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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Alizakhan123 banned. Reason: Spam account (mods/media)
  2. pencilreadr banned. Reason: Spam account (mods/media)
  3. Gifmaker banned. Reason: Spam account (mods/media)
  4. Interesting, there might be some kind of issue with DLCs in the Xbox store. If you do Open -> Open game mods folder on the toolbar do you see the DLC plugins there?
  5. Looks like you managed to resolve this. :)
  6. As Jannifer said in 2018, it will be related to your preferences on the content blocking page. It's possible you have turned off adult content?
  7. Checking out on PayPal as a guest is restricted in some countries. If you can't see it, it might not be allowed where you live.
  8. deleted55812042 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  9. deleted6198313 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  10. deleted37536565 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  11. Thanks for confirming. I'll make sure the devs know that there was a little disruption yesterday during the fix.
  12. Did you check your settings to ensure the correct settings are enabled? We did briefly take the notification system offline earlier (to fix it) so it's possible a small number of updates were missed during that time.
  13. As discussed on Discord. It seems like an ISP problem, so a VPN or Premium membership are the suggested workarounds. VPN seems to be working.
  14. petrica87alex banned. Reason: Ban evasion naesiblonda Reference post
  15. There's already a thread here discussing alternate payment options: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9559888-how-to-pay-for-premium-membership-without-paypal/ TL:DR - We're working on a new system and it should be ready later this year. As Arthmoor says, we require barely any data from you to start a purchase but PayPal will need enough info from you to prevent fraudulent purchases. Exactly what that entails in up to them I'm afraid.
  16. WhiteBeetle banned. Reason: Ban evasion - FlameBeetle "Any efforts to circumvent your ban (such as creating another account) during this time will invalidate your appeal and may result in an IP ban." Reference post
  17. Actually, can you please try and download any file that's over 500mb (either of the main files here would work) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/607?tab=files If the problem only occurs with smaller files then it means you have a bad connection to your local Cloudflare server (which is odd as they serve a lot of different sites). Perhaps you could try a VPN too if you have access to one?
  18. That's very odd, based on your test results your downloads should be fine. The connection is to the same server. Perhaps your firewall is blocking downloads?
  19. EthelbertEugene banned. Reason: Wiki spammer
  20. Try downloading directly from the site by using the manual button on mod pages. NMM has been unsupported since 2016 (unless you actually mean Vortex?). If the downloads from the site are also failing, please see this post for the info we need from you to investigate it: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5322760-reporting-download-problems/
  21. deleted10221310 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  22. deleted58758381 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  23. deleted113956403 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  24. deleted102191493 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  25. Hi wumbe It looks like you skipped a few of the tests in the troubleshooting article, are you able to do the ones you missed and update this thread so we can get a full picture of your issue?
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