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Everything posted by Oubliette

  1. I'm sorry, you've posted in the subforum for site issues and feedback - not for whatever game you're having problems with (you didn't bother to mention). Since I don't know what game you're having problems with, Nexus hosts files for so many, and since this is the wrong subforum I am entirely unable to assist you. Please locate the proper subforum (easiest done by going to the mod site and clicking the "forum" button in the upper right hand corner) and try again. Good luck.
  2. Looks like Krittakitty deleted it. So it seems you're sol. I highly encourage people to keep backups of mods they know they're going to want later for just this reason.
  3. Just have steam verify he integrity of your game files. It'll automatically reinstall the textures for you.
  4. The nexus does use a virus scanner to make sure no one's uploading viscous files (though I can't remember it's name) but it'll never take you to another page and ask you to download anything. It's generally never good to go to a different page, other than the site you wanted to, to download anything if you're getting a redirect consider it malicious and run your virus scanner.
  5. Sounds like you picked up some malware somewhere else. That sort of message has absolutely nothing to do with Nexus and you shouldn't be seeing it. I'd suggest running your virus scanner and Malware Bytes, to clean up whatever it is that's trying to jack your camera.
  6. Thanks for the headsup, Robin.
  7. There's a glitch in the system that seems to keep the mod site avatars from updating when you update your avatar. They're aware of the problem and hopefully will have it fixed by the time they roll out the redesign.
  8. First, that's a rather annoying way of highligting your words, please next time consider not using a white highlighter with your posts. Second, this is the subforum for general site questions and feedback, not for help with Skyrim saves. Third: I have absolutely no idea why your mods aren't working with your saves, please locate the Skyrim Mods subforums (easiest is going to the mod site then clicking on "forums" from there to go directly to the skyrim subforums) and locate a stickied post about how to ask for help so that when you repost there you can put more pertinent information besides "this doesn't work" and once you do you'll find it's not really a quick question at all, there's any number of reasons that you could be having problems iwth your old save files.
  9. No you can not block them so much that their posts won't appear on the forums when you read them. You can only block their attempts to interact with you directly through PM's, chat or disallow them to comment on your mods.
  10. I feel like it used to work in the past but you're right it's definitely not working now. Might just be because they tweaked something while working behind the scenes on the site redesign or some such though.
  11. Potentially, yes. However there are a lot of translations in a lot of language available for Skyrim's top mods. I'd suggest considering what you want to do with mods and seeing if your "must have" mods come translated first.
  12. Sorry Pink, I don't know anything about the Wheels of Lull though I appreciate that you tried to look for answers on your own before asking. Best I can do is suggest you try asking in the Wheels of Lull comment/release thread. Go to the mod page, click on the comments tab and then select "view as forum thread," you'll then be able to put a search term in the space in the upper right hand corner and see if anyone else in that thread has encountered (and hopefully fixed) a similar issue to your own. If no one has then you can also leave a comment and people who actually play that mod and are familiar with it are more likely to find your question and help you. Good luck.
  13. ... that's a bit much for what's obviously a missing texture issue. "Purple" meshes are the universal sign of missing textures. You either have a texture replacer that effects the bushes whose texture didn't install correctly, have not updated your Skyrim with the latest patch, or do not have the GPU you need for your texture settings. Reinstall the texture mod or update your Skyrim to the latest patch or lower the games graphic setting depending on whichever seems relevant.
  14. Are you sure you have write permission/admin access to the folder your saving your mod to? Sounds like Windows has UAC or something similar in effect for that folder, this can cause odd problems like things not enabling when checked or outright disappearing after installation. I don't know if that's the case with Win 10 but Vista especially had this kind of problem and it was sometimes also a factor on Win 7 machines if you hadn't applied the workarounds.
