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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. Just open the zipped file form the enb, and delete everything from your skyrim folder that is listed in that folder. Anything with 'enb' in the name is ENB related. Backing up and reinstalling your entire skyrim is waaaaaaay overkill for this situation.


    Also, try SweetFX mods, these are a lot simpler then ENB, and way more resource friendly.


    I dislike the HD textures DLC, for all the reasons ArtMurder said, so have never used it. I do use Skyrim 2K (Lite) and WATER (Full res) together without issues, though. I also install manually.


    There is no conflict between them, other than if you install the Skyrim 2K - Misc file, in which case you install WATER after to replace all the water files 2K has. Installing the medium res version of WATER is optional; you only need to do so if you want a few extra FPS in areas where water exists. Otherwise, it's fine.


    The thing is, I use the HiRes DLC despite many texture packs replacing textures because not all textures are replaced by unofficial texture packs. I mainly use the HiRes DLC to cover any textures that mods have not replaced. You'd really have to be crazy not to. Example: Start a new game and as soon as you enter the tower with Ralof and Ulfric (The place Ulfric says "Legends don't burn down villages") look at the wall.

    With Skyrim HD FULL, SMIM, Project parallax, Vivid landscapes - Dungeons and ruins, and aMidianBorn landscape texture packs all installed the wall is still so bad you can literally SEE the pixels! After installing the HD DLC it is noticeably improved. Again, I only use it to cover the textures not covered by mods. :smile:


    What actual real world performance increase have you noticed by not using the official High Res packs?


    My fps has increased by at least 10 and is now an average of 35... which is quite significant to say the least considering I can hardly even tell the difference between lite and full!

    Edit: I just realized I switched a few other packs to med or low-res in addition. So more accurately this has probably increased my fps by 5-10. (it was an average of 20 fps before I made the changes)


    The HD DLC replaces ALL texture packs by default though, that's the main reason I uninstalled it, I like Book of Silence to much. It's a very annoying little thing it does =[

  3. LOL.. Sorry. I meant to say is that I use to use ENBs but hated the lag and drop in performance. Since I use yours, now My game runs perfect plus the SweetFX is awesome. There's no problems with your mod. I use to get average 25 to 40 fps with ENBs, now I keep my 55 to 60 fps with yours. I love how it makes my game more realistic since I use lots of immersive type mods.

    Just saying its tons better than ENBs.

    I look forward to upcoming stuff to your mods.

    Thanks for your work.

    ooooohh ^_^ Well thanks again then! And that makes more since, as I try my best to make my bods to be performance friendly, ^_^;; I am the same with ENBs, they sure are pretty, but the lag is not worth it! SweetFX is a great thing, I was originally going to include an ENB, but I like this better. XD I myself actually use a new SweetFX preset I've been working on, that's somewhat closer to Ultimate Lighting Overhaul (A very popular SweetFX mod) I haven't released it yet do that similarity, because it's basically that preset, changed around a decent bit to fit my 'alien' theme.


    Id you don't use, Climates of Tamriel looks amazing with my mod, in fact, it was partially designed with the intention of being used with it! ^_^

  4. Can anyone recommend a mod that doesn't add any new hairs to skyrim, but rather just makes the vanilla hairs higher quality? I'd prefer one that goes great with the mod 'Beards'. The only mods I found that claim to do what I want either just change the look, but not the quality, or make them super-shiny and it looks off. Thank you!

    Well, you have some options!




    http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36510/ (probably the best)







  5. The Unofficial patches for the game itself and every DLC you have (separate mods)


    Skyrim Redone




    Realistic Needs and Diseases


    Duel - Combat Realism


    Locational Damage




    Amazing Follower Tweaks


    Better Vampires


    Tales of Lycanthropy


    Nature of the Beast II


    Dragon Soul Relinquishment


    Immersive Creatures / Immersive Armor / Immersive Weapons

  6. Alright, you should move the sneak mod you are talking about to under this esp; ABT - Bolts Renamed for BS and CCO.esp Active - putting it below your SkyProc patches and WATER is a bad idea, you just want it below SkyRe


    Also, make sure you obey this line here, it's very important.

    Note: Deactivate 'SkyRe_EnemyAI.esp' before creation of ASIS patch and activate only after creation of ASIS patch.


