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Hi guys, So I have an odd situation. At the release of SSE, the button on the mod page to clone it across was used, but the page then hidden. Since then the SSE page has been deleted but now I am looking at doing the port. Is there a way to reset this automatic copy of the Legacy Edition mod page? If not I'll just have to make it manually but that's a lot of work :/ Thanks Picky
In response to post #50318062. #50318772, #50320562, #50323522, #50340197 are all replies on the same post. Awesome if you need guinea pigs for testing hit me up
In response to post #50318062. #50318772, #50320562 are all replies on the same post. Thanks for the reply Blindjudge! Any rough idea of when we'll see it? Or maybe share some more previews sometime soon?
Any news when we can get our mitts on the new site? And will it be mobile friendly?
[LE] Force Quest Alias from Script
Pickysaurus replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Thanks for the reply, it seems the complier craps out if using CK through ModOrganiser... ran CK normally and it compiled just fine... -
[LE] Force Quest Alias from Script
Pickysaurus replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hmm... restarted CK and it complies now. But in game my activator does nothing. -
Hi all, I'm having a problem getting my script to fill the empty quest aliases I've left. Basically, the parent script extends ReferenceAlias and is attached to an alias in my handler quest. Properties not mentioned here are defined in the parent as ReferenceAlias or Global. For the 3 lines with ForceRefTo, where I am trying to Force the Aliases into new object references I get the error at the bottom of this post. Scriptname PKY_AirshipFlagScript extends PKY_AirshipScript {Extends the Airship Script to set new destinations} ;;These properties are defined per activator instance. ObjectReference Property NewDestinationShip Auto ObjectReference Property NewDestinationMarker Auto ObjectReference Property NewDummyHelm Auto Message Property HeadingMessage Auto Int Property NewHeadingNumber Auto Event OnActivate (ObjectReference akActionRef) if akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer() && DBM_Destination.Value == 0 ;Checks for 0 as this is default. int FormCheck = DBM_AirshipsFLST.Find(DestinationShip.GetReference()) if FormCheck == -1 ;Checks if current ship is in formlist to disable. DBM_AirshipsFLST.AddForm(DestinationShip.GetReference()) ;Add current ship to Formlist debug.notification("Added current ship to FormList.") endif DBM_Destination.SetValue(NewHeadingNumber) ;Update destination value Debug.notification("DBM Destination set to"+DBM_Destination) DestinationShip.ForceRefTo(NewDestinationShip) ;Change defined ship to new one DestinationMarker.ForceRefTo(NewDestinationMarker) ;Update new teleport marker DummyHelm.ForceRefTo(NewDummyHelm) ;Updates helm movement location HeadingMessage.Show() ;Show confirmation message to player. elseif DBM_Destination.Value == NewHeadingNumber Debug.notification("This is already my current course.") endif EndEvent %filepath%(20,2): type mismatch while assigning to a referencealias (cast missing or types unrelated) Am I doing something really dumb? Thanks
Found the solution thanks to a redditor. Basically LOTD, USLEEP and all the vanilla masters are too many statics for CK to handle. I got around this by deleting some statics in a modified ESP (in this case, most of LOTD's gallery cells) to free up some slots. As those statics aren't used by my patch it works fine to use the proper ESP on loading into game.
Yeah it's got to be something to do with Falskaar or it's ESM status - saying that I tableflipped at Falskaar and current am nearly done with The Gray Cowl, which is also an ESM and it's not giving me any jip... really can't think of why. My Falskaar version is almost done, but as my changes disappear when loading the plugin I can't correct a derpy mistake I made (I set a Nordic digsite to give Dwemer fragments).
[LE] Crafting Recipes to Duplicate Items
Pickysaurus replied to kamenai's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
A bit of a wild guess, but maybe you could add a script so that when you 'Tea' gets added to the players inventory it also adds an empty waterskin? Would only really work if using the waterskin is the only way to craft it though... -
Hi all, I'm having a really annoying problem with Creation Kit which I can't find any information on. So I am currently making a fairly small patch for Legacy of the Dragonborn and Falskaar. In which it will add the LOTD Dig Sites to Falskaar dungeon locations and make the Dev Aveza airship capable of travelling to selected places in Falskaar. (Mainly a quality of life for me, but I intend to release it). Before I loaded into CK I have ESM-ifyed LOTD and Falskaar is already an ESM. On loading Falskaar's changes appear in the render window but Legacy's do not. I've also noticed that on saving the plugin, all my object placements from before I loaded get wiped. At the moment I am making 1 change, saving, merging with old plugin via merge plugins and repeating but there has to be a better way. Am I doing something wrong?
[LE] Quick Questions, Quick Answers
Pickysaurus replied to Elias555's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
This may be no help to you, but Icecreamassassin (Legacy of the Dragonborn creator) ran into a similar issue and said he had to update the sounds in NIFScope as well as CK for it to work. -
Hi guys, I just found this little gem on the Nexus which is awesome if you're working on a mod with voiced dialogue! Lazy Voice Finder - http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/82482/? This has been useful to me as I had a manual spreadsheet created for a similar purpose, plus now the author has added export to CSV, it looks like it'll be great of sharing lines with your voice actors!
