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Posts posted by ArtMurder

  1. I usually base skyrim around these mods

    SkyUI, iHUD - Changes the entire menu system and heads up display, making them more visually pleasing and easy to use. SkyUI also has the MCM menu, which lets you customize MANY mods very easily!

    Skyrim Redone - Rebalances the entire game making it feel much more immersive and realistic. Makes ALL skills more worth it!

    Frostfall - Makes the cold of skyrim an enemy in of itself. Use the 'survivalism' plug-in for SkyRe if using it with this for bonus coolness!

    Realistic Needs and Diseases - Goes great with Frostfall for max realism.

    Trade and Barter + Skyrim Economic - Goes great with SkyRe, making gold feel more valuable and rare.

    Alternative Start - lets you pick how your character enters the world, with tons of options and even race specific starts!

    RaceMenu - Lets you have WAY more control over character creation!

    Better Vampires + Tales of Lycanthropy - Great werewolf and vampire overhauls, respectively. Adds a lot to the game if you are playing as one of them!

    Midas Magic, Apocalypse Spells, Empowered Magic, Phenderix's Magic Transcended, Druid Essentials, Colettes Revenge, Wrath of Nature - Use one of them, some of them, or all of them. Magic overhauls that each add a lot to the game!

    Nature of the Beast + Advanced Follower Tweaks - Makes followers much more useful and easy to use. Makes it so you can intelligently build and command an entire team! Also goes great with ToL and Better Vampies mentioned above!

    ASIS - Make sure to disable the "perks" section if using with SkyRe. Use this with spell overhauls to see enemies using your new spells!

    Immersive Creatures, Immersive armors, Immersive Weapons, interesting NPCs - adds a ton of immersion and variation to the game!



    I would like to know if there's a mod to allow Khajiits (mainly PC, but also NPCs wud be nice) to, on wish, run on four legs.




    Here ya go.


    I don't use this mod personally though, so I do not know how to correctly install it. Be sure to read the info over carefully.


    Thank a lot, much appreciated :smile:


    Since im here, i try again my suffered question:


    I need a mod that stops game scaling. I liked Morrowind. I wud like something wich kinda erase leveled lists, both for enemies and items. I saw some, like "Skyrim scaling stopper" but they just put all on a random base.

    Id like instead to have encounters related to zones and ambients, and same way that Items and loots are not random not leveled, that they're just where they are.

    It was cool to go hunting wolves and such, either it was cool to sneak for 3 hours while exploring an harsh land filled of things that wud kill you with sight, tryng to reach that damn chest where you'd find a precious and unique artifact. That's the style i enjoyed, and i wud like it back.


    VERY VERY PLS, help with findin best mod for this, tnx


    Try WTF, it's very customizable and you can make it not totally random!

  3. I suggestion Locational Damage, Economics of Skyrim, Trade and Barter, ASIS, WTF and SUM


    ASIS and WTF work like Reproccer, because they are SkyProc programs, these are programs that make dynamic patches based on all other mods in the game. ASIS gives enemies spells from any new mods, WTF adds 'unleveled' enemies, that can be much lower... or much much higher then your level. These together make the game very brutal!

  4. If activating the mod the mod bothers you that much don't use? You only have to do it once when you first start it up, it's less annoying then most other mod start ups. You can just rapidly click "yes" to everything and be done with it a matter of a 2-3 seconds...

  5. You mean changing the options so i won't have the effects ingame ? that dosen't prevent from the scripts to run and to tell the truth i'm abit paranoid as i've broken my game so many times that i've been playing skyrim since it came out and never finished the main quest line :P


    And i have the cloaks but the ones that come with frostfall are pretty awesome and they are not available anywhere else as standalone.

    I have a LOT of mods installed, and I can tell you frostfall is among the safest out there. And as long as the mod is 'enabled' then the cloaks and bags should be in the game. In fact, the ESP being active may be all it takes, I'm not 100% sure. You can leave the most basic effect on, so that you will get a little bit sluggish in ice cold weather after extended periods of time, or after falling in ice water. Frostfall is so customizable, I honestly think with a little tweaking anyone can find something enjoyable out of it! ^_^ It is probably best to make a save, then do your tweaking, so if you don't like it you can go back and try again, as the more often you tweak a mod in the same save, the more likely it is you will bring about issues.