    Lastly, try using TES5EDIT to clean your DLC files. If you don't know how to do that, it's easy. When a mod says "needs tes5edit cleaning" ot something to that effect in your boss log, do this too it


    1. Open TES5Edit.
    2. A window will pop up with all your mods checked. Right-click this window, and click on 'Select None'.
    3. Check only the mod you want to clean(and only one at a time) and click OK/doubleclick on the mod you want to clean. It's masters will automatically be loaded.
    4. Wait for everything to load.
    5. On the right, right-click the mod and click on 'Apply Filter for Cleaning'. Wait.
    6. Right-click the mod again and click on 'Remove "Identical to Master" Records'. Wait.
    7. Right-click on the mod again and select 'Undelete and Disable References'. Wait.
    8. Close TES5Edit. Save the file when it prompts to.
    9. Repeat for each mod that needs cleaning.
    This can fix a lot of issues with lag, CTDs, and incompatibility, even if you just do it to the Official DLC, because Bethesda does not bother cleaning their own mods, even thought they need it much worse then any mod I've ever seen! ^_^


    @ ArtMurder ... Started using your alien mods and love them. I too like the colors and effects of enbs but hate the drop in performance. Love the night sky, sun and moon effects you did. I use this with creepy dungeons, mike fox dark nights and ELFX. I endorse your mods.

    Oh really? Cool! The performance drop is weird, but probably from the sky itself probably, not the SweetFX (it's not even an ENB!) almost all the textures are 2k, except for the moons which aren't even 1k. At least, it SHOULD be that, if the sweetFX is causing lag, then I need to look into that! XD I don't get any lag with it, but I have been working on perfect a lag-free skyrim for months. Any other feedback, positive or negative would be appreciated, most feedback I get is either just "ooh pretty" or "that's unrealstic" ^_^; neither of those help me make the mod better!


    I personally like for my game to be very realistic, but to break up the boredom I like for very pretty, yet unnerving scenery. I eventually plan to overhaul plants and animals as well, but at the moment I am working on a mod for the creation of Homunculi so It may be a bit before that happens XD

  8. @ArtMurder


    Thanks for the feedback. I will remove the feature of automatically adding werebear transformation. Good point!


    I dont expect anyone to like every part of my mod (so you can add/remove almost everything you like/hate) but if I were you I would try to customise 6th sense and adrenaline surge. I have made the abilities to counter an obvious weekness of werewolves - lack of any armour. The only way to counter this for me in realistic way is speed. The adrenaline surge has 2 mutually excluding options: slow-motion and turbo and 6th sense can be customizable as well


    In the current version you dont have to use survival menu while playing in the beast form. You can use combination of vanilla buttons instead for better immersion


    And now you dont have to keep the ring. You can access the menu by holding adrenaline surge button ("-" by default)




    One more thing - replace TOL with Moonlight Tales and get the compatibility patch (just read ots description to get the idea why). For me its the ultimate werewolf experience. And get Heart of the beast mod too for better sounds

    Well, I never tried the 6th sense with werewolves, so I guess that explains why I didn't like it. And I don't use the keyboard, ever, I am strictly a controller gamer =P So I stick by an MCM menu - all mods with options need one of those.


    I don't like moonlight tales, I looked into it and ToL, I like the later better. in my opinion, Lycanthropy is a very straightforward thing, night comes, you turn into a giant wolf-like monster, I don't like to over complicated it more then is necessary. XD


    But yeah. not having the wherebear thing added by default would be a good idea, it is a cool transformation, but it's really confusing to start with it active. o.O

  9. If I remember correct, skyrim is very derpy, and it actually reflects the GPU's VRAM usage directly onto the RAM, so yeah, it actually does stress out the ram, despite the fact that it should only be stressing the VRAM.

  10. The main thing that does this is TEXTURES. all things contribute, but textures are the killer. Some mods will use tons of VERY high res textures, in addition to tons and tons of items lying around. The game renders the texture for every item, so if you take an item with a large texture, and enter a room with a hundred of it, then it lags the game a hundred times more then if you just entered a room with one of it.


    I know nothing about the mod in specific, but a lot of mod authors like to clutter their houses obnoxiously with tons and tons of stuff, and either include their won HD textures, or simply use the vanilla ones. often, when they sue the vanilla ones it';s more problematic, as they expect you to use the vanilla texture. Say for example, you have 4k texture pack for misc clutter, and you enter a room with a lot of misc clutter, and the game loads lets say... 500 textures for every assorted item in the room. Normally, in vanilla this would be about .5k, or 250k. Now, with that 4k texture, that's 2,000k, almost TEN TIMES more. Now, keep in mind, skyrim has a bad habit of poorly managing it's memory, so you've just wandered around outside with an HD fauna mod, you've probably already used up a ton of ram. If every room in the home is cluttered like that, that's 2,000k more every single time you enter a different room. This is, just an example of coarse. if you want a less technical answer, I can give an analogy.