  15. TESModManager is a precursor to NMM literally made by the same people just officially integrated into the site some years ago. So if something recommends TESModManager or Oblivion Mod Manager (also precursor) then you can safely just go with NMM. Wrye on the other hand isn't a mod manager, a profile editor, a save game cleaner, a leveled list generator - it's all those things. You need it and NMM in more robust mod installations because it helps you find and fix a lot of errors that come into play when you've got more than a handful of mods (also it does face transfers, has its own special plugins for Oblivion that make some things awesome etc) it is a more complex tool than NMM however and therefore has a more complex readme/help file. You're going to have to read it to learn it and once you do you'll love it. It's vital for pretty much all TES games and there's also a version for the Fallout games (Mash=Morrowind, Bash=Oblivion, Smash=Skyrim, Flash=fallout; just call it Wrye and be done with it). Look, I'm going to be honest with you: your head is going to spin. Using mods isn't easy, especially for the older games and especially for Oblivion which is glitchy and conflict ridden on the mod side. If you really don't understand how to follow directions and can't read carefully.- modding is not for you.
  16. Post in the "Account closure request" thread in this forum and it'll be done lickity split I'm sure.
  17. Redwoodtreesprite? Heh, that's a name that brings me back. As for your problem: I have no idea. It's been a very long time since I signed up to the site and I've never shared an IP address with another member. I find it doubtful but could it the one person per rule? As if the site recognizes you're already signed in and won't let you make the mistake of making a new account and risking them both. It's doubtful though as far as I know the PtB here need to make the call on a shared account violation personally so it can't be an automated function.
  18. You can report it but I don't have much to tell you. I don't have any trouble keeping a tab on the modsite open without experiencing freezing. Perhaps you have a plugin or addon in your browser that disagrees with the nexus.
  19. I think bash has it's own method of mod installation for these files (the bain tab iirc) however I generally recommend to just use NMM in tandom with Wrye. They do different things very well and work nicely enough together so to get the best out of both tools it's best to use them both.
  20. The Nexus uses a third party ad provider and thus does not control ad content. If you are having issues with an ad you need to take a screenshot of the page where the ad appears and post it so that Dark0ne can contact the ad vendor and get it taken down. The Rabbit Actually there's should be a "report ad" button when the ad appears that a member should push to report the ad as it happens and bring it to Dark0ne's attention. The old way was proving an ineffective method of keeping track of things so they moved onto this method and even changed their ad provider entirely once they realized how many malicious ads they were letting through. So things are much better this way and it's no longer necessary to take and upload screencaps.
  21. You download the entire mod, in this case "book covers of skyrim." Then you have a choice, you can download it manually, open the file, locate the "textures" folder and then drag and drop that directly into your Skyrim/data folder yourself. Or you can download it with manager and then install it with your manager, allowing it to overwrite just the textures of the other mod and telling it you don't want to replace meshes. Or you can just install the whole mod over the other to make sure that the meshes are properly included and you won't be getting any yellow exclamation errors from your books.
  22. There's no such thing as "too many mods to single one out." There is only "so many mods I don't want to do the work necessary to fix my problem." The following is standard trouble shooting for issues not pinned to an obvious source, verifying your game files through steam is only step 1 aka the easy step. First - have you verified your game files through steam and updated to the latest patch?Second - uncheck all your mods, start a new game, save after the chargen. This will be your 'tester save.' Do Not Overwrite or Delete this save.Third - Enable five mods.Four - Go into game with your tester save. Run from one end of the game world to the other. Go into a few cities. Interact with a few things that are related to your problem. See if anything crashes/doesn't animate properly.Five - No sign of problems? Repeat 3-5. It crashed or something's not right? Go to step 6.Six - something not right? uncheck one of the five mods then go back to your tester save, repeat step 4.Continue until you have found and fixed your error.
  23. I said less than twenty there's actually only about 18 of them. Used to be the "Moderating Team" button worked but now you can generally see them all by clicking "Top Overall Posters." Anyone with a colored blurb under their name on that page is staff. As for learning more, well it helps to click around and read a few of the other blurbs, forums and buttons around here or you can just be older on this site than Methuselah and take it all in by osmosis.
  24. Depends on what the site issue is. Pressing Contact Us will get you in contact with a moderator, admin or the site owner. However depending on what the issue is and what else is going on with the site there might be an unspecified wait time. Considering that there's less than twenty staff for an entire site catering to over 10 million, a day or two is not too long to wait for a response from a report ticket - especially if the query wasn't dire. You can also post site questions, feedback and suggestions here if it's not too serious of a matter and maybe one of the other forum members can help you out a bit faster.
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