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Everything posted by cossayos

  1. All the comments get tiresome at some point, since they're repeated and repeated in an endless loop. Not enough variety to keep you entertained over the stretch of 2 or 3 real days of playtime.
  2. They sometimes do comment on the environment. Personally I hate the loot comments most. There's a mod supposedly taking care of that. I am however reluctant to give it a try, since a few other mods I have installed have the potential to conflict with this one.
  3. Well, yes. I mean this. It's a known bug, as in hearsay. Blaming it on one mod and saying, yeah, there could be more, but, wink, wink, it has to be that.
  4. First, you did say it by blaming it on that particular mod in a totally unrelated discussion. Secondly, there could be a million of different reasons for the bug to appear. I could reproduce it by placing a robot workshop at a particular settlement, producing robots there and then get it there. Do I say it's the only possible reason? Course not. But someone giving the appearance of being sure it was one particular mod is rather deserving of my doubt also and deserving, in the absence of proof, to be called out for making that claim.
  5. Fine and I updated it all the way for the last 10 months. I'm not discounting every experience but if I were to blame every bug on a particular mod, I would be very busy. Some of them I couldn't even get up and running without my game crashing at startup. Did I blame that on the mod? No. I blamed it on my configuration, since others reported it was running fine. That's why I don't take these comments seriously. I'm sure these people had problems, but can they nail it on the mod? Probably not, unless they did some very deep analysis. And. I may repeat, I had the same bug just a couple of days ago. Without the mod being installed.
  6. It's only that I don't take comments by someone who hasn't had first hand experiences on certain issues very seriously. You root for the bugged faction without knowing if and what the mod could have done to your game. So you're playing favorites here without having any experience in what you're talking about. So, yes, if you haven't tried the mod, I don't take your word for it.
  7. I'm aware of that. That's why I said, there's always something not agreeing with some mods. I uninstalled the mod after giving it a try and taking note of the issues, But I didn't uninstall them beforehand, since sometimes they happen to go together. One has to test after all.
  8. No need to get all defensive. So I take it, you didn't experience it. But still, you take all the people saying to have issues at their word while waving off all the people that didn't. Here's a clue, the people who didn't have issues didn't comment, just endorse. How many endorsments did this mod have? It made the front page of most endorsed mods, to answer my own question. So, you didn't have any issues, since, by own admission, you held off. But still, people ranting must have been right. Kind of ridiculous in my opinion. Might have some value if you could speak from personal experience.
  9. I have the same problem with Wonder body and Commonwealth mini skirts. Textures are just messed up. Something obviously doesn't agree with your mod configuration. You can't use any texture on any body mod. Clippings or messed up textures are the natural results.
  10. Just one question, since you're fighting the corner of the bug people. Did you experience it yourself? Could you lay your finger on the issue as in running the mod it was a problem and not running it, things were fine and dandy? Did it ruin all your saves so that you had to start a new game? I had the bug several times. And as I said just a few days ago, without DCMS and a clean install.
  11. Exactly. If there were any problems I didn't notice. My game worked just fine. I had other mods causing more problems than this one. I for one never blame it on the mod but on my configuration. If something interests me sufficiently to be bothered, I experiment around what may cause the problem. But I do regular hard saves in order to not lose an entire game when trying something new. And I do read what a mod authour has to say on possible conflicts and employ my own common sense what could possibly conflict with any given mod.
  12. I still say, it's probably on these people. Can't blame the author for taking it down after getting flak. But I do blame people not knowing the first things about modding and what could go possibly wrong if they don't do regular saves and simply load everything without employing the common sense to notice what could conflict with other mods. Or don't even bother to read the instructions. Which also is fairly common. I had a lot of mods I couldn't get to work. What I did was notifying the authour of my experiences and chalking it up to my mistakes, since others had no problems with the same mods. That's what an adult should do. If a mod runs fine with other people's configuration it's probably on your configuration that it doesn't work out for you.
