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Everything posted by rockygohard18

  1. Ahh Ok my apologizes.But thank you none the less/
  2. Agreed with Mike,,its the Same thing with Awop sometimes mods that add huge world spaces experience problems like that.
  3. Hay peps,I was wondering whats the name of the mod that added trees and grass to the wasteland(ironic) I've seen it in a few screen shots?
  4. @CyberLazy I think you may have converted me bro lol
  5. LOL why didn't I just do that thanks dude that could of saved me a lot of time.
  6. Well first odd if your looking for all that sorta stuff,,Well for world expanding MAKE sure to get A world of pain http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/38719 For textures I'll go with http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43135 (Ill go for small if you don't have the best pc) For lighting look up ELECTRO-CITY - Relighting the Wasteland http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/37908 For armor get TG armor overhaul( I think that what its called) the others just do a little research at the end of the day,,its personal choice.
  7. Ok what ammo mod do you perfer? case or xcaliber? I've never used CASE but I want to would you recommended it over Xcaliber?I like Xcaliber adds a lot of awesome ammo and it doesn't conflict with weapon packs that add ammo from the mods.But how about case?
  8. Well how about just not using the weapons in the pack? I mean thats simple logic.
  9. Ahh ok completely forgot about the copyright good point and thanks for pointing that out.
  10. I was wondering could someone(or someone help) me make a metal/rock music station? I mean I know its not Lore friendly AT all but a lot of mods aren't to a degree,I just want to listen to TOOL,Mastodon,Between the buried and me etc etc while I roam the waste,,there music fits the mood at nights when you're roaming the waste,,,OR a band line up that plays at the Atomic wrangler.
  11. well as you said, you gotta remember, BC2 was the successor to BC and was really in no way related to Battlefield except title. just like BF3 is in no way related to BC2. and wasnt meant to be. im not a big FPS fan at all. ive only ever played BC2. ive seen A TON of gameplay for BF3, watched my friend play for hours on MW2 Black Ops and a little of MW3 (which he hates) im subbed to a bunch of people in YouTube who i found when playing BC2. most has started with BF2 (though a couple started with BC2, but later tried BF2) the general concencious with the people i watch on YT is the BC2 > BF3. even the ones who came from BF2. a couple have even gone back to BC2 while a couple others stayed on BF3. all have done their opinions on which is better. the ones on BF3 still are the ones who say both have Pros and Cons but dont say which is better. point being. a lot of people, even BF2 vets, arent all that pleased with BF3. as for MW vs BF. as i said, ive only ever played BC2. i loved it. had a lot of fun. i dont even have that many hours logged on, i think around 50. but still i loved it. i was even playing it recently (Ps3, dont have the PC version...yet) but from the amount ive watched my friend play MW and the few videos ive seen of the BF subs i have playing it. it does look fun. ONLY if im with a friend chattin. ONLY because i love just chillen and playing games with friends in person or over the Mic. i couldnt ever pick up that game and just play for my own enjoyment. its too blah. it takes no skill. (which is why i think its only fun if your just chillen with friends) but that no skill, that lone wolf aspect is exactly why i couldnt ever play it by myself.....CoD as a whole though is now a disgrace to games. do the same thing over and over, as long as it has the same title in it, idiots will continue to spend $60 for reskinned "new" weapons and maps. its really an embarrassment. i truely cannot understand someone who defends CoD/MW anymore. i understand its fun. i can see that. but when your shelling out $60 for the same game you bought 3-4 games ago, i mean what does that say. idk. everybody yells at Activision and whatnot for it. but hey. if you were a business, and you could just keep reusing the same product youve had for years to make new revenue, wouldnt you? i mean they dont have to waste resources on making a new engine, new sounds, new animations, new graphics new anything. the spend a little bit of money on the 5 hour campaign. make up some new textures to put on the same weapons and there you go, a brand new game that everyone is gunna buy again!....smart business really :P but now i dont even know what im talking about anymore so... [/rant] LOl Its all good man,,,I'm actually waiting on battlefield DLC next month pretty cool..but Yeah I don't know if you play Arma? that game KICKS ASS! LOL I'm add you as a friend hoof.