    Basically, it's mostly stacking blocks. Think of it like this.. Skyrim plays Jenga with itself, because in vanilla skyrim it only uses a few blocks so it never collapses, and this is a safe thing for it to do. but if you add in a bunch of mods, it adds in a bunch of blocks, the bigger the mod, the more blocks. If you add in tons and tons of mods, then the tower is bound to collapse very quickly if you don't tend to it, because it's only expecting to deal with just a couple blocks.

  11. Not to long ago my avatar randomly vanished in a similar manner, I was planning on changing to a new one anyways so it was no big deal, but I can see where this is far more annoying.


    I can confirm the images are broken on the description page of your mod as well, so it's not just something on your end.


    Also, for posting code directly, use code tags, like this without the * in it



    you might also want to use spoiler tags if it's really long,


    Like this; This also gives you an example of the 'code' tags I was talking about.






  12. Alright, that kinda helps, but for the most part those mods look stable together. I have no idea what the ABT mods are though. By the way, if you disable a mod and it doesn't fix it, re-enable it, as having disabled mods can cause more issues then actually having enabled ones. Which brings me to the next point, have you disabled any mods not on that list recently? Even if they where only installed just briefly.


    But I really would prefer BOSS log. You do run BOSS right? If not, that could very well be the issue. Also, when you post big long lists like that, place spoiler tags above and below it, so they work like this;





    Use this code here for spoiler tags.




  13. One of the things I really appreciate about this site is the openness of the administration. The official reason for the ban can be found if you look through the forum rules and strikes board.

    It is a shame, I love that mod.

    Yeah, same here, I know of other forums where you can be banned for just discussing reasons why someone was banned liked this, they consider it 'confidential information'. Of coarse a lot of those sites involve some sort of pay-to-use system, and are known for their sketchy bannings... In fact, I know some sites where the rules even state "a user can be banned without any given reason or warning, with no ability to protest the ban" Funny how that same site has tons of moderators, yet you never see anything getting moderated, unless it's outright harassment, I once had a moderator on one of those sites basically stalk me and disable my signature/profile over and over for a couple months straight just because I said something in a forum they didn't agree with.


    The nexus is a very well moderated site, and is very intelligently run. in fact, the only reason I ever see people insta-banned is pirating, and I get that, because this site could be shut down by Bethesda for supporting pirating! Considering how much money I've sunk into skyrim ($110.00 all together, I bought all the DLC as soon as they came out, individually) it really annoys me personally as well when people pirate this game!


    I personally don't think '90%' of people use NMM, I personally can't stand the program, it's like having a tiny moody nazi in charge of my skyrim, it's very over controlling and doesn't work half the time. The only reason I do use it is it is to get around the nexus' auto-canceling downloads (Which I don't get, I've downloaded 5gb+ files from other sites all the time without them ever cancelling, and I can barely download a 50mb file from nexus without trying at least 3 times) Also, I use Skyrim Install Swapper, which doesn't really play nice with NMM, and is, at least in my opinion, a MUCH MUCH more useful program! ^_^


    Also, I don't use the Skyrim HD DLC, as it is very low quality for the size of the files comparatively. I'm sure some people will find this information useful though.

    One does not simply refer to Skyrim HD as "very low quality".


    One does when it is. Besides, I said "for it's file size" that's the key phrase their. I use 1k textures that look WAAAY better then the 4k textures by bethesda (1k is EIGHT TIMES smaller then 4k!). They seem to think taking the same texture and scaling it up and increasing the contrast means higher quality. The HD texture pack creates really bad lag for half-decent graphic improvement, it is "very low quality" because of that. "Quality" doesn't JUST mean "prettiness" it means how good it looks compared to the performance hit, and the fact is, it's very high performance hit, for somewhat decent visual improvement. For example, 2k textures full version looks very noticeably better then the HD DLC, and is a FOURTH the size of the HD DLC, this means it is MUCH HIGHER QUALITY, even though the resolution is much lower. Even the 1k textures look as good if not better, and they are 1/8th the size of the HD DLC.


    So, I stand by my point, I do not use the Skyrim HD DLC, as it is very low quality for the immense lag it creates on an already loaded-to-the-brim game. Maybe if you only use 20-50 mods and no other HD mod packs (like book of silence) Then it won't lag you to bad, but I use around 220 esps/esms plus about 20-30 high res texture packs (a lot of which are for Automatic Variants)


    It does look a lot better then vanilla, but it also looks a lot worse then modder created texture packs 1/8th the size of it. Thus, "very low quality" ^_^


    A suggestion based on you mentioning reinstalling skyrim a lot, use the tool Skyrim Install Swapper, and make a 'default' load out of some core mods you will always use, and then copy that install set up, and add on to it, that way you don't ever have to reinstall skyrim again! ^_^ I use to reinstall all the time, now I never have to!


