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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Paging @Happybara as he handles game approvals.
  2. You are correct, this isn't possible. Although I'd be curious to know why you want to do this? If the tag doesn't apply to your mod why would rejecting it be an issue?
  3. Right-click on the collection in the Mods table. An option to do this has been added in one of the latest releases.
  4. Try logging out and back into Vortex. It looks like your session may be corrupted.
  5. It doesn't look like you finished setting up the mod page. I understand there was a bug where you couldn't get back to a mod from an unapproved game as it didn't appear on the My Mods page but that should now be fixed. Here's the direct link for you too: https://www.nexusmods.com/mods/1?game_id=7163
  6. If you confirm the deletion of files inside Vortex, this is permanent and irreversible. The recycle bin is not used. Unfortunately, you may need to redownload the mods in question or regenerate FNIS by hand.
  7. Try the solution here: https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/wiki/MODDINGWIKI-Users-Troubleshooting-NET-6-Install-Issues I believe this error means you have .NET 6 installed, but the install is corrupted.
  8. Honestly, this sounds like something outside of Vortex has been messing with your game folder. This kind of thing doesn't happen by design.
  9. It hasn't been released yet. December will be at the top of the table here once it's published: https://www.nexusmods.com/about/donation-points
  10. Settings -> Interface -> Enable Profile Management
  11. Make sure Vortex is fully closed (i.e. check Task Manager) Once it is, browse to the location of the file mentioned in the error and delete it. You should be able to start Vortex again after that.
  12. We're having intermittent problems with the website at the moment. Please see the status page for updates. Unless you're specifically seeing a message that you are blocked, it'll be down the regional outages we've been seeing for the last few weeks.
  13. For this issue, you'll need to talk to the author of Dismembering Framework as the message suggests.
  14. Hi @RandomAnimeGamer, Sorry for the delay, our team have been AFK due to the holiday season. I've split your post into its own thread as you necroed a post unrelated to your issue (and was resolved a year ago!). We're aware of a bug where you can't see your mods for pending games, I raised it before the holidays but will bump it up internally again. I understand it's quite annoying. If you did complete your mod page before losing the link, the game should get approved soon!
  15. We've covered this in other places, but the gist is we've removed it from the DP pages as it was confusing and causing authors to draw incorrect conclusions. The unique download count isn't 1-for-1 mapping to DP earned with the new algorithm so having this data next to the amount your mod earned doesn't make sense anymore.
  16. We announced this page a little while ago in the site news. Hopefully it will solve this problem for you https://next.nexusmods.com/my-content/analytics
  17. Those notifications mean your session expired and you just need to log out and back in if they persist. Sessions should refresh automatically every 6 hours but it could've been a race condition that Vortex tried to download a file while the refresh was happening
  18. It's weird. I've seen a few scattered reports of this but I've no idea how it happens. There's got to be something in common in all setups that see this. I've tried to deliberately break my setup in ways that I thought would reproduce the error but so far no luck. Glad you got it working though!
  19. That does sound like it's being caused by AntiVirus. As soon as Vortex requests the file it decides to delete it. I also note you've moved your program files folder off of C:\ which tends to result in a bad time. You can install apps anywhere but the Windows default location is the least error prone. The "archive is broken" error is incorrect because Vortex simply can't read the 7z file as the utility it used to do so has been deleted.
  20. Vortex doesn't appear to support the Epic version of this game at all. https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/vortex-games/blob/master/game-conanexiles/index.js For it to be supported we'd need to info mentioned here: https://modding.wiki/en/vortex/developer/game-detection#epic-games
  21. So from the logs you posted, this file is missing "C:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar.unpacked\node_modules\7z-bin\win32\7z.exe" - it's a core part of the Vortex app that either got deleted during your attempts to fix the issue, or your local security software wiped it (which happens when they are poorly programmed).
  22. If you're having trouble downloading files, please see the help page here: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do If you are only having problems download via Vortex (and not via the website) then it means something on your PC is blocking Vortex from communicating with our servers correctly.
  23. Can you provide the exact text you're putting into all the fields (URL, title, description)? It's almost always a special character in there the site doesn't like, so I can check it for you.
  24. Looks like you've deleted core files Vortex needs to function. Try installing the latest version over the top of the current one
  25. It doesn't mean your PC is compromised. IPs are frequently recycled. So a spammer or malicious user may have used it at some point (which resulted in a block) and it got rerolled to you when you last reset your router.
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