  12. Yeah I don't know its not really a big deal anymore I used illuminator to fix it but downing the brightness..that fixed it.
  13. Has anyone tried it i got my server up,,I feel like the only person with it tho.If you guys are interested to play contact me.
  14. No its not that bro,I mean I know how to work all that.But Every light in the game is bright.Even my pip boy readius.I lowered the ingame brightness all the way down...I don't know what could be causing this.At night time the world and sky looks fine,,,but during the day everything is really really bright
  15. Can anyone help? I mean now that I see it...its not just the sky,,its ALL the light in the game that is Bright..Even the glow around rad ghouls.Please someone help.
  16. OK! good point buddy I mean I was gonna say you are wrong but you are absolutely right I didn't do any research at all. I just saw"the pretty case" and was like ooh that is nice but looks arn't eveything and I sure will man post em.
  17. Yeah I'm sure I'm gonna buy the first part for my pc tomorrow.
  18. THANKS! Hoof! I haven't checked this forum in a few days lol there really should be an notification for this,,,,and Yes I may just buy the parts one at a time start off with the case and then work my way down too the components. If I need help on good graphics cards or coolers ill be sure to hit you up..and I'm gonna watch the vid now.thanks once more,,,what is your rig setup btw?
  19. Anyone know any UI changing mods compatible with PN? I tried Darn and well didn't work for me,if you could send me a link would be grateful
  20. Hello people on NV My Sky during the day(and also in angel park 2) is EXTREAMLY BRIGHT I mean the sky is white.I unchecked the Brighter days Esp for illuminator,,its still bright hell in Angel park its even brighter.my shades don't change much of a differance.
  21. Well I have a ALL in one pc,,it just has 4g of ram and a pretty crappy graphic card I can play fallout tho with little problems..but I want a pc that I can play everything on.Thank you tho for the links..I need to start saving up.In your opinion what would be cheaper building it yourself or buying a gaming pc already built?
  22. Thank you so much man..I'm still trying to take all this in,,I mean my fallout runs fine but its only been I enter a few locations that happens in I should of never install interiors,,that may be the problem.But I'm not sure what to do until I learn a little more about it.I mean I deleted my merged patchs cause they were conflicting with a few mods apparently.The dude who made the mod hasn't touched it in a while.
  23. AHH I think the merged Patch is whats causing the erros! I'm not sure how? it's suppose to help but its causing errors.
  24. [00:00] Checking for Errors in [04] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [00:00] Location -> Target is not persistent [00:00] Above errors were found in :PLDT - Location 1 [00:00] Above errors were found in :Locations [00:00] Above errors were found in :00EasyPeteGuardPackage [PACK:0406900D] [00:01] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "PACK" [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D3] ('No problem, come here.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorRadiation "Can you heal my radiation?" [DIAL:000BE414] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorRadiation "Can you heal my radiation?" [DIAL:000BE414] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D5] ('Sorry, this process still costs caps.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorRadiationYES "Do it." [DIAL:000BE413] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorRadiationYES "Do it." [DIAL:000BE413] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D4] ('OK, if you're sure.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorRadiationNO "No, thanks." [DIAL:000BE412] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorRadiationNO "No, thanks." [DIAL:000BE412] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D6] ('OK, check out my supply list...' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorSupplies "I need medical supplies." [DIAL:000B7615] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorSupplies "I need medical supplies." [DIAL:000B7615] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501E7] ('OK, this will only take a sec.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorAddictionYES "Yes, cure me." [DIAL:000963C2] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501E6] ('I don't do this for free you know.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorAddictionYES "Yes, cure me." [DIAL:000963C2] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorAddictionYES "Yes, cure me." [DIAL:000963C2] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501E5] ('Well, good luck with that.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorAddictionNO "I think I'll tough it out." [DIAL:000963C1] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorAddictionNO "I think I'll tough it out." [DIAL:000963C1] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504CF] ('Well then you're gonna hafta come back when you do have the caps.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical99YES "All right, fix me." [DIAL:00022853] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504CE] ('OK, Hold still.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical99YES "All right, fix me." [DIAL:00022853] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical99YES "All right, fix me." [DIAL:00022853] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D2] ('Fair enough, I'll be here if you need me again.