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Everything posted by Mebantiza
Then I am going to assume, you have not linked your two loading doors on both sides of the equation together. Need to do that. If they were linked, finalizing the NM would change the color under that triangle to bright green.
If you dont see the bright green triangle basically under the teleport markers on both sides of your project, they wont be able to leave or enter. If you've done things properly, then the NM finalize will automatically generate the highlighted triangle in the required spot. If not, then you are missing something, or a placement issue etc. Hopefully, your entrance is NOT a that 3 cell boundary you mention, as those can be very finicky. I will assume it is not, but, no way to know besides asking. I assume you used a loading door for your project? Need those, or no go as well. Both loading doors have to be linked to the cell and the exterior cell.
DId you finalize the navmesh?
Trevas Watch and its quest 'Infiltration' has long bugged me. The (offical) story, is this. You encounter a fellow named, Staello sitting in a camp just outside Treva's Watch along with 2 men-at-arms. He tells (you), that bandits have taken over his home, and he wants your help to clean them out, so he can retake his 'family's' home. He claims he is worried about his 'family' and hopes they made it out. Well, there is a bit of problem with this, related to what dev intended, or presented, vs what actually ended up in the game. As we all know, after you clear out the fort\castle w/e, Staello, never reclaims he home, he sits outside, and the fort can is eventually re-occupied by bandits . It is as if the events you participate in, never really happensed Or if they did, Staello simply stands aside and lets it happen over and over again. This all happens for several reasons. It is because TW is the target for multiple radiant quests, which itself was clearly a mistake on someones part. Bethesda, never set up anything like the conditions for that would resemble a logical chain of events afterwards. IoW, the 'quest', Infiltration. was never set up with any kind of logical conclusion or outcome, beyond clearing out the fort and acquiring some loot. IoW, it is a incomplete, and rather sloppily done quest. There is little to be done to make the entire chain of events, before and after, make any 'sense', again, mainly because the radiant quest system uses Trevas watch as a target. Dialogues, scripts and other changes that would setup the conditions afterwards, simply dont exist and were never made. Since this incomplete, and poorly made quest cant be fixed, and by fixed I mean, the events afterwards actually jive with Staellos story in a coherent way, I propose a way out of the 'problem' at Trevas Watch. Change Staellos backstory and identity. Here is a backstory, that at least, would makes sense given what we what see in game. Staello, is not, who, or what he says he is. He claims the fort is his 'home, yet his appearance, and that of his guards, do not suggest he could be the owner of such a large piece of property. Staello, is, in fact, a bandit himself. He was made aware of a rival gangs plans to take over the fort, and Staello, had a similar plan himself. But his rivals beat him to the punch. Staello may appear on the surface to want Trevas Watch for himself, but that is not his real goal. Rather than simply walk away, he decides to set up camp outside, and see if he can enlist someones (the players) help, to clear the fort of bandits. Given the conditions in Skyrim atm, the authorities, he reasons, are not likely to send anyone to investigate, so he feels fairly confident he can find someone to help achieve what he himself, and his small group of followers, cannot. Given that he never actually recovers his 'home', or takes anything from it, his real goal all along, was to use the dragonborn, to eliminate his larger, better organized, rivals. With his rivals out of the way, and their newly acquired base taken out, Staello and his gang, can become the dominate bandit gang in that part of the Rift. The dead people inside? No relation to Staello. They could be the(former) legitimate owners, or possibly, workers? (The game never really settles that question either). In any event. Staello doesn't know them, or care. He just wants his more numerous, and stronger rivals eliminated. Afterwards. he helps himself to whatever the player leaves behind, and takes over the old gangs operations. Thoughts?
