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Everything posted by Oubliette

  1. Unless you're using racemenu (and then only for the PC faik) body tattoos are controlled by the overall body texture, so you'd have to modify the texture to display the tattoos and then (I think I've never really checked) your Dremora will have the tattoos - but so will every other male character in Skyrim. You'd have to make the Dremora use a custom body texture in order to keep all the other NPCs from getting the same thing.
  2. Why are you posting twice on the same topic? The PtB tend to frown on spamming a question like that but at least this one isn't annoyingly highlighted in blue. You're relying on NMM a bit much. Try typing the name of the mods with the exclamation mark into google and see if they're actually missing or not. Even if they are missing on the site that doesn't automatically mean they stopped working, just that no one else will be able to get them. In some instances this makes you a very lucky gamer because people are always finding out something they want is gone only after the fact, if you like it make a backup and make sure to keep them safe! As for your game, crashing before the menu is usually a sign of a missing master of mod conflict. It's a simple enough problem to solve with so few mods. The following is standard trouble shooting for issues not pinned to an obvious source, verifying your game files through steam is only step 1 aka the easy step. First - have you verified your game files through steam and updated to the latest patch?Second - uncheck all your mods, start a new game, save after the chargen. This will be your 'tester save.' Do Not Overwrite or Delete this save.Third - Enable five mods.Four - Go into game with your tester save. Run from one end of the game world to the other. Go into a few cities. Interact with a few things that are related to your problem. See if anything crashes/doesn't animate properly.Five - No sign of problems? Repeat 3-5. It crashed or something's not right? Go to step 6.Six - something not right? uncheck one of the five mods then go back to your tester save, repeat step 4.Continue until you have found and fixed your error.
  3. *Sighs* I'm going to answer you one more time. This second post makes it much more clear that the problem you're having isn't with NMM but it's with the Nexus mod site. There's been a lot of slow down with the sites lately probably because of the redesign (if you haven't learned to check the site news when you encounter a problem consider this another free lesson). So what you'll need to do is download the mod manually (hit the download manually button) put it someplace you can easily find, then open up NMM and drag the folder/rar/zip/7zip onto NMM it'll add it to the "unsorted" category but you can then use NMM to install it regularly. If you still experience infinite loading screens on the site even downloading manually, try again another day.
  4. They still have it. But as with most things they've moved on to a new game already.
  5. It's against Nexus site policy to allow users to solicit that modders make them items for money. Doing so risks your account being banned or at least warned.
  6. Never really saw the point myself. Too much work, not enough reward.
  7. Your game isn't even installed from what I can see you've been looking directly into the CD. Run Setup, don't let it install in C:/Programfiles create a new C/Game folder for it to install into instead (from Vista on Windows has done wonky things with games that are allowed to install to the default location so you can avoid a slew of problems by avoiding installing there but from what I've heard they borked things even worse in Win10 for moddable games but unfortunately I don't have that one so you're on your own when you come across a problem).
  8. You can try using this instead but if that also doesn't help, please consider posting your specific mod based questions in that mod's release thread/comment section that way you might find someone who has (and maybe even fixed) a similar problem to your own more quickly.
  9. Everything is loading fine for me on Skyrim Nexus.
  10. You might want to post over in the NMM forums, so that someone one of the devs can see and assist you with your issue https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/406-nexus-mod-manager-open-beta/
  11. I'm sorry but why are you expecting a program to do something with a file - that you deleted?
  12. It's hard to have any thoughts on this as I only go directly to the game's site that I'm interested in and almost never stop on the main game site at all with absolutely no intention of changing that behavior anytime soon. So I'll just have to wait till I see how the specific game sites will be handled before I say whether I like the redesign or not. Though I do think that right now that's a lot of space to take up with news posts when news posts are generally pretty few and far between on Nexus and almost never have any images attached to them either. I understand the desire for the news to be more visible but unless there's going to be many many more posts (which might also take some of the impact away from important announcements) then I'd say a section maybe only one row deep is more than adequate.
