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Everything posted by Mebantiza
I had noted this as well, but didn't raise it my main post. A lot of throwaway accounts singing the new sites praises, usually with 2 or 3 word comments. No doubt the site owner will focus on such considered, quality comments like, 'looks gr8t! 'from pump and dump accounts with 50 posts. I can see a lot of confirmation bias being mined from such posts.
Indeed, 'arguments' like are not intended as actual, well, arguments at all. They are thought-stoppers, intended, at least such posters hope, to simply end any further discussion. The proposition do it yourself if you dont like, it or variants are simply strawman arguments, or logical fallacies if you prefer. Anyone using that argument, should be dismissed out of hand. For example, I submitted feedback on what was wrong witht he old layout, and guess what? Not one of my points was even remotely implemented in nexus 2.0. That was the extent of my involvement, and that was voluntary at that. Does this mean I should I make a new nexus myself because this one missed that mark?
This new version is rather poorly designed in many respects, sorry you wasted all that time and money on it. Particularly bad, are the file sections-they all just run on and look the same, its like looking a spreadsheet with overly large font. The 'new' main page, consists of thumbnail spam. This would be somewhat more tolerable if users could configure what content is displayed. In addition, much of the content is not really that important to merit all that wasted space to begin with. Like others have noted, way too much scrolling involved, and for what? Most of the content is not really of enough interest to justify all those identically sized thumbnails allocated to them. While there may be some actual improvements buried here and there in this re-design, most are hard to find. Nor is it clear why such huge images are allocated to two 'trending' mods. Now, will be have to look at huge images of the most popular clickbait loli-follower of the week...day? Poorly, made plastic barbie follower mods were\are a problem before that nexus refuses to address, now nexus has gone out of its way to reward them even more. Well played. :ermm: Naturally, comments such as this will be dismissed and brushed aside in the avalanche of throwaway 'lookzzz awwwwwesome dude' type comments. Its not as if the old layout didn't need improving, not at all. That does not mean that what is on offer now, is necessarily it either.
Error: Failed to Initialize Renderer
Mebantiza replied to HaseoSkeith1701's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
If your problem is being caused by what I am experiencing which is > Dispaly Port link failure, and failure to recover from standby. Yes, it is still a thing in 2017. Whether this is a driver, OS, or hardware problem, I still haven't figured out. Likely MS windows, but drivers may play a role as well. The problem is a persistent one for me, and while it does not gimp Skyrim every time, it does occur on occasion, twice recently. As it happens , I get the Renderer error message and cant start skyrim. What also happens, is, the Renderer info text in Documents\My Games\Skyrim, gets replaced by a blank text document. Repasting my backup into.txt does no good as the game deletes it and replaces it with a blank copy every time I try to run skyrim. The Fix? Restart PC. This resets the video driver which is at the heart of the issue. Thats it I can keep my INI in read-only mode, that is *not* what is causing the problem in my case, nor does setting it to read fix anything. In this case, none of the fixes suggested here do anything for the issue and this should not be surprising. The video driver itself, is comprised just enough in this state to prevent a game like Skyrim from loading. You may not have a driver corrupted so badly you have to reboot, but, that does not mean it is not damaged. And the failure to recover from standby bug, is sufficient to cause this to occur. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_10-performance/displayport-liink-failure-error-after-pc-wakes-up/fe2fe811-33ff-4834-8d15-399532907329?auth=1 I will be turning off power saving to the monitor so it stops going to sleep. I would also add, this is not a case of drivers bios not being up to date, they are. All of them. -
I have a mod with a follower that heals itself in battle. To do this, two actor effects have been added to its config HealingLeftHand "Healing" [sPEL:00034C38] CloseWoundsLeftHand "Close Wounds" [sPEL:000F95EB] Combat class CombatNightingale "Warrior" [CLAS:000FB0DA] Now, there are a couple of things I cant help notice about this method. One, it works, except when it does not. The follower does heal itself in battle, but there are times, when the healing bugs out (in battle only mind you). What happens is, the NPC stops its attacks (with right-hand) and just stands there self-healing and wont break out of that behavior. Interestingly, when this does occur, the attackers DPS seems to go down quite a bit as well. In order to break this behavior, I either have to zone to a new cell, or 'reset' the battle so it breaks that fight and starts anew. Other errors include sometimes getting bugged out after a battle has ended, and stands there with healing spell primed, but not casting it, nor regenning. I fix this by smacking her with my weapon to reset her-that works too. -also, she won't always self heal back to 100%. Usually this occurs out of battle. This is less important as it gives me an excuse to work my restoration out-of-battle. The other 'problem' is, she only has a mana pool of 50, yet is able to heal pretty much non-stop. She does have a mana-pool of course, and does run out, but it is pretty clear she has a lot more than 50 magicka to play with. I use EFF and can query her stats. Currently L18. still with 50 mana. This is how the mod was originally configured. Is this 'right' way to do this? Does the fact that two separate spells are being called cause problems? Are the little bugs engine errors and impossible to mitigate? Or is an entirely different way the healing should be handled? I cant find anything on the web on configuring self-healing NPCs at all, so any feedback I can get would be helpful.
