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Everything posted by TeamBacon

  1. We should all be grateful of Bethesda.
  2. The logical thing to do if your computer can't load Downtown Boston would be to move your mod to someplace that is not Downtown Boston. Downtown Boston is insane and hard to mod. But the other 95% of the Commonwealth is not so.
  3. Simple fact - Bethesda knows more about mods than someone who doesn't make mods. People who have never made a mod or worked as part of a team building a videogame should stop acting like they know everything.
  4. I find it funny when people assume that modding is easy. I also find if funny that the original poster used Project Brazil as an example... A mod that hasn't been finished as an example in a conversation about when mods are going to be finished...
  5. The red, orange, yellow speech check system only checks for your charisma skill. It is really easy to check for *does player have Radstag Meat* or *Does player have Cower Perk* or almost anything else, but without making each level a separate option it will be a bit difficult to add different levels of difficulty. So you could in theory have 4 different options that will only show up based on level of the perk. So X - No Perk, A - Level 1 Perk, Y - Level 2 Perk, and B - Level 3 Perk. Opening a dialogue menu with a Deathclaw or something in my opinion would be odd. I wouldn't play it. But it seems like it would be pretty easy to do if you understand how dialogue and quests work in the Creation Kit. Though I haven't really done much with 'non unique' characters. So long story short, I don't think it is a great idea. But if you want it, go for it. If you have question about doing different perk or special or inventory checks, I can help you out with that.
  6. Thank you very much for saving the day then. *bows to Ms. Katie*
  7. I'm glad we have people like you to tell the game developers how to make videogames. Thank you.
  8. But then you also have to look at how big of a pain it is working with a free program like Blender. Take that same artist and buy him/her Zbrush and a Wacom tablet and there is no doubt in my mind that all future quality goes up, up, and up as time goes on. It might not effect the mods they made last week. You might not even see results next week. But in the long run the quality will only go up as a result. Industry standard tools are expensive, and most people don't have access to them. I happen to be lucky and my former employer let me keep my Zbrush license, but I would never pay that kind of money to make free mods. http://store.pixologic.com/ZBrush-4R7-Single-User-License/ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA4RE4AG5250&cm_re=intuos_medium-_-23-100-124-_-Product Wacom stuff seems to be getting more and more expensive as well... sigh... It isn't just about motivation to do a good job. Sometimes our job requires tools... Tools that cost money.
  9. I think the title of this should be changed to... Fallout 4: Great Game or Greatest Game?
  10. Even if it ends up restricting your ability to express it? Nothing is restricting my ability to express my art. What could happen in the future, who knows, but at this point in time I see no reason be believe that Bethesda.net or the Nexus want to restrict my art. If they ever do, I will go do something else with my time. Until then, I will keep riding the modding bandwagon and hopefully a lot of people will like my work.
  11. I have no interest in debating the philosophy of magical unicorn rainbow land where everyone shares out of the goodness of their hearts. Philosophy is a game where people make up the rules as they go, and no two people are playing the same game. This is not my fight. I see no reason to lose a big part of my audience in order to support some boycott. It is in my best interests to take advantage of every outlet I have to promote my art.
  12. I've never seen a corporation with the best interests of the workers in mind... I don't think that exists. We can sit here and talk about magical fairy dust unicorn rainbow land where corporations are kind because their mother's hugged them a lot as a child... But the real world will still be what it is when we get done talking about it. The person who holds the power gets the lion's share of the profit. I take the 33% my company gives me, cash my paycheck, and go home happy that I have a home to live in. I'm not going to bite that hand that feeds me just because I want more, I am rather happy not being homeless or hungry. Well that is a whole other discussion. One involving the fact that everything you work for was once free until it was claimed and sold to the highest bidder... Now you need to break your back just to have somewhere to sleep at night. Insanity... And like I said, I don't have the energy to fight Corporate America or the capitalist system. But in the context of the real world, if Bethesda offered modders anywhere between 20%-30% of the earnings that would be a good deal. Especially for doing something that is pretty much a hobby. Personally, I would keep my mod free though, because I want as many people to play it as possible. I want the people of the Nexus to play it, I want the people unfairly banned by Nexus moderators who were in a bad mood to play it, I want the people who play on Xbox to play it, and I want the people who don't have money to spend on mods to play it. I am pro-Nexus and pro-Bethesda.net... I am just pro-making cool mods.
