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Everything posted by TeamBacon

  1. I'm working on a few projects and the dialogue system is a pain for all of them. But if we can work within the confines of what FO4 provides in terms of the four-branch system and voiced protagonist while still giving the player the story and the options we want to give, then we should. Fewer dependencies are a gift to people who mod it 'til it breaks like I tend to, and while most players prefer the older system of interaction, some actually find the Bioware-style system in FO4 cleaner. Ideally, mods should be as modular as possible, and while some dependencies will likely have to exist, it's a personal goal of mine to minimize those dependencies. I'm glad you're excited to see what we all cook up for you! I find the new dialogue system to be a dream to work with. I sit and write dialogue for hours and hours because I enjoy it so much.
  2. I keep people from stealing my mods by making mods that are sooooooo incredibly bad that nobody would want to steal them... But in all seriousness, I am not going to uploading anything anywhere until all this stuff gets sorted out. I'm not going to risk having someone else releasing my work.
  3. I am going to be making one armor in my mod exclusive only to Playstation and Xbox as an apology for how arrogant my PC brothers are. Though it won't be a very good armor... the irony... But nobody is getting anything until Bethesda cleans up their website. But that is just a case of new being new being new. I won't even upload to the Nexus if Bethesda.net isn't cleaned up, because I just know it will get stolen the second I do.
  4. If it is in Fallout 4, then it is the lore and not a break.
  5. And how many mod requests are posted in the wrong section of this website?
  6. That has nothing to do with console players being inferior people though, and is simply a matter of this being brand new... like less than a month old new... The Nexus has had years and years and years to form into what it is today, and we still have people around here who want to preach about how bad the Creation Engine is because their particular broken computer can't run the game, people who are constantly asking us to illegally port content from New Vegas or Skyrim, and people getting banned for openly admitting to piracy... 'Skyrim has horses, so it should be easy to just port horses to work into Fallout 4.' Has just now been replaced with... 'Port this mod over to Xbox so I can has armor.' Forums... Forums never changes. Wait... that doesn't sound like good grammar... whatevs...
  7. They are called '3d Modelers' or '3d Artists'... Those are the terms. I had to say something after reading dozens of crazy names that people come up with for us. I guess this one is not as bad as 'meshers' a few days ago, but still. Also not as bad as when people call 'Level Designers' names such as 'Mappers' or 'Map Builders'. And yet still nothing is as bad as listening to Zanity pretend he knows how Game Engines work.
  8. Not really... It has been commonplace for years for us to just ignore 'mod ideas' from people on the Nexus simply because everyone and their mother has ideas they think should be made. Don't pretend like this is anything new.
  9. Maybe more like New Vegas than Fallout 3, but definitely more Fallout 4 than New Vegas. I personally believe that in order to write good dialogue you have to put some sort of life into the player character who is speaking to that NPC. Otherwise that NPC is speaking into a blank space, they have nobody to volley the tennis ball that is a conversation back and forth with, they can't develop a bond or banter. So I most definitely do a lot more of that than New Vegas, though probably less than vanilla Fallout 4 but in what I personally consider to be a more effective way. I do realize that most of the people playing my mod will be Fallout and Elder Scrolls players primarily, so even though I do give the player character certain lines that really add to the conversation, I didn't really do anything that defines him or her very much. So my answer to the problem of not having a strong context to bounce the npc's words off of was to use 3 or 4 character conversations as much as possible, Basically, I will have the player talking to two characters and have those 2 characters bounce dialogue off each other in interesting ways that really sharpens and shows off their personalities, but then let the player guide that conversation. Basically, I don't believe strong characters can develop in a void without others to interact with. I also believe choices should take place outside of dialogue as much as possible, so that things don't start feeling like a menu crawler. Why have a dialogue option for the player to use 'intelligence' to activate that switch, when you can use your mouse or Xbox controller to select that switch and activate it using 'intelligence'? Dialogue is in real time now! You don't have to be stuck inside the menu! And lastly, I believe choices are formed over time and not just in a single dialogue option. I don't want to just give the player all the choices lines up in a dialogue menu... that is bland... It is all the things you do leading up to the big choices that really define you. It isn't having 15 choices to a dialogue option that gives you role playing freedom, but