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Everything posted by Deleted2948850User

  1. Like the idea, something like using the lockpick mini-game to reset broken bones (for example) or what you said earlier in your 1st post, removing bullets. Would love to see this mod done =] (That bloody mess mod of yours looks nice btw).
  2. Judging from the name he's Dutch (as am I). But yea, horrible grammar (no offense). Anyway, back to the question at hand. You might want to look at mods such as SSEx or Homemaker, they might not have any pre-made buildings but they do add a lot of nice stuff to play around with to make your settlements look that much nicer =]
  3. Alright, thanks to Phnx I was able to fix the problem. All I needed was the [MyFileName]_faceBones.nif and some material tweaking ^^ I'll release my mod once I've added some more colors and finished the .esp http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2948850-1451348923.jpg And yes, I'm aware that the glow map isn't that prominent, but I didn't want it to be a dominant factor =]
  4. The way I see it, Jet is pretty much the choice poison for the average wasteland junkie. That being said, it makes sense it's so abundant.
  5. Heya folks, I've been working on a set of new stand-alone eye textures but I've hit a few snags on the model and glow map. I've made a new .bgsm file and added it as a source to a new eye model (copy of the original eye model) using NifSkope. But now the newly made eye model seems to be static and wrongly placed and the glow map is illuminating the entire eye where it should only light up a portion of it. Any ideas of what I'm doing wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated ^^ http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2948850-1451311388.jpg http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/1151/2948850-1451311427.jpg
  6. I like the idea, sort of a domesticated type of Night Stalker =]
  7. The way I usually do it is to open the naked body models in NifSkope and copying over the TriShape to the model I need 'em on. This does however cause some clipping errors sometimes, since not all models have the exact same body shape.
  8. Fallout4Custom.ini is the wrong file to edit.. The archive line goes in the Fallout4.ini and the launcher line goes in the Fallout4Prefs.ini. Also make sure your plugins.txt is set to read-only if you're launching the game through the default launcher. Hope this helps =]
  9. If you're gonna do anything with them, mutant cats should definitely be it! The ones down in the lab have already had a good chance of being exposed to the FEV, why not just go with it. Also, InvisiCats, return of the Night Stalkers maybe?
  10. I like the idea of gradual clean-up 'n repair, make those settlers do some actual work =P
  11. Should be possible I think, just create a single container to link to all workshops as their storage. Kinda like a vendor chest. I wouldn't link resources, takes away from the game since you can already do that with supply lines.
  12. Getting a multiplayer mod is going to take A LOT more than trying to apply GTA V mods to FO4, they're completely different games/engines. If you want a multiplayer mod for FO4, it probably has to made from scratch if at all possible.
  13. I don't know about slow play, but personally I do like to hang around my base (if only to dump all my loot and decorate a little). As for immersion, you might be living in a nuclear wasteland but that doesn't mean your house can't look nice =]
  14. Why not just stop endorsing mods all together? Who needs endorsements *insert sarcasm*
  15. A lot of the values are still shown as unknown variables, you'll just have to make due with some trial 'n error to find what you want. As for some specific values, I'd suggest searching the forums as some stuff has already been figured out by people.
  16. I wouldn't be a fan if items got auto scrapped, there are quite some items that are scrapable which can also be used as decoration (including some unique items). As for Codsworth giving you crap, try this; http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4645/?
  17. Looking good, this'll definitely be a mod I'd download :thumbsup:
  18. If a model doesn't have a NiAlphaProperty, texture transparency doesn't work. Open the models you want to edit in NifSkope and add a NiAlphaProperty to the TriShape you want to have partial invisibility. If you're having trouble with the NiAlphaProperty settings, copying one over from a model that already has one works fine. Edit: And yes, the latest NifSkope draft is already capable of that. Done this before myself.
  19. You've overwritten it in the .ba2 file? If not, just extract a vanilla copy from there again. Otherwise just run an integrity check in Steam, this should get you back the vanilla files.
  20. Any mod that modifies or lets you modify any otherwise unmodifiable objects within a cell (such as clutter) has this effect. There's currently an error within the game engine with modified cells resetting. Bought PA frames are spared from this though.
  21. Huh, not even necessary to make it unplayable on the +12 change, it's already invisible in inventories on just that change.
  22. The strings line is still needed if you ever need to load in loose files. Anyway, I'll clarify what needs to be done. 1) Go to C:\Users\[username]\Documents\my games\Fallout4. 2) Open Fallout4.ini and find the sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, line (it should ALWAYS be there, the game uses this line). Add TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\ to the line mentioned above. Save and close. 3) Open Fallout4Prefs.ini, find the bEnableFileSelection=0 line and change the 0 to 1. If this line is missing for the file, add it directly under [Launcher]. Save and close. 4) Done.
  23. Holy sheit, that's quite a mod list =O This is just too much, try loading ALL of them into FO4Edit and run the some error checks. With this many mods loaded, I'd be surprised if a couple of them didn't clash at least..
  24. You guys are add completely new lines? There's the problem I'm guessing, those line already exist on a different setting which in turn probably causes the issue. Something CANNOT be on and off at the same time. If editing for mods, find the bEnableFileSelection=0 line and simply change the 0 to 1 and find the sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, line and add the rest to it. DON'T add completely new lines..
  25. I haven't seen cell transfer yet, interesting thought though. With everything you can now change with the whole settlements system, this could become as popular as (or more than) face transfers.
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