    I honestly can not praise frostfall enough though, it is one of the safest, most stable, and most fundamental mods for skyrim, that executes itself very nicely, with tons of cool little features (like the cloaks and bags) I honestly like making camp and setting up a home base and such more then the actual hypothermia part. But I do play it on the 'hard core' settings myself, which makes the northern mountains a death trap. XD

  6. In response to post #8469038. #8469792, #8470339, #8472433, #8472694, #8472884 are all replies on the same post.

    I use MSE as well, can personally tell you BOTH McAfee and AVG are awful! AVG went TOTALLY rogue on my mom's computer and I had to totally re-install the OS, you literally couldn't do ANYTHING. You couldn't even pull up a picture, or launch a browser, you couldn't even turn the computer off through the start menu, any button you pushed was simply ignored. I know it was AVG, because AVG tried to force itself to update to the full payed version without asking, and she stopped it, and it instantly locked down her entire computer.

    McAfee came pre-installed on my computer, my motherboard had some AWFUL programs installed on it! =[ I was not able to play ANYTHING on my brand new extremely expensive gaming computer thanks to this, and it took me a while to figure out that it was causing the problem, because it never said ANYTHING, it just would instantly exit out any game I ran. I uninstalled McAfee in the process of uninstalling everything I could get my hands on, and it magically worked and has worked sense!

    For the most part, avoiding viruses is common sense. ANY program that runs on my computer requires a double command prompt acceptance by me, this gets old fast, but has saved me more then just once or twice. I also disallow cookies, block all adds and pop-ups, and never visit sites I am not familiar, I also never plug strange things into my computer. She's my baby, I'll be damned if some computer geek who gets off on ruining people's day is going to get her sick! O<

    Common sense is the best anti-virus in the world, and it's totally free!
  7. I was going to try and help, until I realized you knew way more about this then me :blink:


    I've been modding for about 6 months now, and I have no talent in moddeling whatsoever... I can do textures though!


    And I sadly have to agree with LargeStyle, most of the 'good' modders abandoned ship it seems. They still come back to update their mods from time to time, but for the most part, newbie modders like me are all that's left.

    ^-^; hehe

  8. I personally NEVER use anything bigger then 2k unless I know for a fact it's something that will only be displayed once on screen at a time. (for example, masser) 4k textures actually look WORSE then 2k textures a good deal of the time, because they get squished down to fit more. (unless it's something that is displayed giant, like the stars or galaxy)


    I personally ALWAYS install all lighting and texture mods FIRST, then install all complex mods, the order of this really doesn't matter AT ALL, and only comes down to preference! ^_^ but I always back up my skyrim install before installing any complex mods.


    I would personally suggest installing a SweetFX first, with the high res DLC, on ultra settings. This alone can be very visually pleasing and still keep you from CTDing or dropping below 55~60 FPS. From here, if you see something that looks bland or low res, look it up and spice it up! in the end, only you can decide what is best for you! ^_^

  9. I have gotten probably at least 70 to 80 of these errors in the past 24 hours. I was trying to update a mod last night, and it took me about 2 and a half hours to do it because of them... It normally would have taken me like 20 minutes.


    It only happens on the skyrim.nexusmods not the forums.nexusmods oddly.


    EDIT; My computer is very aggresive antivirus wise. In the entire time I've owned I've not had so much as a single piece of malware on it. ^_^

  10. It takes months of tweaking to get skyrim to look 'amazing' there is no short list of mods you can download and pop out picturesque scenery. Also, no matter how much of a beast your computer is, skyrim has a 'ceiling' and most of the time when people show off graphics they only do so a few minutes at a time with as much as possible turned off in the game so it doesn't hit the ceiling. Actually PLAYING the game with ultra realistic mods installed is next to impossible, unless you don't mind CTDs every 20 minutes.


