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Everything posted by Oubliette

  1. Generally you can create an addon to someone elses work without permission, since their work will be required for yours to work because you're creating additional content for theirs not repackaging theirs in any way or form. However it's always polite to ask first anyway.
  2. First let me start off by saying you've posted in the wrong place. This is the subforum for site feedback and questions, not for help with a specific game or locating a mod to assist with other mod issues. You can easily locate the subforums for your game by going to that game's download site and clicking on the "forums" button in the upper right hand corner. This doesn't apply to chat however since there's only one chat for the entire site and please also be aware that chat is for general discussion not necessarily game help, sometimes they discuss games, sometimes makeup occasionally it's food, for game help you should locate the proper game related subforum. Combat between NPC's isn't unheard of, nor is there a solution for it faik in Skyrim. Usually it depends a great deal on the type of companion mods you're using and what they say about how to break a character out of friendly combat when necessary. You can try saving and loading that save, which should reset their hit count. As for getting them out of the way there's a mod for that you simply have to figure out the correct keywords to find it, I think the author is Emma but don't quote me on that. Good luck.
  3. No, the support ticket is the right method. Dark0ne is the only one who handles money matters and at the moment he's got quite a lot on his hands. He will definitely get back to you though so please be patient.
  4. Have you tried installing it manually? Your warnings text speaks to several items that are missing which you should be able to locate in the mod's zip/rar file. If they're not there then you can try redownloading and see if that helps or if the upload itself is bugged.
  5. It's been asked for before and tried before. General answer is mod authors don't want it, Nexus has tried it before and it turned into nothing but a long nasty mud run. We have a system that works quiet well now, with endorsements, comments and downloads that's more than enough. If you want reviews there's some on youtube but there will not be a review system in place on Nexus again.
  6. You want it that bad, make it yourself and keep it to yourself. It's been made clear that this is an unacceptable request, please don't make it again.
  7. Depends on which kind of help you mean. There's this help subforum specifically for help with mods. Then there's this subforum specifically for mod announcements and WIP threads. As for the derth of "help" you find here, take another look around. There are several million users on this site and several hundred help topics get posted each day. Most of these are "HALP I can't tie my shoe" type threads in which the OP neither knows what their problem is, nor how to properly tell people the problem, and of course - not how to look for their own answers. No one has time to rehash the basics for ubern00b hundreds of times a day. If on the other hand you want help creating a mod, then get started with it first and have something to show as proof of concept. No one has time to teach everyone how to open the F4KE and make a basic plugin file either but if you're midway in a project and need help with a particular script or action and can speak about what problem you're having clearly not in general terms: someone will help you. Don't forget, you're one in several million not a thousand, not a hundred, while the number of people who can and are willing to help numbers probably less than one hundred at any given time. We're not even volunteers, we're other players with projects of our own and limited time and resources to give to the thousands of people who think they want to make a mod. Get the foundation laid out and the basic walls roughed out before you start harassing your neighbors because they haven't come out to help you with your barn raising.
  8. Robert's is both unfinished and outdated, it doesn't even hold a candle to his previous models either. Currently the best and most prolific male body replacers are SAM (Shape Atlas for Men) found at Lady Morraine's and SoS (Schlongs of Skyrim) you can only get that at Loverslab I'm afraid. Both are quite nice, though I found that SAM was a little taxing and unimmersive, both have replacers for all the in game clothes and armor in skimpy and not skimpy varieties. SoS seems to have a bit more unique clothing and skin options at the moment however (many skin texture replacers include a SoS or SAM option so it's just a matter of picking a body and then choosing what you like.)
  9. You can see recently updated with a mod manager like NMM or Mod Organizer and anyone that's that interested in hot swapping mods really should be using some kind of organizer. Though personally I find that constantly updated mods are more trouble than they're worth and try to avoid them as often as possible, some newer mod users seem to like mods that update often but in my experience they tend to cause more problems than they fix for more complex load orders.
  10. The only one that handles money issues is Dark0ne himself. You can send a report ticket by clicking the "Contact Us" button located at the bottom of every page, outline your problem clearly and the fact that you want to cancel your premium membership.
  11. have you ever thought that when you lock threads that it looses people that are kinda new from getting info what do we do then its not like i can go down to my local 7/11 an ask them how to ask questions or to try to follow a modders instructions . i have seen plenty of threads where they close them an im kinda lost on them so it means because im new i do not deserve to ask questions???? Here's a tip since you're so new - bringing up someones comment from 8 frelling years ago to caste shade? Not cool. It's highly unlikely Povuholo is going to ever respond to you and after eight years that particular topic has already been resolved. Nor is that member in charge of locking threads or has any control over it so your angst is ill placed. Have a couple others tips, they're free and they might be useful if you're looking for help on the forums: learn how to ask a pertinent question (there are sticky threads in most game subforums about how to do that, find one and read it)always use search first before posting on the forums (when you know how to ask a pertinent question with proper keywords search those keywords first you might find your answer without having to wait for someone to comment on a thread it is the fastest way to get help on the forums.)One more: be polite and patient when asking for help (because people respond to attitude with attitude).