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedicalNO "On second thought, I'll be fine." [DIAL:00022852] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedicalNO "On second thought, I'll be fine." [DIAL:00022852] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D1] ('What can I do for you?' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedicalContYES "There was something else I needed..." [DIAL:00022851] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedicalContYES "There was something else I needed..." [DIAL:00022851] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D0] ('I'm glad to have been of assistance.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedicalContNO "That's all I need." [DIAL:00022850] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedicalContNO "That's all I need." [DIAL:00022850] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501EE] ('Well, sorry but you'll have to get by on your own. I can't afford to treat everyone down here for free you know.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical66YES "Here's your money." [DIAL:0002284F] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501ED] ('OK, hold still while I fix you up.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical66YES "Here's your money." [DIAL:0002284F] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical66YES "Here's your money." [DIAL:0002284F] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504CD] ('OK, well come back when you do have the caps.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical33YES "All right, here's your money." [DIAL:0002284E] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504CC] ('OK, Hold still while I get to work.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical33YES "All right, here's your money." [DIAL:0002284E] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical33YES "All right, here's your money." [DIAL:0002284E] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501EC] ('I don't know how you get in here but I can still help... for a price.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." [DIAL:0001DCEE] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501EB] ('You're a right mess, sorry but this is still gonna cost ya.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." [DIAL:0001DCEE] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501EA] ('Yeah, just looks like a scratch, but it will still cost you.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." [DIAL:0001DCEE] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501E9] ('I can help but I don't work for free.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." [DIAL:0001DCEE] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040501E8] ('You look fine to me.' in GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." [DIAL:0001DCEE] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of DoctorMedical "I'm hurt. I need help, Doc." [DIAL:0001DCEE] [00:03] QSTI - Quest -> Found a NULL reference, expected: QUST [00:03] Above errors were found in :[iNFO:040504D9] ('OK, feeling better now?' in GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "Hello" [DIAL:000000C8] for NULL - Null Reference [00000000]) [00:03] Above errors were found in :GRUP Topic Children of GREETING "Hello" [DIAL:000000C8] [00:04] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "DIAL" [00:19] DATA - Flags -> <Unknown: 7> [00:19] Above errors were found in :WastelandNV "Mojave Wasteland" [WRLD:000DA726] [00:19] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WRLD" [00:19] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:19] Above errors were found in :[REFR:040360B7] (places ModNV357RevolverLongBarrel ".357 Revolver Long Barrel" [iMOD:000EEEDA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGWorkersBarracks "Worker's Barracks" [CELL:0403532B]) [00:20] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGWorkersBarracks "Worker's Barracks" [CELL:0403532B] [00:20] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGWorkersBarracks "Worker's Barracks" [CELL:0403532B] [00:20] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9 [00:22] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 9 [00:24] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:24] Above errors were found in :[REFR:040120C6] (places ModNVServiceRifleUpgradedSprings "Svc. Rifle Upgraded Springs" [iMOD:0010C850] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault40B "Living Quarters" [CELL:04011DEE]) [00:24] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault40B "Living Quarters" [CELL:04011DEE] [00:24] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of Vault40B "Living Quarters" [CELL:04011DEE] [00:24] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9 [00:29] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:29] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04080C33] (places ModNVMinigunDampedSubframe "Minigun Damped Subframe" [iMOD:0010C866] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SamsonWatchtower "Watch Tower" [CELL:04080B86]) [00:29] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SamsonWatchtower "Watch Tower" [CELL:04080B86] [00:29] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of SamsonWatchtower "Watch Tower" [CELL:04080B86] [00:29] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:29] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04016327] (places