This issue is causing me problems as well. Atm, I am working on a compatibility file (Skyrim 32). In my case, I need to physically move around some items another mod adds. After I move the items in question to their new spots, save the changes, the file, like everyone reports, has both mods stripped out as masters, which ensures it no longer works. Irritating, the only 'solution' I can think of that might work, is to record the precise location I need to move the items to, then enter the co-ords in manually in xedit. That way at least, the ESP won't get fubared by the CK. Talk about tedious though, I am kind of stalled atm on my file over this issue....
Help Converting "Japan Home Purchase"
Mebantiza replied to KnightBlade2's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
JHP also some(potential) problem textures as well. Whether or not they are the cause of the CTD I can't say for certain. Breti refuses to talk to anyone about any of his mods anymore, so is impossible for me to release the bug-fixed version of JHP I made for Skyrim Classic. SSE's problem could well be the navmeshes, but you have pay attention to some of the suspect meshes as well. -
In SSE, the water in Lake Honrich flows east, as is the Treva River. What is jarring to the eye, is the lake itself, is set to flow like a river. Even around Riften itself, which should be relatively calm and placid, is not. The entire lake looks like a east flowing river. Even if we accept things as they are now, the Treva river is far too small in make the entire lake surface act as it does. Yet, UESP wiki has this to say Lake Honrich is a lake in the eastern Rift, immediately southwest of Riften. It is drained by the Treva River and was named Lake Honnith in the First Era. Goldenglow Estate occupies a cluster of islands in the middle of the lake. Drained, not fed. In game, the opposite is occurring. If the Treva River is feeding the lake, it would flow eastward (which is what is occurring now in game), Draining the lake, would mean the water is flowing outward from the lake (West) This implies the river is supposed to flow East to West, and the lake feeds the river in the direction of Ivarstead, Further the HearthWood Mill water wheel is rotating in the 'wrong' direction. (counter-clockwise) But if UESP description is accepted as correct, then the waterwheel is actually turning in the correct direction, its the direction of the water that is 'wrong'. I was using Sparrowprinces WATER mod, but uninstalled it to test this.
How about Hiring someone that won't force useless virtualized installation on everyone. You know, like MO and NMM does now...
Just a thought, how about a mod that tones down Fawkes immense stats? As it stands, he is easily the most OP follower, or the most OP thing in the game, period. As a follower, hes almost impossible to kill, even on Very Hard. Very little presents any kind of threat to him and once you hit level 30, all the player has to do is let him engage in any fight and the LW just has to clean up afterwards. Sure he steals XP if he gets the kill, but that really doesn't offset the fact he's basically unkillable. Even if his stats were dialed down 25-50%, by my estimates, he WOULD still be, a very strong follower.
Does anyone know of any pending fix for SSE broken showracemenu? Or if anyone is even working on a mod to fix it? Getting tired of SSE treating every time I want to change even the smallest detail on a character as if it is an entirely new character.
Little point looking for some mod that is the 'culprit'. Your save is likely corrupted. Start a new game. You can remove every mod you have and Im willing to bet, you will still crash.
Been trying for several days to complete an upload, and It keeps erroring out. There was an error moving your file in to the proper directory on the server. Notify an admin. I cant 'cancel' this upload, its still in the buffer, and cant start over again. The message implies the problem is for uploads over 500mb, but this one is 125. Can I get this upload canceled so I can start over again. I had no problems uploading the same file practically in SSE.
Is there a step I need to apply in CK when assigning outfits to NPCs, that allows the items, to be removed from the NPC via the usual method? I converted a Skyrim 32 follower, and she has the outfit, but you cant remove the actual pieces, except through console. I noticed the exact same behavior on another modders follower. Worn gear that you could remove in Sky32, I cant seem to in Sky64. Any way to address this?
