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Everything posted by Deleted3507349User

  1. I've seen more professionalism from the dudes that wash your windshield at an intersection. To answer the OP's question: If you want to mod a console, mods.bethesda,wtf is the only game in town. If you want to mod a PC the Nexus is the only sane choice.
  2. Subtly is my middle name, right after "NUKE THEM ALL" and "WATCH THE WORLD BURN IN RIGHTEOUS FIRE" Let's just say I've worked someplaces where they decided to truncate my nametag Darren - it's spelled 'subtlety' :D There's a joke in there somewhere.
  3. T Then report them, mod theft is illegal in all countries as copyright is granted to the creator upon creation. I can suspect all I want that he's using stolen assets but seeing as I didn't make any of those assets and I can't poke around in his files I can't prove anything. Holy E Sh*te---I think you're 100% right. I just came across that very same mod sometime last week here..... http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9590/? vs. Leo2link's here: https://mods.bethesda.net/#en/workshop/fallout4/mod-detail/1316399 The only visible difference between Leo's weapon mod and the one pictured in the link above is that long spring mesh on the muzzle. Remove/swap out the geometry on the magazine and they're practically identical. And then there is this http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14251/? Give or take a retexture or two. It's really really going to suck if this modder is stealing and revamping existing Nexus PC mods for XB1 from other mod author on Nexus :confused: That first link adds no meshes.
  4. The Pip-Boy is such a part of the game it seems kinda wrong somehow, although I have no doubt there are many people who'd happily do without it. You are of course correct that it's a waste of screen space (which is why I zoom in on the screen itself). If such a mod is possible, I'd request a full version and a lite version, with the lite version keeping the Pip-Boy and being limited to the workshop menu :smile: Be prepared for a horde of angry useless entitled responses if you make a mod that does away with the Pip-Boy though, that'll definitely trigger 'em! Aim high and make what YOU want to see in the game! EDIT: All of that and I didn't answer your question...but that's 'cuz I don't know :(
  5. Someone who knows more DID tell you how it's done, if I understood your question correctly.
  6. What BlackRoseOfThorns said. That screenshot is extremely disturbing, by the way... :sick:
  7. Physics kills, gotta love 'em. Any Havok object that can shift can damage you, and the more weight they have the more damage you'll take. Be careful around cars, if they shift and hit you you're likely dead right there.
  8. I dunno, they don't seem all that resilient. I mean, a shot or two from a lowly shotgun will blow them right off a 'lurk.
  9. I had the same issue with a different mod a while back. Try deactivating/uninstalling it through the in-game menu (even if you've already uninstalled it through NMM).
  10. Definitely sounds like a glitch. Buildable Power Armor Frames might help if the issue ever crops up again.
  11. Since he got out for scripted reasons, what happens if you tell him to enter it again and then tell him to exit?
  12. Dunno if it will help, but I create two completely unmodded no-DLC vanilla games (male and female), then run them right up to where they exit the vault and save. When I save them I do it via console and name the save either 'MALE' or 'FEMALE'. Then I install my mods or customize my characters. I did basically the same thing for previous Bethesda titles. The very first section of their games is always script-heavy and this method reduces the chances of things going wrong.
  13. He's getting enough demands requests to keep him busy until TESVII..
  15. Were you thinking of No More Floating Razorgrain?
  16. That's regular weather. You've just got a heavy fog (and maybe an unlucky character). Be thankful, one of my character is plagued by radstorms at least once a day. Also, if you're running True Storms (which is awesome) you'll have more dramatic weather.
  17. If you run Steam in online mode it'll automatically update your game unless you take steps to prevent it. If for some reason the game isn't updating just go into Steam (make sure it's running in online mode), right-click the Fallout 4 game in your library and open up the preferences, and check for updates manually.
  18. For myself, I welcome console players to modding. I don't see any real difference in behavior between the two groups. At worst, console gamers may be slightly more ignorant about what goes into making and using mods. My objection to bethesda's site is that it just plain sucks on toast, from the ground up. My solution: Nexus is where I upload PC mods, bethesda's site is where I upload mods I port to consoles.
  19. The limit probably makes sense, though. Consoles can't be upgraded with larger hard drives, can they?
  20. That's impossible to answer. It all depends on the size of the mods. Some mods will go over that all by themselves. All you can do is pay attention to the size of the mods you want to install.
  21. He's making a statement against the Nexus and all the (perceived) meanie-meanie-poopie-heads here. Good luck to him, his choice. P.S. What stuff did he make anyway? His name's not immediately familiar to me.
  22. I'm so disappointed in you, aloot. You're supposed to post a lengthy rage-filled diatribe about these things. *sigh* n00bz ;)
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