ModNVCowboyRepeaterMapleStock "Cby. Rep. Maple Stock" [iMOD:000EED3B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of VipersLairA1 "Viper's Lair" [CELL:040151A6]) [00:29] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of VipersLairA1 "Viper's Lair" [CELL:040151A6] [00:29] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of VipersLairA1 "Viper's Lair" [CELL:040151A6] [00:29] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3 [00:32] Reference -> [0105CEE6] <Error: Could not be resolved> [00:32] Above errors were found in :Door #0 [00:32] Above errors were found in :NVDP - Doors [00:32] Above errors were found in :[NAVM:0405B2A1] (for UGMilitaryHQ "Underground Military HQ" [CELL:0405B2A0]) [00:33] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGMilitaryHQ "Underground Military HQ" [CELL:0405B2A0] [00:33] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGMilitaryHQ "Underground Military HQ" [CELL:0405B2A0] [00:33] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0 [00:33] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 8 [00:35] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:35] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04030B3D] (places ModNVVarmintRifleNightScope "Varmint Rifle Night Scope" [iMOD:000EEEDB] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGAccessWest "Underground Access West" [CELL:0402FCCB]) [00:35] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGAccessWest "Underground Access West" [CELL:0402FCCB] [00:35] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGAccessWest "Underground Access West" [CELL:0402FCCB] [00:36] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:36] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04016D7C] (places ModNVPlasmaRifleMagneticAccelerator "Plasma Rifle Mag. Accelerator" [iMOD:0010C86B] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ClarkFieldReservior "Clark Field Reservior" [CELL:040168E3]) [00:36] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ClarkFieldReservior "Clark Field Reservior" [CELL:040168E3] [00:36] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of ClarkFieldReservior "Clark Field Reservior" [CELL:040168E3] [00:36] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 8 [00:37] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:37] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04011DD0] (places ModNV10mmPistolExtMags "10mm Pistol Extended Mags" [iMOD:0010C858] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault40A "Vault 40" [CELL:04010989]) [00:37] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault40A "Vault 40" [CELL:04010989] [00:37] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of Vault40A "Vault 40" [CELL:04010989] [00:37] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7 [00:41] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:41] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0404460F] (places ModNVPlasmaCasterHSElectrode "Plasma Caster HS Electrode" [iMOD:0010C855] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGLostLegionCamp "Lost Legion Camp" [CELL:040420B5]) [00:41] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGLostLegionCamp "Lost Legion Camp" [CELL:040420B5] [00:41] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGLostLegionCamp "Lost Legion Camp" [CELL:040420B5] [00:41] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1 [00:42] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 7 [00:42] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:42] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04004877] (places ModNV9mmPistolScope "9mm Pistol Scope" [iMOD:000EED3C] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DevilsThroatCave "Devil's Gullet Cave" [CELL:04004778]) [00:42] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of DevilsThroatCave "Devil's Gullet Cave" [CELL:04004778] [00:42] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of DevilsThroatCave "Devil's Gullet Cave" [CELL:04004778] [00:42] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9 [00:43] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:43] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0400ECEC] (places ModNVSniperRifleSuppressor "Sniper Rifle Suppressor" [iMOD:0010C864] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AbandonedMilitaryFacility "Underground Facility Barracks" [CELL:0400DBDE]) [00:43] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AbandonedMilitaryFacility "Underground Facility Barracks" [CELL:0400DBDE] [00:43] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of AbandonedMilitaryFacility "Underground Facility Barracks" [CELL:0400DBDE] [00:43] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 8 [00:44] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:44] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04008CFD] (places ModNV9mmSMGDrums "9mm SMG Drums" [iMOD:000F18FC] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of RadiologicalReserchCentre "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:04008454]) [00:44] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:44] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04008CFC] (places ModNVHuntingRifleScope "Hunting Rifle Scope" [iMOD:0010C860] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of RadiologicalReserchCentre "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:04008454]) [00:45] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of RadiologicalReserchCentre "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:04008454] [00:45] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of RadiologicalReserchCentre "Radiological Research Facility" [CELL:04008454] [00:45] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7 [00:45] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:45] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0404CD42] (places ModNVAssaultCarbineExtMags "Assault Carbine Extended Magazines" [iMOD:0010C863] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGRApartment02 "Apartment Room" [CELL:0404CC62]) [00:45] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGRApartment02 "Apartment Room" [CELL:0404CC62] [00:45] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGRApartment02 "Apartment Room" [CELL:0404CC62] [00:45] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 6 [00:53] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 6 [00:54] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:54] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0401738C] (places ModNV10mmSMGRecoilCompensator "10mm SMG Recoil Comp." [iMOD:0010C85E] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of CottnwdOverlookHouse01 "Abandoned House" [CELL:0401733B]) [00:54] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of CottnwdOverlookHouse01 "Abandoned House" [CELL:0401733B] [00:54] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of CottnwdOverlookHouse01 "Abandoned House" [CELL:0401733B] [00:54] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3 [00:54] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 5 [00:57] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:57] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04050123] (places ModNVSniperRifleCarbonFiberParts "Sniper Rifle Carbon Fiber Parts" [iMOD:0010C865] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGBroadcastBuildingUpper "Broadcast Building Upper Levels" [CELL:0404F7C6]) [00:57] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGBroadcastBuildingUpper "Broadcast Building Upper Levels" [CELL:0404F7C6] [00:57] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGBroadcastBuildingUpper "Broadcast Building Upper Levels" [CELL:0404F7C6] [00:57] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 7 [00:58] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [00:58] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0408CA11] (places ModNV9mmSMGLightBolt "9mm SMG Light Bolt" [iMOD:0010B968] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt06AF14 "Redoubt 06AF14" [CELL:0408C842]) [00:59] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Redoubt06AF14 "Redoubt 06AF14" [CELL:0408C842] [00:59] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of Redoubt06AF14 "Redoubt 06AF14" [CELL:0408C842] [00:59] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5 [01:02] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:02] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0401F776] (places ModNVTrailCarbineScope "Trail Carbine Scope" [iMOD:000EEA70] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SpringMtVisitorsCentre "Spring Mountain Visitors Centre" [CELL:0401DBD6]) [01:02] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of SpringMtVisitorsCentre "Spring Mountain Visitors Centre" [CELL:0401DBD6] [01:02] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of SpringMtVisitorsCentre "Spring Mountain Visitors Centre" [CELL:0401DBD6] [01:02] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1 [01:02] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 4 [01:05] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:05] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04039CD4] (places ModNVServiceRifleForgedReceiver "Svc. Rifle Forged Receiver" [iMOD:0010C851] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FrankiesGunsAmmo "Frankie's Guns & Ammo" [CELL:040057BF]) [01:06] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of FrankiesGunsAmmo "Frankie's Guns & Ammo" [CELL:040057BF] [01:06] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of FrankiesGunsAmmo "Frankie's Guns & Ammo" [CELL:040057BF] [01:06] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 6 [01:09] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 3 [01:10] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:10] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04013A49] (places ModNVCowboyRepeaterCustomAction "Cby. Rep. Custom Action" [iMOD:000EED39] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AntCaves "Ant Caves" [CELL:0401329C]) [01:10] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:10] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04013A47] (places ModNVLaserRifleScope "Laser Rifle Scope" [iMOD:0010C868] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AntCaves "Ant Caves" [CELL:0401329C]) [01:11] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of AntCaves "Ant Caves" [CELL:0401329C] [01:11] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of AntCaves "Ant Caves" [CELL:0401329C] [01:11] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 9 [01:18] Door -> Target is not persistent [01:18] Above errors were found in :XTEL - Teleport Destination [01:18] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04063FBF] (places OffDoorMetalSmL01 "Door" [DOOR:00019CF5] in GRUP Cell Persistent Children of FiendHideout01 "Fiend Hideout" [CELL:04063F58]) [01:18] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Persistent Children of FiendHideout01 "Fiend