    Anyways, one of the main mods that make skyrim look really 'wow' in videos and screenshots is ENBs, I personally hate ENBs because none of them work 100%. Every single one of them is going to have somewhere where it looks horrible, and somewhere where it looks AMAZING. For actually playing the game, this is a bad direction to go in. If you just want to make insane screenshots and have pretty characters who never actually go and do anything, then by all means strap yourself into the best ENB you can find!


    My personal suggestion is to start with a SweetFX mod. These work like ENBs, but much, much less finicky and resource demanding. I have a link to my SweetFX mod in my sig if you want to get a quick feel for what they can look like, but I personally suggest downloading "Ultimate Lighting Overhaul" as that user knows what they are doing, and I'm a newbie to sweetfx mods! Also, it has 500 more endorsements then mine...


    Secondly, I suggest Climates of Tamriel, this is one of the best lighting mods, and works with any SweetFX mod, (though clashes horribly with some ENBs) Do not use with any other lighting mod that is NOT SweetFX based! Most of these also edit weather, and will cause real issues with CoT!


    Thirdly, download '2k textures' 'Book of silence' 'WATER' 'Lush Grass' and 'Lush Trees' + Skyrim Flora Overhaul (I believe SFO needs a patch for the lush mods, but I use them together and it's beautiful) Also 'Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack' looks pretty amazing, but might over wright some of the mods I just listed.


    Fourthly, I suggest installing some sort of star/galaxy replacer. I like mine best, but the top file ones are very good. Just seatch "star" and "Galaxy" and pick whichever one for each you like best.


    Lastly, install 'no more blocky faces' + whatever face mod and/or body mod you like. UNPBBP is my personal favorite female body mod, and SoS is my personal favorite male body mod, but not everyone wants mods like that. "better females" is also good if you don't want to replace the body altogether. You should really think and be sure what you want before installing these, as you can only use one for each gender!


    I am trying to find a mod on the nexus I downloaded, the files I have on my computer are 'planet pack 1&2' though searching for 'planet' gets me nothing. They are moon replacers, with tons of options for colorful, interesting planets to replace masser and secunda, from gas giants, to a destroyed earth. I am looking to use this as a resource in my mod, but I can't seem to find the original mod to ask the author or check permissions!


    It is NOT any of the following mods;



    I know the mod your thinking off but right now is missing my grasp . Just to be sure, you have this file on your computer, does adding it to the NMM give you information of author name or anything at all?


    I don't use NMM, and I do not care to give it another try, it's honestly infuriating to even try to use in my opinion... Doesn't work 90% of the time and randomly screws with my load order and activate mods, and totally forgets mods installed to it at random, and refuses to download almost every single mod I try to download. I've installed it three separate times, and it always works for about an hour before going nuts on me.


    I ended up using the second mod I listed for my mod compilation instead, as it has free to use permissions, but it's not as good as the one I wanted to use, sadly, the average planet quality being about half the other mods.


    From what I can tell, it has been removed form the nexus, as I have checked every mod under 'planet' or 'moon' and I am 99% sure it had at least one of those words in the title.

  12. MAS - More Alien Skyrim - Sky and Light

    No mods except this mod are used in the screen shots! No ENBs, no texture packs, NOTHING but this SweetFX based mod!



    This mod was made with one intention, and one intention only - To make exploring Skyrim a visually exhilarating experience. I eventually intend to release animal texture replacers, armor texture replacers, and even a plant replacer! But for now, I have created MAS SKY - A total sky and lighting overhaul! A MAJOR update from the Demo version I had up until now! It's basically not even the same mod, and because of this, you will have to totally uninstall the old version first!

    The previous version of this mod was based on making skyrim look as if it was an alien moon, orbiting some giant planet. The new version actually digs more into the TES world, and throws all former remnants of logical astronomy out the window(kinda like vanilla skyrim); But not in a bad way. You see, Nirn isn't like the Earth at all. It isn't even orbiting a star, but rather floats aimlessly in a void near a giant hole that was ripped in said void by magnus some time ago. This giant hole, is the sun, and all the other stars are tiny holes; THAT is legit TES lore. I take that a step father, and say, there are tons of OTHER planets floating aimlessly around this void. The result?

