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Everything posted by cyrus224

  1. 6 is good. 5 is the safe point. Most people, like me giving advice, say 5 because I can say that safely with knowing it won't screw up a game. 3 can probably work , 4 can probably work, but 5 is a good safe point. 1 screws up some scripts, which is why most who advise will give the 5 safepoint.
  2. It also will straight up tell you when you get to a point where you can't go back. "If you continue doing quests for [insert name or faction] than [name or faction] will not work with you" There are several outcomes to the game, there is no screwing up your ending, it's only how you play. Play the game over and over, and do it different every time.
  3. I have done this a few times. I try to harness a strange story with them, its best to find something that will make that character snap, think of a backstory to why they may just be set off. Maybe family members being murdered, or going missing, not knowing what happened, maybe seeing some really brutal death as a child, hidden and suppressed memories that your character does not notice, but sets him off subconsciously. It really comes down to how deep you really want to go. Try to close off your real feelings and just feel the character. I once played a character who had deep deep mental issues. She was normal by day, nice to people, would help people, and very smart. But at night, a deep routed hatred she grew up with from her abusive father and drug addicted mother, clicked. She would put on a mask and murder people, anyone, everyone... and the next morning, not remember any of it. I guess she was more schizophrenic than anything. I know that's really dark, haha, but I've played 1,000 characters in 1,000 mindsets, you have to try it all.
  4. have you modified the amount of Ugrids that load?
  5. This ones starting to bother me, I thought for sure that last one would do it. Okay, So, if the arrow is pointing to Wulfgar, how about if you try clicking on him and using the command "moveto player" and moving him around to a few places in the building. Maybe its a locational trigger. You could try moving Delphine as well. It really confuses me why forcing stages in the console wont work, and resetting the quest wont work. Maybe try resetquest mq105ustengrav
  6. Press the ~ key at the top left of your keyboard to open the Console. Click yourself or an NPC then type the commands listed below. Or you can copy and paste the code into Notepad. Scripts must be in the same folder as TESV.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim Here is a link to some pre-made scripts from VividAxis @ GameFAQ forum http://www.mediafire.com/?8ae12sfxgo7fb3y To execute a script type the following command into the Console: BAT scriptname where scriptname = the name of the script file Example: Bat VampireCureKhajiit Ignore the rest of this post if you downloaded the scripts, They will do all of this for you. How to Cure a Player or NPC with Vampirism Choose a RaceCode. Don't execute this command If you want to continue looking like a Vampire. SetRace ArgonianRace SetRace BretonRace SetRace BretonRaceChild SetRace DarkElfRace SetRace ElderRace SetRace HighElfRace SetRace ImperialRace SetRace KhajiitRace SetRace NordRace SetRace OrcRace SetRace WoodElfRace Then you need to run all of this code. AddToFaction 000C4DE0 -1 AddToFaction 0002EB13 -1 AddToFaction 00046281 -1 AddToFaction 00027242 -1 RemovePerk 0010F1EC RemovePerk 000F5B56 RemovePerk 000CF02C RemoveSpell 000F5B54 RemoveSpell 000ED0AA RemoveSpell 00107AA1 RemoveSpell 000F5B58 RemoveSpell 000F5B59 RemoveSpell 000F5B5A RemoveSpell 000F5B5B RemoveSpell 0008D5C3 RemoveSpell 0008D5C7 RemoveSpell 000ED0A9 RemoveSpell 00088821 RemoveSpell 000ED097 RemoveSpell 0010F1E7 RemoveSpell 000ED0A8 RemoveSpell 0002E1C3 RemoveSpell 000ED099 RemoveSpell 000ED09D RemoveSpell 000ED09E RemoveSpell 0010FB30 RemoveSpell 000F5B5C RemoveSpell 000EA077 RemoveSpell 000EA078 RemoveSpell 000EA079 RemoveSpell 000EA07A RemoveSpell 000EA07B RemoveSpell 000C4DE2 RemoveSpell 000ED0A4 RemoveSpell 000ED0A5 RemoveSpell 000ED0A6 RemoveSpell 000ED0A7 RemoveSpell 000C4DE1 RemoveSpell 0008D5BF RemoveSpell 0008D5C0 RemoveSpell 0008D5C1 RemoveSpell 0008D5C2 RemoveSpell 000ED0A1 RemoveSpell 000ED0A0 RemoveSpell 000ED0A2 RemoveSpell 000ED0A3 RemoveSpell 0010F1EB RemoveSpell 0010F1EA RemoveSpell 0010F1E9 RemoveSpell 0010F1E8 RemoveSpell 000F5B5D RemoveSpell 000C1E8B RemoveSpell 000ED09A RemoveSpell 000ED09B RemoveSpell 000ED09C RemoveSpell 000B8780
  7. First, download Games for Windows Live to ensure its up to date and try the patch again Click here If that doesnt work I suggest you download the patch again.
