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Everything posted by TeamBacon

  1. yeah but those are just basically npcs. I'm talking about like voiced companions with quest lines and everything else care to share anything you're doing with it? You just quoted yourself and asked a question...
  2. This is silly and immature... As is my response, but whatevs, I like irony.
  3. I think the communication breaks down and can even make things worse when one of the parties involved doesn't understand the basic nature of game design, but isn't humble enough to stop and listen and learn. This is true with all communication between mod creators and mod players, not just the issue at hand. It is the true problem behind the paid modding fiasco, the reason there are flame wars on mod pages, the reason the Nexus has a whole forum full of mod requests that are mostly ridiculous in scope. Being ignorant of something as complex as game design is totally ok, but being ignorant and then running your mouth all the time and not listening... that causes tension in the community. My background comes from outside the modding world, so my perspective is a bit different that the people who have dedicated years and years to the Nexus. A lot of the time I choose to just sit back and listen and try to understand the situation from the side of the people who have years and years of experience on this particular website. My particular knowledge comes from working with indie game teams trying to build new ideas from scratch. I have been doing 3d modeling since 2008 and have worked in engines ranging from Unreal, Unity, Source, and CryEngine. So I guess I have a very detached and distant perspective compared to your typical mod author. I have been through the game development process, I understand the time that is put into each step and the work that must be done just to get the simplest things functioning. I have seen what makes teams work and what makes them fail. I have working in anything from 3d modeling, texturing, animation, programming, level design, particle effects, shaders, lighting, environmental effects, concept art, writing, marketing... But even so, there are a million and a half things I don't know about modding Fallout 4. I have to be humble enough to know what I don't know and listen as opposed to run my mouth. So I guess the point to my rambling is that maybe if we could find a simple way to educate people on the process behind building a videogame, people would have a better understanding of why things take a while to happen and aren't just going to show up on Xbox overnight. A typical game studio will have an entire team of Quality Assurance testers. This team will spend months testing all the stuff that was built to make sure it actually functions the way it is intended. The same way, modders that care about their craft don't just make something and throw it out to the world without going through the process of testing it. *Though on the Nexus we do share mods that are not totally complete because we are working with other people who like to tweak and tinker around with mods... But that is kind of like being a mechanic and selling a your fix-'r-upper car to another mechanic so he can tinker with it and make a project out of it. When it comes to putting stuff on Xbox where everyone is new to this and they don't have the ability to fix stuff themselves, it wouldn't be right to give them a product that wasn't working. A car dealership selling to a customer has a different level of expectation from that car than a mechanic selling a project car that has problems to another mechanic. This is one reason why there will always be more mods on PC than Console, because a lot of them are still in the process and not ready for the dealership floor.* On Thursday night I was working with a fellow modder on his new project, and he had though he had it all figured out. So he sent me the files and I loaded it up in Fallout 4, and long story short it didn't work... So I told him what it was doing once I loaded it up, he went back and modified some scripts and realized he was missing a folder that contained a mesh that was needed, and then he sent it back to me. After about an hour, he got it working. The point is, not everything works as planned when you take it off your computer and put it onto someone else's. I for one don't want to be responsible for someone taking my mod that I haven't had time to fully test and giving it out to 10,000 people who don't understand mods so that it crashes their Xbox and corrupts their game saves or something. That is really what is at the core of the problem. Just because a mod is ready for mod authors to share with other mod authors on the Nexus, doesn't mean it is ready for 10,000 Xbox users to start playing it.
  4. So you need movement sounds, cries and lightning attack sounds? Pretty much. If you think of anything else go ahead and throw it in there, I can always add in more.