    Masser shuffles between 7 large, gas-like planets, pretty to look at, but not much going on with them. Secunda shuffles between 7 rocky or watery planets, some of them can be very interesting to look at. NONE of them should be remotely recognizable! (no saturn, no earth, etc)

    Other updates?

    I took the large blue ring planet out, because the way it's moonshadow worked created lots of glitches with the new system this mod is set up under. I would have been forced to disable secunda, and I want MORE moons in the sky, not less, so I voted to take it out, and replace it with shuffling planets instead!

    I added a SweetFX lighting mod to this, which is designed to make the world look similar to normal, yet very vibrant and wowing, without overdoing it on the bloom or saturation!



    Extract the contents of the ZIP file to a separate folder if you aren't sure how much of this mod you want to install, or if you are new to manually installing mods.


    If you want to install the entire mod;

    Make sure you are not using any ENBs! This mod is intended to work like an ENB, and thus will likely go horribly wrong when combined with one.

    Merge the "Skyrim" Folder with your "Skyrim" folder. Make SURE you say "YES" if it asks you to overwrite anything!

    Activate the More Alien Skyrim.esp. Load order position shouldn't matter, but to be safe, put AFTER anything that edits the sky or lighting!


    If you want just the mod itself WITHOUT the SweetFX;

    Enter the "Skyrim" folder, ignoring EVERYTHING accept the "data" folder. Merge just that "Data" folder with your "Data" folder, and make SURE to say yes if anything asks to overwrite!

    Activate the More Alien Skyrim.esp. Load order position shouldn't matter, but to be safe, put AFTER anything that edits the sky or lighting!


    If you want just the SweetFX preset;

    MAKE SURE you do not have an ENB installed or this will likely blow up!!

    Enter the "Skyrim" folder, and DELETE the "Data" folder. Back out to the main folder, and merge the "Skyrim" folder with your "Skyrim" folder, making sure to say yes if anything asks to overwrite!

    That's it! No ESP to activate! You may need to adjust the brightness, as this is intended to be played 1/4 to 1/2 of the way up the slider.


    If you do not want the moon shuffle;

    Either pick two moons from the 14 you can download with this mod and rename them appropriately to replace masser and secunda respectively.

    Or delete all "masser' and 'secunda' files and use the vanilla moons, or simply install a new moon replacer OVER this mod! Note- use of this mod with other moons might result in odd unforeseen visual glitches.

    It is not my job to make your mod setup work together, if you want to use this with other moons besides the given ones go right ahead, but it's not my problem if your sky melts and dagoth-ur comes parachuting out of it and steals all your sweet rolls.


    Uninstalling MAS Demo;

    Delete the MAS Sky Demo esp, then go to your textures/sky folder and delete every file with 'masser' or 'secunda' in it's name, moonshadow.dds skyrimgalaxy.dds skystars.dds and sun.dds and sunglare.dds if you downloaded the optional sun file.

    Installing the newer version of this mod will automatically overwrite all of these files EXCEPT Moonshadow.dds! Make sure to delete that file if you are updating, as it will create glitches with your moons!!

    If you want to uninstall the full version of this mod, follow the exact same instructions, but do not delete moonshadow.dds. Also, delete the 'itn' folder in your textures/sky folder, as well as well stars.nif in your Meshes/Sky folder.

    If you want to delete the SweetFX go to your Skyrim main install folder delete the entire SweetFX folder, d3d9.dll, d3d9.fx, dxgi.ddl, dgxi.fx, injector.ini, shader.fx, SweetFX_readme.txt, SweetFX_preset.txt, and SweetFX_settings.txt



    My moons are solid black! - This is a vanilla moon problem, Skyrim displays the 'new moon' phase as a blank, solid black disc that can not be edited, and have yet to discover a way around this. This issue should only persist until the moon(s) ends it's phase at the end of the night. Do not contact me about this glitch.

