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Everything posted by AraFox

  1. huh. I've seen glitches like this before but the npc usually resets to non-hostile after a few seconds of non-combat. Did you make these npcs or are they from another mod?
  2. Suggestion: Attach a trace log if you have it. Also consider asking a moderator to move this to the NMM feedback/bug area so the programmers will be sure to see it. (or you can just repost it there.)
  3. Nexus doesn't support modding consoles. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/369524-console-modding-is-not-supported-here/ ETA ^ link.
  4. The mod author has hidden it. I'm sure they have their reasons. I'm pretty sure that if I hide a mod and someone passes it around anyway, I'd be more than a little peeved. Just saying.
  5. This thread is a few years old, so they may not reply. But, it's not that hard to install skse by hand. Just unzip it, grab the Data folder, the 2 .dll files, and the skse_loader.exe and paste them into your Skyrim folder. If in doubt, just paste all of the files in the skse folder into your Skyrim folder. Result. The trick is to make sure you're launching with skse.
  6. Crashing right after the Bethesda logo usually means you're missing an .esm or .esp. Check your mods for additional requirements. Run LOOT. See if you have conflicting mods.
  7. Hey that looks pretty sweet. Looks like you have a lot more freedom to adjust the effects.
  8. Well, just on the off chance that no one decides to take this up... Here is an alternative. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41875/? I think the frost enchantment animation is reminiscent of a blue flame. Perhaps that will work for you.
  9. On a mission of absolute destruction. Do mind your step.
  10. Let me start by saying that I'm so sorry you're having this frustrating issue and that I wish I had the answer for you. I know it may be doubly frustrating that I'm posting even though I don't have any suggestions and really, nothing to add to this thread... I just wanted to say that I love the Princess Leia reference in the title. That's all. I know! I know! Not helpful. Sorry! And also, good luck on the hair thing.
  11. I'm not sure I'm understanding you right. Just to be sure... Do you have any other mods running, or just live another life? If you do have other mods, which are they and what's the load order? Zax is not wrong; the spinning cart is usually related to scripts from other mods trying to run during the opening sequence.
  12. Just glancing through that vid, he doesn't spend a lot of time on key points. If you followed the AI recommendation then I would think the most likely suspect is that you chose the wrong voice type, or perhaps set the relationship rank too low. Off the cuff.
  13. are you sure you installed skse correctly? Check your skyrim folder and see if you can launch using "skse_loader.exe".
  14. Are you launching through skse_loader.exe? On NMM it will be a drop down option on the launcher. If you're launching through steam, I think you need the overlay enabled before skse will launch (I don't use this launch option so take that with a grain of salt). If skse isn't running, then mods that depend on it will likely not be working.
  15. Take two of these and call me in the morning. Sorry, only joking :laugh: ^ First, watch this. And then this. Then if you still have issues, return with your load order. I still can't promise you a solution, but at least there will be a slight chance at finding one.
  16. Perhaps. There are many people here with a lot of knowledge and experience with modding. I have found them to be most helpful. However, it is necessary to provide some details such as... which mod are you talking about? What other mods are you running and in what order are they loaded. Y'know, little details :smile:
  17. I disagree. I use FNIS and several mods that rely on it. I have a stable game with over 150 hours of play and counting. FNIS isn't the culprit. In my experience, FNIS problems usually exist between the keyboard and the chair. ^This.
  18. lol, you must have been marked by Sithis when you were still in your mother's womb. I've seen one of those youtube videos... y'know the ones, fifty things to do in Skyrim when you're bored? Some dude was pretending to saw Heimskr's corpse in half on a saw mill blade. *snicker* On the other hand, this would be a unique way to kill your marks in the DB questline.
  19. Yeah I think there's some important info on the description of that mod too. Some of the places are evidently small, and not navmeshed and taking followers can be an issue. The idea of frostfall and no fast travel appeals to me highly, but I have a limited amount of patience and I know I wouldn't last long, lol.
  20. It isn't a bug exactly, they're having a few technical difficulties. I believe the powers that be are hard at work to repair the issues. Patience is about the only thing we can try :)
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