Here's hoping it's the site redesign :P
[LE] Scripts don't want to Compile
Pickysaurus replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
This is where I got confused with Alias property :/ Thanks for the help, adding brackets to the removeitems in your version of the script allowed it to compile properly :D Sorry if I sounded arrogant somehow, I am really new to scripting and I am struggling to get my head around the logic of it all. Where I read it as making sense, the compiler throws up errors all over the place. For example now the function exists I'm having trouble calling it in a Quest Fragement, the errors it gives aren't really very helpful :( I used FreeformSkyHavenTempleAScript.psc as a base for this - with the exception of the alias property being wrong, it's pretty similar (to me anyways). I'm here to try and learn from you guys because at the moment I can only copy/paste other bits of script and hope for the best. -
[LE] Scripts don't want to Compile
Pickysaurus replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Hey FrankFamily (I really like your mods btw!) I've corrected the missing brackets and added the bits you suggested so my script looks like this; But now I get another error: -
Hi all, me again xD So I'm pretty much convinced there's something wrong with the compiler in my CK. I have yet to compile or use a custom function without it giving me errors for days. I am trying to write a very simple function, based off the FreeformSkyHavenTempleA script layout to change faction and outfit of an NPC. Scriptname PKY_RecruitToEQ extends Quest Conditional Alias Property Alias_Michlon_Waltvale Auto Outfit Property EGOutfit Auto Faction Property EGFaction Auto Weapon Property AkaviriKatana Auto Function EquipEGArmour (Actor Alias_Michlon_Waltvale) ;Michlon joins Explorers Guild Alias_Michlon_Waltvale.RemoveAllItems Alias_Michlon_Waltvale.AddtoFaction(EGFaction) Alias_Michlon_Waltvale.SetOutfit(EGOutfit) Alias_Michlon_Waltvale.AddItem(AkaviriKatana) Alias_Michlon_Waltvale.EquipItem(AkaviriKatana) EndFunction When compiling this I get the following: I've re-run compiler on the SkyHaven temple script and that comes out just fine, so where am I going wrong? Thanks for any comments :D
Hi guys, So I've been recording voice files in Audacity using a professional (ish) Microphone/Audio Interface. In Audacity the tracks are a decent volume, to the point where they're almost clipping. When I move them to the Temp.wav in order for CK to see them, the playback is very quiet and even moreso in game... Is there something specific I have to do to get this working properly? I'm recording 16-bit, mono and 44100Hz which I think is correct settings for Skyrim. Any help will be appreciated - at this point I'm looking to return the microphone and try a different model but I don't think it's that.
[LE] Excute Function from TIF
Pickysaurus replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
So what I am trying to achieve is a variation on a system currently in place for Legacy of the Dragonborn by Icecreamassassin, The mod features an Airship which is a large group of statics, his version has a map and you interact with location pegs (the little red and blue flags on the map) which set DBM_Destination (Global Variable) to the relevant number. Then you interact with the ship's helm and it disables the statics of the airship you are currently on and enables the airship statics in the new location, as well as moving the player to the helm of the new airship. My desire is to be able to ask my follower "Can you move the airship for me?" and when you pick a destination, it disables the static airship currently enabled and enables only the one in the location selected. - Thus giving a way to move the ship without having to be on board it. Does that make sense? -
[LE] Excute Function from TIF
Pickysaurus replied to Pickysaurus's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
Thanks for the reply, I still can figure this out. Is it something to do with trying to fire this Function from dialogue? I'm looking at the original scripts (my mod is an expansion on another mod) and the functions are setup almost the same, just the fact it's called as Event OnActivate. I think I'm going to have to abandon the function method for now and do it manually. -
Hi there, I'm having some trouble with excuting a script function in dialogue; I have a main script that is an extension of a script in another mod - and I am calling the function of my new script via a TIF (Topic Info) script. Papyrus gives me the following error. The code for the script is; And it's calling the function from PKY_DevAvezaMoveScript which looks like this; Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong? Specifically "cannot call the member function MoveDevAveza alone or on a type, must call it on a variable" - the function doesn't need to call a variable AFAIK. I have tried putting PKY_MoveDevAveza between the function brackets but I then get "Too many arguments". Thanks
LE Modding using other mods
Pickysaurus replied to majesticmadman's topic in Skyrim's Creation Kit and Modders
You can load multiple masters in CK by changing a flag in Skyrimeditor.ini (default skyrim directory). bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 You may also enjoy; bBlockMessageBoxes=1 To stop the boxes you always have to click "Yes to all" on when loading CK -
Hello! I have just solved a problem with Customer Voices and LIP files that it took me all evening of trial and error, plus frantic searching of outdated forums to discover. I figured I'd stick it here in case anyone else has the problem. Issue 1: Custom Dialogue not playing? So this fix is slightly better documented, but still worth writing. I had created a new NPC, added a Custom Voice, created a Generic Voice quest (for non-specific lines) and input the .wav files into the game. Once in game however, the NPC just stared awkwardly at me. Solution: Using a fix Arthmoor posted in this thread, any quests that are 'Start game enabled' (so the dialogue is there without additional actions) will sometimes fail to initialise on load. You could manually start the quest via console, but that sucks. Use the method in the thread to create a SEQ file which should be packaged with the mod. Issue 2: Custom Dialogue playing but no mouth movement? This is where I hit a major roadblock. There may be better solution but I only found one. When loading in with my SEQ file in place, the correct NPC said the correct thing, but his mouth didn't move. I also noticed in CK, that it would not allow the LIP file to be generated. The flag stayed as N and the button did nothing. Solution: I found this solution on another message board, but it was worded so poorly it took 3 different trials to get what was meant. I was using ModOrganiser to load CK - there is a poorly documented bug in doing this where for some reason CK can do everything EXCEPT generate LIP files. The only solution is to copy your mod (and any Masters) manually into the Skyrim/Data directory. I suggest you backup this directory first. Run CK again and LIP files will be created as expected. Once you have the LIP and WAV files, I strongly suggest using UnFuzer to pack the two files into a single FUZ file before copying this back into the MO virtual folder. It drastically reduced your file size overall for easier downloading.
Icecreamassassin would have my vote, his Legacy mod has completely changed Skyrim for me in the best possible way. He's done a lot of it himself too!