  5. Do you want to do the sound effects for some 5 foot tall cyborg lab rats that shoot electricity at your face? That and their 20 foot tall cyborg lab rat boss who shoots even more electricity at your face? Basically, they are used as lab rats as the name implies. The Reaver Movement *Fallout Tactics* uses them to test new cyborg enhancements. Lately however they have all broke free and are scurrying around the deep dark tunnels underneath General Atmoics Galleria. It is meant to have a very creepy/horror vibe to it, as everything is really dark, and then you hear all these rats scurrying around, but all you can see is the slight glow from their cybernetics. I need a sound of them scurrying around to put the player on edge, a creepy squeal/cry to come from the distance and scare the player, and then an attack sound. From a technical perspective, they are just textured molerats that I have made armor that looks like cybernetics for them to wear.
  6. I don't have a companion with a quest line... but I have a quest line that has two companions you can choose from. Both of them happen to be the opposite of obedient though, and refuse to make you the center of their world. It is not uncommon for them to have to leave to go take care of more important tasks, a lot of which will have to do with my quest. They also don't like it if you tell them what to wear or try to send them back to your settlement to farm tatos, unless they are specifically invested in that settlement *which can happen through my quest and/or getting the character to trust you* One is a banjo playing robot I modeled from scratch based on the Fallout Tactics Calculator robots *loosely I might add, as the Fallout Tactics designs strayed from Fallout art style a bit*. I voice him myself, and as a result he thinks he is funnier than he actually is. I am going to market them as the two worst companions ever. Just whatever you do, don't use one of those other mods that allows you to bring both of them with you, because they will bicker with each other all day long if you do.
  7. You said that you are made your mod 'private' because you were afraid someone would steal it and put in on the Nexus. Then you said "when third party sites afford me VASTLY less security"... when the Nexus has a 10 year track record of protecting peoples work and Bethesda.net has a 2 week track record of letting anyone steal anything from anyone else. The implication that your mod is in danger of being stole by the Nexus and is somehow safer on Bethesda.net is not true and it is a direct attack at us. I am happy that you are supporting Bethesda.net, I'm not asking you to bring your mods to the Nexus or anything like that. I just think it is very rude to come into our home and spread lies for the sole purpose of trying to stir up a 'we are better than you' debate. I'm not asking you to support the Nexus, just that you stop trying to stir up trouble. Coming in here and insulting the Nexus with false information about it not being secure is not a way to make things any more civil.
  8. 1. There is a sizable section, but still minority of people, on the Nexus that simply believe that they are better than people who use consoles and were angry about console modding before Fallout 4 was even released back in November. These people were never going to support console modding, they for some reason feel validated by keeping others down so they can feel better about their own privilege of having things others don't. Console players having mods makes them fell less special, so they hate it. There are a whole lot of people like that on the Nexus, but they are mostly fans and not the modders themselves. These are not the kind of people I want to be sharing my mod with, but like I said, they are still the minority of people here. As for the modders who just hate consoles and don't want their mod shared, I support their right to be elitists even if I don't agree with them. If it is your work, you have the right to be elitist with it and nobody has the right to force you to share it. 2. The second group in the formation of this problem are the people who saw the people in group #1 and took major offense to it. Yet instead of having a logical discussion about it, they turned to stealing stuff in mass quantities and forcibly uploading this stuff to Bethesda.net This stuff they uploaded, however, included mostly mods that were originally going to be ported to Xbox, but the authors had not completed everything or tested things to the extent that they were ready to release. Most of this stuff would have come to Xbox over the next few months. But guided by the notion of 'I'm offended by group #1' the people of group #2 basically waged war on all the Nexus, including people like me who were originally super excited to hear about sharing out work with console players. Now, the common misconception is that group #2 are console players. But to be able to use the Creation Kit, they obviously have a PC version of Fallout 4 and a good amount of computer skills. These are either vigilante