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Everything posted by cossayos

  1. I would even call it one of the best if not the best when it comes to settlement management. It literally adds what Bethesda should have included in their base game.
  2. One person embarking on such a complicated journey? Of course bugs are to be expected. Like you I didn't install certain mods because I expected them to be in conflict with DCMS.
  3. Scrap dead things doesn't conflict. I run it togeher with DCMS without any problems.
  4. Me too. I wouldn't call it outiright trolling though. Chances are they'rerunning something they shouldn't run in combination with that mod. Something like Shakujins better alarms, which is a good mod, but it provides a feature that's already included in DCMS. Conflict seems to be inevitable. Maybe something other settler related, who knows? Then they ran into the settler bug that was rampant at one point and blame it on this one mod.
  5. I'll test it. Is there a recommended load order going with that? Edit. I loaded i last on my list. I was able to reach Concord from that direction now. Game froze for the fraction of a second when loading the next cell, but didn't crash. That of course doesn't say much, since it could be the one out. But I leave it active for an extended period of time and keep you updated.
  6. Do you have a floral mod installed? because what's there are bushes and trees, a known issue. No, I haven't got anything like that. The only thing I can think of would be homemaker, since it allows for planting stilt beans, and as far as I remember, there is a bunch of them in the vicinity.
  7. Yeah, I heard that. Hence the general perception of broken or trolling. I would call it the latter, since I never had any problems with any version. But still, the mod author hasn't said anything on the matter. So it's all rumors.
  8. OK, it constantly tells me I'm not allowed to use that extension. Here's the link to my edited picture. It's approximately where the red lines meet. http://www.imagebam.com/image/adab2d519951718
  9. I only brught it up since the OP mentioned it. It's the only CTD I'm able to reproduce, but I never asked anyone before. I just gave the place a wide berth. Edit, I'm crap at uploading something here. But it's pretty easy,actually. See that green dot at the southern end of the red rectangle around Abernathys? Then there are the read lines around Concord. Draw a streight southern line from the green dot and another western one from the corner of the red borders of Concord. Where both lines meet is approximately the spot.
  10. I tend not to go there anymore, but to give it a beeline. Best I can say, it's a little to the direction of Abernathy's, just to the point where that rocky ridge is located, and then making straight down to Concord. About halfway through, game freezes and crashes between loading cells, obviously. In my case it did that right from day one and still is on the job. At least last time I ventured there.
  11. Latest was 1.73. Runs without problems on my system. The author doesn't seem to say anything about why he took it down. Public reactions range from "it's broken", certainly not for me, and "massive trolling" pissing the author off.
  12. From my personal observation, there's one "sweet" spot between RR and Concord where I always crashed. Even without mods.
  13. Chances are, you run into yet another bottleneck when upgrading. And so you keep upgrading and upgrading and still don't get optimal performance. Some ten years ago, I would have done it. But now I'm quite content with what I have, and if this isn't sufficient to run even the last particle effect on ultra without losing out on performance, so be it.
  14. Are you new to Bethesda games? That's not a problem with Preston but with Bethesda games. You're always treated as the new stable hand, regardless of the position you supposedly hold in any given faction in any given Beth game.
  15. It should trigger a video or slide show. If it doesn't, there's something wrong.
  16. I don't know the exqact numbers, but Chinese or Russian sites are responsible for most malware infections in this world. Even more dangerous since I assume most of us aren't fluent in chinese or Russian and can't determine what kind of site they're calling up. Just recently I was looking for a patch for one of my very old games. "Found" it on a Russian site, but I was well aware of the possibility that it's just a piece of malware instead of the real deal. And wouldn't you know it, I was right. My protection took care of it.
  17. Careful. Have your virus protection up to scratch before venturing there to download something.
  18. I don't know, but I seem to remember 1.71. I've got 1.70, which is missing some features that were added with the last update. Such as, as I mentioned, the R key for jumping right into trade menus, or the update on the Vault Tec Soda Fountain. It's a blind spot for my version of the mod, but the version I had running before my system crashed recognized it. For me, 1.71 was a broken mess. I never really cared for the press "R" thing. So, missing that is no big deal. As I said. Never had any issues. With any of it's versions. The R key is virtually heavens gate for me. It prevents "You know, since we talked I'm feeling swell ...." at any given opportunity.
  19. Sadly no, since the only version that's still up on some remote gaming site is version 1.70
  20. I don't know, but I seem to remember 1.71. I've got 1.70, which is missing some features that were added with the last update. Such as, as I mentioned, the R key for jumping right into trade menus, or the update on the Vault Tec Soda Fountain. It's a blind spot for my version of the mod, but the version I had running before my system crashed recognized it.
  21. Yes, it was. There is a Russian and German version still up. They're useless if you haven't got the main file. They're only updates.
  22. I downloaded an older build from some website. Doesn't feature one of the most desirable gimmicks this mod had to offer. Using the R key to trade with settlers. Not having it just gives one another reason for craving this mod coming back up. It's a pain to go through minutes and minutes of repeated dialogues just to be able to trade or barter with vault tech or any other named NPC. And it's down for more than 3 weeks. I only noticed it to be down, since I had to wipe my disk and lost all mods in the process. But we're not the only ones wanting it back. It's also discussed on other boards. I'm really pissed at people blaming their problems on this particular mod instead of just looking at their own configurations and load orders.
  23. I parked her together with Preston. Usually at Red Rocket. She can chat him up for all I care. Danse is safely contained at the Prydwen and Deacon just doesn't get recruited.
  24. There's a mod taking care of his quest giving spree. It doesn't switch him off completely, but the frequency is considerably lower. But that aside. Preston's one of the stick up the ass NPCs who aren't the least bit fun to have at one's side. Danse is another one. I also steer clear of Ada or Deacon, but for different reasons. They just can't shut their traps for a few seconds in a row.
  25. Use Homemaker. It includes a set of restored furniture.
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