I've run into an issue in game and it related to the relative toughness (or not), of certain classes of NPCs, specifically, the Imeperialsand Stormcloaks that are scatted about Skyrim. I run various difficulty mods, and play on Legendary as a matter of course. The difficult mods, of course, enhance most classes of npcs, animals, creatures, undead etc, and it does a good job. While the mod(s) scale up the difficultly of the various hostile NPCs I will encounter, it does nothing for many of the other NPCs that are left far behind in terms of strength. This was driven home to me, when I recently dragged a bear, not even a cave bear, into one of the imperial camps and, it proceeded to wreck everyone, including the blacksmith. My character is level 16 currently. IoW, the imperials and stormcloak soldiers as well, as so tough, a single bear (enhanced), will now overrun their encampments. And it is not just bears, since bandits(and forsworn) are enhanced too, but soldiers are not*, bandits wreck them as well. in fact, everyone is wrecking these two groups. The only NPCs these two groups are evenly matched with, is each other. Thalmor wreck both groups with ease as well. It is jarring to see the seasoned and well equipped Imperial legion, and the hardy, determined stormcloaks, not able to defend themselves against random wildlife attacks. *The mod does enhance humanoids, but seems to exclude, imperials and storm cloaks entirely. The problem with squishy soldiers is not entirely mod related, even back before I started difficulty modding, I couldn't help noticing during the CW quest line, soldiers were basically made of butter even in a vanilla setting(absent difficulty enhancers). On one level I can understand why Bethesda didnt want them to be too tough for game play reasons, but, still..... For myself, I wouldn't mind a mod where I can at least boost various NPCs strength in a uniform way, so they are somewhat tougher. I dont want them AS tough as my difficulty mods are making hostiles(that would cause potential issues), but they do need to be a lot stronger than they currently are. I dont care for any of the CW overhauls, as they almost ALL, poorly made, and riddled with bugs and glitches. I simply need the games existing NPCs, scaled upwards somewhat. If editing the NPCs directly, would I need to edit every single NPC template, and say, boost their base stats by say, 50% or w/e, to achieve this? Or is there a simpler way to globally boost various groups that are not being enhanced by the mod? If I read the records correctly, the problem is many of the imperials, level spread is 5min and 12max! Even the CW Main quest soldiers have a REDUCED damage perk applied to them, lol. Example > dunCGImperialSoldierFodderC01
Size and scale of the Character (problem)
Mebantiza replied to Mebantiza's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
No, she (was) just smaller - period. I have been able to resolve the matter, but not solve it as such. I reinstalled all my files dealing with skeletons, meshes, whatnot. That restored my characters size to 'normal'. Still unclear on what the cause is, was, but it is fixed at least. -
I have run into a new problem. My character has shrunk. She is shorter, and is not looking at eye level anymore with NPCs. I tested this by starting a new game. When I approach Ulfric, he visibly tilts his head DOWN to look at me, as do other NPCs And it is not just looking at NPCs eye to eye. I went to my starter player home, and looked in 3rd person at her standing by the main doorway. She is clearly, shorter, and smaller than I can ever recall. I tested this, by starting a new game, same preset basically, but in Skyrim Classic, and if anything, she is clearly at least as tall as Ulfric, if not taller. I can even tell the difference in eye level looking at Hadvar SSE vs Classic. The stature of the character in my games is clearly NOT the same. So I have introduced a new change element or something along the way in SSE that was not present in my Classic load out. I use XPSSE 32 skeleton (I tried removing skeleton.nif from Character assets - female.) This didnt seem to help. Simple face to face SKSE A change of face (Racemenu mod) - Removed this-no change. Customizable camera* Racemenu char preset To Your Face - SKSE Meshes are all optimized where applicable. Adjusting the camera is NOT the cause, as the problem is present at very start of the game. I only set my MCM mods after I get the keep during unbound in any event. Any idea what could be causing my character to be...smaller in stature, and right at the very start of the game?
Re: Unrelenting Force shout and its scaling power. Here is what I have long felt about this power and how it scales Rank I - Useless really. Never hotkey it, much less use it, because, why? Rank II - Slightly less useless. Its stagger effect is not, again, terribly effective either. NPCs subjected to it, recover quickly from its effects and carry on as if nothing happened. Like rank I, it is hardly worth Hot keying, since using this rank of shout in a battle, is seldom, useful and almost never decisive in terms of ending or tipping a fight one way or the other. Rank III. Very powerful and useful, as we all know. The final rank shout gains an immerse amount of power and utility, that the first two ranks simply lack. It can end fights easily etc etc and is definitely worth it. So, has anyone made a mod, Classic or SSE, that tries to re-tune the effects of rank I and II in order to make them even a little more useful? I see the problem this way, there is a strange and wide gap in the utility and power of the first two ranks that are at odds with how powerful the final rank becomes. Id like to try to bring then into somewhat better balance and scaling. IF the first two ranks of <whatever> are scarcely worth using, why do they even exist at all? Just have a rank III and require the 3 words and 3 dragon souls and be done with. The same kind of issues could well exist in other shouts as well, but I am focusing on Unrelenting here. A mod that re tunes badly designed shouts could be of no small interest I would think.