PC gamers or hybrid gamers who use PC and console. They are not your run of the mill console players who just want to play their game. 3. Now the biggest group out of all of this is number three. These are the PC modders that were enraged because the people of group 2 basically waged a war on them. The thieves attacked first, and now a large part of the Nexus community that would normally have a 'live and let live' attitude about console players now feel like they have to defend themselves. Sick of the verbal assaults and the blatant theft thrown at them because group #2 hated group #1, the people of this third group got caught in the middle and quickly picked a side. They chose the side of their home, the Nexus. Most of group #3 has now dug their heels in so much that they are ready to attack any console player in order to defend the mods that they love. 4. Then you have the 4th group of people who are mostly console gamers who just want to play games. They have not been properly introduced to the modding world and how things work and how much time things take. Group #4 is not malicious, just new and confused. They however are now convinced that group #3 hates them and will do anything to stop them from playing cool mods, so they started their own venomous campaign of hate speech toward the PC modding community. They assume that people like me haven't given them the game they want because I am a member of Group #1. That however is very, very not true. But true or not, these people have dug in their heels against the PC gamers in this war of words. Conclusion. This is the reason that there is and never will be a peaceful solution to this conflict. Even though most of the people involved would rather just be friends and share their free mods with the people who want to play them. This combined with people like 'Master Magnus' above, spreading completely false information in an attempt to slam the hard working people of the Nexus for the purpose of stiring up more hate. For those of you console players that don't know. The Nexus instantly bans anyone they find to have stolen a mod, a part of a mod, or part of a game that didn't belong to them. If you illegally steal stuff from a different Bethesda game, insta-ban, if you use stuff from a mod that you didn't get permission for, insta-ban, if you take any content from any website that isn't yours, insta-ban. It doesn't matter if you are stealing pictures from Deviant Art or giving away assets from Far Harbor to people who haven't bought the expansion, the Nexus bans all thieves without mercy. So as long as everyone has picked sides, dug their heels in, and just wants to attack the enemy... we will all lose. It is a matter of people who just want to be right about this as opposed to people who want to be informed. The modding community never truly recovered from 'Paid Modding' and this is just adding yet another thing to tear us all apart. Paid modding was never solved, and neither will this. So basically, if this is how people want to be... If all they want to do is hurt each other and stir up trouble, why should I even spend my time modding for these people? I will finish my mod, because I have already put months of time into it, but if I had realized that my audience was made of elitists haters and entitled ingrates... I might not have ever started this project. I am going to bet this will be the last mod I ever make.
  9. It sounds like you are trying to make excuses for something we don't need to be excused from. The Creation Kit was released in beta 6 weeks ago. We have barely even had time to get started on stuff. We don't need your excuses as to why we are not finished yet. There are teams of people like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nenXX9wQRY that are still working on New Vegas stuff years later, because they are passionate about the work. But now everyone is on YouTube watching MXR cover Skyrim mods 4 years later and wondering why 6 weeks into having the Creation Kit in our hands, we haven't given you that... This will probably come off as rude of me, but I'm just being honest... The only excuse that needs to be made is for the entitled people who unrealistically expect the quality of mods that Skyrim had, on their Xbox, a short 2 weeks after we have been able to even see what console modding looks like. 2 weeks ago, we had no idea how console modding would even look, how things would perform, and what we could or couldn't do for a platform such as an Xbox. I'm willing to bet 99% of the people here have never developed a videogame for an Xbox before. The Creation Kit, being Bethesda's own tool, we can assume is a bit more friendly to console developing. However, up until 6 weeks ago we only had tools such as Fo4Edit, which is a great tool, but has never in its history been tried on a console, not until 2 weeks ago. We still don't know what exactly the long term consequences are of putting these 'pre Creation Kit' mods onto an Xbox. 2 weeks is not enough time for us to test it and make sure our product is safe.