the ability to guide that branching dialogue tree in a direction. The ability to see your character form through the small choices. Choices in which I often only use 2 or 3 of the options for. Why? Because it is not necessary to make something convoluted to feel like your choices matter... To me it is about having the small things add up to slowly build who your character is. So anyways, you can download my mod if you want, I would never stop you. If you want to read some of my dialogue and tell me how much you don't like it, I will private message it to you. But I don't think you would like it, I don't think you would like my vision of role playing, because I definitely respectfully disagree with yours. *I personally don't think you should go into a game with a character already planned in your head saying, 'This character is going to be like this, that, and that... I'm going to make these kind of choices and play this specific way... Lets go start the game now!' I think that limits your enjoyment of the game itself and doesn't allow the events taking place to change and define who your character becomes. I personally love being surprised by who my character becomes. I love it when I am playing a goody-goody and the plot of the game twists and I change my decision making process on the fly and end up letting my emotions for that game corrupt my character into something the I never expected. I love that change in the role of my character based on outside forces. I don't like to play a game and have to make up all the stuff in my own head. People have often accused me of not being creative because I don't like to do that, but I think the fact that I am writing a novel and make my own complex story mods should show you that is not true... The simple fact is, if I want to create it all, I will write my own game. That's not why I play other peoples games.*
  10. Where's the download located? And by script I mean like a stage script not papyrus script. I write about the lore of a location what it looks like and how it feels then I create the area. But according to Danneyo you wrote those ahead of time before the CK came out which makes a lot of sense. I had over 400 pages of dialogue and all of my pre-production planned out and finished months ago. Half my stuff is already voice acted... Right now I am just waiting for the other half of those voice actors while I spend my time working in the Creation Kit creating all this stuff so the mod actually functions. I planned very far ahead, and even with all that planning, 1 month and 10 days isn't even near enough time for me to release a quest mod on the Nexus. You can't start blaming anything on quest mods not being released until you actually first give them time to be released... If 3 or 4 more months pass and stuff isn't getting uploaded, then we can actually have a conversation about it. That time has not come. I personally am far more excited about modding with player character dialogue, and I find the 4 option dialogue to be much more natural for the style of writing I personally do. As far as the link, I honestly don't keep track of all those links I have... If I had it handy I would give it to you, but I don't. 400 pages? Are you making a new project Brazil or something? That's amazing, best to luck to you with that. Also where do you find voice actors, I have a few people I know willing to act but only 2 of them can do good voice acting. And certainly the 4 dialogue choices can make things easier or harder, and even challenge the modder to have their dialogue fit naturally in this perspective, and about the whole list of voiced dialogue I only asked because "fallout 4 protagonist list of dialogue" doesn't return anything besides news articles about the protagonist being voiced. I just remembered that there is a 'download history' on the Nexus. So lucky you. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/7273/? 400 pages is what it takes for a small mod... I'm sure something like project Brazil is in the 1,000s easily. But you have to remember, if you write 400, you will probably only end up using 200, unless you are magic and can simply write a final copy your first time through. A lot of stuff I wrote was bad and I tossed it when I started to see my final vision come to form. But my mod is very story and dialogue heavy, my main focus is on creating interesting character interactions and playing with the interactive dialogue system to feel like you are having real conversations as opposed to having it feel like you are interviewing someone for a job like in Fallout 3. I am not creating any new land masses or anything crazy like that. Just adding a few new interiors and a small town or two into the vanilla map. Everything else is just my plot of 5 short stories intertwined into one larger web. 4 out of my 5 stories can be solved without violence. This also makes my job easier as a modder. But you wouldn't like my mod, because you seem to not like the 4 choice system or the voice protagonist. I personally love the direction is going, I want Fallout to be more like Mass Effect. *You don't have to agree, but I can mod how I wan't since it is my free time I'm using to do it* I embrace the changes Bethesda made and I run with it. If you are against what Bethesda did in Fallout 4, you will only find disappointment if you download my mod.