SSE CTD in BleakFall Barrow02
Mebantiza replied to Mebantiza's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Actually, I resolved this(sort of). It was nothing more complicated than simply rebooting my PC. I tend to leave it on for long periods at a time, and it looks as if I was simply overdue for a plain old reboot. While this helped increase the time I could spend on the cell, it is still randomly crashing, only with a longer delay now. Frustrating. I am wondering, if there is a texture or mesh that is being loaded to certain cells(part of my load order) that the CK has a problem with, thus causing a CTD. Most of the cells I work with, dont CTD, but ive come across a couple that are. The esp I am working on, loads all basic ESM masters + USSEP. -
CK keeps crashing when I open this cell. At first, I thought it might be the esp I was working with. It had a number of ITM, which I removed, and even after that, I still get a CTD in this cell. Usually within 60 seconds or so. Any ideas? Possible fixes? The ESP I am working on does modify BFB 01, but nothing in 02. so, not sure why it keeps crashing.
Is anyone used, using the Compressonator utility to compress textures for there SSE mods? I have compressed a few Normals I made, and it does, appear to work, but GIMP or Paint wont open them so I cant verify GIMP is ok with the output. The windows thumbnail looks a little odd, so I am not really sure what if what it has done is actually useable or not. I am thinking of just leaving the current numerals uncompressed as I know they work, and work very well. But the idea of saving 75% of the current space is appealing of course.
Imperial , Stormcloak prisoners (glitch).
Mebantiza replied to Mebantiza's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
No -
I have an issue my current game, that concerns the random CW prisoners. If I open dialogue with ANY member of the party, guard, prisoner, empire or Storms, as soon as I exit the dialogue menu, I am instantly KoS. It does not matter what convo tree I choose, or none at all. or what side I am talking to. I just have to try to talk and once I exit the menu, and I get attacked. Clearly, one of my mods must be the cause of this, but I don't know where to start looking. I'm not sure if it those encounters are managed by MQ101, or something else. The event is WE09 - Imperials with stormcloak prisoner. From what I can see, the only thing modifying that, is USSEP. Of course. we can rule that out since they never make mistakes. USSEP adds a pile of aliases and runs some faction scripts and other fixes for the player, again. I may try disabling their specific fixes next time I get this encounter and test what happens. I have not encountered this type of situation before, where simply trying to talk makes you KOS. I am wondering if anyone can tell me where I might look for the cause, ether the specific quest entity, or some insight into what might cause such behavior. I am not running any dialogue overhaul mods.
Restore the old.domain. The 'new' one is a mess, and they know it. The 'new' site, is a dismal failure and has made nexus a laughing stock. Now, many equate it with such titans of web-design and functionality, as Bethesda.net..... and steam. Well played. :down:
Limited Vortex alpha release today, full release soon
Mebantiza replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Nice, the same hideous, barely legible interface that the 'new' nexus uses, now rears its fugly head in 'Vortex' as well. Just perfect. An immediate turn-off, since it looks exactly like the wildly (UN)popular 'new' nexus look. If you were worried Vortex was going force MO on you, that was the least of your worries. They asked the same guy that made the nexus barely usable, and barely legible , if he would skin 'vortex' as well. What a mess. Who thought wed want to see nexus news , or latest mods even baked into this? Yes, those can be turned off, but still. 1/10 -
Well, that works both ways. Since the 'assault rifle' isn't really an assault rifle, then converting to a MG is just the next best thing. Its not as if the game needs something called an 'assault' rifle anyhow. I am swimming in guns I can't give away and there are just too many guns as it stands. The combat rifle is so good as a general purpose rifle it leaves little for F4s poorly conceived assault rifles to do in any event. I will give your mod a look, thanks!
Are there any mods that specifically fix the vanilla assault rifle? There is something clearly wrong with the one in the game. It is far too heavy for an assault rifle, and it does not even look like one. It looks more like a light, or even heavy machine gun. It certainly has the weight of a HMG! I was hoping to find, a mod that rebalances both the weight, and scales back the damage so the basic assault rifle, is a light-weight, medium(ism) damage rifle again. Either specifically for that gun, or one that is includes a rebalance as part of a larger mod.
I am encountering this as well. I cleared the forge, 2nd time actually, Looted, left a few items behind due to weight, and popped over to the Slog to drop items off, sell, so, on, and walked right back to the forge to pick up the rest of my take. Full reset off the cells items. NOT the mobs, they stayed dead. But all the interior scrap, doors, terminals etc, had all reset. My loot was unaffected as well. I wouldn't mind a mod that INCREASES cell reset time by large factor even. Too many items means I spend the bulk of my time sorting and managing junk, and that is not even factoring in having to manage settlements. This issue, actually undermines the game quite a bit. The idea I can go back to that USAF station and keep looting infinite mini-nukes out of the intel room, which also fully respawns all its other goodies, breaks the game a great deal for me. I wouldn't mind at all if the random NPC raider-types respawned, but NOT the items. That at least, would be realistic. As it stands now, locked chests relock, and refill, terminals lock and can be hacked again for XP, the most powerful round in the game? Just wait and walk into the right places and get a new set. Broken....