  10. I'm working on what 4Horsemen and Erezike are working on... But I can't tell you any more.
  11. The thing is, the idea of ownership is a bit weird in the case of a free mod that I designed to give away for free to as many people as possible. This isn't the same as 'everyone is taking my stuff without asking and I am not able to make money'. My goal is to give my mods away, I want as many people as possible to play it and enjoy it. The thing is, when you steal it and upload it under your name, or even worse, you take it and put it in a pack with other mods, then I don't get credit for it. But it isn't as much about the credit, but just the fact that it is rude. And then the people on the Nexus answer back by being just as rude and hateful toward console players and start planning on installing Malware in mods to hurt people. Modding shouldn't be about hurting people. I don't need to protect my mod, I am not worried about that stuff. I am going to market it, add special exclusives for console players, and release it on Bethesda.net myself and nobody will even want to pirate it. I just sometimes don't feel it is worth it if everyone both on consoles and on Bethesda.net and on the Nexus is going to be so hateful toward everyone else.
  12. There is no civil solution to this. The lines have been drawn, first by the thieves I might add, and now both side have dug there heels in beyond the point of no return. This won't be resolved until one side loses, and when one side loses both sides will lose something. You simply can't win. I wanted to give my mod to everybody, I even wanted to make an exclusive Xbox and PlayStation armor retexture as part of my mod that only the consoles would get to show that I support console gaming. But now... now I don't want to give it to anyone, not the Nexus, not consoles, not Bethesda...
  13. Playing on PC is annoying and uncomfortable... playing on the couch, using your big screen tv is much more enjoyable :smile: Have you never used Steam before? There is a button that basically turns your PC into a console that you can control by simply using your Xbox controller or whatever other controller you may prefer. As for Fallout 4... it is fully compatible with either Xbox 360, Xbox One, or Playstation 4 controllers. There is no down side to it, no special installing, even the menus on the screen update to the controller you are using. I can use a 360 controller and my screen will show A,B,X,Y and the second I unplug it my screen goes back to the PC interface. Then 2 seconds later I can plug in a Playstation 4 controller and my screen will show X, [ ], O, /\... It is 100% seamless... Where you sit and what you use as your monitor is up to you... I don't think the game has a feature that limits you from sitting in whatever chair you want... Yes, you have to run a cable to your TV if you want to watch it on that... Oh noes! So I guess it might make more sense to go buy a console, pay for 2 copies of a $60 game plus another $50 of DLC for 2 copies of a game, and then pirate mods from you PC so you can install them on said console... Play your game on whatever system you want, that's fine by me. I personally support console gamers and I want to give them the chance to play my stuff. But you don't just have the right to go against someones elses wishes and pirate their mod to console just because you made your choice. Everyone has choices. I respect your choices, you should respect the mod authors choices.
  14. This is silly... If you have a PC to upload the mod, then just go play the mod on that very same PC. People like me who support console players will upload our stuff as soon as it is ready. The people who have a chip on their shoulder and don't want console players to have stuff should not be forced to give you stuff just because you want it.
  15. So basically you just want to build a whole new videogame. You said you are in the process of this mod, what progress have you made so far?
  16. You are only the 3rd person to use the term 'DLC Sized' that I actually believe will pull it off. My team and I are working on a smaller quest mod, I guess maybe it has reached about half the size you are talking about. Anyways, I would like to help you out if there is anything I am working on that could be of use to you. Sharing is caring, right? I am a 3d modeler primarily, but basically have my hands in every part of the development of my mod... Though my music guy keeps making fun of my lackluster banjo playing abilities... I think your style of modding and humor fits well with the style of stuff I write. Anyways, I will pm you what my team is working on any you can tell me if there is anything I can assist you with.
  17. As long as you endorsed my mod before uploading it you your private whatever, I wouldn't care... But my mod will be available by me for all platforms, so there won't be any reason to steal something I give freely to everyone. I honestly just want to have people to endorse my mod and support what I am doing... It isn't like I care about internet fame or anything like that, because that is all silly to me... But I want to either start working on my own videogame titles or get a job with a AAA studio. I work on stuff an release it for free to prove that I am more that just talk. As long as people are showing they like what I do, I will continue doing it. If not, then maybe I should stick to my day job.