  13. I smoked my first one at 8 and got into it at 16. In my case the industry did nothing. There were ads, of course, but it was the group pressure making me take up smoking. I did have a choice, since many abstained. But once you're there it's not as easy as saying it's your choice. There are so many smoke related moments in any smokers life. Having a coffee, hanging out, something as simple as a traffic jam or extended waiting periods. And that's just covering the psychological issues not the bodily discomfort.
  14. It always did on mine too. All DLCs and an abundance of mods included. Sadly I lost it due to a non related system crash.
  15. I would be extremely careful with Red Rocket as well as Sanctuary. Both locations have initial quests tied to them and many mod attempts at restoring Sanctuary messed up the Codsworth quest right at the start. At Red Rocket, as you already said, Dogmeat might be an issue. I would also say, if you want to do it entirely for yourself, rather start as normal, but use Scrap Everything, which also gives you the advantage of storing the debris as building materials which you will need sooner rather than later. does Scrap Everything scrap the gas station too? I've been using Spring Cleaning (which hasnt been updated since january) doesn't scrap the gas station, thats the main thing I want to get rid of Spring cleaning has been updated in september. And it does scrap buildings too if you check the option. Scrap everything scraps what the title says. So caution is advised. But still better than trying to fiddle with the CK to change vanilla parameters.
  16. I would be extremely careful with Red Rocket as well as Sanctuary. Both locations have initial quests tied to them and many mod attempts at restoring Sanctuary messed up the Codsworth quest right at the start. At Red Rocket, as you already said, Dogmeat might be an issue. I would also say, if you want to do it entirely for yourself, rather start as normal, but use Scrap Everything, which also gives you the advantage of storing the debris as building materials which you will need sooner rather than later.
  17. Known bug as in hearsay? Or known bug as in confirmed? I never had any of the described issues with the mod. But I ran into the exact same bug without it being installed just recently. Again, Robot workbench in place, two or three robots created and settlers losing all of their assignments without being able to reassign them. Also what's the alarmism about starting a new game? Rerolling to a previous hard safe does the trick just fine.
  18. I mean, she's a legendary, but I can't do anything with her other than trading on the fly.
  19. I would put it the other way round. I did have a choice when starting to smoke, but without professional help it's not as easy as a simple choice to quit. Just as with every other addiction.
  20. I would be hard pressed to think of even a single female hat. I guess one robot NPC in Far Harbor is the only exception. Short of destroying her, I don't think you can even get it. If you can get it at all. I wouldn't know. I don't think, the devs even bothered. The longer hairstyles are simply tugged under the hat in a manner of speaking. You couuld also say, they are reduced to two or three non clipping hairstyles by default.
  21. Without knowing what that mod actually does, it sounds like you'd need unique player for being able to run it.
  22. The disappearing workplace assignments used to happen where you have a robot station and actually created robots. Same with me as of lately. My station is at sunshine tidings, and that's where I lost my assignments after creating two robots. On returning to that settlement after the facst. So this is down to Beth still not having resolved the issue. Nothing Don't Call me Settler related. And yes, if nobody can't be arsed to do a hard save before installing a new mod, it's on them if things go downhill. I always do that and if I notice something not working as intended, I go back to my previous save after uninstalling the mod in question.
  23. You can see you downloads on nexus in a neast linked list. The it's up to you and your memory which were in use at that time.
  24. That's not a rant. As a matter of fact, it's the settlement building aspect I enjoy the most. Creating something where I would like to hang out for a bit and where I would feel save in this kind of environment. That's also why I put great stock in mods like singing settler or Homemaker. DCMS is the perfect finish for that. The cherry on top, so to speak. People that actually have names and obvious professions, warnings when you're under attack and the necessary tools for the aftermath without spending tons of times chasing for that one broken ressource. On a side note, I just had that bug people ascribe to DCMS. Losing all assignments at Sunshine Tidings. Well, obviously I haven't got it installed by now, so that can't be the reason.
  25. Which was a nice gimmick, but nothing more. I very much need what you call bells and whistles since it makes settlement management that much easier. That's not bells and whistles, that's something Beth should have included in the first place. Proper warnings, automatically assign settlers to open posts, removing corpses, and most of all not having to chase around for which ressource being damaged after an attack, since they all were marked on your mini map.
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