Has anyone made a mod that fixes the ridiculous situation where bloatflies and two-head mutant elk, drop high-end melee and armor? IOW, an 'immersive', read realistic, legendary drops modifier.
That is something I do often, regardless, and it is not the root of the issue. I know this because the CRF guard and even J'zargo joined in as well. Since this is always been a solo fight and I can't recall other NPCs ever joining in.... Ideally, no other NPCs, besides maybe your follower, should join in on this fight. Maybe it is just unavoidable given how the engine handles aggro. You may be correct about the save not properly accounting for my fixing her faction and keywords, that would have to wait for another playthrough. What even dumber still, is she somehow, acquired a greatsword, maybe she borrowed Colette's, to fight with, which is definitely not part of her gear.
One of my mods merchants has an undesireable behavior. It is joining in on fight during the master conjuration spell event - CoW I set her to cowardly > helps no one. Yet, even with this, she still teleports up from the courtyard and joins in on the fight with the unbound dremoras. I suspect it is a faction issue. she is a member of 4 factions currently. CoW faction Arch-mage Faction and services merchant faction (2) I removed her from the Arch-mage faction and she is STILL joining in. Any ideas why this is occurring and any suggestion on how to resolve it?
LoL, I turned off images and that alone reduced the 'scroll' from nearly 5 full pages, to 2. This is at 2560 with a 29 inc monitor. And even after that the front page, and most of the others as well, are still unreadable and filled with clutter, aka 'tiles'. These 'tiles' are not a useful way to organize information or even good design practice. My desire to update, or even work on my mods has gone way down since this fiasco. There used to be three main sites to obtain new mods. Nexus, Bethesda.net. and Steam. Two of the three, are also very badly organized and are widely disliked by many end-users. So, where to go, was a no-brainer. Now, you have a 'choice 'of three equally, clumsy, poorly designed places to go. Mmmm what to do...... Here is an idea since allegedly, 'feedback is acted upon. Instead of ad-free subscriptions, offer a well-designed, or even an adequately designed version. Yes, for money. If it sounds a little like extortion, don't worry about that. Extortion is pretty much the organizing principle of the entire western economic model. Along with planned obsolescence and 'new and improved'. memes.
There is a sort-of-solution for this horribly designed website. The individuals that designed this mess, did not provide any options to turn off the over-sized, not-user-friendly 'boxes'. IoW, you can't display things as a list. So the next, least, worst thing you can do, is install an image blocker like.... https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/images-onoff/nfmlhilnjccdggifdbhnhkffmjgalbgg/related?hl=en This just does what it says, blocks images from loading by site. Is it an 'ideal' solution? Of course not, but it reduces the 4+ page scroll, to a slightly more manageable 2. Doing it old school. Doesn't not get rid of the badly designed 'boxes' (tiles)of course, but its still better than scrolling through pages of over-sized imagery that contributes nothing of any value. I am still looking for a browser plug-in that turns badly designed websites, into readable ones. For the time being, an image-free, old-school nexus, will have to do. Regards
[LE] Moving and naked mannequins... debate!
Mebantiza replied to cumbrianlad's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
The definitive fix for skyrim's buggy, wandering mannequins, is simply delete them from any mod utilizing them. $$- 32 replies
- skyrim
- moving mannequins
(and 1 more)
Tagged with:
The points you raise are lucid, coherent, and backed up by facts and logic. As such, they will be completely dismissed by TPTB, and possibly flamed by at least one the (luks guud dudez, lubbing it) robo accounts with 20-30 posts. I cant stand working on my mods with this fugly, no-contrast and barely functional interface, and ihis has nothing whatsoever to do with 'not liking change'. Ill try to get as much done as I can before darkness descends, since I will be far less inclined to add or improve existing content if forced to use the 'new' and definitely not-improved offering. However. they have sunk lots of money and time to get this sub-par result, and as such, they started circling the wagons right from the start. People of course, being what they are, are loathe to admit failure, or write-off mal-investments. Even to the point of ignoring and refusing to address even the most mild of critiques. They only thing they will respond to, are technical glitches with the design itself, but ignore, or occasionally dismiss critics of the design itself. Obviously, no form of 'market testing' was done prior, or if there was, the sample group consisted solely of insiders that already decided the design was the greatest thing they had ever seen. Far too much scrolling, too many tiles, oversized images of the two 'trending' mods, which means get ready to be assaulted by endless click-bait loli-follower of the day pics right in your face. And for what? Not for the core content that everyone is actually here for.