    Ironically I was just reading up on a few programs today. I usually just delete the textures and meshes folders but a lot of the time I ended up just deleting the skyrim file altogether! After reading up on a few, and your comment just now, I think I'm convinced. Thanks bud!


    Your welcome! You won't be dissapointed, SIS deserves to be on the front page of the nexus with SkyUI and the like, I will never understand why it still has less then 100 endorsements, I've seen joke mods with more endorsements then that....


    i've been using it for a long time, and I simply can't go without it! It's also GREAT for modding, as you can easily swap over to a totally vanilla install, and swap right back without risking messing anything up. I use 5 different installs right now, most of which have around 200 mods, and it never messes with anything even though I swap frequently. ^_^ The only downside is it takes up a good bit of disk space if you have several installs with lots of HD mods, but that's to be expected.

  16. I personally don't think '90%' of people use NMM, I personally can't stand the program, it's like having a tiny moody nazi in charge of my skyrim, it's very over controlling and doesn't work half the time. The only reason I do use it is it is to get around the nexus' auto-canceling downloads (Which I don't get, I've downloaded 5gb+ files from other sites all the time without them ever cancelling, and I can barely download a 50mb file from nexus without trying at least 3 times) Also, I use Skyrim Install Swapper, which doesn't really play nice with NMM, and is, at least in my opinion, a MUCH MUCH more useful program! ^_^


    Also, I don't use the Skyrim HD DLC, as it is very low quality for the size of the files comparatively. I'm sure some people will find this information useful though.

  17. A suggestion based on you mentioning reinstalling skyrim a lot, use the tool Skyrim Install Swapper, and make a 'default' load out of some core mods you will always use, and then copy that install set up, and add on to it, that way you don't ever have to reinstall skyrim again! ^_^ I use to reinstall all the time, now I never have to!

  18. @ArtMurder i mainly use those dragon modules too. I tried DCO some time ago, really liked most of it, but the fact that dragon can send me sky high just by flying above my head forced me to ditch this mod. Fighting two dragons at the same time was impossible, because my character was just tossed left and right till i died from falling damage. Not really realistic if you take in mind that i was big nord in heavy armor that weights ab 100 kg


    Anyway... Is it known why he got banned?

    That's weird, I've never experienced that.... Dragons send me flying if they LAND on me, which makes sense, but I've never had one send me flying just by flying over me. o_o


    And i remember hearing the phrase "endorsement fraud" being thrown out their, what that actually means, or if that is even for sure the actual reason, I couldn't tell you.

  19. Have you asked AlienSlof? She's been putting together her famed goth shop for males again, maybe she'll take a request if they're not already included in her items.

    Oh wow, really? It has been really bumming me out that the only thing slof has released for skyrim was like... zebras and stuff... I really hope slof converts some of those races from oblivion to skyrim as well. Slof was in my top three favorite oblivion modders of all time! ^_^ So far, I don't actually have a single slof skyrim mod downloaded, but I am super picky about wanting my animal textures to be realistic. XD

  20. I personally use Nature of the Beast and ToL. I like Nature of the Beast outside of the werewolf stuff anyways, despite being GROSSLY overly complicated and confusing and adding like, 400 powers to your spell menu(yes that is over exagerated), it's actually a really handy mod, considering I often play as khajiit and/or vampires, and the heat vision is perfect for vampires, and the smell is perfect for khajiit. The minion system also works well with my current set up since it focuses heavily on a 3 follower system supported by AFT. I also use Better vampires and it plays nice with those as well. I can say the 6th sense and adrenaline surge abilities are BEYOND annoying, maybe others like them, but I can't stand to have them turned on, they totally ruin the realistic feel of skyrim IMO, but since it's highly costumizable, they are easy enough to turn off. I also never bother with the wherebear/greenbane/alphawolf part(and it really bugs the hell out of me that the wherebear transformation is always added to new characters by default for no reason whatsoever), I may experiment with the alpha wolf at some point, but it seems more complicated then it's worth, and for the most part anything that requires constant menu manipulation in game to use is a pure no-go for me. Basically, I just use it for the few simple features I personally prefer to enhance ToL, AFT, and Better Vampires. Really the only thign that keeps NoB from being 'really good' besides a much needed simplification, is an MCM menu. It's the only thing besides Skyrim Econ that still uses an inventory item for the menu, and I can ditch the Skyrim Econ coin after first using it without any worries, where as I still have to hold onto NoB's ring forever because it likes to randomly do unexpected things sometimes.


    Also, since I use my mod which makes the lunar cycle irrelevant to ToL the 'full moon' thing isn't that interesting anymore, but I use that + low random chance, and it feels pretty random and balanced still, I do wish there was a "totally random" option for ToL. Or if there is, I am somehow missing it. XD

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