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Everything posted by TheGadget1945

  1. I found that the minutemen mod i already have allows you to spawn minutemen and i did but sadly she couldn't be assigned to anything and at the sane time settlement happiness decreased dramatically from 94% to 64%. She seems to have disappeared now. I think my best option may be to dress settlers in MM uniform and allocate them made up jobs in the MM control centre then beds in the barracks on the 3rd floor. The mod which lets you command MM units apparently causes CTDs so I cannot use it.
  2. There was a travelling merchant in Fallout 3 who was in the robot repair and resale business. And of course, the Automotron DLC has some robot specialists. But otherwise, I agree, the amount of people in the robot business is weirdly low. General mistrust (or even fear) of technology due to the institute? But there are several robots co existing with humans in Diamond City and Goodneighbour as well as other places. They would need maintenance . And the Institute doesn't , IIRC, own a single pre war robot or appear to be interested in them.
  3. Thanks ! The All Settlements Extended mod I used changes the dynamics of the settlement in an interesting way because the settlers (who are all armed with Wattz laser rifles) tend to walk a fair way from the edge and I also have heavily armed Provisioners who come in through most parts of Boston. As a result I keep finding dead Raiders all over the place lol because as soon as they encounter one of my people they get killed ! There's a regular battle with the Super Mutants in the ruined building between Hangmans Alley and Diamond City and I usually just have to loot the corpses :laugh:
  4. I've got several views of Hangmans Alley, this one is of the tower which I have rebuilt in situ, partly because like many of the vanilla buildings it didn't actually have any doors at ground level. It has a police station on the ground floor, second and third unused, 4th crafting, 5 and 6 my player home. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/126397 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/images/128020
  5. In my base at the 6 storey tower at Hangmans Alley I currently have 2 storeys empty and I thought a nice way to fill them would be to have a sort of Minutemen base with Preston Garvey and either one of the roving MM patrols based there or in some other way 5 MM based there on permanent duty. Is there any MM mod which will allow me to do this or any other way to do it ? TIV.
  6. And why do you never encounter a single person who buys, sells or repairs robots ?
  7. They are available as a decoration item in some mod I used to have. In fact I am sure you were able to assign settlers to Super Mutant Dissection because I had a room above the clinic with dead Synths and SMs being chopped up.
  8. Nice, but as far as I know, that mod doesn't exist for consoles. There's always a catch 8-(
  9. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34508
  10. Most of the fun I get from FO4 now is from building settlements and populating them. From what I understand "everyone in FO76 will be a real person" so if I build a settlement will it be just me there ? It sounds a bit pointless.
  11. A glaring inconsistency! I'm surprised nobody has made a mod that adds them. Seriously though, pancakes would fit really well with all the other retro-futuristic Americana elements Bethesda's added since FO3. There's a mod I used to have which restores Taffington Boathouse as a mainly player home and it adds a fridge stocked with ice cream and I am sure there were also cheeseburgers in there.
  12. Assuming you play on PC you open the console by pressing the tilde key , hover your cursor over the NPC (Cait) so it shows their ID then type recycleactor and hit enter. If they are dead it can lead to bad side effects but since she is alive that shouldn't be a problem. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_4_console_commands recycleactor – Resets some NPCs. Note: This causes randomly generated NPCs and random encounter NPCs (like a patrolling minuteman, raiders attacking a settlement, or a named travelling trader) to vanish completely from the area. This can be used without a "resurrect" command.If used on the player, it will reset all effects currently affecting the player. Useful for addressing glitches. The player's inventory will remain unchanged except a Vault 111 suit will be added and equipped.Using the command on a companion will cause him/her/it to respawn on next map change. Can be used when one stucked in Power Armor frame; the power armor set will spawn to the location where one wears it with all modifications undone.It fixes the error from the above command by refreshing their model.Using this command on a power armor frame will return the frame to its original location and replace all current armor pieces with a random assortment of leveled armor pieces (though the model won't change until entry).Using this command on a random settler will "reroll" the settler, allowing for an alternate appearance or gender. "Rerolled" settlers will spawn at one of the settler spawn points around the settlement and will stick to it until the game is restarted (which will just assign them a new spawn point).Note that this command will also reset the inventory of any NPC (including companions) to their default state, and as such, any gear or items given to them will be forfeit (the "resurrect" command also has this issue, make sure to so take any important items off of their bodies before you use that command as well).You can also use command HERE https://steamcommunity.com/app/377160/discussions/0/492378265880562745/ to make a hostile NPC friendly.