  11. Where's the download located? And by script I mean like a stage script not papyrus script. I write about the lore of a location what it looks like and how it feels then I create the area. But according to Danneyo you wrote those ahead of time before the CK came out which makes a lot of sense. I had over 400 pages of dialogue and all of my pre-production planned out and finished months ago. Half my stuff is already voice acted... Right now I am just waiting for the other half of those voice actors while I spend my time working in the Creation Kit creating all this stuff so the mod actually functions. All that fun code stuff that non-mod authors think is just magic, but in reality it is time consuming boring work. I planned very far ahead, and even with all that planning, 1 month and 10 days isn't even near enough time for me to release a quest mod on the Nexus. You can't start blaming anything on quest mods not being released until you actually first give them time to be released... If 3 or 4 more months pass and stuff isn't getting uploaded, then we can actually have a conversation about it. That time has not come. I personally am far more excited about modding with player character dialogue, and I find the 4 option dialogue to be much more natural for the style of writing I personally do. As far as the link, I honestly don't keep track of all those links I have... If I had it handy I would give it to you, but I don't.
  12. There is a list of all the player character and other character dialogue available to download so you can read all the lines and have the file locations. That's how I add lines for characters like Whitechapel Charlie or Claire or the old guy painting the wall in Diamond City. I just look up the line I need and add it. You cannot write a script for an event to send the player to a location without first having a location to send them to. I can't write the code for a murder investigation scene without first having the objects in place to reference in that code... It isn't to each his own, it is a neccessary order of operations. You place items down before you can link to them... Maybe you were thinking 'script' like for a movie or something... Because in that case I was done with that months ago... When I say 'script' I am talking about a script in Papyrus code.
  13. Well, I guess you have to also load the Fallout4.esm first as well... I miss all the important steps... But yes, they have very generic names. Like the Mass Fusion Building is called Mass Fusion Building and Abernathy Farms is called Abernathy Farms and General Atmoic's Galleria is called General Atomic's Galleria. It is very hard.
  14. I'm just gonna take this moment to say that, not only do you have a wide variety of mods to choose from when it comes to silencing the protagonist, but one such mod has already made excellent use of the existing protagonist dialogue to make a fairly seamless conversation, which you can find here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13949/? Not only that, but we've already seen the dialogue limitations can easily be surpassed by using one of the three options to take the player to another group of options, which is rather easy to do in the GECK. I'm frankly sick of people still lurking in the Fallout 4 forums, doing nothing but reiterating their complaints from seven months ago and offering no actual solutions; just griping. People haven't even had enough time to make long quest mods yet... 1 month and 1 week... That's barely enough time to get some of your locations in place and to just get started on some character scripts. I don't know about the rest of the quest modders out there, but I haven't even got the lighting done on my first location or even started with quest objectives... I've got at minimum 3 months of work left. You can't say the voice protagonist is the issue after 1 month and 1 week. If once you actually give us some time and we still don't have quest mods, we can have that discussion then, but having it now is ridiculous.
  15. How would you like it if you were working really hard on something, and you were doing it all for free because you just enjoy doing it. Then someone comes along and looks at your stuff and starts asking you, 'Why is your stuff not as good as that other guys stuff? His stuff was good, your stuff isn't, what is wrong with you, why is your work not better yet?' I don't know what you came here to do, but you succeeded in insulting modders who apparently don't live up to your high standards. If you don't want my free mods, then don't download them. I will give you a 100% refund on all of them, even if you lost your receipt.
  16. Find the NPC in the 'Object Window' Drag and drop them into the scene Save your new mod
  17. Super mutants joined up with the Brotherhood of Steel in the Midwest back in 2197. The truce was based on having a common enemy and the Brotherhood of Steel actually allowing the super mutant's to continue research into a cure for super mutant sterility. Strong on the other hand, isn't exactly like 'The Mater's' super mutants... I don't think he has enough brains in his head to actually make an informed decision about anything. He just wants to cause pain, destroy things, and be strong... X6 being on the Prydwen is the only one I actually see a big issue, or even worse, bringing him to the Railroad... That's just wrong. Strong is stupid and really has no allies, and Nick it totally harmless to either group...