I did this, and to the best of my limited knowledge, it does appear there is a normal map present on all pieces textures\beans\beansclothes\shani\b_01_wa__shani_n01.dds (there are a total of 3 normal maps in this set I believe) They are present in the textures directory as well.
Has anyone heard when, if, CK-SSE will be available in steam tools?
All pieces render fine in Skyrim 32 , like my post says, its only in SSE, do 2/9 pieces, show up this way. I already applied the mesh fix, and that did not address the issue.
I have a couple of pieces in an armor set, that look, basically like glass, or highly reflective, and are not fully rendering in SSE. I don't believe it has anything to do with meshes (parts are not invisible), and no purple. I suspect there is something missing in the textures, but am not familiar at all with I am looking for or how to fix. Only 2 of the 9 parts are affected. Are there any guides or posts that talk about what this could mean and how to fix? Thanks
Morrowloot Ultimate Enemy Enhancer - (can customize) Deadly Dragons (with script fix) Combat Evolved All in one. NOT recommended Revenge of the Enemies - A broken mess of a mod (avoid)
So SSE is going to be full of broken mods
Mebantiza replied to madpaddy's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
Thats good to know, but dont you think could have saved a lot of effort by simply limiting prep to page duplication, and restricting actual file uploads till a later date? So far, its only a been a trickle of un-tested, mods, but you can bet come tomorrow, their will a flood of un-tested mods simply C+P'd over. If that occurs, and I wouldn't be surprised, managing something like that will be well impossible. -
So SSE is going to be full of broken mods
Mebantiza replied to madpaddy's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim SE
A valid point, Im seeing some mods I know have been tested, because the authors are part of that rarefied group that gets early access. But, Im also seeing a lot of mods already showing up that clearly have no means of testing or providing QA or anything like that. It's a FFA migrate now- well test if later system(maybe). Steam is locking everyone out till 28th, why couldn't nexus restrict actual FILE uploads till a later time as well? -
I need to know if I can re-duplicate an individual mod from Skyrim to SSE. This does not seem to be possible right now. I deleted one of the duplicated (not published mods) in SSE, and now, I seem to re-dupe that page. Any way I can do this? This desc says this, the second part is true, but the first part, does not seem to be true at all. You can migrate all, but there is no Duplicate to SSE feature anywhere. to do so you can use the "Duplicate to SkyrimSE" link which is available in every Skyrim mod you've created, or you can click here to duplicate them all at once.
So will it be safe to say, this 'new' MM have will none of the features of NMM, and all the features of MO. IoW, just a reskinned and renamed MO? As bad as NMM 6x has been, there are things about NMM that make people want to use it, well, the pre- 6x versions anyhow. How is forcing MO and its structure on everyone, even those that don't really want it, a benefit? I use NMM 56.1, and do NOT require virtual installs. Its a feature, for some, but not a REQUIRED one, and I dont want it forced on me. 56.1 is old, crashes constantly, and is not all that stable tbh. But its still far preferable to anything NMM 6x, and have no need to have MO forced upon me. Not going to argue which one is 'superior', that is pointless. NMM is straight-forward enough to do what it has to, and did it well enough, well at least untill they tried to steal some of MO thunder. Then it went to complete and utter $yht. Up until that point, it wasn't perfect, but it did the job. NMM 6x added a needless feature that no one asked for, and never worked properly. Had NMM retained its pre-VM structure and improved that, things would likely be fine with it even now. So now, the 'solution' it seems, is make everyone use MO whether they like it or not...
Like the title says, I am encountering (some) high level items in my new playthrough , full re-install. I have already received two rank V scrolls, one from embershard mine, the other from a chest in Riverwood, I think. Have not even hit Bleak Falls yet. Level 1 still. Bash Patch - Yes Mod that modifies scroll, but names only-otherwise, same as vanilla\usleep Sometimes, on playthroughs, it seems to go this way. The loot either is appropriate, or I seem to get fairly 'good' items @ very low levels. Does the game allow this sort of thing by default? Or is something else at work? I dont think I should be getting Top tier scrolls right at start of a game, or 15% to 1-hand gloves (or should I?) Looking @ Scroll loot level lists does seem to be out of order. At least from what I can tell. No other mods or entries are modifying scroll level lists. If anything, I have mods the try to restrict loot, not be generous with it (Morrowloot Ultimate-it does not cover scroll loot).
How do you calculate object(OBND) bounds for an object? Is there a means in CK to do this, or is some other method required? Tutorials never mention this setting at all, or how to determine it. Thanks