  8. yea a lot of games have that issue, its not Windows 8, and not just fallout. The thing is, pretty much anything that runs on 7 will run on 8.
  9. I think it has to do with being indoors, and in an owned bed, I think I saw some sort of indoor trigger when I was looking through.
  10. Have you tried turning your graphics down after this happens to see if it fixes it. Are you using a ENB?
  11. Okay let me try to figure this out, MQ105Ustengrav (The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller) complete stage is 60. The problem with setting that to complete is part of the mission is learning a new shout, which you would have to add via the console. stage 30 is when you get the horn. stage 40 is to Learn the Word of Power from Wulfgar, so have you tried setting it to stage 40 and learning the power? the next quest is MQ106 (A blade in the dark) and the initial stage is 30. So I'm assuming you used the console to end the last quest and start MQ106 at stage 30? A known bug in a balde in the dark is Delphine may never enter her hidden basement room to trigger the involved dialogue. No amount of waiting will fix this. Try using resetquest MQ106, setstage MQ106 0, setstage MQ106 1, and setstage MQ106 5. After that, renting the attic room reappears as a dialogue option.
  12. Before looking at anything I've written below, what I suggest is instead of using any of these values I have, you just go download the skyrim configuratorbecuase the things I'm posting I'm really not sure of. I can't give you an exact answer, because I'm not sure if its handled as grass, or trees, or just the normal distant land, but here's a few possible ones. These are skyrimpref.ini mods not skyrim.ini (needless to say, always backup your old one before adding or trying things) and I truly have no idea what a few of these do exactly. These are from my modified skyrimprefs.ini file, I cant be sure of the initial values. under [Display] there are these fDecalLOD2=3000.4485 fDecalLOD1=2000.299 fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2134.5 fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2846 fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=3072 fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=4096 fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600.0000 fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600.0000 fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=1423 Under [Grass] I have fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000 fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000 fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000 For [TerrainManager] I have (these really effect my FPS when i Add more tree distance) fTreeLoadDistance=75002 fBlockMaximumDistance=262500 fBlockLevel1Distance=70000 fBlockLevel0Distance=43750 Under [Decals] uMaxDecals=1000 ------ Again, I suggest the Skyrim Configurator above all else, as that way you have safe backups.
  13. When you did a fresh install, did you also delete the information in your My Documents folder (your saves and INI's at such) {Backup your saves first if you want to keep them and have not done this} It may be that there were modifications to the ini files or something similar that are still there from the previous install. Also, I find a lot of people uninstall and reinstall without thinking about all the mods they had added before, and how they don't get deleted when you uninstall, leaving behind fragments of mods.
  14. Agreed. I have steam on 3 computers, as long as you are signed out, it works. I have to copy steam from time to time, as I tend to reinstall windows a lot. I used to have steam on a external hard drive that I would move between computers, which worked fine as well. If I'm reinstalling or moving to a new computer, my process is the same. (Keep in mind steam is not on my main hard drive) I simply rename steam to steam2, i reinstall windows(or copy to another computer), I install steam, and let it run its first update(don't log in though), than i just delete the new steam folder and rename the old one back, and as simple as that its my entire old steam install. I cant risk this not working since I have 1TB of games. I fear the day my HD crashes, all that redownloading, it would take a long time with a internet cap of 160gig a month
  15. hmm, that dosen't look like what I've seen before for a problem with not enough video memory, but I can't say for sure, as its not identical. You'll have to wait for someone else to weigh in on it probobly. I can see a lot of graphic mods it seems, so its possible. It could also be a missing texture, have you removed any mods recently, or made any changes? You could try verifying your game cache on steam to see if its a missing texture. Go to your game library in steam right click Skyrim, go to properties/local files/ and click verify integrity of game cache
  16. Can you post a screenshot? Sometimes those blue textures are placeholders because it can't find enough memory to show all the images on screen.
