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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. deleted2950567 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  2. This thread is quite confusing to me, I don't really know what you're hoping to achieve here? I'm sorry you don't like/trust the site. You're welcome to use whatever websites you want. This forum is for constructive feedback about how we can improve our services or ask for help using them - I don't really see either of those things in this thread so I'm going to close it.
  3. OP's question has been answered so I'm closing the thread.
  4. Hi there, I have replied via email, but the $12 is likely your local taxes and/or PayPal conversion fees. PayPal will be the only option until we've migrated to our new system tomorrow.
  5. You can limit the max speed of downloads with Vortex, but not the total amount of information.
  6. Sorry for the delayed reply Looking at your results, your downloads should be fine if you change to "CDN" as the default server in your Premium preferences. You may want to try using a VPN to see if that improves your connectivity?
  7. We are already well aware that some users desire this feature. It's on the list of things to look into next time we update the notifications system.
  8. This should now be fixed, sorry about that.
  9. That's good news. It suggests the problem lies with either your ISP or just the direct route from your PC to our servers (without the VPN).
  10. Hi there, I'm afraid this report is a bit vague so I'm not clear on what exactly you're referring to. If you're a developer you might be able to report it on GitHub following the issue format to provide more information? https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/web-issues/issues Thanks
  11. Hi Bosskong, I appreciate you writing this up, however, you're providing feedback on a system we haven't provided full details on yet. Some of what you have said may either be part of the system anyway or simply won't apply. Once the system has been fully announced/launched, then will be a better time to provide feedback about it. For now this is based mostly on speculation. Edit: I'll close this thread so it doesn't get derailed, but feel free to PM me if you have follow-up questions, OP.
  12. Pretty sure this kind of thing is difficult because it presents a security issue
  13. Glad you found a workaround. As your speed is consistently slow across all servers, it might be something to bring up with your ISP? The tests will allow you to check your connection to 8 different locations around the world, so chance are something close to your end of the connection is causing the slowdown.
  14. I'm afraid your post is very vague. Perhaps you could provide some more details? These articles may help: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues
  15. It's odd thought that 8 different servers all give you the same issue, the Worldwide CDN is usually fine for AUS users. It might be worth enquiring with your ISP if you have time because we quite often fine ISPs there have issues with our servers. Telstra (I think they are called) used to cause us all kinds of issues.
  16. Sorry to hear about this. To be clear, we are no applying any cap beyond the 1-2MB/s limit for free users. It looks like you have very limited connectivity from your home location to all of our non-Premium CDN nodes. Are you able to try with a VPN?
  17. Thanks for providing the info. I'll have our team pass it on to the CDN provider. In the meantime, do you have access to a VPN to see if that improves things?
  18. Hi Cederick, I'm afraid I can't take a guess at what you're referring to from the information here, I can only say I do not see anything in our Support Inbox ([email protected]) from your account email address. I'm also not aware of any communications via Discord (at least not to me directly). There is a fairly high chance any message that labels itself as a "business opportunity" may get marked as spam. This is due to the large volume of junk we get sent using these keywords. You're welcome to send me some additional info via the forum PM system or if you send another email, include "FAO: Pickysaurus" in the subject line.
  19. It's some kind of weird caching issue that we've already got a task in to investigate. Basically, however the site decides if you should see the button seems to get the wrong result sometimes and that "sticks" for a while due to caching.
  20. Are you able to replicate this problem in a different browser? This kind of behaviour is often attributed to "privacy" addons installed to your web browser.
  21. Our system does not apply any kind of limits to Premium members, so you'll get the files as fast as your connection will allow. Looking at your results, it may imply some kind of ISP-limiting or just simply bad routing. Do you have access to a VPN to see if that makes any difference to your speeds?
  22. Please send a copy of the PayPal invoice to [email protected] and we'll put this right as soon as we can. Thanks for supporting our community!
  23. As your download speed appears to be bad for every server we offer, it is more likely to be a routing issue or some kind of ISP problem. Each of the tests point to a different server in a different part of the world and several of the options are from different hosting providers. I would suggest trying a VPN if you have access to one?
  24. Can you link there Vortex points to? It's entirely possible there is a readme, or some kind of instruction in that GitHub repo.
  25. This change was made in November 2019 following this announcement: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14163
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