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Everything posted by Deleted3507349User

  1. It's a bug, all you need to do is create a file (even if it's empty) and save it as Fallout4Custom.ini in you documents folder along with Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini THAT"S the ini file that NMM is looking for that it can't find.
  2. I think a mod concept should be something along the lines of 'take what's in Bethesda's version of survival mode, remove the silly stuff, add better stuff, and make it applicable per-character IN ADDITION to game difficulty setting'.
  3. I caught that too, good for a chuckle. Nothing beats the Fallout universe version of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), though...in Fallout, it is called the Defense Experimental Research Projects Initiative (DERPI).
  4. So with the new survival mode, you have to sleep at least one hour to save the game. I sleep for one hour, get lethargy from TAKING A NAP, and now need drugs to cure it. Really? Really? REALLY?!? Y'know, I think if I want survival-type stuff I'll just wait for a modder to make one that's not bat-**** insane.
  5. Yes, that is one of the Minuteman radiant quests. There are quite a few different types of radiant quests for the Minutemen, which is why I don't disable the things entirely (I just lower the frequency, using one of my handy-dandy mods linked below).
  6. WASP pilots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_Airforce_Service_Pilots
  7. Curie did surprisingly well after being thoroughly upgraded.
  8. Ayup - once you're out of the vault you can go wherever you want whenever you want to go there. Welcome to a Bethesda game :)
  9. If they're assigned a job (and preferably a bed) they should stay in the settlement they're assigned to...excepting Provisioners, of course. Settlers that aren't assigned jobs show up and if they're not given something to do eventually they go scavving. The game will auto-assign them to things like crops, but unless you do it yourself it doesn't really stick, afaik.
  10. Creating many new characters is precisely why I made my randomizer mod...just to throw a little mystery into the process (run what ya brung).
  11. It's a Bethesda game, lots of stuff is just there.
  12. Almost everyone seems to be missing the true reality here; plugin-based mods have been disabled since the first patch. At launch, that functionality was simply hidden in the vanilla launcher. Ever since the first update, we've had to go around the launcher to use such mods - this fits the definition of 'disabled'. The new beta merely stiffens the enforcement via the executable itself. All arguments about the necessity of disabling mods for the purposes of beta feedback etc.etc etc. blahblahblah are nonsense, because disabling plugin-based mods made before Bethesda releases their CK has been their intent all along. The worst part is Bethesda representatives (jurassica and gstaff) have both stated that mods aren't disabled, when the game itself has been disabling them right along (except for straight replacers). Simply put, Bethesda isn't being straight with us on the subject of mods.
  13. I'll repeat my reply here that I made there. What gstaff said about mods not being disabled is strictly true, but disingenuous. Other than simple replacers there are now more things to do to work around the game.
  14. The fact is, almost everything Bethesda is doing with Fallout 4 is very different from their previous games. Concern and doubt is natural...and warranted.
  15. Everyone overlooks the fact that since the original release of the game, the only mods that have been officially 'supported' by the game itself are replacers. Anything that requires an esp or esm was at first hidden in the main menu, and then after the first update actively disabled. To use any esp/esm mods at all we have to go around the game itself. The whole "this for beta testing purposes" argument doesn't hold water, it's been that way in the full release (and all they'd have to do to get bug reports is pay attention to their own forums). They may bring back the console, they may not. We'll have to wait and see. I will say I'm troubled by the trend I'm seeing from Bethesda. I have a number of questions that haven't been answered by the devs yet, and the ones with the access (game media) aren't asking them. Will mods distributed outside of bethesda.net be supported? That's the big one.
  16. In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375 are all replies on the same post. I've heard this story before, but would someone PLEASE explain just how the theory works in actual practice? This is a single-player game. AFAIK, the only online component is the pip-boy app. So, there should be no way for Bethesda to gather data without players actually telling them something is broken...which we would do whether the console and mods are enabled or not. The notion that running mods or using the console somehow cuts Bethesda out of the information loop is just plain silly; all you have to do is look at the the forums here, on Steam, and on Bethesda's own forum to see constant bug reports. That's been the case for every game they've ever made. The only way the argument makes any sense whatsoever would be if all the testing was being done in a closed environment. This is a public beta, your argument has no merit. The fact that mods themselves have been actively disabled by the game since the very first update (and sorta 'hidden' at launch) also invalidates the above well-worn apologizing.
  17. I can play the game just fine without mods for the time being, no big deal. No console...BIG DEAL! Not being able to TCL out of a hole when I'm billy-goating around the Commonwealth and get my character stuck is a deal-breaker. No console; no play.
  18. Nothing shows up until you've hit level 15. Then you'll get a notification telling you to listen to a radio station, listening to that kicks it off.
  19. It is impossible to determine what software a mod was made with. Umm... then why is Automatron the only one that shows on the Add-Ons page in-game? Near as I can tell it's just an esm. None of the other esm show up (and like every other mod so far will get automatically disabled if you use the vanilla launcher). I'm tellin' ya; there's gonna be some major changes in how modding works for Bethesda games, and it's not just that 'woohoo consoles can run mods'.
  20. And, if you use a Steam Controller like I do you get the best of controller play and very nearly the precision of a mouse (and I do mean very nearly).
  21. V.A.T.S. is great for scouting out the position of NPCs. Other than that I don't use it.
  22. Do you have the Impervious Power Armor mod installed? That adds a damage threshold to power armor and causes just the effect you describe.
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