  18. Really? Do you really think the Creation Kit has been out 2-3 months? Your whole argument is based on a totally wrong set of information. The Creation Kit has been in 'open beta' for just over 1 months... April 26th if I remember correctly. So that is 1 month and 1 week. Would it really be that hard for you to do a simple fact check before coming on here and insulting the community? And your memory of Skyrim seems to be clouded by magical unicorn sparkles, causing you to see the past as better than it was.
  19. Maybe I will just make a special edition Power Armor called the YZ-19. Then for the sake of irony, release it exclusively for Xbox and Playstation.
  20. I wasn't intending to attack you personally, I was just pointing out what I personally consider a poor choice in wording. If I had believed that you were intentionally being malicious, I wouldn't have even bothered responding to you, because bigots are not worth arguing with. I was simply sharing my personal opinion on what I personally feel was a logical mistake on your part that I personally feel you could learn from. If I was wrong on that, then I accept that, it wouldn't be the first time I was wrong and definitely won't be the last. My opinions get me into more trouble than I would like at times, and I have already deleted more words I have typed than I would be proud to admit in order to avoid controversy on this topic. I tend to argue with people for the sake of sharpening my own wit against their wit. I am in a very small minority who view the world in such a way, so I often cause more trouble than my words are worth. As such, I have only recently been active on this site and am quickly coming to regret the fact that I have let my emotions get the best of me and actually responded to the stuff I have read. I should probably just go back to modding by myself.
  21. Not sure who you have in mind. Expired, Arthmoor, Fadingsignal, dDefinder, Elianora, Caliente, Hothtrooper and Gopher have all come over to Fallout 4. Someguy2000 has quest mods planned out and KrisTakahashi is bringing interesting NPCs to the wasteland. I'm sure we've lost some, but that was bound to happen no matter how good Fallout 4 was (scroll through the top files for Oblivion and you'll see a ton of guys who never modded Skyrim). No we don't yet have anything like Falskar or Wyrmstooth yet, but we didn't at this point in Skyrim's history. There will always be a few people who prefer dragons and magic and swords over nuclear bombs and guns and super mutants... But in general all the big names in modding are working on Fallout 4. All the big YouTube people I know of have also hopped onto Fallout 4.
  22. Then you are not even close to done with the writing. If you are going to keep everything on track, then where is your design document? As the 'manager' the least you could have is a clear and precise plan typed up for potential team members to read. I'm just being honest with you about what people are going to expect to see if they are going to join you. If you would rather me just move along and not point these things out, I will gladly leave you to your business. Modding is a huge time commitment with no rewards. People are very cautious about just pouring their time into a project that doesn't appear to them as a good investment of their skills and time. Nobody wants to have yet another failed mod on their resume... Projects that dissolve half way through really, really, wear on modders. It is painful.
  23. In the particular context of a PC bigot going off on a rant about how bad console users are, and you responding by saying 'I do get frustrated with the console crowd' for such and such reason, it isn't exactly logical to point that out if in fact you meant 'I do get frustrated with everyone who does that' Look at it this way, let's say someone is a bigot and hates everyone with green eyes. He gives a big long speech about how everyone with green eyes is a bad person. Now I happen to hate it when people with big trucks park over the line and I can't park in my normal parking space. If I were to respond to his rant by saying, 'I hate it when people with green eyes park their big trucks over the line next to my parking space!' Then I am promoting the hate, even though in reality I just want to park my car and don't even know what color eyes the driver of that truck has... Context.
  24. When you say 'written' do you mean that you wrote out a vague backstory and overview of what you want to happen in the mod, or have you actually finished writing all the dialogue for each scene and it is ready to send to voice actors?
  25. I use a combination of 3ds Max and Zbrush. I however got the licenses while I was working for a small company that provided me with the software. The prices for those two programs are a bit out of reach for the standard hobbyist. (I got stiffed out of my last paycheck when that company went bankrupt... so I guess nothing in life is free...)
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