    Secunda is in front of Masser and it's semi-transparent! - I have no idea why this happens, but apparently they decided to make the moons auto-fade into one another if they overlap into the sky. I have not found a work around for this glitch. Do not contact me about this glitch.

    Everything is to bright/dark! - First are you using an ENB? Use of this mod with an ENB is not supported, and it's likely causing the issue. If not, try moving the 'brightness' slider in your display settings. If the issue persists, post and make sure to let me know what other lighting mods you are using!

    The moon is in front of my sun and the sun is shining through the moon! - I am pretty sure I fixed this glitch by making the moon avoid the sun, but if you still experience it, please let me know! Also, make not of what day/month/time it was!

    Something not described here is horribly wrong with my sky! - Take a screenshot, make not of the time of day, day of the week, and month of the year it was, as well as any mods you have that could be causing it! MAS DOES NOT SUPPORT ENBS AS THEY WILL CAUSE SEVERE ISSUES WITH THE SKY MOST OF THE TIME.

    HELP! My ENB does not work with, or is destroyed by this mod! - This mod MAY work with SOME ENBs if you know how to tweak them right, but your completely on your on, because for the most part this mod is designed to REPLACE an ENB and use of it with one is NOT supported in any way!


    Suggested Mods

    Tropical Skyrim

    Climates of Tamriel



    A lot of work from a lot of people went into this mod! All content in this mod is used by ArtMurder with direct permission from the makers,
    or with indirect permission through their Asset Use Permissions on The Nexus Mods website.


    Art Murder - SweatFX Preset; Sticking this entire thing together with duct tape and bubble gum.

    HXP - Galaxy and star Textures

    Kriskos - Nebula

    AnOldFriend - Sunglare

    Uses SMAA. Copyright © 2011 by Jorge Jimenez, Jose I. Echevarria,

    Belen Masia, Fernando Navarro and Diego Gutierrez.

    Uses InjectSMAA by Andrej Dudenhefner ( mrhaandi )

    Uses shaders from FXAATool by Violator, [some dude], fpedace, BeetleatWar1977 and [DKT70]

    DPX shader by Loadus

    Lift Gamma Gain shader by 3an and CeeJay.dk

    SweetFX, LumaSharpen, Dither, Curves, Vibrance and Splitscreen by Christian Cann Schuldt Jensen ( CeeJay.dk )

    Paint.net + Various Plug-Ins, I.e Shape 3d.

    Various texture libraries (licence free.)

    Various DeviantART Planet resource textures.

    http://www.spacetelescope.org/ - Public free to use pictures of wonderful things in space.

    The Hubble Telescope

    Adobe Photoshop CS6(+CS2).



    If I have missed you, or you wish for me to no longer use something of yours in this mod, despite the permission given, PLEASE CONTACT ME(ArtMurder) ON THE NEXUS FORUMS!

  13. Can you recommend a good SweetFX mod? I can't seem to find any.

    Well, mine's pretty good, but not very populor as I just uploaded it last night, if you do not want the sky replacer that comes with it just delete the 'data' folder after unpacking but before installing.


    Also, I use this one a lot, in fact it's what inspired me to make mine! In fact, it got my vote for file of the month!


  14. Unfortunately, I have not managed to find a way to fix this myself. It is MUCH worse and more obvious with my mod installed how horrible and ugly the new moon is in skyrim, and there seems to be no associated file for in the textures/sky folder, the moonshadow.dds does not effect it (I tried)


    It is probably the cheapest, most lazy thing done in skyrim, it IS actually missing the texture, as all moons are displayed on top of that blank black disc so you can't see the stars through them, and with the new moon phase, it simply uses NO moon texture.

  15. I am trying to find a mod on the nexus I downloaded, the files I have on my computer are 'planet pack 1&2' though searching for 'planet' gets me nothing. They are moon replacers, with tons of options for colorful, interesting planets to replace masser and secunda, from gas giants, to a destroyed earth. I am looking to use this as a resource in my mod, but I can't seem to find the original mod to ask the author or check permissions!


    It is NOT any of the following mods;



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