  13. Have you tried the obvious stuff like recycleactor ?
  14. Sterilisation through radiation! However, even if radiation were to kill all the bacteria, the corpse would still have mummified. Also, you still can get infection from feral ghouls, so bacteria seem to be doing fine. Which brings me to the next point: how exactly do ghouls survive in closed-off areas? I think it's kinda implied that they somehow hibernate, and that they can subsist on radiation. But even if they can keep their cells running for centuries just from radiation, just lying on the ground for decades/centuries would make it hard for them to just get up, not to mention chasing you. And, what exactly does the mutated megafauna eat? You have a lot of predators, like Yao Guais, Deathclaws and Radscorpions, but predators must be greatly outnumbered by prey in order to survive. Even if you grant that they can derive some energy from radiation, and consider that Deathclaws and Radscorpions a probably coldblooded and need less food, the biomass still has to come from somewhere. I did consider that but there is a major problem with it, namely that every living thing depends on bacteria in some way to survive like for instance digestion. Kill the bacteria and not only human beings but creatures which rely on putrefaction for their food will starve. Not only that but I suspect that the level of radiation required to eliminate bacteria would kill off everything else as well.
  15. That's another thing - corpses that don't decompose. So you find old whatshisname under the Castle and he has been dead for like 10 to 20 years but no decomposition ?
  16. Scavengers. What the hell is the rationale behind these people ? In my latest version of Hangmans Alley one of the entrances, bristling with Heavy Laser Turrets is near an area (the diner) where Scavengers regularly spawn. So I walk near one of these dudes, he draws his gun and snarls "if that's how you want it...." and shoots. He is hit by a fusillade of laser beams and disintegrates. 3 others try the same thing and are shot by Cait and Curie. I've never said a word to them or anything.
  17. Who in their right mind would want to be in a relationship with any of the companions ? Heather Casdin has recently became invisible and Cait has disappeared to the Combat Zone for no apparent reason so I reluctantly hooked up with Piper. At the moment she is walking round me in tight circles and suddenly staring into my eyes although she barely knows me; when I hurry somewhere she runs full tilt up to me then crashes into me. She is a gibbering lunatic I think the longest I ever had a leather jacket was 6 years. I would love to meet Kellogg's tailor.
  18. And (remembering the topic of the thread) he has been wearing the same clothes for at least 60 years.
  19. ^ This. Director Shaun mentions the amount of time that's passed during the conversation when you first meet him. As a side note, I don't think the time of Kellogg's "enhancement" is specified. be interesting to know. Think I'll check the terminal again, see the date listed on the entry about discontinuing the cybernetics project. Kellogg is about 40 in appearance so if you add 60 years since Shaun's abduction then he would be about 100 which I think is a figure I have seen mentioned before.
  20. I used to have some mod that spawned a faction that were very well armoured and equipped plus they had fortified positions , they were called something like "US Army Soldier". They had a base at Lexington Car Park.
  21. How can I carry 350 whatever they are units of junk yet if I try to move a Super Mutant I get told "This item is too heavy to carry" ? How can a Bloatfly carry a Legendary Plasma Rifle ? What is the point of a Poisoners Missile Launcher ? Why do Danse and the DC Guards make sarcastic remarks about Synth Curie being a "robot" when they have absolutely no way of knowing anything about her ?
  22. When you find a skeleton on a boat with a lit oil lamp, or a lit oil lamp in an otherwise inaccessible place. Do those lamps really burn for 210 years ? Where did the rubble excavated to build the Institute go to ? And why do they bother to dig new parts when they have disused levels and rooms ? With 210 years of people foraging for food why can you still find a fridge in the street containing drinkable Nuka Cola ? How have clothes lasted for 210 years and why is nobody apparently able to make new ones ? Why , in 210 years , has nobody managed to repair any road vehicle even as simple as a bicycle ?
  23. Well I actually found the solution myself. When I scrapped the pods I left the terminal in place on the wall so if I go to it they reactivate wherever they are. Long term when I complete Mechanical Menace I will try to have them permanently activated of course.
  24. Thanks, I have both Automatron and the mod which allows you to modify Deezer and other embedded robots but at the moment I am just concentrating on making Jamaica Plain a major base before tackling missions like the long and, to me, rather boring Ada missions. I will have a look at your idea for the pods but failing that I suppose I will just have to wait till I have completed Automatron. I just liked the idea of having a robot police force ! They looked pretty cool walking around warning settlers to "move along citizen".
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