  17. Don't use the ini. go to the console and use this command. set timescale to X x being the time you want Default is 30, so 1 min = 30 15 is a good balance. You only need to use it once and it will stay that way. This will affect all saves, you can change it back anytime. You can use "show timescale" to see if its worked or if you want to see what its set at edit: Don't set it to low or it can screw up some missions. There are reported errors with setting at say, 5
  18. You can do Daedric to Dragon, you don't need to do light armor, and its been that way since the game was released. Also, I agree, don't get steady hand. Its more annoying than it is helpful
  19. One of the funnier characters i did was the decedent of a character from Oblivion. I don't know if anyone remembers Bugak Gro-Bol, an Orc book seller in leyawein at Southern Books. My friends and I always found him to be so hilarious, an Orc who just seemed out of place, and his quotes about how everyone says "Bugak the sissy scroll scribbler", and i couldn't help but laugh every time i heard an NPC say "Bugak Gro-Bol has some good books at southern books." So I played his decedent whose entire goal in skyrim was to hunt down and find a copy of every single book in existence.
  20. Some great ideas guys! I've played Oblivion and Fallout 3 as a pacifist, it was interesting. I have done similar things to this, but this idea is more fitting. What I usually do is play myself as if i was in this world, born into it. With fallout 3 and New Vegas I do all kinds of time travel and military experiments that bring the REAL me to their world, so I really like this idea. As for the war chief idea, thats awesome as well, I will also try that. Right now I'm a breton in dawnstar, came there by ship, had little before, had little now. I worked in the mines before i could afford to build a makeshift home west of the town where a troll used to live under a cliff overhang. (I used a camping mod to create a tent, fire, cooking spit, etc) I've tried to be as simple as possible and slowly be forced into conflict that I am not used to. I also cant really leave the area, as another mod has spawned 5-7 werewolves just outside of town, haha.
  21. My only issue so far I have noticed is on the nightmare quest for dawnstar. No Spoilers, just the fact that at a certain point in the mission quicksave starts making the game crash over and over. I fixed it though. I found the exact moment it changes from being able to save, and not saving. I had a save about 5 seconds before, and just spammed the quicksave button, slowing the game to a complete crawl. For some reason this fixed it.
  22. I agree with Fmod, I am i7 Quad core, Top of the line everything, tons of mods, and i've not had game crippling issues. I use the simple forcethread ini tweaks like INumHWThreads as stated above, ensure everything is up to date, and it runs fine for me.There must be more behind this problem.
  23. Do you use Enhanced weather - Rain and snow mod?
  24. Ive been using FOOK2, as Darkstar suggested ,for years and years. I swore i wouldn't play fallout 3 without it, but after switching to FWE I find I really enjoy it as well. If you are looking to stick to the Fallout 3 Lore, Use FWE, if you don't care about it being Lore friendly (ie, there's a lot of weapons in FOOK2 that are from the Cold War and further, which, don't exist in the fallout universe, its more content driven) FWE gives you a ton of realistic game play and changes game mechanics to really make the game feel complete(sprinting, revamping the stealth system, more realistic use of drugs and medicine), and the weapons it adds are from previous fallout games, where as Fook2 fills the world with a ton of new weapons from the real world, and new content, encounters, and game play changes. Another vote for NMC's Texture packs, makes a huge difference, and Enhanced blood textures is a great addition. Make sure you look at mod conflicts. A lot of these big mods may have features, or actually integrate immersion mods like Fellout (for darker nights and more realistic lighting) I suggest IHUD for immersion. It gets rid of the hud when its not needed. Enhanced Weather - Rain and snow is a fun addition, if you want weather in the game. Just really make sure any mod you install, you really read into them. There are a LOT of mods that conflict with each other, and load order is everything. Even with my good load order, custom patches, and no conflicts, my game still crashes on a regular basis.
  25. When you installed those mods, did you have any "Overwrite" questions come up
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