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About niphilim222

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  1. NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PSN is down, please help us all.. Well back to modding Skyrim on pc, Sigh lol.
  2. Its about 7c out tonight here, its been a cold one as of late,
  3. Ouch its about time ti find a new dentist, i had a cavity filled the other month. Very good dentists i have, It didn't hurt as much as i thought it would with the numbing the sedative they give you.
  4. Merry Christmas to all, the last 30 minutes of the day
  5. Something made me Happy today, i found this mod. And it scares me that its become this advanced, sigh soon games will only play with themselves and kick you out for playing lol. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/98631?tab=files
  6. I've been using this equalizer on my gaming rig for a long time now, works like a charm. Freeware.. https://www.fxsound.com/ And its open source.
  7. Skyrim and its stable as of right now. Happy Face.
  8. Hello does anybody know if there is a base object swapper grass mod out there, no??. It could be a good mod idea???.
  9. It depends on How well you know how to mod, I like to keep scripts at a bare minimum, and optimize them with micro optimizations while improving what's under the hood. My game is fairly stable, with so many mods enabled. Its like a story and everything has requirements. If you keep that in mind the game won't crash.
  10. Bows and respect, I didn't think that there is that many mods on the nexus lol. 2665 light esps wooow.
  11. I nearly have 2000 hours in the game, and I haven't beat the Dawngaurd dlc yet or played it. Also I only played one legit play through of the main game. Thank you mods.
  12. Respects.. By the time I'm done Skyrim would be very confused to what it wants to be lol.
  13. It hasn't broke just yet, I'm almost at 800 esm's, and esps, but not reached the artificial limit yet. So yeah doing something right, its funny there is more patches them mods though. So if you want to fallow my lead, patches and then some to make then work for you. Thanks for the response though, I hope your having a good journey to.
  14. I WIN for now, with this image that I will give you. Ultimate win.
  15. Hey everyone i hope your having a great time modding, I sure am. I broke a personal record today. Made me smile. Take a look
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