  13. The following is standard trouble shooting for issues and crashes not pinned to an obvious source but for a modded install, verifying your game files through steam is only step 1 aka the easy step. First - have you verified your game files through steam and updated to the latest patch?Second - uncheck all your mods, start a new game, save after the chargen. This will be your 'tester save.' Do Not Overwrite or Delete this save.Third - Enable five mods.Four - Go into game with your tester save. Run from one end of the game world to the other. Go into a few cities. Interact with a few things that are related to your problem. See if anything crashes/doesn't animate properly.Five - No sign of problems? Repeat 3-5. It crashed or something's not right? Go to step 6.Six - something not right? uncheck one of the five mods then go back to your tester save, repeat step 4.Continue until you have found and fixed your error.
  14. In my experience this happens for one of two reasons: You've got a curropt or broken mesh (seems unlikely since you tested a vanilla save, AND it's not tied to a single specific model - but go ahead and have steam verify the integrity of your game files)Death of your graphics card (as in buy a new one)Sorry to be the likely bearer of bad news.
  15. I feel for you, I do. But no, anyone who upload's someone elses file without permission risks their account here. Your only hope is contacting the original modder and seeing if they'll reupload.
  16. Ok, thanks for the heads up, Robin.
  17. It's technically not illegal - no one's going to go to jail for it. However it is against Nexus policy and if the PtB catch you soliciting modders to make something for you for a monetary reward you can risk your account here or at least a warning.
  18. I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're asking, are you trying to make a new texture for a female body like CBBE? If that's the case it's pretty simple, just grab a CBBE texture, open it up in Photoshop or GIMP and use it as a map to guide how your new texture should be laid out. It'll work for any CBBE based mesh no matter how weird it's been made with bodyslide. If you're asking how to add "geometry" aka model new objects that you'll then attach to the body model that's a different thing though. You can add additional meshes to a base CBBE mesh in nifskope without too much problem though I'm not entirely sure how that effects the texture mapping. Neither is terribly difficult I think, just a little tedious to do relatively well.
  19. Daughters of Ares iiirc? From what I heard the mod author removed it and all their WIPS for Fallout 4 thanks to rampant theft and release of their assets without permissions. So it's gone gone. There's still Project Ares (the mod that inspired Daughters iirc) though it only contains one robot companion instead of playable races it's all that's currently left faik. edit - looks like DisasterJuice is still working on the Fo4 version. No idea if they're planning on rereleasing the FNV version at all though.
  20. Did you read the directions under "installation" on the mod's page? Doesn't seem like it. Here's the directions for installing CBBE vanilla: http://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/mods/110/images/2666-3-1420756062.png Always. Always. ALWAYS read the instructions. If a mod doesn't include installation instructions for a manager and manual installation it's generally not worth your time.
  21. First: Welcome to the forums and mods! Second: This is the subforum for site feedback and general questions, not for Skyrim mods or any other game help. That said I can give you a few tips on how to solve your issue. Start with ONE mod. Preferably something that's easy for a newcomer to install (replacer type mods are a GREAT place to start)Go here or here to get a basic understanding of how to install mods.Next go to the mod's download page and Read The Description carefully! Follow the directions as stated in the description.Finally: hop into game and check to make sure the mod is working properly!You're now ready to install your next mod. Good luck!
  22. I don't think Steam achievements have anything to do with your game files, I think it's just a programmed ping to play once if certain actions are achieved and but not lost if and when you restart, refresh or reinstall (as some people work really hard for their achievements and still others cheat really hard for their achievements).
  23. I'm surprised you can even ask that question here and totally miss the whole "Bethesda condoning if not outright endorsing mod theft" thing or their likewise unwise and unwanted attempts to move to paid mods. Nexus has been around since Morrowind. It started as a hosting site with that game and it's modding community in mind, the fact that Bethesda now releases Fallout titles relatively often that can be modded, was unlikely to have weighed in on the site owners thought process at the time. Asking why there is hostility to Fallout 4 here and completely ignoring the mods is a whole new level of obtuse.
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