  18. Saying that all of these guys only play games on consoles, but they have good quality PCs that they can pirate and run Fallout 4 well enough to go into the Creation Kit and rip mods *The Creation Kit crashes even my computer* just so they can stop using their PCs and PC copy of Fallout 4 and play on the Xbox or Playstation copy of Fallout 4 that they bought... Is in fact possible... But it is not what I would call the most likely scenario. If you have a PC that runs this stuff, and you are a thief... why would you buy a console and a console version of the game in the first place? A thief would just use their PC and run a pirated copy of the game and save themselves all that money. You have to really, really stretch things for it to make sense that these guys that actually steal this stuff are not PC gamers just looking for the notoriety of uploading these popular mods to the masses. The people who have the knowledge to pirate games and use the Creation Kit don't fit the demographic of people who play on console. It is just simple logic, Mr. Mavkiel.
  19. 1) The Creation Kit is only available to those that have the PC version of Fallout 4. 2) You cannot upload a mod to Bethesda.net without having the Creation Kit. Conclusion) Console modders do not have the Creation Kit to steal your mods. Conclusion) The people stealing your mods and uploading them to Bethesda.net must be part of the 'PC Master Race'. Conclusion) Corrupting your own mods with malware and bloat to kill consoles would not hurt the real criminals.
  20. And end our delightful repartee? It doesn't exist in all cases that if you press right you're an ass, but it does hold in most cases. And left is almost always snark. Down is nearly always sincere. Straying too far from these models, especially if they can be worked within, will help keep a smooth transition between mod and game. Ideally, I like it when my players aren't thinking of themselves as playing "The Enclave Returns" or "The Great Pretender" but thinks of it as Fallout 4. Is following the very tight boxes for the arrows a significant part of that synergy with the base game I'd like to feel? No. But it's a part that I'd like to preserve when I can, because it's what players are used to. It's a tight bit of work to make everything function as intended and still expand the storytelling potential of the game, but it's something I'd love to prove can be done on this scale. More work for us, sure, but I'm fine with that. Hell, if it goes well it might make the case that the Bioware dialogue system actually can work for those who whinged so much after first seeing it. The only one of those that is actually true is that the right/B option is usually somewhat of a negative response... But you can just the same have a 2 option choice and use just left/X and right/B and have neither one be inherently negative or positive. The possibilities you can do with the shaping of your choices is quite vast and fun to play around with as a creative tool. Honestly... the though of writing in such a manner that you described leaves me feeling a bit depressed inside... Maybe I am just too passionate about the work... I think I am going to step away from the Nexus for a moment...
  21. But the difference is, I want to give people my mod for free... I just want to get credit for making the free mod that I am uploading for them to play for free, as opposed to someone else getting credit for the free mod that I am uploading for them to play for free... Which is all the more reason that Beth doesn't want to get into the business of prosecuting. They may even call it a 'victimless crime' since no money is being lost. There are things in life that matter more than money.
  22. Well, if that is the case, it is your own self imposed limitations of using a system of 'Question-Sarcasm-Nice-Mean' that isn't even a real thing... You will have a much better mod if you don't limit yourself with those kind of silly ideas. But I guess if this thread is not in fact about making this mod as good as possible, I will shut my mouth and leave.
  23. I support console modding. What I don't support is the theft of stuff I would have given out for free. That is just impractical and rude at the same time. I just don't think other people should be getting credit for my work.
  24. But the difference is, I want to give people my mod for free... I just want to get credit for making the free mod that I am uploading for them to play for free, as opposed to someone else getting credit for the free mod that I am uploading for them to play for free...
  25. I couldn't possibly disagree with that statement any more. In my opinion there is nothing more natural than building an actual conversation flow using 2-4 options for each dialogue choice. Letting the roleplaying of a character build over time as opposed to having a bunch of choices all at once. I find the old way of staring awkwardly at an NPC while they speak at you as opposed to with you to be against the natural flow of things.
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