Hideout" [CELL:04063F58] [01:18] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of FiendHideout01 "Fiend Hideout" [CELL:04063F58] [01:18] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3 [01:20] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:20] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0401B7BA] (places ModNVHuntingShotgunLongTube "Hunting Shotgun Long Tube" [iMOD:000F0FE8] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault41B "Living Quarters" [CELL:0401AF4C]) [01:20] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of Vault41B "Living Quarters" [CELL:0401AF4C] [01:20] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of Vault41B "Living Quarters" [CELL:0401AF4C] [01:20] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1 [01:21] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:21] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0402EFDA] (places ModNVCowboyRepeaterLongTube "Cby. Rep. Long Tube" [iMOD:000EED3A] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NiptonSewer "Nipton Sewer" [CELL:0402E4A2]) [01:21] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NiptonSewer "Nipton Sewer" [CELL:0402E4A2] [01:21] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of NiptonSewer "Nipton Sewer" [CELL:0402E4A2] [01:22] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 0 [01:22] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 2 [01:27] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:27] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0403C5CC] (places ModNVSniperRifleSuppressor "Sniper Rifle Suppressor" [iMOD:0010C864] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGZedsCaverns "Zed's Caverns" [CELL:0403BE5D]) [01:27] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of UGZedsCaverns "Zed's Caverns" [CELL:0403BE5D] [01:27] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of UGZedsCaverns "Zed's Caverns" [CELL:0403BE5D] [01:27] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 4 [01:29] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:29] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04070B0B] (places ModNV357RevolverLongBarrel ".357 Revolver Long Barrel" [iMOD:000EEEDA] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ImmortalShack "The Immortal's Shack" [CELL:040706DF]) [01:29] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:29] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04071252] (places ModNVLaserRifleFocusOptics "Laser Rifle Focus Optics" [iMOD:0010C869] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ImmortalShack "The Immortal's Shack" [CELL:040706DF]) [01:30] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of ImmortalShack "The Immortal's Shack" [CELL:040706DF] [01:30] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of ImmortalShack "The Immortal's Shack" [CELL:040706DF] [01:30] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 1 [01:30] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 1 [01:36] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:36] Above errors were found in :[REFR:0400A2D8] (places ModNV9mmSMGLightBolt "9mm SMG Light Bolt" [iMOD:0010B968] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NiptonRoadGasStation "Nipton Road Gas Station" [CELL:0400A24E]) [01:36] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of NiptonRoadGasStation "Nipton Road Gas Station" [CELL:0400A24E] [01:36] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of NiptonRoadGasStation "Nipton Road Gas Station" [CELL:0400A24E] [01:36] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 5 [01:37] NAME - Base -> Found a IMOD reference, expected: ACTI,ALCH,AMMO,ARMA,ARMO,ASPC,BOOK,CCRD,CHIP,CONT,DOOR,FURN,GRAS,IDLM,KEYM,LIGH,LVLC,LVLN,MISC,MSTT,NOTE,PWAT,SCOL,SOUN,STAT,TACT,TERM,TREE,TXST,WEAP [01:37] Above errors were found in :[REFR:04006D6D] (places ModNV357RevolverHDCylinder ".357 Revolver HD Cylinder" [iMOD:000EEED9] in GRUP Cell Temporary Children of PrimmSewer "Primm Sewer" [CELL:04005F6E]) [01:37] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Temporary Children of PrimmSewer "Primm Sewer" [CELL:04005F6E] [01:37] Above errors were found in :GRUP Cell Children of PrimmSewer "Primm Sewer" [CELL:04005F6E] [01:37] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Sub-Block 3 [01:40] Above errors were found in :GRUP Interior Cell Block 0 [01:40] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "CELL" [01:40] Door #0 -> [0105CEE6] <Error: Could not be resolved> [01:40] Above errors were found in :Doors [01:40] Above errors were found in :NVCI - Unknown [01:40] Above errors were found in :Unknown [01:40] Above errors were found in :[NAVI:00014B92] [01:40] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "NAVI" [01:48] Reload Animation - Mod -> <Unknown: 255> [01:48] Above errors were found in :DNAM - [01:48] Above errors were found in :00WeapNVBallisticFistM "Ballistic Fist M" [WEAP:04055FD6] [01:48] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "WEAP" [01:50] Parameter #1 -> Found a NULL reference, expected: ALCH,AMMO,ARMO,BOOK,CHIP,CMNY,FLST,KEYM,MISC,NOTE,WEAP [01:50] Above errors were found in :CTDA - Condition [01:50] Above errors were found in :Conditions [01:50] Above errors were found in :Effect [01:50] Above errors were found in :Effects [01:50] Above errors were found in :00EMPPulseGunBeamP "EMP Pulse Gun Portotype" [ENCH:0404BEC1] [01:50] Above errors were found in :GRUP Top "ENCH" [01:50] Above errors were found in :[04] AWorldOfPain(Preview).esm [01:50] All Done!
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