) for ammo armor or if your really that low of a human for food,New weapons would consist of makeshift weapons like a homemade sword and shield(from a car door and part laying around the bone yard) and a few other things.I really want the mod to focus on the true aspect of survival of the fittest.So bring all your guns will not be a good idea take what you need.Anyway this is just on pen and paper I've gotten good with the geck (well making world spaces haha) but this will take time and learning scripts.Just tell me if you like the idea please thanks rocky.
  9. Thanks Quetz I went and fixed the problem tats are showing up perfectly on my body,,BTW is their a way I can get band tees to work with roberts body mod
  10. Hay guys and girls,I'm havng a problem making a NEW PC race for myself.I did all the GECK stuff and then duplicated me a white male,,,went too the body data tab.After i get their I try to apply my tattoos or the NIF for roberts upperbodies nif every time I do it,,it says invalid entry?! if anyone could help would be awesome I'm just trying to apply tattoos to my guy.I looked at the tutorials but it didn't cover this problem.
  11. Would some one explain to me how to use the gimp,,I found a way to get male tattoos from FAllout 3(not a port at all)but the guy who did the tutorial for this http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/2787 really left out a lot of key components,I'm trying to make a neck tattoo.If you download the file and read the tutorial its not really explaining things in detail,,if someone could show me it would be appreciated it. NVM disregard this topic I've givin up on it,I saw people convert a lot of these tattoo into new vegas,,but its not worth the time and efforts.so its alright.
  12. It makes it easier to fit cables in smaller/cheaper cases where you don't often have room on the side. It also makes it easier to install the board with cables attached. It's not very good. The only FX worth buying is FX8000 series, even then they're mostly good for video and audio processing. Phenom II or any quad-core Socket FM1 CPU should be clearly better. You should really just state your budget and we'll help you get the right config all at once. It's hard to pick otherwise. Hay whats up Fmod haven't talked to you in a while and yeah bro I don't know jack about PC eq but the basics and the stuff you guys are helping me with,,,and Yeah my budget is about 800.I mean I get paid at the end of everyweek but nothing major,,its hard getting a good job in the states lol. BTW! too all of you helping me THANk you,,It's odd I can find better people over the internet then in reality.
  13. WOW thanks dan I really over looked both of those naa I can afford both of them.But WHats so special about them if you care to explain? also What exactly is overclocking?
  14. LOL I didn't buy it yet davy I had to edit my last post But Yes I'm sure I would go with the case its pretty nice over alll.I'm not sure what you said in your post tho it was wayy over my head bro lol sounds like you know what you doing..but My room is VERY well ventilated so I really wouldn't have to worry about that(as far as I know) more insight would be appreciated if you recommend me some more parts.
  15. OK guys I'm getting the PC together this is what I came by so far Case http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147153 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103996 CPU/Processor. and for now the http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157280 Motherborad. Tell me what you think I haven't brought them yet tho.
  16. Awesome Cyber I know I can't run anything like this the LOD is insane.good luck tho this outta make a lot of people happy.
  17. What do you perfer? i don't think either is better then the other both are prolly one if not the only mod you should download if want a mod that makes fallout have immersion,What do you like more? I really didn't play PR for that long like a sec and went back to NS.
  18. Just move it too your desktop or somewhere else,,this problem never happaned to me sounds crazy bro.But Also Verity cache from the steam libary window.
  19. I like both but both have pros and cons..especially the NCR.
  20. I agree most of that anime stuff is extremely odd but I mean it's based off the modders perferance,I personally agree with you tho I want hair styles that I get in real life(i'm bald most of the time) but I want low cuts,,fades..better beards.etc etc.
  21. I was wondering is it possible to make Vans and chuck taylor shoes? I'm a collector of both(when I have the money i collect the rare ones) so I was just wondering could it be made? not sure if there is a ingame model of chucks,I think there where a pair on Fallout 3 tho.Also better High Res boots would be nice,,like the longer your wear them the dirtier they will become.If this is possible or someone is also wondering like talk about it.
  22. Recently I've read up on the NCR and Legion, I have to say they're very well developed from a politic point of view(well in the wasteland anyway).But I'm thinking to myself after reading about the legion they're not as bad as I thought they were to an extent they had a good idea in their mind but went about it the only way basically due too the weakness of human kind Caesar knew he had to unit it all under one flag.I mean he hates sectionalism and consumerism,as do I in reality.He believes it turns humans into animals,with only the single mind for surviving,knowing they can better themselves.He figured in order to destroy a monster he must become one(sorta like Roah from Fist of the north star) I admire they don't use drugs or anything,I disagree and can't justify their cruelty tho,,it knows no limit. The NCR on the other hand aren't bad per-say but you can see where they stand,it's not too far from our goverment"tell us one thing but mean another" looking out for the people,,but the only people they look out for are the ones beneficial to them.The case with the Helios station for instance,,it was more then enough power to give to all the land but wanted more for themselves. I can say their not all what their cracked up to be but for better of worst they are on the right track some what, the end result from them will be too rule over everything not to much different from Caesar. My question for you is: what if you where in the wasteland,,who would you side with if you had a choice? or go the independent route(Knowing that you could cause future wars with both fractions)?
  23. So I uninstall PN and U hud also OHUD)? then I install DUI then I install PN and one hud and lastly? just to get that correct
  24. I was wondering I'm seeing a lot of men with tattoos on the nexus,Are there ways of gettin them and are there mods made for it?I've seen the picture on the bounties mod page of a few male pcs with tattoos.Basically a half sleeve.
  25. Well I know this question has been asked time and time again but does DARN UI work with PN? I've never come across someone with a sure answer hopefully I can get one now.
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