  12. Meh. Regardless of the morality of DDP's actions - this is not the proper format to report a member. Posts like this on the forums invites inflammatory debate and generally tars the poster with an equally unfavorable brush imnsho. Next time you seriously think something is ban worthy please use the proper channels. There's a button on the bottom right of every member's profile to use in order to report them for review, click it and type out your reasons link your evidence and the staff will review the case when they can. If they decide to action your report, you'll see a ban or warning notice eventually, if you don't see either than please consider your evidence too flimsy to be actionable and quietly move on.
  13. There are plenty of children vampire companion mods but no werewolf children mods. Basically vampirism is easy to apply to a child in the CK (but there are no childlike vampire lord mods either for the same reasons) but because of the animations and models never being designed for children, werekids is not possible. It is possible to infect the kids in game with either disease without the CK but stranges and unpleasant things happen when they actually turn (no heads for vampires for example) because the child races were never intended to become either. Not saying it couldn't be done if someone wanted to spend the time and effort to make new models and animations and figure out how to apply all that to the children.
  14. Google? http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_install_Oblivion_mods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n_8ekHSrG0 Both links found from putting your question into google. Get used to looking up answers to your questions first, it's an important part of installing and trouble shooting mod installations. It helps make your questions more concise and narrow the field to more useful questions rather than everyone assuming you know nothing because your question is phrased badly and you could have found your answers yourself with a quick search.
  15. Well I can tell you with absolute certainty that the staff here take accusations of theft very seriously and do everything in their power to see to it that nothing is on the site is stolen and uploaded without permission. However they're only human, volunteers, which means there's a limit to what they can do as there is a limit to everything. I can assure you that they would never simply take someone's word that an item is stolen or their own creation and require proof when any claims of theft are lobbied. If the person accusing someone else of theft claims to be the rightful owner but can produce no evidence, they're sol and vice versa. Nor can the Nexus control what happens offsite, though they do everything in their power to keep things here safe and respectful to modders. Other than that I'm not entirely sure what your question pertains to though I'd probably do just as the nexus does in these instances, look at claim of wrong doing, any actual evidence for or against and then make my own call.
  16. Short and quick answers in order: Little. Probably. Not much. Longer answers: Nexus has nothing to do with console modding and will be here for modders to upload their creations, same as usual. People steal, especially if they feel they're entitled to something and it's easy to get at but hasn't been made available to them in whatever time frame they think it should have been (before you ask I'm not condoning their actions merely answering the question). There isn't much modders can do to safeguard their mods from being stolen before the fact, only after I'm afraid, some type of DRM might help but would probably only make thieving that much more justified to the thieves mindset (not that they need it, they're already going to steal it because they want it and think it should be theirs).
  17. Into your own game, sure someone could but they would not be able to release it to others - it's explicitly against Bethesda's wishes (yes they've been asked, repeatedly, about porting content from an older game to a new on and they have said emphatically that it is not and never will be acceptable). However if someone wanted to recreate these characters and revoice them etc in Fo4's engine from scratch Bethesda wouldn't have any problems with that being released.
  18. You can take inspiration from anywhere - and that's what you're doing so long as you create all the content in the mod (meshes, textures, voices etc). However if you rip any content from another game, site, person etc and use it without permission you're gonna be in hot water. Thankfully the latter doesn't sound like your intentions so you should be fine.
  19. Not really. It skirts dangerously close to the area of pirating discussing how to run fallout 3 without its CD. That doesn't mean I think you're a pirate just that discussing no-cd cracks etc are in a grey area I would rather not come close to at all. Though if you're willing to spend a bit and wait a bit you can pick up a copy of Fallout on Steam during the summer sale for a reasonable price and never have to worry about having a CD again.
  20. http://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Make_Skyrim_Vanilla_Again
  21. It's up to you. You can let them post then report them for harassment and hope it's enough to get them banned or you can remove them from posting directly to you right now. I suppose it depends on how bad their behavior actually is.
  22. A pic might help but off the top of my head I'm entirely unaware of this issue ever happening. Have you verified your files through steam to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be?
  23. I'm sorry but this is the suboforum for site related feedback and questions. Not for whatever game you're having problems with (you didn't mention). Please locate the proper subforum for the game in question by going to that game's mod site and then click the "forum" button in the upper right hand, which will take you directly to all the subforums related to that game. Good luck.
  24. Some people swear by it. It's not my prefered method of mod installation but I'm an old hat at this stuff. For less experienced mod users it provides a useful jumping off point.
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