  13. I've never seen a corporation with the best interests of the workers in mind... I don't think that exists. We can sit here and talk about magical fairy dust unicorn rainbow land where corporations are kind because their mother's hugged them a lot as a child... But the real world will still be what it is when we get done talking about it. The person who holds the power gets the lion's share of the profit. I take the 33% my company gives me, cash my paycheck, and go home happy that I have a home to live in. I'm not going to bite that hand that feeds me just because I want more, I am rather happy not being homeless or hungry.
  14. I can't speak for Skyrim, as I don't play it. (not into the whole using swords to fight dragons thing...) Fallout 4 on the other hand was worth well over the $60 I payed for it. Incredible game vanilla and doesn't need any mods to be fun. If someone was trying to sell me a 'fix' for $5 I would simply ignore it and not pay anything. What is or isn't fair isn't for me to decide, but when it comes to corporations, the rules have been set out long before I was ever born. You are never going to get the lion's share. To fight that would be to fight the very fabric of corporate America and capitalism... And I don't have the energy to fight that. Is it right? It doesn't matter what I think is right... I am just saying how the world is. You never get 50% of anything you do as long as you are working under someone else's banner.
  15. The idea of the mod author (aka myself) getting 50% is nothing short of preposterous to me... It would be nice, I guess... But I have never seen any company in the real world function in such a way. I have never got more that a third of the profit that I ever earned a company. Most companies are much less than one third, and I am grateful that my current job gives me 33% of the money people pay for my services. Without that built in audience of 20+ million Fallout 4 players, nobody would be playing my mod.
  16. What you are currently experiencing is envy. It is a human emotion and everyone has it. You see someone else getting or possibly getting a financial advantage so your mind uses this very graphic set of words to project your anger at it. And to tear apart this barbarically stupid metaphore you use: Bethesda is probably taking 60-70% of the profit. They created the game and the tools so obviously they want a large cut of it. I would personally preferred 50% for the artist, but what can one do, they own the engine and they can dictate the terms. Included in that profit is the access to a large marketplace, the entire Fallout 4 playerbase. So, getting 30% of the revenue for myself as a modder seems somewhat reasonable. Based on any other job I have ever done, 30% is incredibly generous. 10% is reasonable.
  17. I support the Nexus and will always have my mods up here. But I like having my stuff somewhere else as well. For example, my friend was unfairly banned from the Nexus. With Bethesda.net as another option, he can still play my mods. Not trying to complain about the Nexus here, just saying that I want anyone who wants to play my mod to be able to play my mod. If having my mod on Bethesda.net mean just ONE more player gets to experience my mod and enjoys it, then it is worth it.
  18. I didn't think that mod actually worked in any playable form... Last time I saw a video of it, you were fighting one spider over in this corner, while the other player was over in a different corner fighting an invisible spider that didn't exist in your game... That is not multiplayer. But if it has been improved since last time I checked, then disregard everything I said because I was wrong. But from what I have seen, it is 100% impossible.
  19. I think Fallout would be a better game if it did have the ability to have 2 player co-op. But that doesn't change the fact that it is not possible.
  20. I am super excited about releasing my stuff for console gamers to play. I know a lot of people are not going to like my work and my personal flavor of storytelling. I know a lot of people are going to complain and nitpick about the fact that I use voice actors to mimic some of the vanilla characters, including the player. I know a lot of people will say I don't have enough dialogue choices in my mod, and that I am just continuing everything they hate about Fallout 4. But there will also be a lot of people who enjoy the stuff I make. And I hope that all of those people are given access to my work. I don't care if they are playing it on their Xbox or their PC. I don't care if they are downloading it from the Nexus or from Bethesda.net. The simple fact is, Bethesda.net allows me to reach a bigger audience, so I am very grateful of Bethesda for that even with all the mistakes made along the way. Nobody said progress was easy.
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